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Thursday, June 10, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only SEARCH AND DESTROY, and more ...! - Maggie has a fresh faced visitor - Jennifer! They hug and Jennifer enters, in all her fair glory. They lament about Alice. Jen has missed Maggie, who blesses her for getting there so quickly. Teary-eyed Jen states this is exactly where she needs to be. Other family members will be there soon and the rest send their love. Maggie weeps. Jen assures her she is there for her. Gran is such a big part of her life and she thinks of her wisdoms every day. They agree she was the one who taught them all the meaning of family. - At the pub, Nath opens up to Mel about his great-grandmother not having much time left. She is sorry. He speaks of Alice teaching him tenacity and other great advice, like to live the life he wants, never waste time on misunderstandings, mistakes. He sees Mel is thinking something. She is. It is about living the life that he wants and it involves Stephanie! Nath wonders what she means. Mel blurts out that Steph is not taking her birth control pills. Nath thinks that is simply none of her business! He is aware of Steph's scare and she took a morning after pill. Mel now realizes she was wrong, Nath has nothing else to say. Steph approaches and smiles she certainly does! What is going on? Nothing, drawls Nath. And he will be fine so long as Mrs. Kiriakis lets him live his life! He walks out, followed by Steph, leaving Mel sitting all alone. - Chez Bo, enter Carly. Bo and Hope stop hugging and step back from each other. Carly asks if something has happened. Hope thinks she should go. Bo urges her not to. He updates Carly that the beloved Mrs. H is slipping away. Carly is very sorry and decides to return to the hospital. Bo will touch base with her later. Once she is gone, Bo thanks Hope for staying. She is glad he is there. He promises he is there for whatever she needs. She recalls his message that he needed to speak to her about a certain matter. What was it? Bo apprehensively glances at the divorce papers on the table. They sit and discuss Mrs. H. Bo longs to see her. His voice shaking with emotion, he explains he wants a chance to say goodbye, Hope places her hand on his and assures him she would love that. Bo cannot imagine her not being around. Hope cries sometimes we take people for granted until something like this, which makes you realize how precious people are, how much you love them ... - Nicole has a hot fantasy about Brady getting out of the pool, his rippling torso glistening under her gaze. He is glad to see her. Show me, says she. He grabs her in a passionate kiss. Smiling Nicole blinks back to reality as a full clothed Brady meets her on the Kiriakis terrace and impatiently asks why she is there. Nicole knows Ari's arraignment is today and she intends to go. So does he. She knows and now claims she is there to offer her support, as she must be mad at Brady. They talk about the blown alibi. Nicole probes if it is possible the accusations against Ari are true. Brady drawls she is innocent and vows to find and destroy whoever is framing her! - In her cell, Ari gets a call from EJ, who has news. He has arranged for some strategy time prior to the arraignment. He will meet her in the conference room there shortly. Ari is desperate to know if she even has a chance of making bail. She is a mess. EJ is in a suit, cool as a cucumber. Once off the phone, EJ considers the scenario and mutters one name. "Nicole!" - At the hospital, Dan wants to know the secret. Phil covers by saying it was that Chloe is still in some pain. She agrees. It is not physical, but her heart is hurting! Phil leaves after she asks him to give them a minute alone. Dan sits beside Chloe and wonders why her heart is hurting. She woefully states that Phil knows something. What? She fears if she tells Dan, he will cease to love her! The doc breathes "I love your spirit, your soul." Why does she not see that? Ring ring! The doc has been paged away. They will continue their convo later. He kisses Chloe, stands up, assures her she will always be the love of his life, and exits. Chloe covers her face and starts to cry. Enter Phil. "What did you tell him?" Another lie, she laments. He thinks she made the right decision. She cries she cannot tell him, also because of how it would hurt Phillip. He too would be tortured. Phil is grateful. Chloe sadly states it is not entirely in her hands and who knows when and what that Carly will tell Daniel! Phil gets a tense look on his face. He later agrees to go to Chloe's place and pick up the wrapped gift she has for Daniel, to help her cover her story about leaving to get Daniel a wedding gift. He wonders how she will deal with Carly. Chloe sighs that one might ruin her life. At least first she will be able to give him that gift. It could be her last chance to show him how much she loves him. - On the pier, old pals Jen and Carly meet up. It has been way too long! Jen is on her way to see Alice, but is sorry about what happened with Lawrence. Carly agrees it was a terrible time. But now she is moving on in Salem, getting to know her daughter. She and Bo are her whole life now. She will make sure her daughter does not make the same mistakes she has made in her life. Jennifer considers. - Phil is at Dan and Chloe's apartment, where he has just picked up the gift box for Dan. He stares at the sofa and flashes back to his passion with Chloe on said sofa. Back to reality. He steels himself and walks out the door, only to run into a very curious Adrienne, who wonders what he is doing there. Chloe sent him to pick something up. Adrienne understands and is glad to have heard Chloe will make a full recovery. Phil concurs and hastily gets back to the hospital. - Chloe gives Daniel the gift box in her room. 'Tis a watch engraved "To Daniel, the love of my life. I owe you everything." The doc loves it and he loves her. They kiss and snuggle in the bed. She wants them to always be like this, happy together, her not messing up. Dan gets an idea. Does she wish they were getting married right now? Of course. He declares he will call Father Matt to come and marry them today! Chloe is elated. Dan heads out and makes the call to Father Matt, not realizing a concerned Carly has overheard. - Prisoner Ari is led into a meeting room where Nicole awaits. Ari is none too pleased to see her. Nicole pretends to be there to plead Brady's case so she will not blame him. She adds she was with him this morning and all he talked about was helping her. Ari cuts her off and snaps "I am onto you!" She accuses her of setting everything up so she could get her claws into Brady and insists she at least have the guts to admit that! Ahem. EJ clears his throat, as he too now stands in the room, looking spiffy and efficient. Nicole rolls her eyes. - Jen rushes into Bo and Hope's house and they exchange hugs, warm greetings. They have missed each other! Hope is beside herself with joy. Jen only wishes the circumstances were different. Jen has seen pics of Ciara and thinks she looks like a great combination of both her parents. Bo uncomfortably excuses himself to call Shawn D and then visit Mrs. H. Hope would like to know if the photo album is still in the hall closet. Indeed. Bo tells Jen it was great seeing her and exits. Once they two are alone, Jen tells Hope she cannot imagine how hard this situation is for her. Hope reminds herself she has a beautiful daughter and a great family. They embrace. Jennifer is sympathetic. - At the pub, Bo and Caroline later console each other over the precious Alice. She was sleeping when Bo saw her. She was just like a grandma to him. He flashes back to the trouble she got him out of, when he was hiding something illegal in his pocket once upon a time. She had insisted she was in, cos Roman simply had to be freed, regardless! "Gimme the stuff," said she. Bo grins she always came through for him. Even today. Thank God he did not tell Hope about the divorce. He suddenly remembers he left the divorce papers and gasps "Oh my God no!" - Back at Bo's place, Hope would like to get that photo she wanted and go elswehere so she and Jen can talk. Ring ring! Jen talks to Jack on the phone and looks for a pen and pad, as he will soon be at a different number. She writes the number, looks down, and suddenly spies the divorce papers, which she picks up and reads, a frown creasing her fair brow. - Back in the conference room, EJ informs his client the hearing has been postponed by an hour. Procedure dictates she must return downstairs. He will join her shortly. Ari warns Nicole this is far from over as she is led out. Nicole starts to leave. "Not you," drawls EJ. He stares at her. She stares right back. She places her hands on her hips. They have nothing to say to each other. "Things change," says he. He agrees with Arianna's accusation that Nicole is trying to win Brady back. She tells him to save it and opens the door. He slams it shut. He suspects she is making sure the woman who wants the same man she does gets locked up in prison for something she did not do. He grabs her arm to prevent her from leaving and suggests SHE is the person responsible for those muggings! "It's you!" - Phil goes home to Mel, and notes her long face. Ring ring! Tis Daniel, summoning his daughter and Phil to the hospital for his wedding. Mel's eyes widen ... - Meanwhile, Carly enters Chloe's room and reminds her what she has to tell Daniel before they get married ... - In the Brady house, Hope comes back into the living room and wonders what Jennifer is holding. Jen solemnly hands her the divorce papers. Hope looks at them, her eyes troubled. - Nicole insists to EJ she would never hurt Brady. He insist she is lying. Something is wrong, he rages. He will find out what it is and then send her back to prison for a long long time ...! Next on Days of Our Lives "And now I know she would do anything to get Brady," Ari tells Mel. Nicole tries to pull away from EJ and orders him to get his hand off her! Jen faces Hope and whispers "You don't want this divorce anymore, do you?" |
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