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Wednesday, March 17, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only THE VISITOR! - At the slammer, replay of Nicole telling Anna "You bitch, you stole my daughter!" Anna claims she does not know what she is talking about. Nicole insists she heard her big mouth talking to Sydney when she took her. Anna gets sarcastic and tells Nicole that Sydney is not even hers, so she is the only baby stealer! Nicole threatens she will call Roman to inform him she bashed her on the head and kidnapped Syd. Anna points out Roman would need proof. Nicole reminds her she heard her voice and she called her sweet pea. Anna reminds her she has a child with Roman, who trusts her, whereas Nicole put daughter Sami through hell, so who will he believe! Besides, she had no motive. Nicole assumes she wanted revenge for Tony's death. Anna gets upset and exclaims she saw Tony die that night and did nothing to help him! Nicole repeats she took Sydney to get revenge. Anna admits she does hate the DiMeras and anyone involved in Tony's death, but she has moved on, knowing that she loved and had a life. Nicole repeats she wanted revenge on the DiMeras by stealing Sydney. Anna denies it. Nicole points out she was able to get her to come down to see her after a mere phone call. Therefore, she must be guilty as hell! - EJ watches Sydney at Sami's place when she calls from the park. She will stay there a bit longer with the twins. When the call is over, EJ thinks aloud. He is getting along famously with Sami, he will break her heart, and get to watch the whole thing! - At DiMera mansion, Stefano lights a cigar, having just gotten off the phone with his spies, who have told him Samantha is at the park with the twins. Elvis is watching Sydney, as a normal babysitter might actually let grandpa see her! Kate understands what it is like to have to deal with that woman, as she has had to do it for years! She knows just what to do ... - Mel walks into the courtroom.She introduces herself as Carly's lovechild and she has something to say. The judge asks her to step forward. Justin tries to prevent it, assuming the worst, but Carly would like her to have a chance to speak. Bo and Justin are unable to talk Carly out of allowing it. They consider Mel a loose cannon! The judge states Mel may speak and it will be on public record. Mel solemnly says that is what she wanted. She takes a seat and tells of all the run-ins she had with Carly. She covers her face for a moment after saying she is her secret lovechild. Carly has been lying so much she is not sure she is capable of even telling the truth. Bo exclaims that Mel knows very well that is not how it is! Carly's eyes are filled with pain. The judge warns Bo to keep quiet. Carly insists Mel should be allowed to speak. The judge lets her continue. Mel cries and recalls how she found out she was her mother. Carly quietly weeps she is sorry. Mel now admits some people she cares about made her remember it all today. The truth is, she remembers how Carly looked holding the gun. "She didn't mean to shoot me. She didn't want to hurt me. It was an accident," says she. Her first statement was not true. She sobs she just was confused and wanted to get back at Carly. She now tells of Vivian inviting her to the rooftop, which was when Carly showed up. "With a gun!" interjects the D.A. Mel explains Carly is not capable with a gun and is not guilty of wanting to harm her. Carly watches, tears streaming down her cheeks. - At the Java Cafe, Chad brings Gaby a coffee. Enter Will and Mia. Chad flashes back to kissing her and stares as the pair sit together.Mia gives him a sly look. Gaby brings up spring break. Chad, however,has only thoughts of Mia on his mind! Will gets her a coffee and is pleased she is wearing the necklace he gave her, cos it means they are exclusive. She smiles he is the best thing that happened to her in a long time and they kiss. Gaby notices that something changed in Chad's demeanor when Mia walked in. Chad admits he is not over Mia so it is not fair for him to go out with her. Gaby looks down. - Back at DiMera mansion, Kate proceeds with her plan. She calls Will and tells him she went shopping for him and his sister and she would like to deliver the gifts, provided he is there at his mother's place. He is the one person who could convince her to accept the gifts. Stefano chuckles. Kate adds her real motivation is she just wants to see her grandkids. Will agrees to meet her at Sami's. Still at Java Cafe, he updates Mia. He must run interference between his mother and grandmother and will be back soon. He kisses her and departs. Mia smugly murmurs she will be fine there! She approaches Chad and says hi. She notes Gaby looked upset when she left. He explains that was because he thought they should stop dating. All he can think about is kissing Mia! She nods when he asks if she thinks about him when she is with Will, too. She claims what she has with Will is not serious. Chad wants them to go out. Mia is all for it, so long as they keep it secret. After all, his D.A. dad hates her. In addition, she would not want Will to know, either. He wonders about her reason for keeping it from Will. She clarifies. Will has been through too much for her to drop this on him just yet. She now kisses Chad, and assures him she does wish to be with him. - Will arrives home, unpleasantly surprised to see EJ is still there. He explains Sami asked him to babysit. Ring ring! Tis Harold, with news of a business emergency. Distracted Elvis must depart. Will quips he will watch Sydney until Sami returns so there is really no reason for him to come back! - Back at the mansion, Stefano thanks Harold for his loyalty. Kate quickly reminds him time is of the essence, so they should head for Sami's before she gets back from the park ...The pair soon arrive at Sami's place, where Will opens the door. He is very surprised Kate has brought Stefano.The phoenix points out his coming was his idea. Will points out neither Sami nor EJ want him around Sydney. Stefano is asking to see his grandchild - his flesh and blood - but if he really feels he should go, he will do that. Kate smoothly suggests she and Will go out for a coffee and give Stefano a moment with his granddaughter. Stefano speaks to Sydney in Italian. Sydney responds. Will agrees he can stay. - Will and Kate go for coffee at Java Cafe. Kate thanks him. He admits he felt sorry for Stefano, though if his mom finds out, she will be livid. Kate whispers that will not happen, for Stefano is having Sami watched and they will know the moment she leaves the park. Will glances around, surprised his friend is no longer there. All of a sudden, EJ pushes open the door, then stops in his tracks upon seeing Kate and Will together. - Alone with his granddaughter at Sami's place, Stefano admires Sydney and praises her for her strength. Enter Elvis, who takes her away. Stefano realizes the party is over. "So be it." Elvis angrily recounts how he was called away to an emergency meeting, then saw Kate and Will at the cafe. In 2 seconds he knew what was happening! Stefano calmly informs him he does have rights as the grandfather. EJ retorts he has no rights. None! - Chad and Mia are at the pier, as the movie they planned to see was sold out. They sit on a bench and kiss like old lovers. She thinks it is unwise to make out in public. He suggests they find someplace private. Chad gets a text message from T. Mia decides to go get her paycheck while he answers T, and arranges to meet him back at Java. Chad agrees. Once she is gone, he finds her necklace, which has slipped off her neck. He holds it up as Gaby approaches.She is trying to get in touch with Kinsey, whose info she lost. Chad gives her Kinsey's contact deets and excuses himself. Gaby spies the necklace, which Chad has left behind. She leaves a message for Chad to call her. Will happens by and wonders where she got the necklace, which he immediately recognizes. "Chad had it," says she. Will looks dismayed. - Still in the slammer, Anna reminds Nicole that she threatened her with Stefano unless she showed up. Nicole claims if she had a rock solid alibi, no one would be able to touch her. And she could call Austin and Carrie, to find out where mommy dearest has been spending all her time. Anna smiles, though her nervous eyes betray her. She airily says she called in to Austin and Carrie regularly while traveling. Nicole retorts it is not proof enough. She needs to provide hotel names, for someone would have seen her on these supposed travels. Nicole threatens to tell Rafe Hernandez, Sami's boyfriend, to investigate her whereabouts, and he will be able to find out what rock she crawled out from under! Anna's face falls. Nicole senses she has worn down her prey ... - The judge wishes to confer alone with the D.A. and defense attorney. Carly and Mel must leave the room, instructed not to speak to each other, as the hearing is not yet over. Bo goes as well. The judge clears his throat and speaks of the accused pleading guilty to something she did not do. Meanwhile, Bo asks Carly how she feels. Scared of the outcome, as Mel despising her was the one thing that was keeping Mel safe! Mel pouts in the corner. When they reconvene, the judge announces he is dismissing the most serious charges against Dr. Manning. The shooting was clearly accidental. He decides probation would be adequate punishment for the lesser charges. Carly is free to go. She gasps and hugs Bo. Mel watches, her eyes filled with tears. Carly looks at her. The judge summons the D.A. and Justin to his office, to go over the wording of his decision. Mel must fill out a form. Bo gets paged, kisses Carly, and saunters off. Carly approaches Melanie. She thanks her. Mel says no need to worry about it. Carly states she does worry and touches her arm. Mel shakes her head. "Don't touch me, please!" - Back at the prison, Anna tells Nicole to move on, Nicole gets annoyed, threatens to call Sami, and yells for the guard. Anna starts to stammer. "I'm not admitting anything but ... okay, what do you want?" Nicole sits back down, lowering her voice. "Now that's more like it ...!" Next on Days of Our Lives "Carly Manning's life has already gone up in flames!" Viv informs Vic. "I don't want anything from you!" Mel screams at Carly. Anna faces a smug Nicole. "You want me to bust you out of the joint?!!" |
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