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Thursday, June 24, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only MEMORIES ... - Bo has a visitor on his doorstep - Kayla, who brings sister Kim. Kayla is relieved to hear Bo say Alice did not suffer and was surrounded by loved ones. Bo is elated to see Kimber, who assures him she got her health back and it is all thanks to him! The three later sit down to talk and Kim complains that after their divorce, Shane just dropped off the face of the earth! - On a plane about to take off for Salem, FBI Rafe is pleasantly surprised when suave ISA agent Shane Donovan sits in the seat next to him and drawls that reports of his death were greatly exaggerated! Rafe chuckles. Is he going back to the ISA? Shane has learned from the ISA something happened in his family. He must first look into the matter before making any such decision. Rafe presses for details. Shane must first find out if the ISA was lying. He is about to see his family and hopes it is not too late. Rafe admits he himself does not know what to expect in Salem and if not for his sister's situation, he might not be returning at all. Shane wonders if he has spoken to Sami yet. Nope. Shane updates him on the death of Alice Horton. Rafe is sorry to hear about it. He felt like he knew her. Shane drawls she was a great lady, certainly no pushover. - Back in Salem, Roman embraces daughter Carrie at the pub. They discuss Mike. Roman is also sorry he missed Carrie last night. FBI folks are in town, due to Anna. They both hope she has not done anything crazy again. Roman advises Carrie to let him know if she hears from Anna, cos if anyone else finds her first ... "She's gonna answer to me!" declares Sami, holding Ally. Ally is soon excited to get a healthy snack and Sami sends her upstairs to give some to her grandma. Carrie again tells Sami she is sorry. Sami reminds her she is not to blame for Anna's wrongdoings. Roman now learns the two sisters have made amends. He is glad. Sami recounts how Anna put Sydney's bloodied clothes in the river and let her think she was dead. When she finds her, she will make her pay for what she did! Roman gets Sami to calm down. He will see his daughters later and heads off to meet with Bo. Sami tells Carrie she is sorry for going off on her mother, who was not quite herself after Tony died. Carrie admits her wacko mother was more like a child over the years. Sami asks her sister if she and Austin are happy. Carrie replies they are and assures Sami she will find that in her life, too. Sami laments she found Rafe but then drove him away. "I have no one to blame but myself," she sighs. Carrie laughs off the notion of Sami throwing in the romantic towel. Sami refers to her past, how she trapped men who did not want her. Carrie thinks things changed since then. Sami agrees, yet she did lie to Rafe, after he moved heaven and earth for her to find Sydney. Carrie thinks he must understand she was under stress at the time. Sami is not so sure. Now he is nowhere to be seen and she does not think he is coming back ... Then again, perhaps it was not meant to last, it was just one of those passionate things. Carrie asks if the feelings are gone. No, Sami admits, but when she lied to him about the ransom note, he seemed too calm afterwards. That lie ate away at what they had. She does not think they can get it back. Carrie brings up EJ. Sami admits he has been there for her and ... she would rather not discuss. Too confusing. Carrie realizes why. "Is it possible that you love both these guys ...?" - Hope, wearing a black dress, falls to pieces in the kitchen. Enter Doug. "Oh daddy"! she cries as they hug. Doug wishes he could comfort her the way Alice comforted him when her mother was ill. Hope asks him to repeat what she said when her mother died. That death was a transition and life never ends. Doug promises that Alice will live on, through her descendants ... Hope cries she just wishes she had told her how sorry she was for letting her down. Doug consoles her. They head for the pier and sit on a bench as lazy waves are heard lapping to shore. Hope blames herself for giving up on her marriage. Doug informs her Alice knew Bo and Hope were passionate people and despite the breakup, her money was on Bope! He adds that the odds might have changed now, in Hope's favor. He gives his unhappy daughter a reassuring hug. They return to the Horton kitchen and Doug continues trying to convince Hope that she and Bo belong together. Hope flashes back to Alice giving her her mother's earrings for her wedding day. Young Hope is excited. Alice points out her real wedding was not to Larry Welch, it is only to Bo, which is why she did not take them out for the wedding to Larry Welch. They are for her wedding with Bo. Back to the present. Hope picks up a mug saying Best Grandma Ever and whispers she certainly was that ... - Bill is in Maggie's kitchen. The gang are doing everything for her. Bill says Maggie needs to take care of herself, or let them do it for her. Mag gets intense and retorts they should stop the Maggie maintenance. She complains Marie showed up with a ham, took out the garbage, maybe even washed her car. Laura then offered her a ride to church! Maggie announces she is getting thru the loss of Mickey. Bill is sorry they were not there. The redhead sighs it was their loss too. But she is making it! She feels as Bill and Marie just lost their mother, they should be taking care of themselves and their kids. She is fine. Bill points out she never told them her condition came back. Everyone is worried. Maggie snaps she is fine! Bill admits Alice did not think she was so fine. The last time they spoke, she begged Bill to look after Maggie. Maggie states she was overreacting. Bill adds that Mickey asked him the same thing. Maggie takes it all in. That was sweet but she can take care of herself. Bill retorts that was what Mickey said she would say. Maggie insists she is now OK, and according to docs, in remission, Bill thanks God but he made a promise to his brother so she is stuck with him. They embrace and she cries she can handle that. - At DiMera mansion, Kate slips some papers in her briefcase. Enter Lucas. She remarks this must be difficult. The Horton family will not be the same without their matriarch. Lucas solemnly states she used her time as she wanted on earth and that is what he learned from her. Kate admits she envied her for never wanting more money, power, like others. She praises Lucas for doing such a great job with Hearth and Home in Hong Kong. He agrees it is going well, but does not think Sami wouldl let him keep Ally there. Kate, however, feels Sami and EJ are more focused on Johnny and Sydney, due to all that happened. She was glad Lucas took Ally, as she feared she would be lost in the shuffle. "What about Will?" says Lucas. Enter Will, who seconds the motion! The teen takes a seat. Lucas clears his throat and explains. They were talking about biz. He is considering running Hearth and Home from Hong Kong. Makes good biz sense, but could be shaky with the family. Will realizes Lucas wishes to live in Hong Kong. He gets upset and exclaims he can forget it! Will now stands up and admits that came out too strong. Kate suggests he give his father a chance to finish the invitation. Lucas assures his son he has an open invitation to live with him. Will, however, would rather not switch schools or leave his mother and siblings. "Ahem," says Kate. Will hastily adds "And grandma." Kate departs to make some phone calls. Lucas understands, though Will's living arrangements are strange at the very least. Will explains the DiMeras have been polite, thanks to EJ. EJ has been really decent to Sami. That makes Lucas scared! - In the Horton living room, Jennifer gets off the phone with the reverend. Alice had already pre-arranged her service with him. Julie is in tears and impressed. Flashback to Alice telling a young Julie the court could rule against ther so they will have to prove their case, especially Julie. Has she faced what to do if Banning wins custody? Julie laments she is not sure she could go on without her son ... The flashback is over and Julie cries heaven is a lot brighter today. Jen wonders if gran knew how much she was loved. "She knew," murmurs Julie. Ding dong! Tis Mayor Abe, there to offer his condolences and pay his respects. He recalls how Alice used to take the Carvers under her wing. It was a privilege to know her, even when ... Flashback to Alice daring a young detective Abe to arrest her if he had proof. Abe now chuckles "She was one tough lady!" - Still at Bo's house, Kim yells her frustration about Shane acting so irresponsibly, disappearing when he has family. Just who the hell does he think he is! Enter Roman, who voices his agreement ... Bo prepares to go out to the car, where he left some bagels. Kayla offers to go with him and help. Bo admits he wanted to call Carly. Kayla, however, hopes he is not asking Carly to the funeral! Bo thinks she should suspend her judgment. Kayla is mad. Bo points out Hope moved out, then Carly came back to town and he fell in love, which changed everything. - Julie and Doug are in the living room and Julie hands him Alice's bible. They will read her favorite scriptures and also Alice's welcome home celebration. Julie had asked her to write it down. Doug pulls out the paper and proceeds to read ... In the kitchen, Hope is joined by Jennifer. They both miss Alice so much. Hope laments she is going to gran's funeral without Bo by her side. - Still at the Horton house, Doug, Julie, Hope, and Jennifer join hands as Alice's voice is heard, reminding them, in her own words, that family never ends ... Next on Days of Our Lives "Your problem is you can't stop thinking about her," Shane drawls to Rafe. Carrie informs Sami "If you have feelings for Rafe and EJ, you have to decide!" Hope faces Bo. "I just don't think I can make it through this day!" |
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