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Monday, June 14, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only UNSEEN DANGER and more ...! - Mel rushes into the kitchen with flowers for Chloe and Dan's wedding. Phil is surprised by her change of heart toward Chloe. Well, muses Mel, if he makes her dad happy, then she is happy. Enter Dan, grinning she just made his wedding day! He got Mel's message to talk. Phil heads out and will see them at the hospital later. Mel excitedly gives Dan a gift - a silver medallion of the patron saint of marriage. Dan drawls she is sweet. She fills him in how touched she was when she heard him say he could not handle losing the love of his life again. She now hopes no one will ever take Chloe away from him! They discuss. Mel admits she could not help but wonder if she was a tad jealous, hence her hesitation in accepting Chloe. She refers to herself a mistake. Dan insists she was an accident that he is very glad happened. Mel giggles and goes upstairs to get ready. Dan admires the medallion. - Carly visits Chloe in her hospital room. Chloe, who has been mulling over Carly's threat to tell all, explains she only made one mistake. If self-righteous Carly wants to tell Dan on their wedding day she was with another man, so be it! Carly refuses to conspire against Daniel by keeping the secret. Chloe calls her a hypocrite, given that she lied to Dan about his child for years and that was a big secret, unlike her meaningless mistake Carly states she was protecting her baby and Dan's marriage, but it did not work! Chloe wants her to leave. Carly has an idea and suggests she give herself time by postponing the wedding. Then she will have time to sort out how to tell him. Exit Carly. Now Madame Viv sweeps in. What the hell happened! Chloe sighs. The plan was a mess and so she ... ended up in the elevator. Viv asks if she is on medication. Chloe knows what she is saying. Madame quips all is wonderful and walks out. Alone in the hall, she vows to make the twit pay for not following orders! Chloe later has another visitor - handsome, suited Phil, who is there for the wedding. Chloe complains about Carly. She fears she will not back off. Perhaps she should tell Daniel ... Phil gets upset. She assures him she will leave his name out of it and say it was a guy at a bar. Phil is dead set against it. She cannot tell Daniel, says he. Chloe mentions Carly wanting her to postpone the wedding, but Phil knows Dan would become too suspicious! She should marry Daniel, forget about Carly, and every day what they did will get further away! Enter Mel and Dan, who kisses his beloved, asking if she is ready. - Baker assures Nicole EJ has nothing and is blowing smoke on what she did. He distances himself. She points out Dick was the one who was in on the muggings and he set up Ari, so if push comes to shove ... Exit Nicole. Baker follows her out to the pier and warns he could turn on her if she turned on him. They both agree that pointing the finger at each other is not the way to go. Dick does not think someone like EJ will be a threat. He will not remember him. If they both keep their mouths shut, they should be fine. She hopes he is right. But what about the mystery woman? Dick is sure she will not be a problem, and the case against Hernandez is strong. Nicole suggests he lie low. No more booze and underground gambling for him! He retorts he has a cash flow problem and is on a winning streak. Nicole warns him again and storms off. - Brady finds out from the poker player that he saw such a gold money clip at a poker game. Brady is intrigued. Who had it? He whips out a big bill and buys himself more from the seedy player, who tells him there was a floating poker game, though he is not the regular dealer. Brady hands him more cash and wants to know when the next game is. Today. Where? The player wonders if he is a cop. Brady informs him he was a victim of the guy who stole a gold money clip from him and now an innocent woman is in prison. The player does not care. Brady snaps his pic as insurance and lets him know he would go to the cops in a heartbeat to tell them his theory. Or he could tell him where that poker game is and he will be left out of it! Brady soon gets the address he wanted and the player takes off. Brady considers. He has the time and the place, now all he needs is the guy with the clip, and then maybe Ari will go free ... - In their cell, Rafe and Shane go over the location of the exits and other such details. Rafe drawls about getting home in time. In time for what, wonders Shane. He is apprehensive about their plan succeeding. Later a guard approaches and leers to Shane that today is the day he dies! Rafe mutters he might want to re-consider his hesitation. Shane pauses. The guard explains the secret police intend to interrogate him about his el presidente situation. The guard takes Shane out of the cell, leaving Rafe alone and very anxious. All of a sudden, another guard arrives and whispers he is there to get him out! - At DiMera mansion, EJ is trying to read but remembers kissing Sami. Sami attempts to sneak out the front door. EJ appears and would like to know where she is going. To her place to see the contractor. EJ does not want her to run away from happened between them!. "You kissed me," says he. She claims she was just vulnerable. He does not believe it and admits he still wants her. Furthermore, he thinks she wants him too, if only she will admit as much to herself. Sami stares at him as he touches her hair. She puts down her purse and nervously confesses there is something physical between them, but they will not go there, they are parents only. He points out they have grown and changed. She gasps they cannot and what they did was a mistake! He drawls she should know that he will not be chasing after her this time. He walks back to the living room and Sami gets mad. What does he want! He holds up a drawing Johnny made of their family and says that is what their son wants. What does she want? Sami storms off. EJ studies his paperwork for the Arianna case. Enter Stefano. They discuss EJ's theory that Nicole set up Arianna. The phoenix wonders how Nicole reacted when he confronted her. With bravado, as she generally does when afraid and covering up. "She's behind this," he concludes. "I'll prove it!" Stefano advises his son to keep the pressure on Nicole until she cracks. EJ notes fatha is troubled. The phoenix sighs he received some sad news. Alice Horton is dying. EJ does not think Samantha knows. Stefano speaks fondly of William and then Alice as brave people. Alice Horton makes life interesting - like Samantha. EJ agrees. He asks Stefano not to tell Samantha about Alice, as he would rather tell her himself. The phoenix agrees and they embrace. Ciao, say they. Stefano now gets a call and asks how it is going. He has a man inside and he does not care abut Shane Donovan. For now he just wants Rafe Hernandez taken care of! - Down at the pier, Nicole is about to place a call when EJ comes up behind her. "Who are you calling?" She accuses him of following her. He stops her from passing by and taunts she slipped up, so he will get her! He adds to have a nice day and saunters off ... - Sami is dismayed as she has been unable to reach Rafe on his phone. She wishes they could talk and stares at the family picture Johnny made. She soon dreams of speaking to Rafe on the bed. Is he not coming back? They need him! Will he ever come back to her? Rafe woefully whispers he does not think so. She does not understand. They loved each other. He touches her hand, reminding her she chose to move into the mansion, and then kissed EJ last night. "I don't think there's an us." He points out there are two Samis - the one he adores and the one who still has a thing for EJ. She quips if he were still there, she would not know EJ exists. The Rafe apparition points out he is not there, not really, and he might not be coming back. She wonders if he is in trouble or if he is letting her go. He mutters he might already have and she wakes up with a start. "Rafe," she whispers. - Back at the prison, Rafe wants to know who the guard is. A friend, sent by his friends at the bureau, he claims. He will take him out of there and advises him to get his stuff. The guard enters the cell. Rafe pokes his head out and turns his back on the killer guard, who whips out and tightens the rope he intends to strangle him with! - Nicole heads to the house of Kiriakis to find Brady. Distracted Vivian claims he is not there. Nicole starts to leave after making a snide remark. Viv decides she would like a word. Why was she at her wedding? Nicole makes a joke. Viv knows she was there because of Brady. Nicole admits she was there to offer him her support. Viv shares her view that Nicole still loves him! And that is unrequited love, as he is engaged to another. Nicole points out Arianna is in jail, accused of the muggings, but Viv has a different take. Men tend to go on the offensive when their women are accused of something they do not think she could have done. Thus, Brady's heart will always belong to Arianna. Nicole takes it all in. - Brady arrives at the underground poker place, hands the guy standing guard money in lieu of a password, and gets in. Baker saunters toward the door. He opens it and spies Brady engaged in a poker game. Unseen, Dick quietly closes the door and flashes back to Brady visiting Nicole at the hospital when she miscarried. Back to reality. He sees another player in the hall and tells him he will not enter cos he saw a guy in there who is a cop! He has an idea and will be back soon ... Inside, Brady tosses his cards down, pretending he has lousy cards, despite the fact that he has 4 kings! One of the guys compliments him on his clip. Brady drawls he won it from a guy who told him about this game. Do they happen to know him? Have they seen him before? Baker returns and instructs the guy in the hall to place this in his soda! The guy enters and asks if anyone wants another drink. Brady orders another gingerale as the game continues. Baker's friend opens the capsule the doc had handed him and pours the powder into the drink, which he then gives to Brady. Unsuspecting Brady drinks up as Baker peers from the slightly ajar door. - Back at the cell, Rafe mutters to the guard they need to get his ISA buddy out as well. All of a sudden, the guard ropes his neck from behind and starts to choke him. Rafe grabs the rope and puts up the struggle of his life ...! - Back in Salem, Mel hands Chloe a pretty bouquet. Dan is ready. Father Matt has arrived. In walks Carly, staring solemnly at the almost bride in the bed. Father Matt would like to say a few words before they proceed with the wedding. Fearing Carly will spill the beans right then and there, Chloe suddenly announces she is sorry but they cannot get married ...! Next on Days of Our Lives "Are you keeping something from me?" Sami asks EJ. "I'd like to go to confession," says Chloe. Mel realizes Carly thinks Chloe will break Daniel's heart and says so. |
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