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Thursday, June 3, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only CRIMINAL INTENT and more ...! - At the pub, Phil is bothered that Mel keeps asking him about Chloe being right for her da. He sighs Chloe is just insecure, but Mel suspects she has a secret! What does Phillip know? Phil flashes back to his passion with Chloe and drawls who cares what she thinks he knows, they should stay out of it! She sees she has annoyed him. Phil suggests that they concentrate on their own lives and let her father concentrate on his ... - On the pier, Dan lets Carly know he does not need or want all her unsolicited advice. She calls his wedding impulse. He retorts they have been engaged for months so what the hell is really going on! Real friends do not interfere like that. He feels Carly must have too much free time on her hands! Carly says he is right, she will step back. Dan appreciates her friendship and notes things are complicated, though he does want Chloe to be his wife. Carly wishes them happiness. The doc thanks her. - At the house of Kiriakis, Chloe realizes that Madame Viv in fact wants her to kill Carly, though Viv will not say those words. Carly simply needs to be stopped. So they will guide her through a light into another world, to make this world better without her. All Chloe must do is ensure Carly gets on the elevator at the fateful time. Chloe is uncomfortable. Vivian points out Daniel risked his medical license for her. Perhaps Chloe is not the woman she thought she was! Chloe repeats she is asking her to kill her. Viv assures her she merely needs to get her on the elevator. - Outside the house, Hope asks Baker what they should do now! If Ciara does show Bo those wallets, he will have her pinned as the mugger! Dick drawls he has an idea and takes off. Inside Bo hears the alarm. Hope freezes, still observing Ciara playing with the wallets through the window. Now all she needs is a miracle, she muses. Caroline summons Ciara to the kitchen. Hope sees her chance. She slips in and takes the unattended wallets. Baker rejoins her outside the window. They both watch as Bo and Ciara go back to the living room. Bo has a look inside his daughter's knapsack and remarks there is nothing in there. Caroline rejoins them. Ciara insists she had treasures, which are now gone. Caroline humors the child by giving her an early gift for her first communion - the rosary of her great grandmother. That too is a treasure. Ciara is grateful and scurries off to put it away. Bo is baffled. He sighs that Hope is also worried about Ciara. Caroline explains there is not much the child can count on these days, hence her confusion with fantasy and reality. Bo considers and laments what have he and Fancyface done! Ciara comes back into the room and Caroline heads for the kitchen, as the cookies are ready. Ciara asks if Bo knows what happened to her secret treasure. No. Neither does she. Outside, red lipstick Hope has a headache. Baker should not be there, says he, but he refuses to leave her side. He does care what happens to her. She whispers he is the only one who does. Dick drawls he does not need this in his life, but when she talked tonight about what happened to her, it got to him. He realizes this may be outlandish, but ... she is not alone. Dick murmurs he is on her side. - In Maggie's kitchen, Victor gets off the phone concerning the Mickey Horton scholarship. Maggie teases him about throwing his money around. She thinks he just wants to forget he is married to Vivian. Vic points out he and Viv need not be joined at the hip. The redhead, however, wants him to respect his vows despite the fact that she did not approve of the union. She chuckles he should go home and face the music, adding a wisecrack about Viv waiting on the bed. "I hate you!" he pouts. Maggie jokes he should send her a card from Niagara Falls. Vic laments it ain't funny and departs. - Nath and Steph are eating in bed. They work hard, his schedule is crazy, and they do not even have time for a real dinner. Steph has an idea on how to cut the wasted time. "We could move in together." He replies it is indeed an option. Steph wonders if he is commitment phobic. He reminds her he gave up the John Hopkins foundation to stay near her, and he knows it was a great decision. They get up close and personal. Afterwards, Nath is paged by the hospital, as a little boy who is a patient was re-admitted. Nath is concerned. Steph loves the fact that he is so caring. He will make a great father one day. He states he has other things to take care of first. He is not grown up enough to be the kind of dad he wants to be, the kind of dad who sticks around. Steph's eyes flicker. Nath kisses her and must make his way back to work ... - A very preoccupied Steph heads for the Cheatin Heart, where Adrienne is on the job. The sale on the place fell thru, so she is here to stay. Steph is glad. She needs advice and talks about a friend who might be pregnant. Adrienne knows she is really referring to herself. Steph finally admits she stopped taking her birth control pills without telling Nathan about it and wonders what she was thinking! Adrienne has a suggestion. A morning after pill. Steph reluctantly agrees and appreciates having someone to talk to. Adrienne was glad to help. - Back at the pub, Phil drinks coffee as Mel leans against him and talks of how different she and Chloe are. She mentions the honesty she and Phil have in their marriage. Enter Nath. Mel stares at him longingly and stands up. He fills her in on the little boy who was rushed back to the hospital with palpitations. They discuss the lad. Mel is concerned. Nath sadly admits the other doc is not sure the boy will make it. Mel is sorry and gives him a hug. Phil looks dismayed. Nath gets back to the hospital. Mel is sorry. Phil drawls he understands. She and Nath work together and they have an intense job. He asks Mel a favor. Please stop talking. He has a way they can fix it, too, and ushers her home ...! - Chloe arrives home to the empty apartment and laments things have gotten too wild. She decides to tell Daniel the truth. Tonight! She has a dream of Daniel's reaction if she ever told him she slept with Phillip. The doc denounces her for not believing in him and hitting the sheets with his son-in-law. "You will never cheat on me again. We are through!" He cannot forgive her for hurting Melanie either. She ruins all she touches. Chloe cries and blinks back to reality, now convinced she can never tell him, as he would not understand! She recalls Viv giving her the contact's phone number and is about to call it when she has an incoming call. Tis Carly. Carly does not mince words. She knows Chloe is not telling Dan. The lies are building up. Chloe thinks Viv was right and Carly does not want her and Daniel to be happy. Carly calls that crazy. Chloe flips out that she called her crazy and tosses the phone. Carly is adamant Dan must be told the truth, now more than ever ... - Victor arrives home, only to find Vivian with packed bags. She talks honeymoon, He talks staycation. She has had his bags packed, too. He gets a book, then decides there is one more thing. He warns Viv that she had better not be wanting to getting out of town with him for an alibi. He knows how she operates. If anything happens to Carly, then she will find out the meaning of 'till death do us part! Viv blanches. She reminds him they did have a deal. He grins good and off they go to Niagara, Victor oozing sarcasm as they leave ... - Chez Maggie, Daniel shows wise friend Maggie the ring he will present to Chloe. She coos it is most elegant and classic, just like Chloe. He seeks assurances. She thinks if they make it to the alter, more power to them, and gives her blessing. Dan grins no one will stop them now ... - Bo and Carly touch base on the phone. She is still doing a shift at the hospital, he is at the house. He hears she does not sound well. She thinks she may have overreacted to a situation with ... a patient. They will talk later. Bo now tells Ciara he has a treasure from the merchant marine and he goes upstairs to get it for her. Ciara smiles and walks toward the window. - Steph sits on her bed and pops a morning after pill. She tosses the box aside. Nath joins her and talks dinner. She is surprised he is back so soon. Dr. Nath is equally surprised when he spies the pill box. What is it ...? - Tormented Chloe finally makes a call to a killer ... - Still outside the house, Baker places his arms around Hope, who says this scenario is strange but she believes in him. Meanwhile, wide-eyed Ciara stares at the pair from the window ...! Next on Days of Our Lives "I'm the only one who can clear Arianna," Nicole insists to Brady. Ari asks EJ to do her one more favor. Chloe approaches Carly at the hospital."I have to talk to you right now!" |
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