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Thursday, January 21, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only THE WEDDING PLANNER! - Carly is at Java Cafe, having the worst kind of daydream. The scene: at the pier. The characters: Carly, Mel, and Vivian. Viv has stabbed Melanie to death. She lies bloodied in the snow as Carly sobs over her. "An heir for a heir," leers the knife welding Viv. Carly blinks back to reality and vows she will not let that happen! - At the pub, Vivian persists she will be Mel's wedding planner. Time to find a dress! Mel is dubious, but Vivian asks her to give her a chance for Phillip's sake. Mel agrees to let her help find her wedding dress. Outside, Steph gets off the phone with Dr. Nathan, who is running late. She enters and Mel suddenly says she and Steph were planning to wedding dress shop together. Steph plays along, until Mel adds they must go right away. Later, says Steph. Melanie changes her tune when Viv announces her stylist is en route. Did she say stylist? The pair now head off together. - At the hospital, Dr. Carly and Dr. Nathan talk. Nath sees a file of Mel. He appears to be surprised that she is putting her nursing career on hold. He wonders if he is the reason. Carly doesn't think so. Nath admits things did not end well for them. Just as well she is leaving for a while. - At the house of Kiriakis, Justin and elegant Hope talk. She repeats she needs time. He is understanding. Hope whispers now she is not even sure if her marriage was ever worth saving. She sips coffee and brings up Justin reading Ciara 3 stories last night. He must miss his family a great deal. Indeed ... - Hope meets glamorous Julie at the pub. Julie is pleased she invited Bo to the reception. Hope dismally states Carly and Bo are together. Julie assures her Bo is the man for her. Hope doubts it. She is not sure Bo is her hero anymore. Along comes Nathan. Julie praises him for being with Stephanie. It did mom Melissa a lot of good. Nath says he is lucky. Along comes Steph, who smiles she is lucky! Once alone again with Julie, Hope mentions Justin. She enjoys his company and cherishes his friendship. She hopes he knows that is all there will be. Julie thinks she should stop feeling guilty. Hope admits Bo is in reality the only man in her heart. She does not believe she will ever love another man. Julie wants to know in that case, what is she going to do about it! - At another table, Steph and Nath kiss. She hopes he does not mind her being invited to Mel and Phil's wedding. He replies they don't need to know they are dating. They kiss again. - At the cabin, Auntie Anna tells Sydney that this might be the end of the road for them. Sydney starts to cry and there is nothing Anna can do to stop her. - At the police station, replay of Sami crying at the fax. EJ grabs the note and reads it. Sami yells at Rafe. Now that Sydney is of no value to the woman who has Sydney, what will happen to her little girl?! Rafe calmly explains every case is different. He promises not to let Syd down, points out the fax is traceable, and steps away to meet with forensics. He asks her to wait. When he is gone, Sami dismally wonders what next. EJ looks concerned. Rafe is soon back, asking Sami questions about the woman caller. She spoke to Sydney too, though there was no background noise. Rafe fills them in that the fax was sent from a mobile device, from a local area code. Translation: Syd is nearby! EJ snaps of course she is nearby, the kidnapper knows every single move they make! He wants to know how many miles the FBI search team is covering. Many. Rafe steps away again. Sami blames herself. EJ assures her she had a tough decision to make. She laments she let both Syd and EJ down again. He reassures her he will find their daughta. And he will not play by the rules. He will hunt this woman down if it is the last thing he does! Rafe now returns, having overheard, and drawls that would be the very last thing he did, given his approach! EJ sighs condescendingly. Rafe does not want him to go rogue but Sami claims she has no choice anymore. She will let EJ do what he must. He elegantly departs ... - Vivian and Mel enter the house of Kiriakis, where Monique the stylist has left some gown samples. Mel flounces off to get changed. Ring ring! Tis Victor, having just had a checkup at the hospital. He is returning her call. "Spit it out!" Madame Viv updates him that Bo could be the real reason Carly came back to Salem, and not the long lost daughter! The Greek tycoon is impatient. He reminds her after she does whatever she plans to do to destroy Carly, she will need to lie low for a while. She ends the call when Mel walks back, smiling in a pretty white creation. "I feel like Cinderella," she giggles. "This is the one." Viv says she will not regret the choice and imediately calls Monique. Oh oh. That dress is being held for a Countess of Wessex, but Madame insists and gets her the dress. Mel is touched. She wonders why she is doing this for her as she barely knows her. For Phillip, says Vivian. She purrs she also has an heirloom necklace she would love her to wear on her wedding day. Mel accepts. They share a misty eyed embrace. She cannot wait to say I do to her handsome and sweet Phillip. Madame takes her face in her hands. "Be still my heart!" - At the hospital, Victor gets off the phone and spies Carly.He gets snarky and warns she will be sorry she ever showed her face in town, cos of what she has done to his son! He calls her a masochist. She snaps she must be as she married him! Victor points out he will not miss seeing her face. His son is soon getting married and he will be taking an extended honeymoon on his yacht with his new bride. Vic and Viv will be joining them. "No!" cries Carly, horrified. She regains her composure. She is just certain the kids would rather not have them tag along. But good riddance! Vic ominously says he knows what she did to Lawrence and threatens to hurt her if she hurts his son! He walks away. "You hurt my daughter, you won't have the chance," mutters Carly. - At Java Cafe,Viv piles Mel’s hair on top of her head, to see what it would look like for the wedding. Enter Carly, who glares daggers and imagines threatening to kill her unless she gets her hands off her daughter! - At the cabin, Anna holds the still crying, red-faced Sydney. Once EJ has her in his arms, she falls asleep. He notes she is hot. A slight fever. Anna wonders what they would do if she needed a doctor! EJ points out then she would get one! He clarifies. Sydney does not need to suffer, but her mother should! Anna cannot believe he handed over 5 million dollars to the feds. He alludes to the fact that it was his plan all along. Anna asks when she will get her money. He advises her to be patient. She thinks it is starting to sound like he is not giving Sydney back and she hopes she is wrong. He refuses to discuss. - Sami and Rafe return home. He does not think it had to be this way, given her concealment of the contact from the kidnapper. She yells he should have trusted her. He yells she was lying to him. She exclaims if he had not found them at the pier, she would have her daughter home by now! They later go over what happened. Rafe warns the woman might have bled them for more money and not returned Sydney. Sami screams she does not have her daughter back so how is she supposed to believe in him! They continue to disagree. Sami shrieks, her eyes filled with pain. He is not God or a psychic and he is not even Sydney’s father! She storms out of the room, leaving Rafe alone. He sighs and slowly shakes his head ... Next on Days of Our Lives "I told Arianna I'd moved on, and I have," Brady says to Chloe. Carly faces Mel and Viv. "Vivian wants to destroy you and I won't let it happen!" "Need your help," Bo informs Dr. Dan. "Are you up for it?" |
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