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Monday, June 28, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only BACK TO THE FUTURE! - Replay of Sami opening the door to Rafe at DiMera mansion. He states he was told he could find her here. "I had to see you," he murmurs. How are the kids? They are great. She updates him on them all. When did he return? "Just now, I came straight here." Sami appears pleased. She gasps she missed him and throws herself into his arms. They hug each other tightly. Where has he been all this time? Rafe is relieved to hear that Stefano and EJ are presently out, as he needs to be alone with her to say anything. Sami is confused. Rafe updates her on his investigation, how he found Anna, tried to get Calliope to make her admit who she was working for. But then Anna figured out Calliope was wired and the next thing he knew, Anna was poisoned before she could talk. She recovered, though someone had him thrown in jail. Someone who did not want him to find out the truth. Sami is shocked. Rafe continues. He managed to break out of jail, but by the time he got back to the hospital, Anna was already gone. Sami realizes he never found out who she was working with. Rafe mutters he came home empty handed. Sami is impressed that the whole time he was gone, he was on a mission for her! - Meanwhile, a bejeweled, preoccupied Kate places a white envelope containing a copy of Maddie's secret back in her bag. She would never have left it in a safety deposit box ... Now that she knows everything, should she tell her husband? Kate picks up her bag and walks off. - Maddie strolls outside the pub while on the phone and finishes agreeing to see someone soon. She whips out a manila envelope,relieved she has it back and Kate and Stefano did not see it. Along comes Chad, who admits he found something out and he is not happy about it. Maddie, assuming the worst, appears mortified. They enter the pub and he informs her he received a text from Mia, who abruptly left town for a performing arts program. That was her only goodbye! Maddie flashes back to giving the girl her plane ticket. Chad vows to find out what happened. Maddie tells him not to. She thinks he should give the girl some space. He states it seemed too weird. Maddie claims if they are meant to be, then Mia will get in touch with him. If she does not, perhaps it is for the best. Mia was one bad decision after another. She advises Chad not to chase after her. He unhappily says he will think about it and excuses himself. Once alone, Maddie tells herself she had to do it. She takes out her envelope and repeats that she had to do it! - In the cemetery, Hope asks Bo if he is coming back to gran's place. She would have wanted that. Of course. She picks up a fallen yellow rose and he does too, so their hands come together and touch. Their eyes meet. Hope is wistful. She will see him back at the house and departs. Bo approaches the picture of Alice and flashes back to her once telling hm anytime he ever needed someone to talk to, she would be there for him. Always. Bo laments he will miss her and he sure could use her advice right about now. - Back at Alice''s, the gang go through a family album, remembering Alice moments, including when she once played Groucho Marx. In another part of the room, Roman discusses the re-emergence of Shane to Kim with Kayla ... Julie mentions how Alice one saved puppies from the pound. Hope, now present, says she also saved her and Bo. More than once. Ciara would like to hear that story ... Flashback to young 1980s Bo and Hope racing out of the New Orleans Wax Museum. They are in a hurry and happy to run into Alice, who lets the escapers board a trolley free of charge. Ciara wishes that grandma could save her parents now. Bo has overheard and gives Hope a remorseful look. Kayla is soon at Hope's side and tells her it is time to end the nonsense. Time for her and Bo to get back together! Hope whispers it is complicated. Much has happened. Kayla insists one of them must make the first move. In the kitchen, Laura later asks if anyone has seen Bill. "Not lately," admits Marie. Laura offers to help Maggie carry trays of sandwiches out to the backyard. Lucas holds open the door. Once he has shut it, Carrie approaches to say goodbye, as she has a plane to catch. Lucas asks her to give Austin his best. She appreciates it. She is sorry for the way things turned out for them. Lucas reminds her what wise woman Alice used to say. "There are no endings, only new beginnings." They hug. He says it was good seeing her again. Out in the living room, Nath has found a special tape. He puts it on and the gang watch Tom and Alice renewing their wedding vows. Carrie later says her goodbyes to Roman and Bo. She suggests Bo and Hope visit in Switzerland sometime. Roman and Bo accompany Carrie out to the waiting car.Still inside, Ciara and Theo are coloring. Theo asks his friend about her treasures. Did she find them? Ciara sighs she did not find her treasures and she misses them. She explains they were her mother's first. They were wallets but now they are gone. Maybe her mommy took them back. Hope walks into the room in time to hear Ciara say they disappeared the same night her mommy was hugging that strange man. Hope is miffed. "Ciara Brady, stop it! What kind of stories are you making up now?!" She later lectures her daughter and tells her to stop making up stories about people, including mommy. Ciara exclaims she is not making up stories and complains her mommy never believes her. Bo enters and she runs into his arms. Bo casts Hope a concerned look. Back in the kitchen, Will asks Maggie if Mia has called. Yes, she arrived in NY safe and sound. The redhead admits it was sad talking to her. She is glad for her, but there was no warning and she did not explain why her departure was so sudden. The gathering is now over and Maggie points out they got through it. Julie tells Jen that Maggie always thinks of others. Jen smiles it reminds her of someone ... Bo and Roman quietly discuss the muggings case. Roman is sure Ari is innocent. Bo says now that he is back, he will take a closer look at everything. Hope has overheard and declares he cannot take this case away from her! Besides, the evidence is solid, with DNA. She thinks Bo does not trust her. Bo just thinks she needs help.Hope gets madder. Bo thinks she is overreacting and seems to be spread a little thin, given all that has been happening. He notes she has been under stress. Hope accuses him of implying she cannot do her job well. Enter Doug and Julie with Ciara. Bo picks up Ciara to say goodbye, then puts her down, tells Hope they will talk later, and exits. Doug offers to drive Ciara home. Hope sadly accepts. Julie asks if she is alright. Has she been sleeping? Hope is tired and decides she really needs a good night's sleep ... - Maggie is back home in her kitchen. She picks up a picture of Mickey and tells him she will be alright as long as she has Mickey and Alice in her heart ... - Dick Baker sits on the bed in his room, reading the newspaper obituary of Alice Horton, including a quote from granddaughter Hope Brady. He realizes why Hope has not been in touch and wonders if they will be returning to the mugging business. His face darkens. Or is she going after her ex ...? The doc tries to keep himself busy with a crossword puzzle, though his mind remains on the woman who has so intrigued him. He flashes back to red lipstick Hope confiding to him the men she attacked were mere stand-ins for Commissioner Bo. Baker tosses the crossword puzzle aside. The woman is like a bomb waiting to go off and her next victim will be her husband! - Kim storms into Bo's empty place and tells herself she does not care that nervy Shane showed up like that. She flashes back to Alice once reminding her their love was too strong to go to waste. "Not this time," says Kim. Knock knock knock! Tis Shane! She quips she does not want to see him. He drawls he needs to see her. She bitterly reminds him he was nowhere when she had leukemia. He explains he did not know. Kim rages she was lying in a hospital bed and left many messages for him, but he never came. He points out he could not receive her messages as he was in a dingy jail. A field mission with the ISA gone bad. He did not find out about her illness until he was debriefed to come back to the U.S.A. He is so sorry he let her down, but he is here now. Kim's eyes are filled with tears. She never realized he was in prison. Shane admits it was like a hole in the ground. He never stopped thinking about her... And he came to see her now, to see if there was anther chance for them. "Go to hell!" she cries. She accuses him of not caring and opens the door, shouting at him to get out! "Get out!" she sobs. Shane, after begging her not to do this, pauses at the door. "This isn't over," he drawls before leaving. - Kate places a yellow rose at the grave of Alice. She knew it was not appropriate for her to attend the service, but she is her son's grandmother and he thought the world of her. Kate has regrets and cries she did not let Alice be a bigger part of her son's life. She is sorry and just wants to say goodbye to a sweet lady. Bill now approaches Kate, who wipes the tears from her remorseful eyes. Bill murmurs he just came back to say goodbye to mother Alice before leaving town. Kate wants to give him his privacy. Bill asks if she wants to talk. He overheard her saying she has regrets. Kate thanks him, says it was good seeing him, but laments no one can help her. She sadly takes her leave. - At the hospital, a nurse enters Mike Horton's room to check his vitals and finds only an empty bed. Mike is fully dressed, out in the hall. holding a plaque dedicated to the faithful service of Mrs. Alice Horton. He raises his eyes to the heavens and tells her that he is sorry he missed saying goodbye. He knows she will always be with him. She never left them and never will. - Kate and Maddie meet up at the pier. Maddie has received the delivery. Everything was there, minus the tape. Kate alludes to what has happened - ALL that has happened - and gives Maddie a look! - Alone at Alice's, Hope sighs, blows a kiss goodbye to her picture on the mantelpiece, and walks out the front door, the last Salemite to do so. - Back at DiMera mansion, Rafe informs Sami the reason he was gone was really because he wanted justice to be served. She reacts bitterly and reminds him Ari has been arrested. So much for justice. Rafe will see her soon and is sure she has been set up. He make s a wisecrack about EJ deserving to be attacked and Sami defends him. He was hurt and she does not find it funny. Rafe would like to know what is going on between them. She updates him on the burst pipes which are now fixed. Rafe gets sarcastic. She is still there. Sami says EJ has been great with the kids. Everyone is happy at the mansion. She admits it was lonely at her place. Rafe thinks she turned to EJ. Sami assures him there is nothing between them. He states he might not believe her. She reminds him he walked out on her. He warns EJ is the last guy she should be with. Sami smiles he is jealous. He denies it. EJ will just hurt her again and he will not allow it to happen! Rafe now grabs her and the pair kiss passionately ... Next on Days of Our Lives "I have something I need to say to you," Chloe tells Dan. Kate faces Maddie. "I know everything!" "Can't help it if that's not good enough for you," says Rafe as EJ stares. "Go to hell!" |
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