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NOTE: Days will not been seen on July 1 and July 2 due to Wimbledon. Wednesday, June 30, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only WALK THE LINE ... - At the hospital, replay of Carly snapping that she is not leaving. Dan wonders what the tension is about. Carly declares she must tell him something about Chloe and the baby. Dan waits. Carly hesitates. Chloe steps in and says Carly was just worried her fall hurt the baby. Dan assures her the baby is fine, but Carly already knows that. What did she really wish to tell him? Carly and Chloe exchange a glance. Dan wants to know. All of a sudden, a nurse opens the door and summons the docs to an emergency caused by a car crash. Chloe, now alone, laments that woman will not quit. And Daniel will eventually find out about her Phil fling. Nicole rushes in, complaining her life is going downhill as that EJ is trying to destroy her! But what is wrong with Chloe? Chloe cannot say yet. Nicole perceives she has no wedding ring on. Did she tell Daniel about her affair? No. But Carly would have if they had not been called to ER. Chloe laments she will tell him soon, maybe even now. Nicole is sure it is not too late. She advises her not to give up. Chloe decides she will not take it anymore and will end it! Nicole stops her from doing something rash. Chloe realizes she is right. Nicole says she must do the same thing and not act rashly, as she is not certain if EJ has anything or not to use against her. Chloe wonders what she means. Nicole claims EJ does not have anything on her, but he would not be above inventing something. Meanwhile, doctors Dan and Carly are talking about a baby they just treated. Dan is upset the baby was not strapped in and was in the front seat at the time of the crash. Carly agrees the mother made a mistake. It happens and then their children suffer. Dan remarks she is talking about herself and Melanie. Carly admits she is. "And Chloe, too ..." Daniel is curious what is going on. Carly decides it is up to Chloe to tell him about the baby and excuses herself. Dan goes back to Chloe's room. He opens the door just after she tells Nicole would would Dan say if he knew she cheated! When Nicole departs, at Dan's request, he asks what they were talking about. Chloe says Nicole is worried EJ will pull some dirty tricks on her in court. Chloe has not yet told her pal she is pregnant. Dan admits he and Carly have spoken and wants to know - Chloe would not lie to him, would she? Chloe looks tense. What did Carly say? Just that if there was a problem with the baby, then Chloe would tell him. He probes. Is Chloe withholding anything about her condition? No. Chloe blames Carly for keeping him worried. Dan explains he worries cos he loves her and gives her a kiss. They should go home and start fixing up the room for their baby. Carly walks by the open door, spies the pair kissing, and sighs what will she do now! - At the pub, Mel has overheard and wants to know why Phil did not let the Johnsons keep his son. They walk and talk at the pier. Why did he not let Steph's parents adopt his boy? Phil sighs he was not ready to be a father and had wanted a clean break. He now knows it was selfish. Mel asks if he did a background check of the people he gave Tyler. Indeed. He had them thoroughly screened. Mel remembers her own past. Phil insists the child has a great life. He knows, as he has been keeping track of him. Mel assures Phil she does not think he is selfish and lays her head on his shoulder. She soon gives him a kiss for always being honest. Would he ever want to have another child someday? When the time is right. Her too, but only when the time is right ,... - Shane enters the open door at Bo's house and he has something to say to Kimberly! She is in a hurry to get to the pub and help ma Caroline with inventory. They are over. He drawls she is in denial and she is not even looking him in the eye. He accuses her of not being straight with him.Kim storms off and angrily suggests he lock the door on his way out! ISA Shane, however, will not be deterred. He follows her to the pub and bangs on the door until she opens it. "Make it fast!" she snaps. He whips out a paper, hands it to her, and tells her to read. He is leaving the ISA. He has finally decided not to spend the rest of his life away from his family. He elaborates. They each could have died recently. Therefore, the days of the mission are over. His only mission is to spend the rest of his life with his family. His only hope is that she will let him back in. Kimberly blinks. She stops him from leaving. "Wait!" - At Ari's cell, Rafe insists she get rid of EJ. Ari realizes it is really about Sami. Rafe calls EJ poison. Ari points out he has been only kind. She suspects Rafe has seen Sami and is still in love with her, that is what is causing his overreaction. She updates him on the lousy public defender who would have sent her to jail - until legal eagle EJ came on the scene. Rafe wonders how Brady fits into the scenario. She admits they broke up. Over EJ? No and she would rather not discuss. Rafe repeats that she needs to get EJ out of her life. Arianna states he is her friend who is helping her. Rafe drawls he just wants to look good to Sami. Ari cannot believe it is all about Sami, What about her! Rafe is sorry, that came out wrong. He is unhappy about Sami and EJ bonding while he was away. He tells his sis where he was and updates her on Anna giving him the slip yet again. "I got nothin." And now he and Sami are farther apart than ever. Ari mentions fate. Perhaps they are not meant to be together. - At DiMera mansion, Sami thinks EJ cannot mean what he said. He murmurs when he tells her he loves her, he means every single word. She gets nervous. He notes she is still there and did not leave. Sami stammers it was due to the flood at the townhouse. EJ, however, feels she has remained as she is in love with him, so why not admit it. Sami gasps. She stammers she is glad they are getting along. EJ shakes his head and asks why she cannot admit there is more than that. Sami is sorry and explains she just does not feel that way about him. She agrees when he asks if they are just friends. He was her hero bringing Sydney back to her but that is what she thinks of him. A friend. Elvis grins. "Amazing. That is the biggest lie I have heard you tell yet!" Sami gets mad and starts to yell. He is an arrogant bastard! He calls her a pain. She starts to leave but he smoothly stops her and she ends up in his lap, flustered. She stands up. EJ marvels how she has not changed and he cannot help but love the way she fights when backed into a corner. She wants him to stop using that L word. She gets to decide how she feels. He stands up and wonders why she kissed him before. Must have been because they feel the same thing. He gets closer and closer. The kiss that night said everything he needs to know. Sami gasps. He gets even closer and explains the kiss must have meant she needs and wants him ... He knows she has some feelings for him, so why not admit it? Their faces are almost touching. He whispers not to fight it. Sami breathes deeply. He tells her they belong together. Their lips start to touch ... Ring ring! Sami backs away and suggests he answer his phone. Tis a text from Ari. Her arraignment was moved up. He announces he would like to continue this conversation when he returns, kisses her on the mouth, and saunters out. Sami is still gasping, clearly affected. - EJ soon joins Ari at her cell, where Rafe is still standing. He coolly asks Rafe to give him a moment alone with his client. Rafe retorts she is not his client so maybe he should just leave! EJ considers. Rafe continues, drawling he is in charge of helping his sister. EJ points out he could not even help Samantha. Ari interrupts Rafe, as she has little time to waste before court. Rafe withdraws, after warning lawyer EJ not to blow it for his sister. EJ now enters Ari's cell and they go over strategies. She fears the judge will deny bail. He assures her they can appeal. And someone else will have a dark day very soon ...! - Down at the pier, Nicole is nervously talking to Baker on the phone, complaining that if EJ stands up in court with proof that they planted evidence against Arianna, they are dead meat! Footsteps are heard closing in on her. Nicole turns around, shocked to find herself face to face with Rafe, who gives her a suspicious look. She forces a smile ... Next on Days of Our Lives "If you tell him what you found, lives will be destroyed!" Maddie warns Kate. "One false move, that's it - we have her!" EJ tells Ari. "What is EJ up to?" whispers Nicole. |
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