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up at 5 p.m. est Wednesday, June 23, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only THE CIRCLE OF LIFE ... - Brady is on the phone, talking to his man Fred about getting justice for Ari. He advises him to practice his poker face - and win! Enter Nicole, who laments she is desperate for a favor. He feels he owes her. Nicole states something feels more important with each day and only he can help prevent her from losing it. Her job. She missed a broadcast when she was with him at the hospital and the boss is mad. How about Brady give her a scoop, like a piece on Titan? Brady suggests a piece on the muggings, to help get Arianna off. Nicole lies she has been digging and the only suspect appears to be Ari. Besides, the producer will not delegate any more resources and also put a moratorium on covering the attacks. Brady declares he will talk to Phillip about that. Nicole criticizes Ari for hurting him and not believing in him. Brady sighs he and Ari are actually through as a couple. As for her piece ... how about a tribute to Alice Horton? Nicole thanks him for the input and says she will see him later... - Suited EJ visits Arianna is the slammer. She is a wreck and seems to be getting claustrophobic. He gives her a sympathetic look. The arraignment is tomorrow. He wants to be optimistic, though they have to consider her previous convictions. She mentions Nicole being behind this. He agrees and assures her he will prove it! He needs more time, but he is convinced she already feels the pressure and will make a mistake. He knows Nicole. - At DiMera mansion, Will opens the door to visitor Carrie. Sami comes out carrying Sydney. The two women greet each other. The tension in the air is thick. Carrie compliments Syd. Sami coldly wants to know what she is doing at the mansion. Will gives them a moment. Carrie wonders if Will likes living there. Sami admits he is not communicative with her, but she has heard it already, so ... Carrie explains she is there not to judge. She is there to apologize for what Anna did. Sami replies she was not at fault and admits she partially blames herself. After she has put Sydney down, she updates her on the fact that she had a child with EJ. Maybe Anna thought it would be karmic payback to Stefano. Carrie disagrees. She reminds Sami that they are family. Sami, however, thinks too much has happened for them to mend fences. She does not blame her if she never forgives her. Carrie blames herself, too. She flashes back to Alice telling her to have courage and dream to fix things. Both gals tearfully agree they are sorry. The sisters will make a fresh start, in honor of Mrs. Horton and Sydney. - Replay of Carly announcing she will be heard. Chloe begs her not to say what she came to say. She overreacts. Dan suggests they listen to Carly. Chloe exclaims he has no idea! About what? Chloe glances at Phil and informs Dan that Carly does not think she is good enough for him. Dan doubts it and seeks reassurance from Carly that she did not say such a thing. Carly wishes to speak with Dan and Chloe alone. Phil asks Carly if ruining one marriage was not enough. Mel agrees she and Phil can give them a moment. Dan drawls afterwards, they will still have the wedding. When the three are alone, Carly has a dramatic announcement. "Chloe, you're pregnant!" Chloe does not believe it. Carly retorts the tests do not lie. Dan murmurs that if she is carrying their baby ... their baby ... A sonogram will confirm it. Dan excitedly heads out to track down the justice of the peace, to let him know what is going on. He doubts this is a hysterical pregnancy, tells Chloe he loves her, kisses her, and exits. Carly is sorry about the timing. Chloe thinks she is lying and calls her pure evil! She screams at Carly for driving her to hysteria. Now Dan will have his hopes dashed. She accuses Carly of doing anything to wreck their happiness. - Jennifer nervously tells Maggie she cannot reach Mike via his phone. Maggie points out he may have had trouble getting a rental car. Jen anxiously finds out Mike already rented a car. Ring ring! Tis Lexie ... - At the hospital, Dr. Lexie was surprised to come across Mike Horton. He was anxious to get to Alice and insisted he did not have time to await any test results. Carrie later pays him a visit. The rental car was totaled and he just wants Lexie to give the word that he can leave. Ironic he ended up in a hospital bed, talking to Carrie, who agrees it is ironic and awkward. Mike did not mean it that way and earnestly says it is nice to see her. How are she and Austin? Good. Jennifer rushes in, all worried, and hugs him. Carrie excuses herself. Mike regrets what happened when he was in a hurry. Jen blames herself. Mike wants to get out of there. Jennifer must first update her parents and departs ... - Maddie speaks with Mia in Maggie's kitchen. She is worried about her ruining Chad's life, like she already almost did! Mia warns not to threaten her. Maddie whips out a paper and hands it to her. No threats. Tis an acceptance letter to the High School of the Performing Arts in New York. Maddie had a contact on the board and told them of her dance dedication. Housing and a living allowance are included. Mia agrees when the judge points out it is the chance of a lifetime. However, she cannot take it. There is also a plane ticket for tonight. Maddie assures her Grace would want her to be happy. She should follow her dreams. Mia considers. But what can she tell Maggie? Maddie advises her to tell her she went to live her dream. Mia smiles she will go and Maddie promises the teen she will not regret it ... - Mia drops by DiMera mansion to inform Will of her immediate move to New York. Sami comes by and says hello. Mia thanks them both for everything. She could not have gotten through any of it without Will. In addition, Sami was so good to her. She is glad baby Syd and Sami found each other. She will miss them. Sami praises Mia for doing what she needs to get her life back on track. Mia takes her bag and tearfully exits. Will mutters goodbye and closes the door. He admits to Sami he will miss the girl. Sami hugs him as he fights back the tears. - Phil and Mel head for the pub and he wonders why Mel's mom keeps interfering in other people's lives. They later discuss as he gets them each a glass of wine. She noticed that he did not look happy about Carly's announcement and neither did Chloe. Phil covers, apologizes for trashing her mom, and walks off to ask Pete to put his dressing on the side ... - Outside, Nicole is filmed speaking of how much the town loved Alice Horton. Along comes E,J., drawling "Even Alice Horton didn't love you!" Nicole tells the cameraman to cut and take a break. EJ slams her for sensationalizing Alice Horton's situation when she is not even dead yet. Nicole sarcastically brings up his living arrangement with Sami. She can tell he has not been getting any satisfaction. He sarcastically states he could not possibly have had as many lovers as her. He warns she will not succeed in snagging Brady Black. He will prove she framed Arianna. Nicole suggests he put up or shut up. EJ promises her he will! He is merely biding his time, for maximum impact.Is she covering Arianna's arraignment tomorrow? He quips he gets the feeling that the person in the news will not be Ari! Nicole looks nervous ... - Brady visits Ari at her cell and she admits she should have believed him when he told her he was not using. He is a man of his word and she will never doubt him again. Brady admits he does not believe in EJ as her lawyer. He vows to find out who set her up and make them pay! - Back at the hospital, Daniel reassures Chloe if it is not true, they will get through this together. However, if their baby is growing inside her, it will be the most wonderful thing. Carly sits with them and the sonogram is ready. Dan is excited. Chloe just wants to get it over with, still convinced she is not pregnant at all. - Still stuck at the hospital, Mike implores Lexie to let him out of there so he can go see Alice ... - Meanwhile, Jen arrives at the house to update her parents, only to be greeted by a teary-eyed Maggie. "Alice just died." The two embrace and cry for the loss of Alice, for the real-life loss of her legendary portrayer, the incomparable Frances Reid ... - Back at the hospital, Dan grins at the sonogram. He asks Chloe to look at him, as she will want to see this. "In a few months, we're gonna have a baby ...!" Next on Days of Our Lives "When I find her, I'm gonna make sure she pays for what she did!" Sami tells Carrie. Shane and Rafe are on a plane bound for Salem "Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated," grins Shane. "He dropped off the face of the earth!" Kim informs Bo. |
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