Days of Our Lives Memory Lane! |
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LINK ONLY All rights reserved Updated May 9, 2010 When I originated the "Memory Lane" page a few years ago, little did I know how fast things would change in Salem AND in the real world which surrounds it! Who could have imagined Days would be immortalized in books, Drake Hogestyn and Martha Madison would sign up for the same web soap opera (created by GH's Robert Scorpio), Thaao Penghlis would get that one-man show to share his travels with the world, Louise Sorel would be back as Vivian, Justin and Adrienne would be back, the Daytime Emmy Awards would be moved to Vegas, I would secretly move the black queen on Stefano's chess set at the studio, and Steph would become one of my faves after I met her delightful portrayer, to name a few unexpected events. In the classic film "Grand Hotel," the tagline was "People come, people go, nothing ever happens." Well in and around Salem, the opposite is true. People come, people go - and everything happens! Things always change. Case in point ... May 2010 spoiler: Sneaky Steph wants future with Nath. May 2009 spoiler: Sincere Steph engaged to Phil. May 2008 spoiler: Phil asks Chloe to move into mansion. May 2010 spoiler: Sami almost kisses EJ. May 2009 spoiler: Sami kisses Rafe. May 2008 spoiler : Sami calls Lucas "true love." Wait a minute! It is a tad odd that in May 2009, Steph popped pills to calm her nerves, became addicted, and experienced a personality change, as in May 2010, Hope is experiencing the more extreme version of the pill popping personality change scenario, though it should be pointed out that Hope gets to hit powerful men on the head while wearing very glamorous makeup ... Updated November 17, 2009 Warning! Reading the following might make your head spin! DNA Like DaysCafe has said for ages, DNA in Salem really just means Don’t Nothin Add up, cos the town is full of test result switchers. Expert test result switchers have included Stefano, Sami, Bart, Patrick Lockhart, and Lexie, to name a few. The most classic case was 7 years ago, when Lexie duped Sami by switching her own baby's paternity test, in anticipation that Sami would desperately try and switch it if it showed Brandon was the father (Lexie had cheated on Abe). It was a set-up, to expose Sami as a test result switcher to beau Brandon - and it worked! But the viewers only found out in the last minute. All along we had the impression, as did Sami, that Brandon was the real father, when in fact he was not. Sometimes nothing is as it seems in sleepy Salem, so should we be taking a closer look at Johnny and/or Ally's DNA, not to mention Sydney’s recent test ..? Told ya your head would spin! Updated May 1, 2009 Here's some karma that karma fan Chloe could really sink her teeth into ... Nicole cannot have children because she was shot when a thug aimed for Victor and Sami shoved her into the line of fire. Now, years later, Nicole is secretly raising Sami's baby as her own, proving that payback really can be a b*tch! Speaking of karma, the medical world must really dislike Nicole cos this is not the first time she has had to deal with a blackmailing doctor. Years ago it was Dr. Collin Murphy, who threatened to tell hubby Vic all about their affair. He had proof, too - a videotape! He then got shot and killed by Nicole when they struggled over her gun. But wait! There's more! Collin was later discovered alive, the secret prisoner of none other than Andre DiMera ... Rather interestingly, before "Tony" died recently, he was very Andre-esqe and indicated that he planned to expose Nicole. Updated April 15, 2009 Flashback to April 2004 Five years ago, Brady helped the cops gather evidence against Nicole at Kiriakis mansion for Victor's murder. At the time Brady, suspected Nicole of killing his granddad and even threatened her himself! What is now love was once hate! The truth: Nicole had psycho Jan Spears help off Victor. Jan later ended up in a coma, which she has yet to come out of. And like most of the murders that year, Vic's death was reversed. Updated December 1, 2008 December = Fake Pregnancy Month in Days History! December 2008 marks the official start of Nicole faking her pregnancy to EJ. It was exactly 12 years ago, in December 1996, that Kristen faked her pregnancy to John. Stefano then came up with the pregnant oddity Susan Banks to impersonate Kristen for the duration of her fake pregnancy. Susan was carrying Stefano's child, unbeknownst to Kristen. Susan pretended to be Kristen throughout her pregnancy so Kristen could hang onto John. The whole scheme was not uncovered until the baby had been born - and he was EJ DiMera! The characters of Susan Banks and EJ DiMera were actually the creations of James Reilly, who passed away in October 2008. If you would like to check out Susan's bizarre but classic encounter with Stefano dressed as Elvis, which was in fact the beginning of EJ, visit EJ's Conception! Updated November 12, 2008 10 years ago, Nicole thought she had found happiness with Eric, until a creep from her past showed up and blackmailed her, causing her to get tangled in her web of lies. Here are some more juicy tidbits from Nicole's past which might explain why she doesn't want EJ to learn more about her. Not only has she made porno flicks and plotted murder most foul, one time joining forces with nutball Jan Spears, but she also was paid 5 million bucks by Kate to marry Lucas, ruined Chloe's cosmetic surgery so as to keep her disfigured, had a fling with Roman Brady, and tried to seduce John Black! The pattern of Nicole's life has always been that when things get unfair, she gets busy scheming and if she goes that route again, anything can and will happen ... THEN AND NOW Updated September 9, 2008 FALL MURDER IN SALEM 5 years ago, in September 2003, the Salem serial killer began a reign of terror, which spiked the ratings but then they fell once the dust settled, the reason being that too many popular characters had been bumped off. The result? Marlena the killer turned out not to have killed anyone. They were all alive, the whole thing had been a dastardly DiMera plot, which included the drugging and hallucinating of the whole town! Now fastforward to September 2008. The Salem P.D. are about to have a real mystery on their hands. There will reportedly be one victim, but many suspects who will have had the motive and means to get away with MURDER! THEN AND NOW Updated August 13, 2008 One year ago Today in Salem Stephanie kept telling Jeremy she was there for him. Jeremy was in trouble due to a European crime. Andre DiMera lurked in an Irish church, with thoughts of murder on his mind. Pocket, Steve and Kayla's baby, was crying ... John's liver was MIA ... And Now, here is Days One Year Later Stephanie keeps telling Max she is there for him. Max is in trouble due to a European crime. Stefano DiMera lurks in a Salem hospital, with thoughts of murder on his mind. Joe, Steve and Kayla's baby, is crying. John's memory is MIA ... Updated July 16, 2008 Salem's Big Day! Exactly 5 years ago today ... Sami got ready for a date with Tony! Lucas was jealous so they bickered! Victor suspected the DiMeras had double-crossed him in a business deal. Nicole and Larry Welch plotted to kill Victor. But what was special was that Salem celebrated the town's 200th birthday, which means that today - July 16, 2008, Salem turns 205 years old. Happy Birthday Salem! At least we remembered ... THEN AND NOW Updated June 3, 2008 Exactly Two years ago Today in Salem ... The gloved hand switched Phil and Shawn's samples at the hospital, at a time when Mimi was with Shawn and Belle was still with Phillip, with the result being that Mimi's surrogate ended up having Mimi and Phil's child! Now Shawn and Belle are sailing the world together, while Phil is hot and heavy with Chloe and never sees his child! Patrick Lockhart hoped Hope's baby was his, not Bo's ... Now Bo, Hope, and daughter Ciara are a happy family and Lockhart is in the slammer! Carrie and Lucas prepared to tie the knot while Sami was determined to hang onto Austin, who, by the way, still loved Carrie. Sami, meanwhile, was blackmailing Lexie that she would tell all about her fling with Tek unless she kept pretending Carrie and Austin shouldn't have a baby! Now Sami wants Lucas wants Sami wants EJ wants Sami, who has a baby with each guy! THEN AND NOW Updated March 25, 2008 One year ago, Shawn & Belle were hiding out on the isle of Tinda Lao. Now they are about to embark on a voyage to such an exotic port! One year ago, Stefano was unconscious and in hospital in Italy. Now he is unconscious and in hospital in Salem! One year ago, Max was hesitant to be with Abby ... Now he is hesitant to be with Stephanie! One year ago, Willow was the tall, blonde resident gold digger ... Now tall, blonde gold digger Nicole is about to return! One year ago, Sami wanted a green wedding with Lucas ... Now Sami wants a green card for EJ! One year ago, Steve broke down and was locked up cos of the DiMeras. Now Steve is being stalked by Ava, a woman who broke down cos of him! One year ago, Celeste advised Sami to kill EJ ... Now Celeste's whole storyline seems to have been killed! Days Christmas 2006 Ends up spoilerish (link only) Sami and Lucas were engaged. They were happy and so was Will. Shawn, Belle, and Claire were a happy trio, too. Leather-clad Patchman told the kiddies at the hospital the coolest version ever of the Christmas story. Hope and Chelsea made amends and remembered Zack together. Elsewhere, a very cold Max and Mimi escaped from the church basement when Abby found them, but she was devastated to see Max kiss Mimi! Clay Aikens sang ... Alice remembered family past and present and wished viewers a Merry Christmas. Ratings were at 2.7 for that week. Now fastforward to Christmas 2007 Mrs. Sami DiMera finds out Lucas wants to head to Switzerand, to be with Will. Shawn and Belle are married with problems. Nick reads the Christmas story at the hospital. Doug sings Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. Santa Max once more has two gals pining after him! Chelsea has accidentally caused another death - Ford's - and this one could bring charges against her, too. Alice remembers family past and present and wishes viewers a Merry Christmas. A Taste of Things to Come on Days The Good, the Bad, and the Pretty (link only) Before James Reilly and the fantasy serial killer storyline, there was the penmanship of Dena Higley. Her storylines involved Cassie and Rex, the Gemini Twins, Jack and Jennifer working together as a team, Bo and Hope working together as a team, Tony and Victor as Salem's mob bosses, etc. The Good Lucas had a storyline without mama Kate. He saved Tony from a would-be assassin and was rewarded for his loyalty by Tony promoting him to his assistant. There were slick meetings at the elegant DiMera mansion and the rapport between the two Mediterranean actors was so powerful that the rumor of Lucas being a long lost DiMera was born ... Also good was the fact that hunky Rex turned out to be a genius with a knack for mysterious inventions! And then there is the respect Ms. Higley had for Jack/Jennifer and Bo/Hope. supercouples with equal footing on their careers. The Bad Some of the storylines got a little silly. Club Echelon, for example, where every waitress stood six feet tall and gave silicon a bad name, was shallow. And then there was the frivolous In the House television show of Jack and Jennifer. The Pretty In retrospect (and isn't the world all about retro today) Ms. Higley had a knack for writing about romance and adventure. Think Romancing the Stone, with a touch of the mysterious and the unexpected. When on top of her game, she puts the soap in the opera. Welcome home, Dena Higley. CHLOE DAYS ... Chloe Lane was the ghoul girl of Salem's high school scene, until a makeover helped the ghoul blossom into the girl who would capture the heart of a young Philip Kiriakis, who had originally been one of her tormenters. Philip was smitten with the sultry doe eyed creature. Though Philip Kiriakis became her high school sweetheart, Chloe later feel in love with Brady Black, the older and cynical brother of her classmate Belle. Salem was too small for Chloe and her opera aspirations so, with Brady's blessing, she went on tour in Europe. Brady was later devastated when he heard she'd been killed in a car crash. But the truth was very different. Disfigured in the car accident, she remained in hiding in Austria, convinced Brady would be better off without her. Even her mother, that fiery redhead Nancy, could not convince her to change her mind. Then fate stepped in when a specialist was able to heal Chloe's face with an operation and follow up treatment. While waiting to see if the scar on her face would completely heal, Chloe returned and wandered around Salem as a mysterious stranger in a hooded cloak. She eventually found her way back to Brady and her face was back to its beautiful form. Then came the fairytale ending. Chloe Lane and Brady Black were married two years ago, in autumn 2005, and sailed off into the sunset together. Now hold on just a cotton pickin second! We all know fairytales aren't real, they are the temporary manifestations of girlish fantasies fueled on by a male dominated society! And so, without further ado, let us now welcome back the new, edgy Chloe, who will be glad to see old flame Philip, now a jaded, unscrupulous Kiriakis in the making ... You've come a long way, baby! Mid-September 2006 Storylines ... Reported in September 2007 Jack and Jennifer found themselves on an adventure together in the mountains, where everything old was new again! They were on the path of destiny, which would soon show Jennifer that Jack was still the man she had always loved. Hope announced she was through with Bo due to his siding with Chelsea. Patrick, meanwhile, showered pregnant Hope with expensive gifts, lying about where and how he'd gotten the money! Kayla hoped for a romance with Steve but he still couldn't remember her. In fact, Steve had taken quite a liking to Billie, who knew he was taken but was drawn to him anyway as they spent time together at the Cheatin' Heart. Billie was about to get her heart broken again, while Hope was about to be kidnapped by a DiMera operative called Patrick Lockhart ... |
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