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Days of Our Lives Day Ahead appears daily on Dayscafe. Our Days of Our Lives Day ahead is ready in dramatic detail the day before the episode will air. Dayscafe Days of Our Lives Day Ahead is entirely copyright protected & cannot be copied & pasted. Link Only Now sit back with your cup of coffee and enjoy the magic of days ahead...! |
Thursday, March 18, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only DEAL OR NO DEAL! - Madame Vivian cheerily waltzes into the house of Kiriakis bearing a bottle of bubbly. She tells Henderson tis a happy day. Victor wonders what has happened. Someone died? Is Carly is in the trunk of her car? Viv joyfully announces that Carly's life has gone up in flames! She spies drinks and refreshments set out. Victor is throwing a fundraiser for the governor. Viv is excited but Vic alludes to the fact that she is not invited! He is hoping to have Phil and Mel living there, which is why she must stay at bay. Viv, however, declares she is coming to the party and walks off to get herself a lovely dress. The Greek tycoon sighs. - Outside Brady pub, Kate speaks to Stefano on the phone and tells him not to worry about his situation with his impossible son. They will keep trying! She now enters the pub and approaches Phillip, who is sitting all alone. She asks about Melanie. She is great and has been released from hospital. Kate is surprised Phil is not by her side. He looks intense. Ring ring! "What," snaps the prodigal son. "And nobody told me?!" T'was Justin, at the courthouse, where Melanie is. He sighs she got Carly off. Kate wonders why she would do that. Phil puts on his coat, glowers he will find out, and takes his leave. Kate now calls someone and asks them to track down Vivian Alamain, as she has news for her! - At the hospital, Chloe, in a green sweater, approaches Dan, in green scrubs. She hears Mel has been released and went to the the courthouse to help her mother. Chloe wonders why. Cos he asked her to. Chloe's pretty eyes flicker.She does not agree with him pressuring Melanie to help Carly, who gave away her baby, and also shot her. Daniel assumes she is overreacting due to the bad timing of this news of his bio-child. He is sorry it came out now. He hopes she is still talking to Doc Gilbert. She insists she is feeling better. Dan thinks things would have been better had Carly told him the truth from the start. At least he and Chloe have no secrets between them. She starts to tell him something but he is paged away. He hopes she is not mad at him. She replies she is not. - At the courthouse, Mel informs Carly she only helped her as it was the right thing to do. It appears that nothing has changed. Carly had thought maybe there was a chance for her to be her mother. Mel retorts she thought wrong. And if she really cares about her, she should stay out of her life, like she did for years! Carly helped her, now she did something for her. They are even and it is enough. Carly doesn't buy it. Both mother and daughter's eyes are filled with pain. Carly soon realizes that Phillip does not know and wonders how Victor will react. She is impressed with Mel's bravery. Mel starts to yell and cry and tells Carly she cannot be in her life. Only reason she came was because her father asked her to. "I did this for Daniel." Carly appears moved. Mel admits he told her that he would have loved to be her dad and she could have always had him. She sniffles and cries. Carly is glad father and daughter are growing closer. Mel shouts she wants nothing to do with her! Enter protective Phil, who demands to know what Carly has said to her. Mel asks him to forget it and requests they leave. Phil glances at Carly darkly and departs with his new bride. In the hall, Phil says he wishes she had told him.Justin was the one who updated him on the situation. Mel is just glad he came and they embrace. Phil thinks he should have been there. "I would do anything for you." He promises to never let anyone hurt her again and they kiss. Now it is time to go home. She smiles and they walk off together, arm in arm. He makes her keep her eyes closed as he takes her to their new home. She soon opens her eyes, only to find herself at Maggie's house. Phillip carries her across the threshold and they kiss. He had thought they could help Maggie out. Mel is all for it. Phil reminds her besides Daniel, they are the only ones who know about her condition and will be able to help her keep up appearances. Enter Maggie. Phil departs to take care of some business. The redhead calls him cute. "That's my husband!" smiles Mel. Maggie wonders why she is moving in with her. Because she is family - and family take care of each other. They talk. Mel admits she had a scene with Carly, after she told her she wants nothing to do with her. She adds Maggie is the mother she never had, which is why nothing can happen to her. Maggie nods bravely. - Back in the slammer, replay of Anna asking what Nicole wants. Nicole grins. "Just a small little thing, really. I want you to get me outta here!" Anna cannot believe she actually wants her to bust her out of the joint. Preposterous! "I can't stage a jail break!" That is not what Nicole had in mind. She simply wants her to use legals means to have her freed. Anna's old beau Governor Ford is coming to town. Anna replies she has not seen Jim for ages. Nicole suggests she go see him and get him to grant her a pardon. Anna points out he is married and she is still in mourning. Nicole advises her to dry her tears and start working her mojo or she will end up in the cell next to her! Anna states she has nothing on her. Nicole now brings up having a chat with EJ. Anna gets silent. Nicole realizes she has hit pay dirt! What would he do if he found out Anna stole Sydney? Anna pretends she doubts he would believe her. Nicole brings up Stefano and his dangerous methods when a crime has been committed ... Lucky for her, all she has to do is help clear her. "You have 24 hours to deliver that pardon." Anna nervously knocks for the guard. - At Java Cafe, Viv is making an appointment on her phone with the manicurist. Along comes Kate, who purrs she must be getting ready for the governor's party. She remarks Viv is in a good mood. Viv updates her on Carly's dire predicament. Kate gleefully tells her the charges have been dropped against Carly! Her own daughter Mel testified on her behalf! She wishes Viv a good day and smugly leaves. Once alone, Vivian leers that if Carly thinks she has evaded misery, she is very very wrong! - At the hospital, Chloe runs into Carly and says they have some things to get straightened out! She has put Daniel through enough. Carly explains she is there to see the chief of staff so she can be reinstated. Chloe thinks Dan needs time to deal with having a daughter, he does not need to deal with more! Daniel approaches and asks Chloe to meet him at the Java Cafe in a few. "Fine," says she. They kiss and she departs. Dan knows Chloe is miffed. Carly starts to thank him for what he has done. He snaps he did it for Mel, not her! She hopes he can keep her informed. Dan does not want to do that without letting Mel or Chloe know. No more secrets! Carly is worried as Vivian is still out there. Daniel retorts he will take care of things his own way. - Anna walks along the pier and tries to leave a phone message for the governor. She is not on the approved list of contacts, but is pleased to learn of a fundraiser. She sees her chance! - Chloe and Phil run into each other at the Java Cafe. He realizes she has not told Dan about not seeing the therapist. She had planned to, but then found out Mel got Carly off, so there were other things to consider. She laments the longer this will go on, the longer it will take to tell him the truth. Enter Daniel with flowers. Chloe tells Phil she has decided not to tell Dan that she is not going to therapy. Phil sees Dan, who has silently backtracked toward the door. He gives him a friendly hello. Once he is gone, Dan looks Chloe in the eye. "Why have you been lying to me?" - Down at the pier, Kate meets up with Carly and congratulates her on her victory. Carly laments Daniel is not happy with her. Kate points out they have that in common, in addition to Vivian - their mutual enemy. She just saw her and warns Carly to watch her back! - Nicole bangs on her cell bars for Lois the guard. She wants to know what time it is. 12 minutes later than the last time she asked. Nicole is anxious for Anna to come through. - Anna arrives on the Kiriakis doorstep for the fundraiser and considers what to say before knocking. She asks God for help, then realizes she is on her own. She has no choice, steels herself, and rings the doorbell. Victor opens the door. She knows this is a surprise ... The Greek tycoon is bemused. He distinctly remembers telling Henderson to take the trash all the way down to the curb! - In Maggie's kitchen, the redhead tells Mel she means a great deal to her. However, she has a mother. Carly will be a part of her life, like it or not. Mel exclaims she does not owe her anything and Carly can fall off the face of the earth for all she cares! - Still on the pier, Carly gets a call from Bo. She updates him that Mel only helped her at Daniel's request. She will be home soon and ends the call. Footsteps are heard as Vivian dangerously walks toward her. "You didn't live up to your part of the deal, Carly. What am I supposed to do about that ...?!" she seethes. Next on Days of Our Lives "Is he living here, are you nuts!" Brady tells a surprised Sami. Dan drawls to Chloe "I think we really do have big problems now, don't we?" "The sword of Vivian hangs over thy head!" Vivian declares to Carly. |
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