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up at 5:30 p.m. est Wednesday, July 14, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only ANIMAL INSTINCTS! - Chez Bo, he is speaking to Carly on the phone. They are both on break. He flirts. She is on her way! He drawls not to take too long. Knock knock! Tis suited Justin and he wishes to discuss Hope. Justin flashes back to Hope kissing him. He is there because he and Bo are family and he wants him to know that Hope is not doing well on her own. She needs someone by her side and he wants to be that guy! Bo looks miffed and makes a snide remark about Justin making his final move. Justin sincerely thinks things are changing between him and Hope. Bo scoffs. According to her, he is nothing more than a friend. Justin points out she is scared. But when she tells him she is ready to move on with him, that is all he needs to hear. He remarks that Bo seems to think it is okay for himself to move on with someone else, but not Hope! Bo denies it and reminds Justin she is fragile. He advises him not to pressure her now. Justin notes he is playing house with Carly. If he cares about Hope, he will not stand in her way. She is trying to get over him! Enter Carly. Justin takes his leave. Bo admits his cousin was staking his claim on Hope. Carly senses he is bothered about it. Bo complains about Justin waltzing in with his expensive lawyer suit and big plans for Hope. He admits he would love to beat the cr*p outta that suit of his. Carly understands. Hope was once his soulmate and they have kids together. It has to hurt to see her getting close to someone else. She hung onto the past with Lawrence, too. Bo appreciates her compassion and grabs her. "I fell in love with you a long time ago ..." Then fate intervened and he fell for her all over again! They kiss. Afterwards, they talk in bed. Bo states he just does not want Hope to rush into anything. Carly hopes that is not what they have done. She recalls what a mess she was when she came to Salem. She hopes Bo does not feel obligated to her. He too must have been surprised by the sudden reconnection. He admits he was surprised too. She has no regrets. How about him? "I do not have a single regret," says he. Perhaps they did rush into things, but if he felt this was a mistake, he would have told her. When Hope left him with their daughter, he felt his life was over. Until Carly came. Carly sadly points out the last time they were together, it did not end well. If Hope moving on bothers Bo, she wants him to tell her. She would rather be hurt than live a lie. Bo thinks what they have is still incredible and gives her a passionate kiss. - Hope is at the Kiriakis mansion, letting the station know she will be there later. She opens the door to Adrienne, who solemnly says "We need to talk." Hope lets her in. Adrienne stares at her and declares that something is not right - and it is her! She saw her with Justin ... Hope dismisses her. Adrienne says this is not like her. Hope perceives she is upset with her. She suspects it is due to the amount of time she has been spending with Justin. Adrienne does not want him to get hurt. Neither does Hope and she values their friendship. Friendship? Adrienne snaps what kind of game is she playing! He is more than a friend. Hope admits after he was mugged, she realized what it would mean if she did not have him in her life anymore. Adrienne reminds her she also brought her to Salem after telling her Justin was unhappy. She accuses Hope of ignoring things she does not want to see. Justin cares for her. Hope states she has an appointment and suggests Adrienne take it up with Justin. She does not get what she is bothered about and walks away. - Abe has a follow-up doctor's appointment. His MRI results were good, but our mayor has been having trouble sleeping. The doc offers to give him a prescription to help him sleep. Abe asks about the side effects. A small percentage of women might have their brains put to sleep. The doc tells the tale of one woman who lived as a housewife by day, a lady of the evening by night. But only a very high-strung woman would be as affected ... - Lazy Dick Baker lounges on his bed, feeling a tad sorry for Arianna about being wrongly accused, though he does not want EJ to get his memory back regardless. He turns on his TV and chuckles. "Speak of the devil!" - At the pier, Nicole the roving reporter is live, announcing some lives in Salem will never be the same! Especially for one of the town's most prominent citizens. "The story begins over a year ago ...." EJ suddenly steps forward. "Wait! I have something I'd like to say." Ari focuses the camera on him. He is handed the mike and begins. "I would like to say how sorry I am." He adds he was fool enough to fall in love with Nicole, who kidnapped Samantha's daughter. He declares she is a pathological liar and lies to her viewers every day. And she is about to lie to her viewers right now! Nicole interrupts she has proof and he knows it. "Cut!" says Ari and stops rolling. Nicole gives her a dirty look and snaps what is she doing! Ari now receives word on breaking news that pre-empted their feed. The zoo snow leopard has given birth to cubs. Nicole demands to know who authorized the interruption. A young guy steps forward, having been hired as a Titan TV consultant, and explains cute animals make big stories for young people. - Baker is disappointed when his TV cuts over to the Salem Zoo. No substance, unlike his glorious dark eyed lady! - Back at the pier, Nicole will not be deterred by the snow leopard cubs. She decides she can still proceed with her revelation, as the audience she needs is right here! The consultant stops her, to avoid her being scooped. The teens head off with Sami to go pick up the twins. EJ steps forward and advises Nicole to kill the story before the story kills her! Brady steps up too, notes EJ certainly is anxious for her to drop it, and asks Nicole what she was going to tell everyone. EJ feigns disinterest and departs. Brady waits for an answer. Nicole will say only that it is a major story and deserves the right moment with the right audience. Brady considers. He noticed EJ was a wreck. Nicole whispers she is onto something big and takes off. Arianna approaches Brady. Looks like they are the only ones left! Brady warns her that anyone who gets between EJ and Nicole winds up in trouble. He suspects EJ is only her lawyer to hit back at Nicole. Ari defends him, insists he will prove her innocence, and walks off. Brady now places a call to Nicole and leaves her a message to call him back as soon as possible. It's important ... - Hope visits the doctor that Abe has just seen, asking for a refill on her sleeping pills. Her grandmother passed away. She stopped taking them for a while. But after the funeral, she started popping the pills again, as she needed them to sleep. The doc probes whether she has experienced any adverse side effects. She has strange dreams, though she is going through a tough divorce. Nothing else? Hope insists she is not dependent on the pills, but they are important to her now. He gives her another one month prescription and starts to warn her of a study. Hope, however, is in a hurry and leaves without giving him a chance to finish ... - Baker wonders where his lady is. He flashes back to how the femme fatale wanted his assistance to take care of her husband and ponders if she decided to go it alone. - Meanwhile, Justin runs into Hope at the pub. She has the case on her mind. He stops her from leaving and tells her he spoke to Bo today, to tell him they were getting closer. Adrienne approaches and comments she thought she was in a hurry. Hope retorts she is indeed and hastily departs. Justin asks Adrienne what that was all about! She updates him on her conversation with Hope, but her ex thinks she is as bad as Bo. Adrienne, however, believes Hope is more screwed up than he cares to admit. Justin sighs. - At DiMera mansion, the kids are in bed. EJ casually tells Sami he wants to go away for the summer and asks her to come with the kids, including Aly. It could be fun. He speaks exotic locations. Sami notes the timing is off. Just after Nicole claims she has something on him, he wants to leave town? "It can't be a coincidence." EJ grins nervously. He then drawls she is right. He would like to get the children out of the limelight. Ring ring! Tis Arianna. He steps in the hall to take the call. He thinks they need to talk. In his opinion, Nicole is up to a counter-attack, as she fears he knows she framed Ari. He wonders where she is now ... - Nicole is walking outside when Baker calls. He warns her not to stick it to EJ, if that was what she was up to. It will just motivate him to prove she framed Arianna. Nicole assures Dick that when she is through with EJ, no one will believe a word he says! - At the hospital, Mayor Abe has good news for Lexie. They got the funding for the afterschool program. Lexie spies his prescription. Abe admits he is stressed and the new doc thinks the pills could help. Along comes Hope, who wonders what is up. She is sorry to hear Abe has not been sleeping well. Hope is hard at work on the case. She asks Lexie for the medical reports of the mugging victims. When Abe and Lexie walk off, Bo and Carly emerge from the elevator. He teases this is what guys in love do, giving her a kiss. Hope freezes and gives them a strange look. - Back at DiMera mansion, Sami tells herself EJ is very worried about something and it must be due to Nicole. Ding dong! Sami strides to the grand front door and opens it. There stands Nicole herself. She informs Sami that EJ is lying to her. "Don't you want to know why ...?" Next on Days of Our Lives "We need to have a little talk," Bo tells Hope. Brady faces Nicole. "So why don't you tell me what you've got on him and we'll take him down together." Sami glares. "You lied to me, EJ!" |
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