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up at 5:15 p.m. est Detailed Day Ahead Thursday, June 17, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only KISS IT GOODBYE and more ...! - Woeful Will walks on the pier and Sami joins him with Syd in a stroller. Will sheds tears for Alice. Sami warns her son to prepare himself to say goodbye. They embrace. They will go see the Horton matriarch together. When she asks Will to hand her Syd's cup, he also finds tucked in the stroller the bill for the work on the townhouse. Will frowns upon hearing Sami is staying at the mansion despite the fact that the townhouse is now ready. He hopes it is not because of him. She admits it is also good for the other kids to spend time with their father. He questions if she is really thinking of herself. They disagree and he quips she always does what she wants regardless. The redhead is on her way! - Maggie looks through a photo album in her kitchen. Ring ring! Tis a serious Dr. Lexie, with news of Brady being admitted to hospital, with drugs and alcohol saturating his system. - In his hospital bed, groggy Brady listens as Nicole tells him what she did. He was upset about Arianna being in jail and if not for her, she would not have been there. She adds she should never have followed him to Santo Domingo. If he had wed Ari, she would not have taken out her anger on those poor men and also Brady. He murmurs Ari is innocent. He deduces someone set him up by drugging him, then pouring liquor into his system. But who, asks she. He tells her the tale of the guy who recognized the money clip. He was getting close to finding the man who stole his clip. Therefore, the man with the gold clip is the one who drugged him! He does not remember where he went, but he must have been getting very close to the truth. Enter Dr. Lexie. She credits Nicole with saving his life. He is grateful. Lexie must run tests. Nicole walks out and quietly damns Dick for what he has done! Out in the hall, Maggie and Victor run into each other and he drawls he knows who is to blame! He alludes to the fact that Arianna is at fault for Brady falling off the wagon. Maggie advises the Greek tycoon not to enter his room with guns blazing. One must be supportive when an addict has a relapse. And if he rants about his girlfriend, he will shut him down. She has experience as a former addict. Victor reluctantly agrees to do as she suggests. They now visit with Brady, who tells his tale of being set up by someone unknown. Victor appears to humor his grandson. Maggie deduces that if the real mugger knew he was onto him, then this person also knew he had a substance abuse problem ... - Nicole sneaks into Baker's room through a window and wakes up the sleeping doc by exclaiming she knows what he did and she could just kill him! He tells her why he did it and warns if Brady found him, he would connect the dots, but Nicole is still upset. Dick reminds her she will still get Brady in the end, She disagrees it was worth getting him drugged. This time the cost was too high! - Ari anxiously paces in her cell. Enter slick lawyer EJ, bearing bad news. The judge is sick and all of her cases have been pushed back. More bad luck. She wonders why this is happening to her. EJ still believes Nicole framed her and tells her to trust him. "I will get you out of here. I give you my word." He is about to leave when he gets a call from Lexie, with news of Brady's binge. Drugs and booze were found in his system. In addition, Nicole knows, so Lexie does not want Ari to find out some other way. She asks EJ to let his client know Brady is on the mend. "Stupid," sighs EJ. He now informs wide-eyed Ari that Brady has had a relapse ... - Chad and mama Madeline are outside the pub. They will meet his dad for lunch, but first she warns him again about the DiMeras. Chad has heard quite enough. - Once in the Brady pub, as Chad is off on his cell phone, Maddie wants to discuss strategies with D.A. dad. Along comes Chad, who pouts he is not going to Wake Forest no matter what they say! The parents object. Chad points out Salem U is close by and he does not want to leave his friends. The D.A. sarcastically wonders if the friend he has in mind is Mia. He denies it. However, Wake Forest is too elite a place for him. He has already made up his mind and decides to take off. Madeline implores him to meet them for dinner. She has something special planned. He agrees to attend after she promises they will not mention Wake Forest. Exit Chad. The D.A. thinks it might actually be a good idea to keep him nearby for university. Maddie disagrees. She refuses to allow him to stay in Salem and associate with the wrong kind of people. The D.A. suggests she calm down and reminds her they still have time to get him to change his mind. Madeline says he is right and wonders if she should give him some bonds she bought for him, then decides she will. They are in a safety deposit box! - Outside, Mia approaches preoccupied Gaby and says she is sorry about her sister. Gaby impatiently tells her to say what she really is thinking, just for once! Mia follows her and wants to be friends. She is sorry she was mean. They discuss Will and Chad. Mia admits Chad is the guy she will always love. Chad lurks behind a tree and grins upon hearing it. He shows himself when Mia laments he is leaving for Wake Forest in a few months. Chad announces he is staying in Salem, so he can be near his friends - and her! - At DiMera mansion, Kate is impressed when Stefano presents her with the key to Maddie's safety deposit box. Madeline will soon pay dearly for underestimating the phoenix! Kate smirks and assures him she will do her best impersonation of the ice queen. Stefano coos she will be brilliant and within hours, Madeline will have nothing to hold over them. "Our secret will be safe forever!" They kiss on it and she departs. Stefano chuckles. - At Horton house, Doug approaches Julie in the kitchen and she laments Alice has always been the rock of the family. She flashes back to Alice reminding young Julie she would always have a home with her and Tom, with or without her baby. "Oh Doug," she cries, "I'm not ready to say goodbye to her." He hugs his darling and laments neither is he. Ding dong! Bradys calling! Tis Sami, Will, and Syd. Will goes upstairs to see tired Alice. Julie notes there is tension between mother and son. Sami complains he does not approve of her living at DiMera mansion with the kids. Julie says she understands Will being upset that she is living with EJ DiMera. "Good grief, Sami! What in the world are you thinking!" Sami reminds Julie that EJ is the father of two of her kids. Julie wonders what her FBI boyfriend thinks. Sami retorts he is no longer her boyfriend. Julie retorts then it is a rebound thing. Sami claims she and EJ are friends. Julie points out she got pregnant the last time she lived with the DiMeras. She knows the DiMeras better and warns Sami she is making the worst mistake of her life. Sami wants her to respect she is trying to do right by her kids. She is a single parent. Julie knows all about that. She states her belief that the other parent in this case - EJ - is a troubled man. Sami defends him as an amazing father. Julie gives her a look. She concludes she is trying to replace Rafe with EJ and will live to regret it! She explains Sami reminds her of her and she does not want to see her make the same mistakes. Sami points out Julie has a wonderful family. Julie credits Alice, and the love of the right man. She hopes Sami too will find that kind of love. They hug and cry together. Doug and Will are back in the living room. Young Will found it hard to see Alice looking so fragile. They talk about life. Will admits his grades are slipping and he now lives at DiMera mansion. Doug cannot condone living with the DiMeras. He is stunned to hear Will defend Stefano as a cool guy ... - Back at DiMera mansion, Stefano moves a few chess pieces, looks at his phone, and muses Katherine should be ready for her closeup by now! - At a Salem bank, Kate, wearing a blond wig, has coolly just signed in as Madeline. She tells the employee she has the key to her safety deposit box and they both smile. Once she is alone, she rummages through the box, seeking the tape. Moments later, she hears someone greeting Judge Madeline and freezes. She now dumps everything in her bag and slips out, unnoticed. Madeline talks to the bank employee about accessing her safety deposit box. She is surprised to see in the book that the judge has already signed in! Maddie explodes and demands security be summoned. "Dear God," she gasps. "What have they done!" - Elsewhere, the teen scene continues. Mia is pleased to hear Chad is staying in town to be around his friends. What did his parents say? His mom is more bothered about him hanging around with Will. He tells the girls of the Kate/Maddie picture. He boasts that he and Will are going to solve the mystery of the true connection between Madeline and Kate once and for all ... - At DiMera mansion, Kate and Stefano go through the stolen contents of Maddie's safety deposit box and soon find the tape, not paying attention to the sealed envelope it also contained ... - In the hospital, hall, Victor thanks Maggie for her guidance and takes her hand in his. She understands him better than most people, he says softly ... - Ari places a call to Brady from the prison. He is fine but swears he did not use ... She asks how he let this happen! - Meanwhile, Nicole chews out Dick Baker for hurting Brady. He did not deserve it! Baker warns this is about keeping people from discovering the things they did, "Because if they do, you can kiss your sweet dream life with Brady goodbye ...!" Next on Days of Our Lives Chloe looks nervously at Father Matt. "You're not going to tell Daniel I slept with Phillip, are you?" "If you hurt Brady like this one more time, I will want your head on a platter!" Nicole rages at Dick. "I didn't do it!" Brady exclaims to Arianna. |
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