The DaysCafe April 2007 Award of the Month goes to the very charactery Duck - the Vietnam vet on the edge whose snarky comments and "Duckisms" were the best thing on Tinda Lao for the month of April! He took it a tad too far in May but by golly his comments were funny and real ... The DaysCafe March 2007 Award of the Month goes to the unseen Dimeras whose spirit was felt on the show for it was the essence and promise of the DiMeras that kept the month going ...! The DaysCafe Award of the Month for January and February 2007 Nobody did it better! Jay Kenneth Johnson, as Philip Kiriakis – the new face of an empire. In addition to his good looks, Philip has worn many hats in his young life. Originally spoiled, he became an idealistic Marine whose world came crumbling down after he discovered that his treasured wife Belle was still in love with her childhood sweetheart Shawn – who just happened to be his best friend – and baby Claire was Shawn’s biological child, not his. Who wouldn’t have been embittered by such a cruel blow from fate? That, coupled with the post traumatic stress of combat and the power and wealth the Kiriakis name brings has made a new Philip. A misguided villain, if you will – and he does it so awfully well! The DaysCafe December 2006 Award of the Month Ava and Olivia White portray the delightful Claire. They are not only the youngest twins in daytime to have a contract, they are also the youngest actresses to be named as winners of the DaysCafe Award of the Month, for December 2006! Charming, fascinating, and the best improvisers you will ever see. Natural scene stealers without even trying … No wonder everyone wants Claire! The DaysCafe November 2006 Award of the Month For his stellar portrayal of Nick Fallon – aka the fallonator, cool nerd extraordinaire - Blake Berris! Nick’s comedic timing is perfect, his delivery flawless. And don’t you just love the way he makes eye contact with everyone, as if to say “I’m a geek, I’m proud, and God loves me!” He never overdoes it, and is certainly an entertaining potential suitor for Chelsea, who has at long last met her match. Here’s to future Fallonator Days …for even when the frog becomes a prince and sheds his nerdy ways, he will no doubt continue to bring something unique to Salem. The DaysCafe Award of the Month ... For October 2006 a lot was going on in Salem and it just made a viewer sit back in amazement and watch this moving painting that is Days of Our Lives. Therefore, the award of the month goes to ALL the folks involved behind the scenes in style, since they bring the tableau to life with their magical touch. Style includes the glorious hairstyles, the beautifully dramatic makeup, the trend setting outfits, and last but not least, the sets that make a viewer want to jump right into the tv screen and have dinner at Chez Rouge, go for a walk on the pier ... DaysCafe salutes the hair department, the makeup department, the wardrobe department, and the set department for their professional and superior sense of style. Thanks for sharing, guys - and dolls! The DaysCafe Award of the Month ... For September 2006 just might surprise you, seeing as if she had a country, it would be called exasperation nation! But hey, let us give credit where credit is due. She played a fantastic range of emotions and did it with her own dramatic flair so ... DaysCafe hereby salutes Rachel Melvin, for her portrayal of Chelsea. She can hold her own in any scene with any actor and doesn't even get overshadowed by Bo, which is a tall order indeed! The DaysCafe Award of the Month ... For August 2006 goes to James Reynolds, who has brought us the dignity represented by Abe Carver for literally decades. He is not only a great romantic lead with his sense of what is good, but he is also the voice of reason in turbulent times. And when every so often he speaks in a snarky tone at the deceitful Lexie, one must smile, for here indeed is a mortal man ... The DaysCafe Award of the Month ... For July 2006 goes to James Scott for his superb portrayal of the dashing, questionable young EJ Wells, soon to be exposed as a DiMera! Love the British accent, the style, and his timing and delivery are impeccable. He is interesting, fun and the ladies just love him! Lock this one into a long contract, Kenny! The DaysCafe Award of the Month ... For June 2006 obviously belongs to Steve (Patch) and Kayla, as portrayed by the deliciously dramatic duo of Stephen Nichols and Mary Beth Evans. Yes indeed, the heavies are back in action! This pair not only looks fantastic, they are mega-interesting, intense, fun, exciting, beautiful people inside and out - and viewers are pleased as punch to have them grace their screens once more ... The DaysCafe Award of the Month ... For May 2006 goes to the very natural stunner and DiMera extraordinaire Lexie Carver, as played by Renee Jones. This woman has ooodles of energy and plays every unlikely scenario with her own hyper grace and vitality! No wonder Tek is so smitten! For more details on Renee, check out the DaysCafe Fab Facts about Lexie/Renee page! The DaysCafe Awards of the Month ... For April 2006 hereby goes to Bryan Datillo, for his stellar portrayal of the lovable Lucas! The writers oft forget what makes his character tick, but Bryan sure doesn't - and always conveys Lucas' thoughts thru excellent timing, verbal and non-verbal communication. Translation: script shmmipt! We can all see he still cares deeply for Sami, whereas Carrie represents the ultimate prize, in part because she once belonged to brother Austin ... The DaysCafe Award of the Month ... For March 2006 goes to the likable and charming Farah Fath, who this past while has successfully portrayed both the good and the bad in love, the good being friendship and commitment, the bad being the deceptive nature of l'amour ... She was a girl next door who had the chance of her dreams and then received some bad advice from her devious mama! A classic scenario! The DaysCafe Award of the Month ... For February 2006 simply must go to Victor Kiriakis (John Aneston, real life papa of Jennifer Aneston). This Greek tycoon gives a feeling of corporate power, all while impeccably dressed in a suit, his moustache ever so continental. Of course he doesn't smile much - he doesn't have to, that's just how important this character is! The DaysCafe Award of the Month ... December was too sad to think of awards and January was ever so poignant - thus, the January award must go to Bo and Hope, for their excellent and realistic portrayal of those who have lost a great deal - Zach. The DAYS Cafe Award of the Month ... For October and November, I watched the show and was periodically inspired, as I waited and waited - and wondered why the show is so beautiful to watch and why everything and every move looks so ethereal and interesting ... Why does one have the feeling of a tableau come to life ... ? Finally - Eureka! 'Tis the hard work of the DIRECTING TEAM paying off and for this reason, the Days Cafe Award for both October and November goes to the "Days of Our Lives" Directing Team. Lights Camera Action - forever! It may be a tad early but the DAYS Cafe September Award of the Month ... Goes to a wonderful young heroine who is the future of Salem, Abby Deveraux. Watch out for this girl, I say, for she has all the makings of a great soap protagonist - and when she danced with Jack, no one in tv viewerland could help but shed a poignant tear! Abby is played by the very talented Ashley Benson. The Winner of the DAYS Cafe July and August 2005 Award of the Month ... Simply must be given to John Black, as played by Drake Hogestyn, for he has truly made this unbelievable doc-can't-remember-me scenario interesting to watch. He can be romantic one minute, clandestine the next! Never a dull moment - and he sure keeps himself in great shape! The Winner of the Days Cafe June 2005 Award of the Month ... Without him there would be no confict, no raison d'etre so hats off to Tony - played by Thaao Penghlis - for keeping the LIFE in Days of Our Lives! Is he Andre or is he Tony? Either way, he makes it well worth watching ... Stay tuned! The Winner of the Days Cafe May 2005 Award of the Month ... Jack is really back! He is portrayed with such fun, such finesse that one must honour Matt Ashford for his great performance! Here's to the smart Jack Deveraux getting healthy and sleuthing up a storm with his fair Jennifer! The Winner of the April 2005 Days Cafe Award of the Month ... Simply due to the fact that the shadows, the shades have been awesome and everyone looks so nice but bad and mysterious when they are supposed to - the award goes to the Days Lighting Team!!! In the background but very much a part of the foreground! The Winner of the March 2005 Days Cafe Award of the Month ... As Sami's alter ego, this guy is simply outSTANding! Dan Wells pervades Salem with his own style, as a matter of fact, and plays a silly situation so smoothly that he makes us believe it could be real, along with a certain likability. Thus, he joins the ranks of Bo/Hope/John/Tony as a great actor for soap operas - so I say keep the dude, Kenny! The Winner of the February 2005 Days Cafe Award of the Month ... Martha Madison, for her smooth and intriguing portrayal of Belle Black! This was no replacement role, for Martha truly brought the character into her own. For the past month, she has shown the viewers her depth and portrayed so well the turmoil Salem's most profound blonde has been living through, with the grace and down to earth qualities befitting the daughter of the much beloved Marlena! Hats off to Martha! The Winner of the January 2005 Days Cafe Award of the Month ... Jason Cook, for his portrayal of Shawn D. Brady. This young man resisted attempts to make him a Bo clone and has found his own character's identity these past months. After being caged by the evil Jan, he became a darker, complicated character and yet now the kinder gentler Shawn Brady starts to emerge - the one who has lived, that is, and he does it so darn well! Before, he was romantic, oft confused, with a touch of adolescence, but that has long since passed for presently he stands before us a young man of depth ... Change and yet continuity! The Winner of the December 2004 Days Cafe Award of the Month ... This month was different as we let you decide ... The people have spoken! The votes have been counted! (yes, all the Florida ones, too) YOUR PICK was JOHN BLACK (portrayed by Drake Hogestyn) He is a man with a past, a romantic hero, someone who looks like he has all the secrets of the world at his fingertips - interesting and slick. Now he is a man with problems and he certainly is rising to the occasion. As Sally wrote in ... "He is really playing this part well. Plus, I absolutely love John Black!" Some men get better with time, like fine wines. And that's a fact! P.S. Honorable mention goes to Jack and Jan, for the votes they received. The Winner of the November 2004 Days Cafe Award of the Month is Peter Reckell, for his powerful performance as cop, husband, father, tough guy, sensitive man, "doer" Bo Brady. I look at Bo and still see the rebel on the bike and yet the rebel has a softer side now and can get anything done in the crazy world he's in. It is called a HERO. Wow. Those are quite the footsteps Shawn Jr has to follow in! The Winner of the September and October 2004 Days Cafe Award of the Month is ... That lovable dynamic duo of Tony the Terrible (is he really himself of late?) and Bart the bumbler! What fun, what chemistry, what great banter these two pull off, acting out the wildest situations as though they were natural. Yes indeed, 2 months (Sept/Oct) for daytime's two finest performers! Tony is the suave, sarcastic devil-may-care anti-hero with a brain of the highest order, whilst Bart tries to keep up with his idol, his humorous delivery and energetic persona keeping us on the edge of our seats with laughter! As Tony himself recently remarked, "You've reduced me to B-movie dialogue" but no B's here in the acting department. We are talking A++!! The Winner of the July, 2004 Days Cafe Award of the Month is ... Supercouple Extraordinaire Jack and Jennifer! "Babe, I got you babe!" When these two are together as a team they have got the whole package - romance, intrigue, excitement, no matter where they are or what they have to do! Jack pulls of his scenes with Jennifer with style and fun, whilst no one does a modern day damsel in distress better than his fair Jennifer! Here's to keeping this pair together against all the dangers of any world for great DAYS ahead! The Winners of the June, 2004 Days Cafe Award of the Month are ... All the Characters on Salem Island! The set is not that different from Salem and yet, viewers certainly FEEL the isolation, the danger, the mystery which surrounds them. They pull it out of thin air and transmit the message through their craft. Tony, Abe, Roman, Jack, Maggie, Alice, Marlena, Doug - They could make us believe they were anywhere! The Winner of the May, 2004 Days Cafe Award of the Month is ... Dee Hall, for her off the wall performance as that serial killin' mama! Now it is indeed believable that she may have been programmed/someone else/under mind control/hallucinating - anything is possible thanks to that tongue 'n cheek portrayal! And Deidre truly is the Catherine Deneuve of daytime with her timeless grace ... The Winner of the April, 2004 Days Cafe Award of the Month is ... The Magic Man who makes it all happen - Ken Corday, Executive Producer of Earth's Best Soap ... How about this storyline! It's been a wild ride thus far, with loads of bumps along the way for frantic fans who scrambled to their type writers (ok, computers!) and email, to write en masse to the show when beloved characters were "killed off" ... Every cloud has a silver, lining, however, and the silver lining in this one was that it made fans wake up and smell the coffee! Characters many took for granted were finally recognized as being part of the heart of Salem by the frantic fans and Kenny C. stepped up to the plate! He opted to bring back all the beloved characters as per the wishes of the fans and, with the assistance of head writer James Reilly, gave the whole scenario an exciting twist that certainly does not disappoint! Here's to great DAYS ahead ...! The Winner of the March, 2004 Days Cafe Award of the Month is ... The Makeup Artists, who do so a spectacular job of making every face in Salem an interesting, even toned work of art! Every woman in Salem boasts the most beautiful eyes on television without calling attention to the makeup itself. It is expertly applied so as to make the eyes noticeable and enhance their emotions and mystery. In addition, characters' lipstick always matches not only their look but their defined, often complex character as well - not an easy task! Therefore, the Days Cafe salutes the makeup artists who keep everyone in Salem beautiful and interesting in any season! Please note that there is no Award of the Month for the month of February, as the entire month was approximately ONE DAY LONG in Salem!!! However ... The Winner of the January, 2004 Days Cafe Award of the Month is Thaao Penghlis, for his performance as Count Tony DiMera. Tony DiMera is the likable Byronesque rogue anti-hero of Salem who fences like Errol Flynn, charms like Don Juan, and makes us all expect the unexpected! Is there no room for such characters in popular culture anymore ...? Of course there is, as is evidenced by the immeasurable popularity of historical films such as "Gladiator", not to mention that we are now living in an era of "Nice guys finish last" (i.e."The Apprentice"). Thus, Tony indeed continues to captivate ... As for his recent "demise", there are many who claim that Andre, his evil look-alike cousin, will have to have been the one who "died", else the Count's numerous followers shall follow him elsewhere ... The winner of the December, 2003 Days Cafe Award of the month is The entire Set Design Team! Days of Our Lives boasts, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful sets on television. In the month of December, viewers were given a magical feel when they basked in the beauty of that spectacular outdoor Christmas tree when Marlena told Roman how she cared for him ... Tuscany was as elegant as a crown jewel despite the goings on and also despite the fact that Bonnie was in it! Every snowy path in Salem, every warm livingroom took us into a world of make believe that was so dreamy, some viewers still wonder if the current storyline is but a dream sequence. The Days Cafe, therefore, salutes the entire set design team and thanks them for the romantic and mysterious look they bring to every storyline, even in these darkest of DAYS ... The winner of the November, 2003 Days Cafe Award of the month is Salem's resident psychic, Celeste, for saying those wild lines whilst wearing those wacky wigs but making it all somehow believable! Celeste makes us all wonder ... about just about everything, ranging from "What is that message from the other side?" to "Why don't they just let her buy her own wigs?" Seriously, though, her grooming is impeccable, her voice an unpredictable breeze that is all at once close but ever so far away, her aura one of such mystery that one cannot help but be mesmerized ... The winner of the October, 2003 Days Cafe Award of the month is The directing team! The writing is inconsistent but lordy the direction is AMAZING, which is precisely why viewers keep hanging on, in the hopes that the storylines will follow! (many viewers are even hoping that the "serial killer" story is nothing but someone's dream and the beloved cast has not been killed off ...) The winner of the September, 2003 Days Cafe Award of the month is Matt Ashford (Jack Deveraux), who played his scenes with humor, dignity, and grace ... Dahlings, our beloved soap was in transition for the month of July, but The Winner of the August, 2003 Days Cafe Award of the month is A man of great dignity who brought order to Salem for years. He was, quite simply, the face of justice, the voice of reason, the ultimate figure of integrity. How can one replace so powerful a force of all that is good? One cannot, and therein lies the tragedy ... Godspeed, Abe Carver! The winner of the June, 2003 award of the month is ... For years they waited and simmered until the heat and pressure built up and finally rushed to the surface, ready for the inevitable explosion, that chemical phenomenen more commonly known as... LUMI!!!! (= Lucas + Sami) Hold on to your hats! This will be bigger than Elvis! And when they share that first passionate kiss, all corners of the earth will rumble as LUMI fans erupt into a joyous, almost frenzied celebration ...! The countdown begins! The winner of the May, 2003 award of the month is ... Dr Rolf, R.I.P. Those who knew him feared him well Those who did not might just as well Jump ship to another soap Cos Rolf was Rolfiest with Bart the dope He hid dead bodies, toyed with lives And with him gone, tis no surprise, That his mystique shall not pass by For he's now in that lab somewhere in the sky! Conjuring potions, laughing away That no else knows that damn DNA!!! Godspeed, Rolfski! The winner of the April, 2003 award of the month is ... someone who slinks into Salem, amid mystery, excitement and brings his own brand of supercool to the otherwise uneventful ISA ... Who knows of his existence other than John Black and a very perplexed Marlena? and just what is his real name, background? He keeps us guessing and has proven himself to be an intriguing master of just about anything ... way to go OPS!!! When you're around, excitement follows! The winner of the March 2003 award of the month is ... Tony DiMera, son of the phoenix! Tony is everything - and more! He is all at once kind hearted yet treacherous, lonely yet overcrowded, paternal yet cold and calculating, family oriented yet independent, suave in demeanor yet base in his business dealings. In summary - a man of mystique who keeps all viewers eagerly anticipating his next move, his next eloquent remark! Many say, in fact, that the poor, long suffering John Black is no match for the likable cunning of Salem's top rated anti-hero...! The winner of the February 2003 award of the month is ... Kristian Alfonso (Hope Brady). Her poignant portrayal of Hope Brady as a woman on the edge touched us all and made us realize how fragile the human mind is. Who would have thought that Hope could be driven to hallucinations all because of madman Larry Welch? Kristian played this part with her usual intelligence and class and for that, the Days Cafe salutes her! The winner of the December 2002 award of the month is also the winner of the January 2003 award of the month!! Who is never dull and predictable? Who livens up every scene on DAYS? Who can be a bumbler, maniac, sly crook and eavesdropper of the highest order all at the same time? Who makes us love the writers for FINALLY giving Bo and Hope their much deserved storyline that does not involve a baby as the star attraction? Who brings out the Hope in Hope? Who gives Bo a reason to be a hero all over again? Who is both evil and fun? WELCOME BACK, LARRY WELCH, LATEST WINNER OF THE DAYS CAFE AWARD OF THE MONTH! Hope you stick around in Salem a while! Previous award ... November 2002 CLOSE YOUR EYES ... Yes, we all know the cast is mahvelous, the sets spectacular, but ever wonder why it is you feel that knot in your stomach when Hope is in danger or you sigh at all the right romantic moments? The next time you feel emotion or a strong connection with a certain scene during DAYS, close your eyes and you will know why ... Tis the magnificent music in the background, that music that fits so well with the scene or character(s) that you are not even aware of it! It moves you to tears in times of tragedy, grips you in suspenseful moments and fills you with joy when there is joy to be felt! DAYS' musical directors have mastered the art form so that there is never an overabundance of instruments; rather, simplicity is the key and that same simplicity brings out all the viewers' raw emotion. Thank you musical directors Amy Burkhard Evans, Steve Reinhardt, Jonathon Firstenberg for making the show special! Because of you, DAYS fans are given all the Magic, Mystery and Moments to Remember that every soap fan craves and the DAYS Cafe salutes you !!! November, 2002 |
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