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Wednesday, January 20, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only RANSOM! - At DiMera mansion, Sami wistfully stares out the French doors, lamenting that Sydney is somewhere out there, all alone and afraid. She asks Rafe what if the person sees the FBI is near the ransom? He should pull out his team as it might be endangering Sydney! Elvis, meanwhile, tries unsuccessfully to reach Anna, who has left her phone at the cabin. Sami insists Rafe call off the FBI. He drawls it is too late. Enter Elvis. He agrees! Ring ring. Rafe gets a call and tells his contact he is not surprised. He updates the gang. The person at the pier approaching the money is a woman! - At the snowy pier, a gloved hand slowly picks up the suitcase ... - Back at the mansion, Rafe get word that the subject took the money and has been arrested. The gang race on over to the police station. Rafe finds out the woman, with no ID, says her name is Marian Obrien, and she was merely curious about the suitcase. Once they have checked the federal database, he would like Sami to try and ID her. EJ looks tense. He later tries to call Anna's phone again and curses. Rafe is soon ready. He opens the blinds to show Sami the woman. EJ's back is turned. Sami states she has seen her at the pier. EJ turns around and is visibly relieved to see she is a brunette, not Anna. He says he has never seen her in his life. Rafe has Miss Obrien placed in a holding cell while they check out her story. She is claiming to have been out of town when Sydney was kidnapped, and also works at the pier. Elvis explodes that Rafe blew it and if they do not see their daughta again, it is all because of the FBI! - Anna enters the cabin with some supplies. She was shopping for Syd and realizes she forgot her phone. She picks it up and proceeds to text EJ, who has left numerous messages. - At the pub, Bo gets off his phone as Melanie enters. He recalls Carly lamenting that her daughter hates her and joins Mel at her table. "We need to talk." They will be family soon. She makes a snide remark about everyone wanting to tell her what to do. Bo points out many folks care about her, including Carly. Mel asks why she would care. Bo claims as a health professional, she feels connected to her and wants to be her friend. Mel thinks that is lame. Bo thinks she should give her a chance, cos Carly likes her. She might also end up a part of their family. Mel retorts Carly killed her husband, besides, she has enough family already, and storms out. "So much like your mom," Bo says with a grin, adding that she does need her, more than she knows ... - Phil has agreed to meet Carly at the hospital before a board meeting. She wishes to apologize. He assumes she is talking about Hope but she means Melanie. Cary updates him on Mel's unsuccessful visit and wants him to pass on to her that she can rejoin the nursing program at any time. He reluctantly agrees. Carly brings up Mel's father. Phil advises her to stay out of their lives, then gets sarcastic about her returning to town for Bo. Is she proud of herself now? He heard all about it from big bro Bo! - After the board meeting, Justin notes Phil is distracted. The prodigal son admits he is concerned as Bo and Hope are no longer together. Do none of the Kiriakis men have a chance at everlasting happiness? - At Kiriakis mansion, Vivian comes downstairs, greets Hope, and blurts out Carly's secret. Turns out she only came back to town to get Bo back. Hope gets a wounded look in her eyes. Viv repeats what happened prior to Carly's arrival in Salem. Hope is convinced Carly really came back due to her secret - a real one. She raises her voice, suggests Viv stay out of it, and storms out. Vivian is dismayed. - At Java Cafe, Chad is trying to talk Gaby into accepting his Olympic offer. Mia stands and watches the scene. When Chad steps away, Mia warns Gaby that Chad asked her only to make Mia jealous. Gaby says she is wrong. She thinks Mia is the one who wants Chad and she is the one who is using someone, like Will, to make Chad jealous! Mia counters by joining Will at a table and asking him to give her all his cross-country dates cos she will attend them all. Moments later, Gaby has news for Chad. Her parents are okay with her going with him, provided his parents will be there. Chad is elated. Kinsey and T join the pair at their table. Kinsey asks her to walk her to the ladies room so they can talk clothes. T wonders if Chad and Mia are history. Chad quietly replies it seems that way. How many times can Mia tell him to get lost anyway? Kinsey is soon back with Gaby, then races outside to tell someone her exciting news. Gaby confides to Chad she always secretly wanted to be a figure skater. He confides he wanted to be a swimmer. Mia frowns at them giggling and informs Will she must go get her book when he tries to give her cookies. She will see him at school. Chad stares as she tells Will she is glad they are back together, gives him a kiss, and leaves. Will leaves for school with T and Kinsey. - Mia now approaches the snowy grave of baby Grace, where she places flowers. She misses her and if her dad had gotten to know her, he would miss her too. She weeps that Grace's dad does not seem to even think of her anymore. She thought she was over him but ... "I'm not!" she cries, adding she wants both Will and him and knows it is wrong. Still, she cannot bear the thought of losing another person in her life .... - Bo is at home, getting off the phone, asking to be kept informed of what they find on the Obrien woman. Knock knock! Tis Carly, who exclaims he is out of his mind and he must take it back! Bo fills her in on why he wanted to dupe Vivian. Carly, however, does not appreciate being made out to be home wrecker of the year. Moments later, Hope arrives and whispers she did not think the betrayal could get much worse. Bo does not deny what Viv has just told her. She whispers unhappily that their marriage has been nothing but a lie and gives Bo an accusing look. Carly says it is not true ... but Bo cuts her off and implies Viv spoke the truth. Hope notices Bo is no longer wearing his wedding ring, calls him a son of a b*tch, breaks a vase, and walks out. Bo sighs. - Mel joins suited Phil at Brady pub and complains that Bo wants her to be Carly's friend. Phil is perplexed. She admits Bo is not her fav person as he once accused her of killing her da, though she does feel somewhat sorry for Hope. - Hope is at the Kiriakis mansion. Justin drops by with documents from the board meeting for Victor. Hope cries that Bo never stopped loving Carly after all! Justin consoles her with a hug. He touches her hair and asks how he can make this go away. Their faces get closer and he kisses her on the lips. She kisses him back, then pulls away. She is not ready. Justin does not think Bo deserves her. She states she does not want to hurt Justin. He murmurs that when you care about someone, you do not worry about getting hurt. Hope thanks him for understanding. - Back at the police station, Sami starts to panic. EJ calmly assures her everything will work out. FBI Rafe comes back with an update. Marian's story checked out completely. Sami wonders what happens now. Rafe declares they will let her go. Sami gives him an accusing look. Hopefully the kidnappers do not know the FBI is involved and Sydney is safe. - Bo decides to go to the station. Carly feels badly about Hope. But Bo is more concerned about keeping his promise to protect Carly and her daughter, who is in danger. Exit Bo. Carly appears torn. - At the pub, Melanie giggles to Phil that she wants a bigger wedding than she originally thought. Along comes Vivian. "How marvelous!" She wants to help and coos Mel is just like the daughter she never had! - At the station. EJ receives a text from Anna and smugly texts her back that all is proceeding according to plan. "Smooth as silk." He takes a sip of coffee. Nearby, Sami is sitting on a desk. Rafe joins her. Sami laments the waiting is the worst, wondering if Sydney is safe. Rafe explains such cases usually involve kidnappers waiting long periods of time, to play games with the minds of the parents. A cop comes along and announces they have just received a fax addressed to Sami and EJ. Sami reads it out loud. "You brought in the feds. You will never see Sydney again." Rafe is speechless as Sami starts to cry... Next on Days of Our Lives "I have to wonder, is my marriage ever worth saving?" mutters Hope. Carly screams at Vivian "What did you do!" then cradles bloodied, unmoving Mel in her arms. "No baby, no baby!" (only a dream) Sami glares at Rafe and exclaims "What is she gonna do to my little girl!" |
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