Days of Our Lives March 16, 2010
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Tuesday, March 16, 2010 
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- Replay of Nicole realizing t'was Auntie Anna who stole Sydney. She yells from her cell that she needs a phone before it is too late! The guard says a big no. Nicole will make it worth her while, as she knows wealthy people. They could help each other. The guard considers.
- Anna is on the plane, gleefully awaiting take off. Any second now and she will be out of sight, out of reach! Ring ring! Area code 309? Hmmm. She answers. Tis Nicole. "Long time, no talk!" she says pleasantly. Anna freezes. Nicole invites her to Statesville for a visit. Anna replies she is on
a plane about to leave for ... somewhere. Nicole wants her to get off and board another one later. Anna replies why on earth would she do that. Nicole retorts they both know exactly why! Anna refuses, but Nicole is mighty confident she will come!
- Justin interrupts Hope and Carly on the pier. What offer were they talking about? She is pleading guilty. Justin is against it but Carly would rather continue her private convo with Hope. Exit Justin. Hope tries to
talk her out of pleading guilty. It is just not right. Carly retorts this is not about right and wrong, it is about what must be! Hope admits she is sorry for what Carly has been through in the past and is still going through now. Carly cries thank you. Exit Hope. Legal eagle Justin re-emerges and says Hope's testimony could sway the jury in Carly's favor. Carly insists she will not change her mind.
- Steph approaches Nathan at the hospital, anxious to talk about them as well as Melanie. They soon sit at the Java Cafe, wistful music playing in the background. She admits Melanie had wanted her to give him a letter on her wedding day. He wants to know all that was in it. Steph ponders. "I don't know what was in the letter." Nath would like clarification. What was the reason she did not give him the letter? Steph claims she did not give it to him, because he had said he did not wish to discuss Melanie. Therefore, she went back to the wedding and informed Melanie he had refused to read it. "You did what!" he says incredulously. Nath angrily points a finger at Steph, adding she had no right. He stands up and grabs his coat. She should have given him the letter! She reminds him he had said he wanted to move on, etc. He growls the game is over and departs, ignoring her when she calls after him.
- In her room, Mel finds out from Max that Chelsea and her mom are
well in London. She cries she missed Maxman and needs to get out of
this place. "How about now?" drawls Dr. Dan. Mel is elated she will soon be released. Dan makes small talk with Max and asks him to tell Chelsea hello. He pats Mel's bed, says he will give them a chance to continue their chat, and saunters out. Max thinks he is a good dude. Mel agrees, even though things were kinda sudden. Max must leave now. Perhaps she and Phillip can come to London soon. He hopes his little sis will accept her situation with her new family. She sniffles that she only needs him. He reminds her she has a mom and a dad. She does not want to hear Carly
is her mom. But she smiles she will think about it when he suggests she give Daniel a chance. They embrace and exchange I love you's. Mel has another visit from Dan, who thinks Max is a good guy. Mel thanks him
for saving her life. She asks a favor. Can they not ever talk about that Dr. Manning? It would ruin things for her. Daniel disagrees. He cannot ignore that she is the mother of his child. Mel gets annoyed. Daniel points out Carly did what she did out of fear. Mel asks if he truly believes Lawrence would have tried to kill him or Vivian would really have tried to kill her on her wedding day. Dan points out she spent more time with Vivian. What does she think? She admits she is unsure what to make of Carly or Viv. She is glad she has time to sort things out and is anxious to get out of the hospital. He stands up to give her a chance to get dressed. Mel also has a request. Can they make a plan to hang out, her and him and Chloe and Phillip? Papa Dan grins. "I'd like that."  She smiles she wants to know all about him and refers to him as her father. Dan smiles too and walks out
to get her paperwork. Justin calls him and he says "Oh my God!" The
doc heads back into Mel's room to give her the latest. Carly is pleading guilty and could be sentenced today. Mel is aghast. Dan informs her if
she wishes to help her, there is no more time, she must do it right now!
- Bo is at the pub, ordering one of his employees to get someone on the phone for him. Along comes Phil. Upon hearing from big bro Bo that Carly wishes to pleads guilty, he solemnly says "Good." Bo brings up Vivian's crimes against Carly. Phil feels it is best for Melanie if Carly is out of her life. He murmurs he will never let anyone hurt his Mel ever again. And he looks like he means it. godfather style. Bo assures him Carly has no intention of bothering his wife. Phillip begs to differ and accuses him of defending his mistress. Max enters so the guys stop their disagreement. Upon hearing Mel is about to be released, Phil walks off
to call her. Max and Bo catch up. Chelsea and Billie are well and Billie is almost totally recovered. Bo assumes Max, like everyone else, will be judgmental about his relationship with Carly. Max will not pass judgment, though he does not understand how he and Hope can be over for good. Bo explains only the two people in a marriage know what happened and
it can be tricky to try and figure out why things fell apart. Max still thinks it is sad. Ring ring! Bo glances at his phone and must now head out. He hugs Max, asks him to tell Chelsea to come back soon, and departs. Phil now faces Max. He knows he does not approve of his relationship with Melanie. Max admits he does not trust him as someone who will love and respect her. Phil stares him down. He has a lot of nerve implying he is not good enough for Melanie! He insists he loves her for who she is and who she wants to be. No one could be better for her. Max mentions his shoddy treatment of Stephanie and warns him not to do the same with his sister.
- At the cemetery, emotional Viv meets with a grave worker, explaining she wanted Lawrence's ashes near her. He unveils Lawrence's grand tombstone. Madame is overwhelmed. She wishes to be alone. She now addresses Lawrence and vows to avenge his death! Hope soon arrives to visit Zack and loses her cool when Madame calls Lawrence and Zack
two innocents. There is no comparison and she advises Viv to never try and compare them again! Lawrence was no innocent, like her Zack. And she heard he became deranged and dangerous. Madame defends him as one who was good hearted, despite the lies of Carly. He was like her son and she cannot forget the painful memory of imagining poor Lawrence as he lay dying from stab wounds. How can Hope allow Carly Manning the murderess to live in her house and play with her daughter!  Hope informs her that Carly has decided to plead guilty today. "Music to my ears," sighs Viv. Her astrologer was dead right that today was a very good day to lay Lawrence's marker. Hope scoffs and bids her goodbye. Vivian thinks Hope should rejoice, given that Carly took one life and ruined two others. Hope is not interested and walks away, as she does not rejoice in misery of others. Madame Viv triumphantly addresses Lawrence's tombstone. "Victory is finally ours, dahling. Finally ours!"
- Steph walks along the pier, where she runs into Max. Is she dreaming? Nope. They hug, pleased to see each other. She is happy for his nice life in London. He and Chelsea are lucky. Max peers at her and asks if she is okay. They sit and discuss. Max asks what is wrong. She has someone new, except there is a ... problem. Max asks if it is over. Stephanie gets
a determined look in her eye. "It's not over. I'm going to fix things and
I'm going to make it right." He asks her how things got broken. She alludes to the fact that she took a risk and made her guy mad, but she thinks she will fix this so it will make them closer. Max appears doubtful.
- Nathan rushes into Melanie's hospital room, where Dr. Dan sits alone, going over a chart. "Where is she?" he gasps. Phillip just happens to be right behind him and suspiciously wants to know why he cares!
- Carly is at the courthouse, where the informal hearing is about to get underway. She flashes back to moments with her daughter and laments everything is all gone now. Attorney Justin, who is representing Carly, talks to D.A. Woods. He gets the feeling he is enjoying this. The D.A. is simply relieved the matter is coming to a swift resolution. Enter Bo. "It's not!" Carly pulls Bo aside and reminds him she made up her mind. He declares he will not let her do it. He can cause a delay and prevent her from formally addressing the court. Carly is down on herself for playing God with people's lives and calls herself selfish, for the way she hurt everyone, including him. She wants to pay and implores him to let her.
He is against it. The judge arrives and the hearing gets underway. Carly is given her chance to speak. "Your Honor, I would formally like to change my plea to guilty." The D.A, recommends the maximum sentence. The judge requests she stand so that he may pass sentence. She does just that. Bo looks on in despair. The judge states he has reviewed the state's case against her and ... All of a sudden, Melanie bursts into the courtroom!
- In prison, visitor mama Fay is surprised to hear Nicole is happy. Nicole smiles she finally has hope! Fay does not understand. Nicole calls it a feeling that things are about to finally turn around for her. She should just trust her. Fay reminds her that she stole a baby. She should not delude herself, as she will be locked up for a long time. "Get out now!" snaps Nicole. Fay asks her to promise she won't do anything foolish, but Nicole can only promise that she will never see her again! Once alone, she starts to doubt herself. Perhaps Anna will not come. All of a sudden the guard announces she has another visitor. Enter Anna. The two felonistas face each other. Anna wants to know why she made ridiculous insinuations. Nicole smiles at her like the cat that has swallowed the canary. Anna asks does she not have anything to say. Indeed. She will say what Sami once said to her. Anna wonders what that might be. Nicole now glares daggers at her.
"You bitch, you stole my daughter ...!"

Next on Days of Our Lives
"I'm thinking that there is a way for you to see Sydney," Kate tells
a cigar smoking Stefano.
"You took Sydney to get back at me!" Nicole accuses Anna.
"I just want to say something," Mel quietly tells the court.