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Monday, June 7, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only FIGHTS, FALLS, and more ...! - At the DiMera mansion, little Johnny is rowdy. He misses Rafe and wonders why he does not come home. So does Sami. - In a South American jail cell, Rafe and Shane discuss their predicament. It is hot and where is the food! Agent Shane drawls Rafe must be in there cos he got mixed up with Sami. Rafe admits there is now another man in her life, though they will see for how long. Rafe notes how cool Shane is under pressure. When awake, But when he is asleep, he repeats Kimberly's name. Shane admits he is not over the mother of his children. Rafe understands. He will never get over Sami. Shane points out the Brady women can get under your skin. Rafe sighs. Agent Shane ponders Rafe's theory that the DiMeras were behind the kidnapping. Indeed. Perhaps one, some, or all DiMeras! And FBI Rafe is determined to nail them once he gets outta there and gets the truth out of Anna. ISA Shane drawls it might not be too long and the fellas look ready for action ... - Outside, Nicole tells a grateful Brady she is Arianna's chance at an alibi but there could be a hitch. They discuss the check he wrote to get rid of Nicole. She will testify she got the check if he can testify he wrote it - that night. They must have the same story. They enter the pub and sit down. She probes if he remembers the date he wrote the check. He is pretty sure. Not good enough. Brady is optimistic about being able to help Ari. The D.A. enters. Nicole loudly suggests they lie to the police! She can pretend she is totally sure. Otherwise, ex felonista Ari could be in trouble. Brady, who has not seen the D.A., mentions the importance of telling the truth while under oath. Nicole loudly suggests he write another check and fudge the date to help. The D.A. stops by their table and quips she has just made things worse! Nicole feigns indigence. The D.A. talks perjury. Brady insists he said he would not lie under oath. The D.A. cares not, as what he heard here today would be enough to taint his testimony. As of now, Arianna has no alibi! Exit the D.A. Nicole is sorry. Brady no longer wishes to speak to her and walks away. Not deterred, Nicole follows him outside. They are soon at the Kiriakis doorstep. Nicole apologizes for messing things up. - In Ari's cell, EJ is sorry she has to spend another night there. She puts on a brave face. She will be fine so long as Nicole comes through. He sits next to her on the cot, praises her for her resilience, and gives her a reassuring pat on the leg. She has every faith in her hotshot lawyer. He admits he is wary of Nicole. Ari does not trust her either but she does not think it would benefit Nicole to keep her in jail. Elvis solemnly explains she could get her out of the way and it is not about Brady, it is about her as competition at the station. He tells Ari that Nicole might want her out of the way as she is talented and beautiful. She smiles thank you. He asks about Brady. She asks a favor. Later the favor arrives - tis visitor Gaby. Ari would like her to give Brady the following message - that she is sorry. She agrees. Ari says she will then work things out. Gaby makes a snide remark about her being good at that. Ari advises Gaby not to try and get Brady's pity as she wants things to be honest. Moments later, the angry D.A. arrives at her cell and leers her alibi is shot! Ari asks why. The D.A. tells her to ask her boyfriend! - Back on the Kiriakis doorstep, Nicole laments Brady must hate her. He does not and hugs her it is alright. Along comes Gaby, who stops in her tracks upon seeing the pair embrace. - EJ joins Sami, Sydney, and Johnny in the DiMera living room. Johnny is drawing a family scene. He determinedly says he must add Rafe. When the kids are in bed, EJ says he does not want to have to deal with Rafe ... not coming back. It would bother Johnny. Sami praises him for being Arianna's lawyer. All of a sudden a scream is heard! Sami later cuddles Johnny as EJ gets off the phone with a doctor he has summoned to the house. Johnny has fallen down the stairs but seems okay. Sami is still worried. EJ puts his arm around her, kisses her head, and promises it will be okay. She is glad he is there and says so. - At the hospital, Carly decides Dan needs to know the truth. Lexie asks what is wrong. Carly says nothing. Dr. Lexie senses she has personal problems and offers to cover for her. Carly appreciates it, then wonders if she is just interfering in someone else's problem. She will wait until tomorrow, so Lexie can leave. Lexie departs and Carly assumes it will be a quiet night ... - Chloe calls the the number Viv gave her. She is not sure of the man's name. He laughs she can call him Otis. No need to be nervous. Really? Indeed. He was just waiting to hear from her. All she needs to do is be at the hospital and he will send her a text when it is time to get the lady on the elevator. And as soon as the door closes, game over! Chloe is not sure. Otis informs her she has only until 11 p.m. to think it over. Chloe sighs, her eyes filled with turmoil. She wrestles with her consience, then decides she cannot do this and hastily calls Otis. No answer. She leaves him a message about not killing Carly, leaves Viv a message, and races out to stop the accident. When she throws open the door, however, Dan stands there, wondering what is wrong! Chloe claims she has a surprise before the wedding. The doc drawls he has an even bigger surprise for her. They sit and he presents her with an elegant antique ring, tells her of Maggie's blessing. Chloe is elated. They embrace. She blinks back the tears, insisting she is happy. He reminds her of their big day tomorrow and offers to tuck her in. She replies she must go pick up his gift and thanks him for the beautiful ring. They kiss. Chloe heads out, deciding she would do anything for Daniel, but she will not let Carly die. Daniel now sees he has a message from Carly, who must speak with him. He tries unsuccessfully to reach her at the hospital, deduces the matter must be urgent, and makes for the hospital ... - Meanwhile, Chloe rushes into the hospital and insists she must have a word with Carly, who gives her a dark look. Chloe accuses her of ruining her life. Carly reminds her she had promised to tell Daniel the truth. Chloe admits she was upset and threw the phone. Carly warns if she does not tell Daniel, she will regret it. Chloe overreacts. Carly thinks she is utterly distraught. Chloe gets defensive that she is implying she is crazy. She sarcastically warns who knows what a crazy woman might do. Carly has heard enough and walks toward the elevator. Chloe exclaims not to go! She glances at her iphone and asks her to promise she will not tell Daniel, one more time. Carly doe not agree. Chloe glances at the elevator and gasps there is another way ... - Nath looks at the morning after pill box. He knows what it is, but why does his girlfriend have it? She confesses she stopped taking her birth control pills a couple of times. He is upset. She fibs she had lost them. Nath is dismayed as he realizes she thinks she might be pregnant. She is remorseful and assures him she is trying to remedy the situaton. If she is pregnant, the pill will not harm their baby. Nath is troubled. Steph is in tears. She repeats she is sorry. Nath is, too. He was taken by surprise. However, they are in it together. Steph cries that she is all to blame. He assures her they are in this together and holds her face in his hands. - Back at DiMera mansion, EJ and Sami discuss Johnny's state. He was checked out by the housecalling doctor, who was put through medical school by Stefano. Sami is grateful. Johnny happily plays with a truck. The three sit on the sofa together. EJ points out there are advantages to living there. Sami announces she will sleep with Johnny tonight. EJ thinks he should. How about they ask Johnny himself? When asked, the tyke grins he wants BOTH parents to spend the night with him and places EJ's hand on Sami's. Sami gives EJ an uncertain look. He is touched. - Back in their dingy cell, Rafe and Shane fake fight as a guard rushes in ... - Downstairs at the hospital, Dan presses the elevator button. Upstairs, Carly wonders why Chloe thought she was with Daniel in the first place. Chloe insists she was told that by the hotel clerk, etc. Carly believes she needs help. Chloe recounts that is what she did with her husband, she claimed he was crazy and then she killed him. Did she tell Bo that Hope was crazy, too? She will do anything to make others unhappy! Carly has heard enough of the nonsense. She must get to a patient, hits the elevator button, and replies she has to go. "Yes, you do," says Chloe, a strange look in her eye ... ! Next on Days of Our Lives "I can't imagine my life without you now," Sami smiles at EJ. Victor gives Viv the evil eye. "If anything happens to Carly Manning, this marriage is over!" A scream is heard from the elevator. Dan puts his hands on the closed doors. "God, someone's in there!" |
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