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Tuesday, June 8, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only FALLING DOWN and more ...! - Far away in a dingy South American jail cell, agents Rafe and Shane overpower their guard, hide him under a blanket, and walk out, only to be confronted by another gun toting angry guard, and this one is awake! They are ordered back to the cell, where the unconscious guard wakes up and accuses the pair of attacking him. The guard with the bigger gun growls they will pay and leads them away. Shane is later shoved in a cell with Rafe, having been roughed up. Rafe pretends they still hate each other. Once the guard is gone, Rafe wonders if he got the info they need. Indeed, casually replies agent Shane. All is proceeding according to plan! - In Salem, jealousy pervades the thick night air. Gaby approaches the embracing Brady and Nicole and warns when her sister finds out, she will kill him!! How could he snuggle up to the evil tramp! Brady patiently explains she is overreacting. Gaby is not interested. Nicole calmly says it is her fault really. They enter the house of Kiriakis and Gaby continues her verbal attack, accusing Brady of not loving Ari at all and she intends to tell her just that! She berates Brady, as Arianna had wanted to make amends. He should tell Ari the truth! Brady agrees. She wonders if he means he does not love Ari. Brady will not say more. He must speak with Ari in private and saunters off. Gaby calls Nicole a loser and walks off. "We'll see about that!" smirks Nicole. - Phil and Mel are in bed together. She wants to know how the hell he could cheat on her with Chloe. Phil wakes up with a start. Mel is still sleeping. T'was a dream. "Oh my God!" he gasps. He goes downstairs, takes a drink, and runs into Maggie, who has just been notified Alice is not doing great, so she will visit her in the morning. She remarks Phil's upset demeanor. He admits he has done something he was not proud of. He catches himself and denies it affected Melanie. It was work related. He knows he made a mistake and if he does anything, more lives could be ruined, not just his. "If I come clean, it could be a big mess." Maggie is sorry to hear it. Is it worth keeping the mysterious secret? Sometimes consequences are not as bad as one thinks. He sighs that he could lose everything. The redhead assures him Mel will stand by him. He mutters about the horrible secret. Maggie advises him to seek piece of mind and consider that sometimes when one thinks one is protecting someone, one is really hurting them. Enter Mel in her bathrobe. Maggie excuses herself. Sleepy Mel wonders why he left their bed. He has much on his mind and is about to say more when Mel's phone rings ... - At the hospital, replay of Carly approaching the elevator, which Dan awaits downstairs. She steps in. Chloe rushes after her, exclaims for her to wait, and tries to pull her out. She gets her out and the doors close, leaving a horrified Chloe trapped in an elevator of death! She lets out a blood curdling scream. Dan realizes someone is in the elevator and races off to help. Too late. Chloe hits the bottom, there is debris everywhere, and she lies unconscious. Beep deep beep beep beep goes the emergency sound. Dr. Dan rushes in, horrified to find his beloved in an unconscious state, her face bloodied and bruised. He implores her to make it and administers mouth to mouth. Carly arrives, also in shock, then races off to get the necessary medical supplies. They soon wheel her to OR. She is in respiratory arrest. Lexie has come back and insists on being the doctor in charge. despite Dan's passionate, somewhat disoriented wish to save the life of the woman he loves. He paces anxiously and begs her not to leave him. Dan now calls Mel and interrupts her almost conversation with Phil about what is troubling him. He updates her on what happened to Chloe. - At DiMera mansion, Sami laments to EJ she had to wake Johnny up and check if he remembered his name, as the doc suggested. He is fine, but she is not, as for a split second she feared he would not wake up. She could never survive losing another child. They sit and she confides her worries, how she checks on her children several times a night. EJ had no idea. He acknowledges she has been through more than any mother should have gone through. He promises her that their family is safe now. Sami talks about herself, how she overreacts. EJ grins he knows just how to put her mind at ease. He asks her to lie down and close her eyes on the sofa. She laughs nervously, then does just that. He whispers for her to clear her mind, remember a time when she was with all of her children. She smiles. He would like to know just what she is remembering. The amazing feeling when she got Syd back. It was incredible. He murmurs for her to lock onto that thought and always remember. She should store it away somewhere and draw it out for strength whenever she needs to. Sami opens her eyes and blinks she feels better. He is glad. She looks at him misty-eyed and says he too is a part of that memory. "You brought me Sydney back." They both stand up and he admits he is ashamed for the hurt he caused her. She points out they hurt each other, neither is innocent. He chuckles that is true. Sami muses how things have changed. She cannot imagine her life without him now. Because of the children, he says. She agrees. He is great with them. She goes on to praise his charming side, the one with no agenda, like now. He airily says he does have an agenda. He wishes her and the children to be happy. Sami admits his company makes being at the mansion not so bad. He feels the same way about her. They get closer and she thanks him for making her feel better. Their eyes lock. They mutter little nothings their faces still getting closer until Sami grabs him in a passionate kiss ...! - Grouchy Victor and distracted Vivian return to their hotel suite after dinner, and he is annoyed she has been looking at her watch all night. What is she hiding? She pretends she is nervous about their honeymoon. Victor doubts it and talks tough. She had better tell him what she is up to! Furthermore, if anything happens to Carly, their marriage is over and she will regret it! Madame Viv calls her a witch who is even destroying her honeymoon. The Greek tycoon reminds her of their deal. And her life depends on Carly's! Viv changes the subject and accuses him of having Maggie on his mind. He drawls he is off to the bar for a nightcap and departs. Alone, Viv calls the hospital, pretending to be a doctor asking about the accident. She is dismayed to hear it involved Chloe Lane and she might not make it! Viv agrees with the nurse it is very sad indeed. - Mel and Phil rush into the hospital and are met by Carly, who explains Chloe has been operated on and is with Daniel. Chloe saved her from plunging down, she adds! They had been arguing at the time. Mel wants to know why Cloe was there so late and what they were fighting about. In her room, Chloe is watched over by Dan and Dr, Lexie assures him they have relieved the pressure on her brain. There does not seem to be any spinal injury. - Ari places a desperate call to EJ and leaves a frantic message that the D.A. claims she has no alibi! Brady soon arrives. Ari appreciates he came. They need to talk. He agrees. She laments about D.A. Woods dismissing her alibi, his claim that Brady knew why. What happened? Pause. He tells her that Nicole suggested they lie about the date of the check and the D.A. overheard so they are no longer credible alibis. It was an innocent error. No one knew he was eavesdropping. He promises he he will find another way to prove her innocence. She thanks him and tearfully states she is sorry for ever doubting him. They hold hands thru the bars. Brady now announces he has something to say that she might not like. When Gaby found him, he was not alone, he was with Nicole, but it was not how it looked. He was merely comforting Nicole ... Ari pulls her hand away and cries for him to stop. "There is nothing left to say!" - Nicole makes for the pier for a discreet meeting with one Dick Baker. He has an update. His partner agreed no more attacks. Nicole is pleased that Ari will go down for the muggings. Dick had no trouble talking his partner into ceasing the attacks. Matter of fact, she is a pretty cool chick, says he. Nicole just wants a chance with Brady. She is sure she will come out a winner. Dick drawls all she had to do is lie, cheat, and steal huh! He doubts Brady loves her. She insists he does. Dick hopes she is right. If not, they are sending his girlfriend to prison for nothing ... - Alone with his beloved, Dan vows he will not let Chloe go. Her long eyelashes flutter and she whispers she is sorry ... - Back in their dingy cell, Shane drawls now they know the location of the guard towers and exits, as planned. Next time, adds Rafe, they will succeed in their escape! - Back in DiMera mansion, things get hot and heavy between EJ and Sami, until she pulls away, still gasping, and races from the room, overcome. EJ frowns ... Next on Days of Our Lives "Don't talk to me like I don't know what I'm doing, alright. I want that tape!" says Stefano. "This marriage, it's over!" Bo informs Abe. Hope faces a somber Maggie and Julie. "What happened to gran?" |
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