March 11, 2010 - link only Anna's boots are back as a major clue ...! March 10, 2010 Rafe evidently suspects EJ ... March 9, 2010 Kate warns EJ that his fighting with Stefano will not provide a good environment for Sydney ... March 8, 2010 Melanie's mother issues seem to be driving her to the brink ... March 5, 2010 Anna getting away with the 5 million dollars Elvis gives her is simply too good to be true ...! March 4, 2010 Victor warns Vivian that Bo still wants to nail her for what she has done ... March 3, 2010 Phillip is of the opinion that Daniel rocks and he also has a good feeling about Mel's bio-dad ...! March 2, 2010 EJ claims he just wants his kids raised by one family, but Anna appears to think he is driven by his feelings for Sami ... March 1, 2010 Daniel is certainly going to be an over-protective father! February 26, 2010 Anna looks worried that EJ does not give her enough time to "wipe all traces" from the new ransom note ... February 25, 2010 About 25 years ago, Bo and Hope had broken up, then she became a cop, proved herself, and they got back on track . Will history repeat itself ...? February 24, 2010 Phillip is not keen on Carly being anywhere near Mel ... February 23, 2010 Rafe is now looking for clues on where Sydney was held. Yes, her clothes were washed with bleach, but what if a little DNA ended up on them afterwards ...! February 22, 2010 Dan is already emotionally invested in bio-daughter Melanie, as he saved her life ... February 19, 2010 Phillip loves Melanie for herself, whereas Nathan seems to consider her a fantasy ... February 18, 2010 Anna warns Elvis he is taking this too far. Will she offer him another solution ...? February 17, 2010 Rafe senses Anna's nervousness. If he chooses to follow up, it will be in a way she does not even see coming ... February 16, 2010 It is unlikely that Phillip will want the new Mrs. Kiriakis to have anything to do with the likes of Carly Manning even if she is her mother, as he already considers Carly an enemy of the Kiriakis clan ... February 12, 2010 Rafe now has a new angle to look into. Why would EJ not want Sydney found ... February 11, 2010 Stefano knows more than ever that he must somehow win back his children ... February 10, 2010 Victor implies he has everything under control ... February 9, 2010 Kate continues to look out for the welfare of her children, however she sees fit ... February 8, 2010 EJ admits his satisfaction in keeping Samantha and Rafe apart, unaware they have just reconciled. Just wait. Hell hath no fury like a DiMera scorned ...! February 5, 2010 Anna is not one about to go quietly into the night, as EJ soon discovers ... February 4, 2010 Desperately seeking Sydney, FBI Rafe zeroes in on Anna's jumpiness and is about to perceive EJ's nervousness. The last time he was this focused on solving something, it took some time, but he figured out the baby switch ... February 3, 2010 Vivian's mad scheme is short term. However, Mel soon finds herself caught between in-laws Victor Kiriakis and Kate DiMera, for life ... February 2, 2010 Good thing Arianna knows about dealing with danger, given she will be Melanie's maid of honor ...! February 1, 2010 Ciara quietly watching Bo and Carly kiss is but the calm before the storm ...! January 29, 2010 This will not be the only slip up Anna makes ... January 28, 2010 Elvis is smug about outsmarting everyone, while downtrodden Rafe soon has nothing but time to figure things out ... January 27, 2010 Anna says Syd is asking for Dada. If she starts to add new words to her vocab and stays away much longer, she will be able to communicate to everyone she was with Dada! January 26, 2010 Victor alludes to what Bo had already mentioned - the madness of Madame Vivian ... January 25, 2010 EJ is as good as his word and he does want to orchestrate payback for Sami and Rafe wanting to keep his baby from him forever. His approach? United they stand, divided they fall ... January 22, 2010 Now that EJ has saved Arianna's life, will it cloud her judgment ...? January 21, 2010 Stephanie is happy with Nathan, but soon decides nice girls finish last ... January 19, 2010 Gus knows all of Madame's secrets and does not appear to have the passionate loyalty of Ivan, so what if he gets an offer from another camp ...? January 18, 2010 EJ and Rafe now have something in common - they both have the women in their lives followed ...! January 15, 2010 Why does one get the feeling that Elvis orchestrated this conflict with Rafe, to cause friction between Samantha and her "bloody boyfriend" ...? January 14, 2010 It seems for Nathan. Melanie is supposed to be synonymous with trouble ... January 13, 2010 Chloe recalls how her and Brady's problems began after she no longer needed to be saved. A sign of things to come for Arianna ...? January 12, 2010 For a while, Hope wasn't sure what she wanted, now it's Bo's turn ... January 11, 2010 Nathan always seems to want whichever gal Phil is with ...! January 8, 2010 He has pulled off his deception thus far, but EJ is overly confident. Something is going to go wrong ... January 7, 2010 Looks like Anna is about to find out what pressure really means ...! January 6, 2010 Troy is acting like a desperate man on his last leg ... January 5, 2010 T'would seem Stefano was right about Elvis still being in love with Sami ... January 4, 2010 Once Hope finds out Carly's mystery child has a "father unknown," she might just assume the worst ... December 31, 2009 And so the nostalgic flashbacks of Mickey and Maggie begin ... December 30, 2009 Rafe has become even more FBI than he was when he and Sami first met. Meanwhile, Elvis has become even more of a mobster. Destined to be enemies ... December 29, 2009 Anna is overly confident about getting what she wants from Stefano's son ... December 28, 2009 Given the look on Phil's face when Kate implies Mel is not trustworthy, it is evident mommy dearest can still push those buttons ... December 25, 2009 Stefano advises Katherine to remember this is a special day for her son ... December 24, 2009 Sydney will not be home for Christmas or New Year's, as daytime dramas don't resolve storylines over the holidays sigh ...! December 22, 2009 Ari helps grateful Elvis, so it would seem Elvis now owes Ari a favor ... December 21, 2009 Anna has the impression that she will be spending more than just one Christmas with Sydney ... December 18, 2009 Sydney is having a good time with Anna. If they get renited post-abduction, when Syd is back home, the baby may recognize her ... December 17, 2009 - Unlike Master EJ, Troy the terrible doesn't have to worry about keeping up appearances. Beware, Arianna! December 16, 2009 Victor is concerned about Philip having self-destructive behavior ... December 15, 2009 Stefano calls Elvis JUDAS, but the phoenix is no saint! He'll come around and in time, all will be back as it was at the house of DiMera, at least for a while ... December 14, 2009 Rafe continues to question EJ's sincerity ... December 11, 2009 Elvis seems more interested in isolating and exposing Stefano than pounding the pavement in search of his "missing" child ... December 10, 2009 Elvis secretly readies one of his people, when Nicole has already been apprehended ... December 9, 2009 The misunderstandings on a visual level, between Bo and Hope, are just getting started ...! December 8, 2009 Stefano knows that whoever "finds" Sydney first will be hailed a hero ... December 7, 2009 Stefano is unusually calm about Sydney being missing ... December 4, 2009 Carly sure is acting like she thinks she's Mia's mother ... December 3, 2009 Rafe is once more proving to be an effective sleuth ... December 2, 2009 Vivian suggests she stayed away from Phillip for his own good. Sacrifice ...? December 1, 2009 Stefano is more determined than ever to get Sydney back for Elvis ... November 30, 2009 Lonely EJ tries to reach out to Sami, and this won't be the last time ... November 27, 2009 Nicole now has ammunition with which to blackmail Arianna or possibly Brady. The question is, will she have the chance to use it ...! November 25, 2009 Now that she is at the house of Kiriakis, Vivian will be able to find out Hope's every move and what is up with Bo and Carly ...! November 24, 2009 And so Will and Chad are enemies no more ... November 23, 2009 Stefano and Kate have more in common than they realized ... November 20, 2009 First the attack on Mateo, now Stefano. Poor EJ has lost it and will certainly be needing therapy, but will he get it ...? November 19, 2009 Just wait until Will finds out Saint Mia was meanly duped into lying to protect her baby ...! November 18, 2009 Mia has hit rock bottom emotionally, which means there is only one way to look - UP ...! November 17, 2009 Temporary insanity plea in the making? Nicole states something inside of her snapped after the miscarriage ... November 16, 2009 Nicole still refuses to give up on Sydney, so once she manages to get herself bailed outta jail, guess what she has in mind ...! November 13, 2009 Nicole has now lied to Chloe, too. One friend less for the future ... November 12, 2009 Mia and Carly - a chance meeting or fate ...? November 11, 2009 Arianna is very fearful that her cover may be blown, so one can assume it will be ... Brady to the rescue! November 10, 2009 It will certainly change the dynamic now that EJ has chosen to save Rafe, and the timing is most intriguing ... November 5, 2009 Ari is about to get a closer look at EJ's world ... November 4, 2009 Well if you thought EJ and Rafe were butting heads before, just wait until the dust settles from the baby switch and we will see bio-dad versus wannabe dad! Both are excellent actors so we are in for some exciting conflict down the line ... November 3, 2009 Bo warns Carly that Victor is no friend of hers ...! November 2, 2009 Rafe is positive he will get proof that Sami is Sydney's biological mother, cos he just knows Nicole switched those babies! Meanwhile, EJ sadly admits to Stefano he could not take his eyes off Sydney ... October 30, 2009 Arianna says she hopes Brady will always care, though the wistful look in her eye indicates she believes otherwise ... October 29, 2009 FBI Rafe overhears Nicole and Chad arguing about who gets Syd. He will now know to be on the lookout for tampered test results - and he is pretty sure Chad is not Sydney's bio dad ... October 26, 2009 - Nicole warns Stefano EJ would denounce him if he knew of his involvement ... October 23, 2009 EJ now wonders if Stefano already knew Nicole's secret, as he had been having her followed a long time ... October 22, 2009 Do not expect Elvis' character to be unaffected about being deceived by two women in his life, in addition to fatha. The only one left for him to trust will be Lexie, who plays by the book ... October 21, 2009 Victor unloads the drug biz on the DiMeras just in time to avoid getting caught. T'would seem he knows more than he is letting on ...! October 20, 2009 Sami admits that because she fell short as a very young mom, son Will is insecure ... October 19, 2009 Ari's undercover secret is about to get even more complicated as it takes a dark turn ... October 16, 2009 Nicole has a secret plan to prevent Chad from getting Sydney? POOH! Nothing that one does on her own ever works in the long run ...! October 15, 2009 Sami enters and hears only enough of Nicole and EJ's conversation to assume that EJ just wants to take Syd away from her, as he once wanted to take Johnny from Sami. The stage is set for Nicole to use her as an ally ... October 14, 2009 If EJ considers Nicole "morally vacant," then he will not want her near Sydney, once he decides to reclaim her ... October 13, 2009 According to EJ, losing Syd as his daughta has destroyed his life. Meanwhile, three people have already warned Nicole that he may decide to keep Sydney in his life, without her ... October 12, 2009 Nicole is right about one thing - EJ will miss Sydney more with each passing day ... October 8, 2009 By the end of today's epi, Sami and Sydney have gotten used to each other ... The clock is ticking! October 7, 2009 EJ feels a fool for listening to Nicole, but today he is a fool for not listening to her, as she attempts to inform him that he is indeed Sydney's papa! If the writers are thinking in reverse like this, then what else is really the opposite of what it seems ...? October 6, 2009 EJ calls Nicole on her lying, but she insists she did it for him and points out he too has quite a questionable track record ... October 5, 2009 EJ is hopping mad that his happy little family was a lie, but it wasn't exactly, because the one thing he considers the most important - a biological child - was part of the package ... October 2, 2009 Brady is closer than ever to sis Sami, so once he discovers Nicole stole her baby, his love for her will go POOF and vanish ...! October 1, 2009 Not only does EJ know part of Nicole's secret now, but he is also aware that she confided said secret to Brady, behind his back. His DiMera pride soon leads to a rash decision and a refusal to hear the rest ...! September 30, 2009 Oh oh. EJ and Kate refer to their past affair and he is about to become single again ...! September 29, 2009 Here's to hoping all that hitting on the head he keeps taking from madwoman Meredith doesn't wreak havoc with Rafe's memory or put the dude in a coma ... September 28, 2009 Elvis clarifies his take on Nicole - she is a natural born LIAR, which means that down the line, nothing will surprise him ...! September 25, 2009 Phil alludes to the fact that mama Kate's mind may have been affected by her meds and treatment ... September 23, 2009 Kate feels she has no choice, given her predicament. Keep in mind that the black widow may be down, but she is NEVER out ...! September 22, 2009 Lucas calls the Stefano/Kate union the Twilight Zone. Seems the marriage from hell will last a while ... September 21, 2009 Stefano already treats Kate like his newest possession ...! September 18, 2009 Sami considers Rafe her guardian angel ... September 17, 2009 When Stefano and Kate wed, it will be the marriage of two storylines, as Kate will be living at the DiMera mansion, where there lurks the most explosive secret! How long before she too finds out ... September 16, 2009 Mia is not on speaking terms with her mum, so if Nicole runs and EJ turns his back on Sydney, will Sami step up and, in an ironic twist of fate, offer to adopt that baby ...! September 15, 2009 Poor Kate. If she thinks Dan is hard to handle, just wait until she marries Stefano har har ...! September 14, 2009 Just like her great-aunt Colleen, Sami now seeks answers from a higher power ... September 11, 2009 It appears Arianna will have to choose between keeping Brady and bringing down Brady's grandpa, cos you cannot have both, sweet pea ...! September 10, 2009 Oh dear. Now the maniac tries to kill mommy at home. Poor little Ciara will be needing therapy ... September 9, 2009 Dean mutters how gleeful he is about 1. getting his reward 2. causing marital problems for Bope. Number two is not something a greedy killer about to get his cash payout would give a second thought. It was dropped in to let viewers know the Bope problems are here to stay ... September 8, 2009 Steph and Nathan appear equally judgmental ... September 4, 2009 Brady now defines himself as one of the Kiriakis people. He certainly has the temper, when pushed ... September 3, 2009 So who is gonna cheat first? Sad Hope with understanding Justin or sad Bo with understanding Carly ... Place your bets! September 2, 2009 Trouble is a comin! Arianna will be no match for Victor, though she will certainly be in a position of power, knowing about his drug connections. That could explode in his face, particularly where his relationship with righteous ex-addict grandson Brady is concerned ...! September 1, 2009 Interesting that Stefano now has a low opinion of Nicole's brain power. A sign that she is slipping perhaps ...? August 28, 2009 Mia is evidently about to move on with her life, so she will be needing to unburden her soul verrrry soon ... August 27, 2009 Bo gets dizzy after taking a hit on the head. That was how his visions started and now there is no mention of any new Bo visions in the upcoming spoilers. Hmmm. But are they really gone for good ...? August 25, 2009 Sami calls Nicole her friend, but a part of her still sees her for the deceitful man eater she really is, as she scoffs at the notion of EJ being happy with her ... August 24, 2009 It's official. Officer Dean is the new Larry Welch, the bad penny that just won't go away and lives to torment Hope ... August 21, 2009 There is no guarantee that Ciara has not heard at least some of Dean's shouting, which could come back to her memory at some point in the future. After all, Kyle is in charge of ensuring her earphones drown out all sounds, and he is quite the halfwit ... August 20, 2009 Phil continues to see Steph as a prize, though he can only be himself with Mel. He will soon wish back for marvelous Mel, but by then Nathan too will have seen the light ...! August 19, 2009 Hawkish Roman already senses a pro was behind the abduction of Ciara ... August 18, 2009 Victor is all about expanding the powerful Kiriakis dynasty ... August 17, 2009 'Tis only the classic couples that experience spiritual communications the way Daniel and Chloe now have ... August 14, 2009 Arianna wants to hear all about the big bosses in the cocaine smuggling ring ...! August 13, 2009 Baker the blackmailer is too cocky, and angry Stefano's wire transfer will be untraceable, so no matter what follows, the phoenix's hands remain clean. Better luck next time, doc ...! August 12, 2009 Bad news for Nicole. Rafe has a lot of free time on his hands thanks to her, and SHE has just become the target of his snooping around, so her wish to divert his attention backfired. A sign of things to come for the baby snatching blonde ...? August 11, 2009 The new D.A. clearly has it in for the powerful Kiriakis clan. Here comes conflict ...! August 10, 2009 Stefano repeatedly suggests Nicole will lose everything and she tries to disagree, but the phoenix is always right ... Silly b*tch! August 6, 2009 Nicole was right to want Stefano to back off from Rafe, cos the minute Samantha seems to free up again, Elvis' feelings will come flooding back, And there is that fine line between love and hate ... August 5, 2009 Philip is tormented by the family biz, but he is clearly the young godfather of the Kiriakis cartel. Even Carlo's widow knows it ... August 4, 2009 Apart from the fact that evil Kate is getting way too much airtime, she is doing the wrong thing by calling so much attention to herself. And how is the suspicion she is attracting going to affect her happy homemaking company's reputation? Of course, it is true that there is no such thing as bad publicity! Thus, the only way for her to lose is if one of her sons turns on her for good ... August 3, 2009 Kate's OBSESSION with Daniel is increasingly evident ... July 31, 2009 And so the stage is set for Nicole to start leaning on Brady again ... July 30, 2009 A vicious girl wants a guy who doesn't want her but wants a girl he thinks is so sweet. The sweet girl, however, has a sordid secret. We all know where this is headed, assuming, of course, that Kinsey is sincere. She could easily still be playing games ... July 29, 2009 Bo knows the wrong man has been arrested and Dan realizes he believes him about Kate. There is also Bo's influence with Philip to consider, should the commissioner choose to share his suspicions about mommy dearest with the prodigal son ...! July 28, 2009 With the Greek tycoon on his side, the odds are in favor of Daniel in the long run, but what exactly will Chloe remember when she wakes up, not to mention will Victor's help for the doc come at a price ...? Ain't no such thing as a free lunch! July 27, 2009 It is a shame Sami has not confided in Roman, as she will now find herself all too easily deceived ... July 24, 2009 Kate need not worry about Lucas' reaction in the long run, cos he is her son, after all, and has his very own dark side ... July 23, 2009 Steph is no longer on meds but continues to have lapses into odd reactions. Perhaps Dr. Nathan is just what she needs ... July 22, 2009 Nicole is out of luck, because, unbeknownst to Mia and Mrs. DiMera, the Chadman intends to remain in Salem indefinitely ...! July 21, 2009 Dan is no fool and he saw Kate offer Chloe a brownie, so once Chloe collapses and poison is suspected ... July 20, 2009 So Arianna has a secret of her own that seems to prohibit her from getting too close ...! July 17, 2009 Things are looking up for Brady. Ari admits she does like him, Mel calls it love, and he has the respect of one Victor Kiriakis ... July 16, 2009 The park is evidently not as safe as Salemites assume ... July 15, 2009 Kate borrows a phrase from her old associate STEFANO when she utters "Checkmate." Intriguing, since Victor is about to turn against her ... July 14, 2009 Rafe keeping mementos of Emily (like her ring) will play right into his enemy's hands, for such things will cast shadows of doubt in Sami's mind ... July 13, 2009 Sami remarks that Sydney has Nicole's eyes. And as we first reported, Will being a whiz at heredity is a major clue. It has begun ... July 10, 2009 Nicole points out that because Johnny is Stefano's grandson ... if wronged, he will be capable of incredible, cold hatred. Meanwhile, Elvis is Stefano's son ... July 9, 2009 Bo makes it clear to Phil that he can either have all the trappings of the Kiriakis lifestyle or Stephanie, but he will never have both ... July 8, 2009 Little Johnny is comfortable telling just about everything to papa EJ ...! July 6, 2009 Bo evidently does not believe Mel is the right gal for Nathan to hang around with ... July 1, 2009 Emily Hudson keeps popping up to Sami, so she is not about to stop digging ... June 30, 2009 Steph alludes to the fact that she DOES wish to come to the assistance of cousin Sami against EJ ... June 29, 2009 Brady and Ari will not be the only couple Mel tries to play matchmaker for ... June 26, 2009 Steph's mind is telling her that Phil has blood on his hands - that is what she really thinks of him ... June 25, 2009 Dr. Dan implies something more than just the memory of Owen is eating Stephanie ... June 24, 2009 Stefano ominously warns Nicole that those who betray the DiMera clan end up with nothing ... June 23, 2009 Elvis is said to be driven to revenge all because he has been hurt by Sami. Hurt feelings, however, rarely last forever ... June 22, 2009 Mia clearly still cares for former flame Chad and vice versa. It appears these kids were just too young to get intense - and he was unaware of her pregnancy. Now, however, a whole year has passed so they have matured, but how much ...? June 19, 2009 It seems Phil will be the last one to realize that Steph is not quite herself ... June 18, 2009 Stefano laments over losing Anthony almost every time he is seen ... June 17, 2009 The voice of reason? Brady has little faith in the validity or staying power of the so-called DiMera/Kiriakis truce ... June 16, 2009 When one door shuts, another opens. In Salem, the reverse is true. One door opens for Phil as the front man of the Kiriakis clan, though the tumultuous wind caused by the opening of that door will soon shut the door on his future with Stephanie ... June 15, 2009 Arianna grieves for Emily, someone from Rafe's past ... June 12, 2009 Nicole's top priority is clearly Sydney. EJ now seems to be someone she views primarily as Syd's father ... June 11, 2009 Interestingly, Sami admittedly FEARS Elvis on some level, and fear is believed by some experts to be the opposite of love. Elvis has now decided he will always HATE Samantha - and there is a proven thin line between love and hate. If we over- analyzed, we might conclude that Samantha does not love EJ, but he in fact does love her, at least for now ... June 10, 2009 Now that he believes he has lost one daughter, Elvis will be that much more possessive of both Johnny and Sydney ... June 9, 2009 - link only Stefano and Nicole's alliance will indeed up the ante in this game of deceit. T'would seem daughter-in-law Nicole is about to learn the ways of the phoenix. They do already have three things in common: a warped sense of family, the need to win at any cost, and the uncanny ability to rise again ... June 8, 2009 - link only Sami senses her baby is fine, and her instincts are right on the money cos Sydney is just fine ...! June 4, 2009 Phil and Steph talk about their happily ever after again and again, because there will not be one ...! June 2, 2009 Rafe's area of building expertise is carpentry. Carpenters are often needed for renovations, which would give him access to various restricted places ... June 1, 2009 Mel intends to become a nice person who finds true love, if she survives this ordeal ...! May 29, 2009 Maggie informs Chloe that Kate will not be a threat only as long as she makes Lucas happy ... May 28, 2009 Brady has a new ally in Phil (again!) so Victor will either have to accept him back into the family or face Phil's opposition ... May 26, 2009 Stefano informs Nicole that the power of the phoenix ring knows no bounds ... May 25, 2009 Poor Lucas. Once the truth comes out, he will learn that he was duped by Chloe, Dan, Maggie, and Kate! The only one he will be able to trust in the future is Will, but then they too will have their differences. Why, it is enough to make a fella fall off the wagon ...! May 22, 2009 Will is increasingly suspicious that Sami has a big secret. And so the stage is set for Sami and Nicole's secrets to start unraveling (as they always do!) ... May 21, 2009 Arianna warns Rafe that it is happening again. Yet another mysterious reference to his past turmoil ...! May 20, 2009 Rafe is right to remember that Sami's son Will also figures into the equation, and boy will it be a wakeup call for Sami when Will lets her know just what he thinks of Rafe's new adoption plans ... May 19, 2009 Now that Rafe and Sami are quite the item, EJ will likely want his past checked out, given that he will be so close to Johnny ... May 18, 2009 Nicole was right when she told Brady their ship had sailed, and he now sails into a prelude to romance with the very spirited Arianna ... May 15, 2009 That earring Mel finds will be the only clue in Steph's disappearance. Seems that Miss Mel is about to earn some R-E-S-P-E-C-T ...! May 14, 2009 Owen the mole, who is more about thorns than thuggery, is not someone whose actions EJ can predict, and that will come back to haunt him (EJ, that is) ... May 13, 2009 Phil has lied to Stephanie big time and embraced his dark side with that sinister visit to Stefano. Caroline did say the prodigal son would be a chip off the old block ... May 12, 2009 Elvis really does have a deep connection with Stefano ... and it will only get deeper! May 11, 2009 Dan has now predicted that Kate will still find a way to go after Chloe with all she's got. Unfortunately, he's right, but then there is Lucas' memory to consider ...! May 8, 2009 Phil is still suffering from the stress of having been shot when he asks Steph to marry him, and she is still suffering from the stress of having seen the shooting when she says yes. True love or escapism ...? May 6-7, 2009 Rafe invites Sami to the most romantic place he knows in Salem, but who has he taken there in the past ...? Come on now, the dude is over 18 and has not told her about a single one of his past loves, though Agnes and Arianna have both alluded to one. Secrets secrets! In addition, Arianna clearly has inside info about his past love that went terribly wrong and seemed to involve a child ... May 4, 2009 Steph is clearly not tough enough to be a part of the Kiriakis family, assassination attempts and all ... May 1, 2009 Arianna remarks it is nothing new for Rafe to fall for a woman he is protecting ... April 30, 2009 EJ admits he intends to keep Nicole in the dark about the family business. The only person he listens to these days is Stefano. Meanwhile, Stefano has obviously not given up on finding out what Nicole has been hiding, and a dingbat is no match for a phoenix ...! April 28, 2009 Elvis admits having the DiMera power is what he has always wanted ... April 27, 2009 In the long run, both Lexie and Stefano could be right. After all, some drugs (used to treat psychiatric conditions) are said to be possible causes of diabetes ... April 24, 2009 Expect Sami and Rafe to seem on again and off again a few more times, before they finally get it right ... April 22, 2009 Now that she is convinced that EJ had brother Brady roughed up, and EJ and Stefano set Phillip up to be shot, Sami will want Lucas to keep his silence about her secret. Lucas is going to understand her wish to protect Grace, but he will also want to do what is right by Will ... April 21, 2009 I love you, you love me, she insists ... but Steph's frail nerves are certainly not up for la vida mafia! April 20, 2009 Saved by the bells? Sami almost stays away when she hears the church bells, believing she missed stopping EJ and Nicole's nuptials - until Max points out that sometimes such bells are played before a wedding. So then she is off again to stop that wedding, until she gets saved by another kinda bell - Lexie's cell ringing, with the news that Phillip Kiriakis has been shot. Hell’s bells! Sami now thinks the ever dangerous DiMeras must have done the dastardly deed, so no more Mr. Mom for EJ as far as Grace is concerned ... April 17, 2009 Dr. Baker makes it clear he will not vanish from Nicole's existence. This is not the last such exchange they will have ... April 16, 2009 Chloe tries unsuccessfully to warn Nicole about the payback of karma ... April 15, 2009 Will knows Mia is always happy to be with Grace. Just wait 'till he starts to learn more about Miss Mia and wonders what her real motivation is ... April 14, 2009 The only reason Mia wants her baby back is because she no longer trusts Nicole, but if her baby were with a woman she trusted, things just might be different ... See BUZZ for juicy rumor! April 13, 2009 Nicole tells EJ she believes in the truth. Down the line, those words will sure come back to bite her ...! April 10, 2009 Caroline warns Sami that lies can and will spiral out of control the longer one waits ... April 9, 2009 Steph seems to have forgotten that Chelsea already warned her of the potential danger to Phil from the DiMeras. She is also about to forget her common sense when she herself lures Phil that much closer to danger ...! April 8, 2009 Doc Baker's concern for Mama Mia is sincere ... April 7, 2009 Stefano's mysterious electronics whiz has a degree from MIT, but who really hired him first. April 6, 2009 Little Johnny cutely asks papa EJ about his work, but the clue here is that moments later, boss Stefano starts talking murder and Johnny and Sydney are in the house ...! Sami must have had a premonition that the DiMeras would be too dangerous for kids to be around. And bad soon goes to worse as far as a safe atmosphere is concerned, cos Stefano is about to hire his next assassin! April 3, 2009 Just how long will it take folks to realize that Grace responds to Mia ...! April 2, 2009 EJ warns Nicole that she must follow the DiMera Code, and she clearly does not know what that involves ... March 30, 2009 EJ knows that Tony truthfully wishes to communicate something important to him, and he had already sensed Tony's bombshell was somehow connected to Nicole. The time bomb is ticking ... March 27, 2009 - link only Elvis' loyalty is clearly to the DiMera empire ... March 26, 2009 Stefano's health might not be up for leading the family empire into an all out war, and what will happen if Elvis gets a taste of all that power ...? March 25, 2009 Nicole is losing it, and she is about to get even worse ...! March 24, 2009 Phil continues to be led by his emotions rather than projecting a calm and collected business sense, like Brady, who is about to become the heir in favor ... March 23, 2009 Rafe is now as anti-DiMera as Sami, so once they kiss and make up, the stage will be set for them to face the Ds together ... March 20, 2009 Stefano's children find it ironic and amusing that the phoenix renounced Satan in the church. Translation: he is about to turn deadly again ... March 19, 2009 Rafe is at a point where he will do anything for Sami. Here comes the baptism of Grace, the subsequent adoption, and Lord only knows what else ...! March 18, 2009 Phil informs Steph that being sincere is just not satisfactory for him. He is obsessed with being a winner at everything he does, as his da used to make him feel worthless. Sounds just like Mel ... March 17, 2009 Phil is pretty quick to point out that Mel had nothing to do with the worm at Titan. Meanwhile, she is about to try to win him back to her side, against the DiMeras. Interesting ... March 16, 2009 Victor warns Kate that if she ever tells Lucas of Chloe's affair, he will surely turn on her. Thus far, however, Kate has not taken any of Vic's good advice ... March 13, 2009 Four words on Kate. THE B*TCH IS BACK! Expect the unexpected ... March 12, 2009 Dan is indeed in love with Chloe, for he dreams of her constantly, defends her, and supports her decisions no matter what ... It was never this real between him and anyone else in Salem. March 10, 2009 Kate thinks she is too clever, but Chloe is about to throw her for a loop and make her even more spiteful when she and Lucas elope. This will certainly kick it up a notch in the revenge department ... March 6, 2009 Stefano continues to be suspicious of Nicole and proceeds with his own investigation, choosing not to inform EJ just yet ...! March 5, 2009 Even Nicole thinks Chloe is fooling herself by marrying Lucas ... March 3, 2009 Sami trusts Rafe more than EJ and R will indeed be in her future, but don't expect jealous, soon-to-be-depressed EJ to willingly vanish from the picture ... February 25, 2009 Nicole is right to feel threatened, for not only do EJ and Sami share another child, but he still has feelings for her, though Sami would rather stay away from his mafia family … Sami will make this more clear to Nicole when she soon advises her to keep EJ and his meddling at bay from her! February 19, 2009 Phil threatens EJ, who does not care. EJ threatens Tony, who threatens him right back, and soon comes a most dramatic exit ... February 16, 2009 Nervous Nicole might be relieved when Doc Baker eventually gets outta town, but he will turn out to have been the least of her worries ... February 12, 2009 Doc Baker refers to EJ as handsome and brutish. Sounds like a young Stefano ... February 9, 2009 Sami, by her own admission, has become Rafe-dependent ... February 3, 2009 If Steph and Phil's bliss seems too good to be true, that's because it is ... January 28, 2009 Mel is very open with Brady and he is open with her. Future best friends perhaps ...? January 23, 2009 Stefano has gone a tad soft where family is concerned and it even spills over to his concern for John! This seems to indicate the phoenix will be that much more protective of all family members ... January 22, 2009 Chloe and Dan are so into each other, they are blissfully unaware of anything or anyone around them, and this will come back to haunt them very soon ... January 21, 2009 Dan and Chloe are as promising as a Jane Austen story, with their unspoken connection, torment, obstacles, and a few foggy scenes thrown in for good measure. A happy ending might be in sight, but the road to it will be full of complex windings ... |
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