Days of Our Lives Spoilers
February 23-27, 2009

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Bo might have to make a promise he will not want to keep!
But he gets good news when Hope announces she wants to
come home, after she  makes a deal with psychic Bo that he
must tell her all his visions!

Sleeping with the enemy? Phil thinks Brady and Nicole are having
a fling. He just knows they have some sort of secret they are keeping from EJ! So Phil blackmails Nicole into trying to change EJ's mind about the fuel project! According to him, even if it is no fling, its is something big given Nicole's reaction and, as he warns her, EJ would be able to find out for himself once informed that there was a secret! Nicole then tries hard to change EJ's mind and further baffles him when she threatens to leave him!

Steph confides in Brady about her Phillip woes.
Steph tells Phil they are through.
Phil tries to make amends with Stephanie.
Vic has a long talk with his son.

Chloe promises God that she will remain faithful to Lucas if he survives. And survive he does. Dan says it is close to a miracle, as he has no burns, just alcohol poisoning and a few scratches. Chloe then decides to end things with Dan, out of guilt over Lucas'
mishap and the deal she made with God. But unbeknownst to
Chloe and Dan, they have a new enemy they cannot even imagine watching them kiss goodbye... Kate! Chloe begs Lucas to try
again. Kate wants to tell Lucas the truth about Chloe and Dan
(which the explosion makes him forget) but his blood pressure
stops her from doing so. She continues to make nice with Chloe,
to prevent her from anticipating her next vindictive move. Truth is, Kate wants a favor from Victor and the next thing ya know, they
are teaming up to get revenge on Chloe, with the Greek tycoon cheering all the way!

Chloe and Nicole confide in each other (at least partly!)

Sami is officially back home in Salem, ready to deal with past
loves and spend time with the kids ... and boy does she seem
surprised when she meets Sydney! Sami sees EJ when she
spends time with Johnny, and EJ has clearly missed her!
Grace, meanwhile, remains at the convent.  Rafe spends time
with the little lass.

New Will comes home to Salem to see Lucas, who has been hospitalized due to the explosion at Dan's apartment. Sami
shows up after a confrontation with Nicole at the mansion
and an EJ visit, and is surprised to see him. By the way, she
tells Lucas a major lie about her baby - that she was stillborn.

EJ changes his mind in biz.

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