UPDATE: The Phoenix rises again! The Great Stefano
                             (Mascolo) is back in action, wreaking havoc
                             in Salem! Fear not, he will soon be in good
                             health ... Check out spoiler pages for updates.

      PREVIOUSLY ...
          STEFANO'S LAST STAND as it happened in 2001!

          The Salem P.D. were after the Master DiMera for having
          stolen Bo and Hope’s baby, whom he gave to Lexie, to
          raise as her adopted child. Bo was enraged. With John
          leading the pack, the Salem P.D. surrounded Stefano at the
          DiMera mansion. Stefano pretended to hold a gun to daughter
          Lexie and made his escape down to the cellar, with John in
          hot pursuit. Stefano left Lexie. John raced on. Shots were fired
          in the dark corridor but Stefano soon overpowered John’s mind
          with psychological warfare. John flashed back to his pawn past
          and collapsed. Stefano slipped through a secret exit and Bart
          later drove him to the airport in a convertible, where the now
          Hawaiian-shirt clad villain bid a final farewell to Salem


British agents