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Tuesday, June 29, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only LOVE TRIANGLE! - Chez DiMera, replay of Rafe grabbing and kissing Sami passionately after they argue on her living arrangements and she calls him jealous. Enter EJ. The pair stop kissing. EJ stares at them coldly. He then takes a step forward. "Rafe, I'd like you to leave, please." He pours himself a drink. The two fellas proceed to make snide remarks at each other. Enter Stefano. Rafe declares he is there to give them news. He found Anna, who told him about the kidnapping. EJ freezes. Stefano smoothly asks what exactly she said. Sami listens intently. Rafe states Anna confessed her part in the kidnapping. Stefano drawls is that all? That's his big news? Rafe claims he cannot say more, as the FBI investigation is ongoing. EJ calls it a farce that he will not tell them, for they have a right to know. Rafe plays along. He adds Anna was poisoned before she could say more and then disappeared while being treated in hospital. Stefano calls him an idiot and bellows he failed them by returning with nothing! Rafe drawls at the DiMeras to go to hell, warns EJ that the truth always comes out, and saunters off. Sami follows him outside and wants to know what that was all about. Why did he kiss her? His eyes woeful, he claims it was a kiss goodbye. Inside, Stefano considers. Anna was telling the truth. FBI man knows nothing. EJ is dismayed he is still around. The phoenix realizes something happened before he arrived. EJ denies it. Stefano steps out to make a call. - On the pier, Kate enlightens Maddie. "I know everything!" Madeline deduces she went through all her papers. Indeed. Kate also made an unexpected discovery, though she did not tell Stefano. Not yet. She is partially responsible for what happened. She wants them all to move on. Maddie asks if she will not tell Stefano. Kate implies she will not for the time being and that is the best she can do. - Carly has ventured to the cemetery, where she lays flowers at Alice's grave. Jennifer is happy to find her there, paying her respects. The fair Jen sees her old friend has been crying. Is it about Bo? No. It concerns Dan. Carly swears Jennifer to secrecy. She found out something about Dan, who has been so good to her, and it is complicated. He thinks something wonderful has happened, but she fears it could turn out tragic for him. She feels guilty about the past, how she withheld things from him. Jennifer assures her she can get it right this time. Carly hugs Jen, thanks her for listening, and praises her for being just like Alice. She goes to get it right. Alone, Jen addresses Alice's grave. She must have given the right advice, cos she was channeling her! She kneels down and sweetly says she will continue to consult gran, who lives on in her descendants. She cries she needs her, as she is an everything expert. She will not say goodbye, for she remains in her heart. Always. - Chloe wakes up in her hospital bed, assuming she has been having a dream. Dan murmurs it is very real that they are having a baby. Chloe is surprised it was not a dream and then whispers this is all she has ever wanted. Sudden flashback to her lovefest with Phil. "Oh no, that can't be!" She asks how far along she is. The doc wonders why she is anxious. Chloe claims she just wants to know the due date. She is about 2 months along. He sees she is nervous about it and presumes she is worried about the baby, but the baby is fine. Chloe only wishes she could go back in time and change herself, her insecurities. Delighted Dan insists he loves her regardless. "As long as we're together, I'll forgive you for anything." Chloe now decides she must tell him something. Right now! - Outside DiMera mansion, Sami tells Rafe it did not feel like a kiss goodbye. He woefully excuses himself to go to his sister. Sami returns inside the mansion, where a somber EJ awaits. - In her cell, Ari has a visitor - perky Gaby, who exclaims Rafe is back. He will get her out of there so she will not have to count on EJ. Rafe soon arrives and Gaby must go, as the guards will allow only one prisoner at a time. Rafe wants all the deets from Ari, who mentions EJ says there is hope ... Rafe snaps what the hell does EJ have to do with any of this! He is dismayed to hear he is her lawyer and he insists she drop him, she does not need him. Ari assumes this has something to do with Sami ... - In the kitchen at home, Phil laments to himself that Chloe will not answer her phone. He is a wreck. Enter Mel, who states she thinks she knows why he wants to reach Chloe. She assumes he is just concerned. She also assumes he thinks Chloe is right for her dad. Phil stammers he is neutral, and points out they still do not know why the wedding was interrupted. Mel deduces Carly must know, as she was the interrupter! Phil convinces her to consult with Dan only and promises to meet Mel for lunch later. He kisses his wife and heads out, then reminding himself he needs to find out what is going on and make sure Chloe keeps their secret! - Phil heads for the hospital, where he finds out Dan is with Chloe and therefore does not enter her room. Inside said room, Daniel interrupts Chloe, as he does not want her to start blaming herself for anything. He was to blame, says he, and promises to be there for her always from now on. He refers to that night they made up as the night they must have conceived. Chloe uncomfortably agrees. Enter a nurse. There are release forms to sign. Dan grins she makes him happy. She smiles and they kiss again. Exit Dr. Dan. Chloe sighs what will she do! She is later dressed and packing when the door opens. Tis Carly, and she looks mighty intense! - Dan visits Mel in Maggie's kitchen. He is grinning from ear to ear and swears her to secrecy for now. She will soon be a big sister. Mel hugs him. The wedding will be soon. Mel says she is happy for him, though she confesses she is not sure she is ready to share him yet. He promises no one will take her place. She talks babysitting. At least this time he will be a dad from the beginning ... - Kayla and Steph are at the pub. Kayla remarks she is happy. Steph agrees she is happier than she was 1 year ago with Phillip. Kayla wishes Phil were out of her mind. Steph admits Phil is not out of her life. They have mutual friends and she worries about him making a mess of things for people. Things haven't changed. She has a bad feeling that Phillip has done something destructive to Melanie. And if he hurts Melanie, that will bring her right back to Nath. She refers to Phillip's ruthlessness. Kayla starts to say something when she gets a call from the hospital. She steps away to take the call. Enter frazzled Phil. Steph approaches and tells him her suspicion he did something wrong. And it could go viral again! He accuses her of gossip mongering and tells her to stay out of it. Steph gets paged by work and must depart. Kayla returns and glares at Phillip. Phil is curious what Steph told her about him. He hopes she will not repeat it. Kayla will say only that he hurts people, including her and Steve! He took Pocket away from them, only to give him away. One has to wonder how easily he would give up on a marriage or anything! Exit Kayla. Enter Mel, who gives him a sympathetic look. - At the hospital, Carly reminds Chloe she has not made things right. This child could be someone else's so she cannot let the matter go. Chloe dares her to do it again. She ruined Daniel's chances of raising a child the first time, after all! If she talks, that will break them up and Daniel will not be there when his child comes into the world. Besides, she is certain this is Daniel's, as with the other guy, she used protection. Carly, however, does not believe her. Daniel must know the truth, the sooner the better! Enter Daniel. Chloe says Carly was just leaving and hugs her beloved, but Carly disagrees. "The hell I am!" - Stefano calls a meeting with Kate at the pier. He complains Hernandez is back and his son is rattled about it, which makes him nervous. What is upsetting this boy! - Back at DiMera mansion, EJ accuses Sami of throwing herself at Rafe, who continuously rejects her. He quietly reminds her she has a family. And he thought ... she must know exactly how he feels by now! Sami does not know what he means. He refers to her moving in and their kiss. She is still confused so EJ finally blurts out "I love you!" Pause. Sami's blue eyes widen ... Next on Days of Our Lives "I have something to tell you and you're gonna listen!" Shane tells Kim. Ari faces Rafe from behind bars. "You're still in love with her!" "That is the biggest lie I have heard you tell yet!" EJ laughs to Sami. |
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