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up at 5:30 p.m.est Tuesday, June 15, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only NO WAY OUT and more ...! - At the poker game, replay of Brady receiving the drugged gingerale and drinking it. Outside the door, Baker chuckles. "Say goodnight, Brady!" Inside, Brady has finished his drink and his vision becomes blurred. He excuses himself and staggers out the door. Baker conceals himself. He follows Brady as he staggers out to the pier and collapses. The doc deduces he cannot have anyone listening to him and therefore pours some scotch down his throat. He drawls he picked the wrong loser to go after, leaves the flask in his hand, wishes him sweet dreams, and departs. - At the DiMera mansion, Sami reads the newspaper about the evidence against innocent Ari and wonders where the heck Rafe is. Ring ring! She takes the call and gasps.Tis Lucas, bearing news of Alice Horton. - In the seedy cell, Rafe struggles with a killer. Despite his fine effort, he is knocked to the floor by the guard, who gets ready with his rope. Rafe appears to be unconscious. However, the FBI agent is faking and jumps up, overpowering the thug with well placed blows. Moments later, as luck would have it, the other guard comes back with Shane and he has a gun on both of them! The guard does not recognize the unconscious guard and turns to take a look at him. Rafe knocks him out and takes the gun. He and Shane saunter out and lock the two guards in the cell. The two agents wish each other luck and decide to find their way out ... - Outside, EJ is on the phone with fatha. He does not care to hear about Rafe, he is more interested in Anna's condition, in case she wakes up and starts talking. He drawls he is not doing all this for nothing! Meanwhile, Anna stirs in her bed. She sits up, yanks out her IV, hoping her legs will help her escape before Stefano's guys come back! She places her feet on the floor with great difficulty and is soon dressed. Voices are heard. She gets back in bed and pulls the sheet up, pretending to be fast asleep. Dark shoes saunter in and someone observes. Anna's eyes remain shut. The man walks out. - EJ finds Sami upset at the mansion due to Alice's condition. He wishes he could have been the one to tell her. He helps her figure out how to have the kids looked after as he takes her to see Alice. She is sorry she was a bitch earlier. He will hear no such talk. Sami adds she still should not have kissed him ... - Nath, Steph, Adrienne, and Jennifer converge at Alice's house. Jen tells them that Jack will come soon and takes Nath upstairs to see the ailing matriarch. Adrienne talks to niece Steph, who updates her she is not pregnant. And she told Nathan - well, that she lost her pills anyway. She is relieved he was not angry. Adrienne calls him a keeper. They now talk Phillip. Adrienne informs her how odd he seemed when he picked up something for Chloe earlier. Steph takes it all in. Jen and Nath come back downstairs. Ding dong! Tis Sami and EJ. The gang hug and Jen takes Sami upstairs. EJ waits downstairs. The rest of the gang depart. He calls fatha for an update on Anna and he is most anxious! Sami later returns from her visit and notes he is busy texting. He claims he is rearranging a meeting. Sami takes a look and complains was he not going to tell her about this! She has seen a message from the contractor that her place was just fixed. EJ feels, given this new situation, she should stay in the house. However, if she wishes to leave, so be it. He still tries to convince her to wait. He now gets a call and steps out to take it. Jen is back downstairs, as Alice is sleeping. She smiles and asks Sami about her babies. She is surprised EJ drove her over. Sami admits she was staying at his place while the townhouse was being worked on. She now laments how she thought Rafe was the one, though then he found out how far from perfect she was ... Jen tries to make her at home and offers to make her some food when she says she is hungry an so, most likely, is EJ. Once alone, Sami admires an old photo with Alice. What would she say? She flashes back to being a young girl as Alice spoke of the power of love. When they talk relationships, Alice the sage smiles about caring and kindness. She is certain Sami will find a wonderful man to share her life. Sami blinks back to reality. She did find someone, but then she blew it! Outside, EJ nervously speaks to fatha on the phone and is finally assured that Anna will not talk. - Anna is out of her hospital bed, cursing Rafe for leaving her there with Stefano's goons. and feebly opens the door, about to make her way out. She looks out the door and suddenly steps back with a gasp ...! - Nath comes back to check on Alice, and Jennifer wonders if she is just hanging on to let everyone say goodbye. Jen soon has two visitors - her own parents. They embrace. - In a Salem hospital, Dan wants to know what is wrong when Chloe laments they cannot get married! He notes her pulse is racing. She insists she is okay but frowns. He asks if there is something she is not telling him. Phil and Mel stand together and stare. Chloe would like a moment to speak to Dan alone. Mel, Phil, Carly, and Father Matt exit. Daniel wonders why she stopped the wedding. Chloe sniffles she cannot marry him. The doc does not understand. He will, as soon as she explains ... Father Matt interrupts, asking if he can help. Chloe now decides she would like to go to confession and receive absolution before they take their vows. Dan is confused but complies with her request. Alone with the priest, Chloe admits she has sinned. Out in the hall, Mel senses Carly knows something. Phil is jumpy and does not want the mother and daughter to go elsewhere for a chat. Mel wonders what is wrong with him lately. Phil claims he just wants to know where they are in case the wedding gets underway. Carly offers to have a nurse keep her posted and the pair head for the pub. Meanwhile, Chloe confides in Father Matt about finding comfort in the arms of an old friend - Phillip Kiriakis, the husband of Melanie! They cheated together and now she could lose Daniel if he finds out. She asks the priest to do something for her. She tells him of Carly's threat and implores him to talk to her so she will not ruin all of their lives. The priest reminds Chloe it is not possible for him to do such a thing. There must be honesty and forgiveness. Chloe begs him. The priest sternly says the sacrament of marriage should not be based on a lie ... Out in the hall, Nath and Steph come across Phil and Dan. Nath becomes uncomfortable upon hearing Chloe and Dan intend to tie the knot and gets to his rounds. Stephanie asks Phil why he is so jumpy. He denies it and suggests she mind her own business. Steph warns him things had better be good between him and Mel, cos she and Nath are doing well and she does not want Mel running to cry on Nath's shoulder. Phil drawls he and Mel are happier than ever and saunters off. Steph looks doubtful. As father Matt exits, Dan approaches him but the priest tells the hopeful groom he cannot perform the marriage and walks away. Dan enters and asks Chloe what just happened with the priest. Why can he not marry them? - At the pub, Carly admits to Mel she thinks that Chloe has the potential to hurt Daniel, given the kind of person she is. Mel wants her to elaborate. What kind of person is she? Carly just wishes they were not rushing the wedding. Mel points out she was not perfect as she had feelings for Nath, but now she and Phil are fine. Carly thinks they are lucky. She feels Mel should be there for Daniel. But if Daniel happens to go thru a bad time, she can rely on her ... like a mom. - Sami and EJ return to the mansion and he pretends not to mind if she wishes to move out. Sami appreciates how he helped with the contractor and paid for the repairs. She hopes he does not think it was a waste of money, as she has decided to stay! EJ grins ... - Rafe stands in the now empty hospital room which the last witness was occupying and calls out her name, glancing around. "Anna ...?" Next on Days of Our Lives "What the hell is the matter with you!" Kate exclaims to Stefano. Chloe glares at Carly. "You bitch!" "What the hell happened?" asks Bo, as he and a concerned Nicole watch unconscious Brady, who is lying in a hospital bed. |
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