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up at 5 p.m. est Friday, June 18, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only LUCKY CHANCES and more ...! - Steph and mama Kayla meet each other at the pub and have a reunion, though Kayla wishes it were for a happier reason. They talk family. Steph promises to visit Kayla and papa and little Joey soon. They discuss Nath. Steph wants to be there for him. He makes her happy, though there have been problems. Kayla reminds her that is normal, one just has to work through them. Steph admits she almost messed up for good when she did something stupid. - Melissa is glad to be with Maggie at Alice's. Maggie updates her that Alice has just taken a turn for the worse. They hug. Melissa is in tears. Maggie tells her Alice sometimes sleeps through the visits, but sometimes she smiles. No words are necessary. Flashback to Alice assuring a young Melissa she will find her happiness. Melissa comes back to reality. She now heads off to see Alice, taking comfort that she will at least feel she is with her. When Melissa comes downstairs, she cries that Alice whispered not to waste a minute, after she said she had not seen Nathan yet. Melissa goes on to say she is glad Nathan is with Stephanie, cos that other girl Melanie, she was trouble! Maggie's eyes flicker. - Baker argues his case to Nicole. There was nothing else he could have done! Nicole informs him Brady was once an addict. He is surprised to hear it. His decision was only about survival. Nicole sits on the bed and laments she felt so badly, she almost told Brady the truth. What stopped her, wonders Dick. She loves him. Nicole lashes out at the doc for ruining Brady's years of sobriety. She threatens to get his head on a platter if he ever hurts Brady like that again! - Ari talks to Brady on the phone and he becomes upset she does not believe him, that she thinks he went on a bender. Time is soon up for the prisoner so she must get off the phone, after telling him to please take care of himself. Brady gets dressed, much to Dr. Nathan's dismay. The young doctor speaks of his need to get rehydrated after the drugs. Brady snaps he did not take any drugs or alcohol. There is only one person he must discuss this with and no one will stop him from seeing her tonight! Nicole soon arrives, only to find out that Brady checked himself out. She is further surprised when she overhears a nurse on the phone, ordering another x-ray on Chloe Lane, as the last one was not clear ... - Back at the pub, Kayla wonders about Stephanie's mysterious mistake. Steph states she was just insecure and pushed too much. She mentions traps. Kayla is curious where the desperation came from. From Melanie, who has been known to screw up her life ... Enter Nath. He greets Kayla and puts an arm around Steph. Kayla asks after mom Melissa. She is with grandma Maggie. Kayla praises Nathan for building a fine reputation as a doctor. He appreciates it and steps away to get a coffee for his mom, who will arrive there shortly.Kayla tells Steph she approves of her suitor. Moments later, Melissa approaches Nathan and they hug. He indicates Kayla and the two women embrace, so happy to see each other. Nath and Steph observe the happy gathering. The gang sit together and tell Alice stories. She never forgot how important it was to be with loved ones. Nath informs Steph he has a surprise for her, which he must go back and get. He kisses her tenderly. - Dan meets Mel with news that the wedding is on hold - maybe even indefinitely. He thinks she is pleased about it. She admits she is a little. Dan insists he and Chloe are solid, the problem is related to her previous annulment with Lucas. Mel replies he deserves the best. He calls her the best daughter. And soon he will have the best wife, he grins. He is now seeking Maggie. She is with the Horton clan, but Mel claims does not feel comfortable there. Dan has heard from Nath that he will be at the pub, so he will not be around .... When they arrive at Alice's place, Maggie greets the pair. The redhead asks Mel to pour some lemonade for them. She agrees and goes into the kitchen to do just that. Maggie faces Dan. She received his urgent message and nervously asks what it is about. He bears news about her illness. Her MG is in remission! She thanks him. This is the best news of the day, for now she feels she can stay here and take care of Alice full time. Mel returns with lemonade. Dan is gone. Maggie shares her good news. Mel is elated. She only wishes she could stay there and help her but she is like poison in this house. She pouts she does not fit the Horton family picture. Maggie thinks she is a kind person and they should be proud to have her around. She tells her darling girl she lifts her spirits just by being her. Mel hugs her like a lost child. Maggie prepares to go upstairs and check on Alice. Mel must leave, tells her she loves her, and walks to the front door. When she opens it, she comes face to face with a solemn Nathan ... - Father Matt enters Chloe's hospital room. He has received a message from Daniel about her latest lie - that there is a problem with her marriage annulment. These sins are piling up and he will not be a part of it! Chloe panics he will tell Daniel of her affair with Phillip. The priest explains he would never reveal what she told him during confession. Chloe remains nervous. What if Daniel asks questions? Father Matt must take a train out of Salem to meet with a bishop in an hour, so she seems to have caught a lucky break. However, she simply must tell Daniel the truth! He advises her to be strong and departs. Chloe woefully pulls the blanket up to her face. Nicole visits her friend in her room with a reassuring smile. Chloe brings her up to speed on the fiasco of the falling elevator. This is the first Nicole has heard of it. Chloe asks then what brought her to hospital. She is dismayed to hear Brady was brought in with drugs and alcohol in his system. Nicole believes him, that he did not do it, however, that he did not fall off the wagon. Chloe deduces she must know something and asks her pal what is going on! Nicole replies she just knows and besides, he had been working to get that twit Arianna off. Chloe suggests she look on the bright side. If Ari has to go to prison, then maybe Brady will turn to Nicole and at least one of them will be happy. The conversation turns to Chloe's latest woes. She confesses to her friend that she was lied to about Daniel being with Carly at a motel and by the time she found out, it was too late. Then she had too much to drink ... Nicole realizes she cheated. Chloe laments Carly knows and has given her an ultimatum. Nicole has a plan. Daniel should not know she was there, though, as it would make him far too suspicious ... Meanwhile, lovestruck Dan has just come back to the hospital. He is summoned to ER before he can open Chloe's door ... In Chloe's room, Nicole advises her to marry Dan as soon as possible. He is not like EJ, so he will not abandon her regardless of what he learns. It is her only option. She must get married today! Chloe is concerned about Carly. Nicole says she will take care of that one and departs. When she comes back, she has news. Dr. Carly will not be a problem, for she is in surgery. Chloe wistfully points out Father Matt will not marry them. Nicole suggests someone else and reminds her apprehensive friend that this is her only chance! - Brady saunters up to Arianna's cell, his face tense. She thinks he should be in hospital and remarks that his eyes are bloodshot. "I didn't do it!" he barks. Why will she not believe him! He explodes when she states he should check himself into a program. Furthermore, her implication that she does not believe him sounds like an ending to him! He will continue to help her as he does believe in her, but he needs to rethink their future. Obviously she has! He walks away. "Brady," she whispers. She is upset and does not want to leave things like this. "Guard!" she now gasps. The prisoner wishes to make a call and tell someone she was wrong. Too late. She must wait until tomorrow ... - Brady returns to the empty house of Kiriakis and remembers better times, when he and Ari pledged their love for one another. He punches the door in frustration. Nicole drops by. She was concerned. He thanks her for caring and believing in him. He admits he went to see Ari. Nicole realizes she did not believe him and hugs him, smiling victoriously. - Dan saunters into Chloe's hospital room, She airily tells him he was right and there is no point waiting. They can have someone else marry them, they do not need Father Matt. What changed? Chloe claims she was not thinking clearly, due to the pain medication. The doc murmurs she was not given pain medication, as she has a head injury. Something is going on, something is wrong, and this time he wants the whole truth ...! Next on Days of Our Lives "What exactly is home for you these days, Sami!" says Lucas. "Showtime!" drawls Stefano, Kate by his side. "I want to be your wife right now," Chloe cries to Dan. |
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