Days of Our Lives March 11, 2010
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Thursday, March 11, 2010 
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- In a women's prison, bitter blondie Nicole Walker DiMera slams her
cell mate against the bars and roughs her up, warning she needs to get along with her to get along in the slammer! Here comes a guard, who
asks the gasping inmate Tiffany if she is alright. Terrified Tiff lies it was her fault. Nicole demands to be taken to the infirmary, claiming an injury. Again? Nicole threatens to complain to the warden. The guard obliges Mrs. DiMera, but she ends up back in her cell sooner than hoped. Nicole is mad and warns her cellmate she will make her swallow her teeth! Tiff wants a truce. "I don't do truces!" declares Nicole. Last time it didn't turn out well. She stares down Tiff. If she wants peace, she needs to make a gesture of respect and admiration. Tiff gets sarcastic. Nicole grabs her by the scruff of the neck and growls SHE will decide the gesture! Moments later, she takes a swig from a flask, not impressed with the quality of the booze Tiff realizes it might not be as good as what she was used to as a DiMera. Nicole claims she still is a DiMera - more than they know - and drinks up!
- In her hospital bed, Mel gets of the phone with Phil, sounding down about her life. Papa Dan opens, then quietly closes the door.
- Elvis enters Samantha's place and lifts up Sydney. He has taken Ally
and Johnny to school. Sami laments Rafe did not come home all night. Elvis hopes his presence did not spoil her spending time with Rafe as
well as Sydney. Sami replies he just postponed it. Besides, this morning with Sydney is just the beginning of the rest of their lives. Elvis smiles, holding his daughta. When Sami starts to ask for the details of where he found her, he hastily excuses himself and leaves. Sydney cries a bit.
Sami knows someone else who would like to see her ... She calls and leaves a message for Rafe. EJ is gone, the coast is clear!
- At his FBI office, Rafe confers with Agent Clark, having pulled an all nighter. He has traced the disposable cell phone the kidnapper made a call from to a phone tower. He cannot help but focus on  the kidnapper's unknown reasons for cruelly pretending Sydney was dead - and twice at that! Something is very personal about this case, says he.
- Meanwhile, Anna is at the cabin, trying unsuccessfully to shove all her clothes into one suitcase, then gets it shut. Elvis arrives. She puts on her coat and cannot believe he is not leaving town. Elvis admits he cannot leave Samantha! He adds it is only because she has the children back and grins an evil grin. Sami assumes her lies have been forgotten. However "now she's in for a big surprise!" And he will innocently continue to play the hero. Anna asks what he will do if he succeeds in breaking up Sami and Rafe and she then turns to him. Elvis grows silent.
- Brady and Ari are at Java Cafe, happily recalling the time they spent together. He will go see Sami and later pick Ari up after work, She exits. Brady now places a call, muttering someone has to do "it." Chloe soon meets him at the cafe. They talk about Sydney being found. The family has been through so much. Brady drawls there is also someone else to consider. Chloe agrees to do him a favor. Her day was changed anyway, she glumly states, as Daniel canceled their appointment with a travel agent. She will be optimistic, though, as this is a happy day, and takes off for the long drive. Brady is grateful ...
- At the slammer, felonista Nicole complains to the gal guard she does not want to see her visitor, assuming it is Fay. The guard finds out tis not guilt ridden mama Fay this time. Chloe now enters the prison visiting area, where Nicole awaits. She updates her they found Sydney, who is back with her mother. They did not find the kidnapper. Nicole's first reaction
is one of excitement, though hearing Sami's name appears to depress her. She forces a smile and sadly says Sami and EJ have everything, while she is in lock-up.
- Brady cheerfully visits Sydney and Sami. His face falls when he hears EJ was there. How did Rafe feel about that? She knows not, as he did
not come home all night! Brady now learns the story of the note and EJ's insistence they not tell Rafe, due to the kidnapper's warning. Sister Sami declares she will deal with his being upset. She has Sydney back and that is all that matters. Brady points out she should not shut out Rafe. She has a chance at the brass ring with him. Once Brady has gone, Sami gets Sydney dressed and decides she will go find Rafe ...
- Daniel pays a visit to Maggie in her kitchen, to discuss Melanie, Maggie already knows he is her papa. Dan feels she did not seem thrilled enough about it. He would like to help her and find a place in her life. Maggie patiently  points out Mel already liked and respected him, yet now things have changed, He wants to do what is best for her and woefully admits
he does not know what that is. Dan gets them coffee and they continue talking. She asks about Chloe. She is putting on a brave face, he replies. Daniel now senses something is off with Maggie, as she usually makes
the coffee, etc. Her notices her injured hand and realizes it is a good thing he is there. He wishes to have a closer look. The redhead  whispers she is scared.He examines her arm and becomes very serious. Her symptoms of  myasthenia gravis are back. Not something to take lightly. Has she called
a doctor? She admits she has only looked online. Stress can make the symptoms recur. Dan helps her with her coat and insists she must see a doctor. It is time to take care of herself the same way she takes care of others.
- Ari has ventured to the hospital to see Mel, who is glad her pal is back. She starts to talk about Nathan, but Mel would rather not. How was her romantic getaway with Brady? Close to carefree, until Ari turned down
his proposal. Mel yells why did she do that! Ari is not really sure and calls herself an idiot. Mel can only sigh. Ari now heads for Rafe's office. He is intense and laments the kidnapper seemed to be a step ahead of them. He hopes the person responsible is finished with this twisted game. Ari thinks he should go home to Sami. Rafe is preoccupied. She wonders if Sydney is in danger. No, says he, but he suspects this whole thing was set up to hurt Sami. Ari wonders if Rafe is just trying to prove that it was wrong to listen to EJ and cut him out of the picture. She admits she made a mistake in turning down a proposal from Brady. Rafe should go to Sami and not make the same mistake of ruining his happiness! Rafe now receives a list of uninhabited buildings near the phone tower and gets back to work at
his computer. He fails to notice when Ari leaves, he is so immersed in his work.
- At the hospital, Dr.Dan has arranged for the chief of neurology to see Maggie. She proudly decides to walk to the room alone. Dan reminds her he will be there all day, then gingerly opens Melanie's door and watches his sleeping daughter. She stirs and opens her eyes. They smile at each other. He notes he is not sure how to get to know a child. Mel makes fun of herself for being a nursing school dropout, given what a world famous surgeon her dad is. He encourages her in her nursing studies, as she was so talented. Mel's eyes shine. Dan later runs into Maggie in the hall and asks how it went. She insists that she is fine and just needs a medicine adjustment. She enters Mel's  room for a visit with the Salem patient and picks up a vase of beautiful flowers Phil had sent. Crash! She drops it
and gets upset about being clumsy. Mel wants to know what is going on with her. Maggie comes clean about needing a medicine adjustment for her condition. She is optimistic that the symptoms will be gotten rid of. Melanie cries she needs her and they hug. Outside her room, Brady asks Dan to let Mel know he stopped by. Now he is off to ask his girlfriend to marry him ....
- At the cabin, Anna has been instructed to remove all traces of having been there. Elvis tells her to have a nice life, far away from Salem, and departs ...
- Elvis enters the pub to tell Ari his wonderful news. He appreciates her having looked past his differences with her brotha for Sydney's sake. Ari hopes now that she is home, all will get back to normal. Elvis pleasantly seconds the motion. He hopes so ...
- Back in the prison visiting area, Nicole flashes back to the kidnapper walking away with leopard boots and complains to Chloe she keeps trying to remember more, but she will probably never recall what happened ... Her eyes are filled with desperation.
- Sami drops by to see Rafe at his office, having left Syd with grandma Caroline.  Agent Clark gets  a call. "You're absolutely sure about that?" Rafe turns and listens.
- Meanwhile, Anna packs her last belonging - a photo of her beloved Tony, which she kisses, and then puts in a bag, zipping it up. She seems ready to leave the cabin, but she is also accidentally leaving behind a major clue - the leopard boots she was wearing when she took Sydney, the one thing that Nicole remembers ...!

Next on Days of Our Lives
I don't know what to do next.

Well, my boy, you've come to the right place!

Chloe tells Nicole she does not have a choice. "Like hell I don't!"
exclaims Nicole.

"I want back every minute that I missed out on with Sydney!"
Sami exclaims to Rafe.