Days of Our Lives March 19, 2010
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Friday, March 19, 2010 
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- Nicole files her nails as she waits in her cell. Along comes guard Lois. Nicole thinks that one needs better grooming with the money she will give her. Lois has her doubts the governor will spring her at all. Nicole smiles her friend is highly motivated. After reminding her she owes her another costly favor, Lois hands Nicole a phone and suggests she use her time wisely. Nicole pauses, unsure what she can say to HIM.
- On the Kiriakis doorstep, Victor cackles Anna must have fallen on hard times, selling beauty products door to door! She asks after Phil. He has moved out, Vic gets sarcastic, then wants to know why she is really there when she says she needs a glass of water. He gives her water and tries to shoo her away. Ding dong! Tis the Governor, Jim Ford. He happily hugs Anna. Vic realizes it is no coincidence.
- Chez Sami, Elvis pleasantly disagrees with Samantha, who is busily  looking for a job online. He wishes to take financial responsibility. Knock knock! He assumes tis fatha so he opens the door. Tis Brady, who wants to know what the hell is going on! Mr. Mom Elvis excuses himself. Brady now faces Sami and asks if she is nuts, is he living there! Sami replies he
is just staying there and wants to be near the kids. She claims that Rafe understands. Brady thinks Rafe is only saying that and insists she cannot let EJ stay there. In the other room, EJ listens and mutters he is not going anywhere! Sami defends EJ and gets mad at Brady for telling her how to live her life. Elvis emerges and says he can look after the kids while they go out for a chat. Sami goes in the other room to tell the kids she will be back soon. Brady warns EJ not to hurt his sister and then departs with Sami. Babysitter Elvis sets down his tray of baby juice, sits down, and thinks. Lexie and Theo drop by. Elvis suggests energetic Theo go play with Johnny. Theo cutely races into the next room to do just that. Lexie talks Sami. Harold told Lexie that EJ is living here with Sami and she would like to know what he is up to! After EJ checks on sleeping Sydney and playing Johnny and Theo, Lexie states she thinks his wanting to be near Sydney is his story. He points out how he feels about Sydney. She points out how he feels about Sami. He calls their affair no more than a momentary lapse. She senses he fears she will figure out what he is up
to. He forces a smile. He is there to look after his daughta and keep her away from Stefano. Lexie is convinced  he is there for Sami, however.
He denies it. Lexie thinks he is in denial.
- Ari flounces into Rafe's FBI office. He has no time to go out for coffee. She sits on his desk and makes small talk. He is working and fixated on
his computer. She flippantly says she is getting married and smiles. Got
his attention! He is happy for her. She says they will all be happy - her, Brady, him, and Sami, all at the same time.
- At the pier, Carly tells Madame to leave Melanie alone. Viv leers she must rethink everything. Carly sarcastically reminds her everyone knows why she took Mel on the roof, so if she even gets a paper cut, they will come after Viv first, with her leading the pack! Vic cares not and is driven only by revenge for Lawrence. Carly accuses her of being just like him. She dwells in the darkness. And everyone knows what happens to dark Dracula when he goes into the light. Along comes Gus. Viv wonders if
she should just kill her now and see where the chips will fall! Carly makes snide remarks. Gus steps back and Viv warns her she just wanted to let her see she could have her taken out at any time!
- At Java Cafe, Chloe assumes Dan thinks she is moody and wierd and impossible to live with. He says no, but he is dismayed she was more honest with Phillip. She retorts maybe Phillip accepts her for who she is and does not tell her what to do. Dan sighs they have a problem. He explains therapy can be a good thing but not if she does not go - so how about they go together, as they seem to have a problem.
- Sami and Brady are outside and she insists things are perfect. Brady gets a call on his cell from an area code he does now know. "Hello?" Nicole is speechless. Brady assumes it was a wrong number. Meanwhile, Nicole sighs she will not get him back with tears. Now what?
- Inside the pub, Rafe toasts Arianna and congratulates her. Enter Sami and Brady. Sami soon sits at a table with Rafe, who is still on the case
and he knows they are going to find whatever the kidnapper left behind. Sami brings up how EJ has changed. He is focused on his daughter, not the case. Rafe thinks she is elevating Elvis because he is Sydney's real father. He makes a comment about their living arrangements. Brady and Ari approach with glasses and the mood gets festive as she shows her glittery ring. The two couples sit together and discuss the wedding. Sami now announces she wants to apply for a job as a clerk a the FBI Office. She hopes Rafe will give her a good reference! Rafe looks surprised. She boasts of the good benefits. He does not think it is a good idea and tells her so.
- Nicole calls Anna to get an update. She is busy with the governor and cannot talk. Click! Lois informs a surprised Nicole she has a visitor. Tis Chloe, lamenting her Daniel wants her to see a shrink. She does not know what to do. Nicole gives her a reassuring hug. Chloe complains he wants them to go together. She is mad that b*tch Carly Manning did not get in trouble for not telling him they had a child, whereas she did just for not wanting to confide in a stranger. She suspects Carly is using Daniel the same way she used Bo. And she worries she will end up like Hope - all alone. Nicole assures her Daniel is crazy about her. Chloe cries he just thinks of her as a problem. Nicole points out they do appear to have a problem, so she should fool him! Chloe stares. Nicole advises her to show him she is a strong and capable woman. Chloe takes it all in. She thanks her imprisoned friend, who slyly lets her know she might not be in prison much longer after all ...
- At the Kiriakis mansion, the governor implies he wishes to be alone with Anna. The Greek tycoon mumbles about strange  bedfellows and gives them their privacy. Jim tells Anna after the fundraiser he is free. He and wife Veronica have a flexible arrangement ... He now realizes she did not track him down to reignite the old flame. She admits she is there to collect on a promise he once made, that he would do anything for her. She has a friend in trouble. He is not impressed she wants a get out of jail free card for Nicole Walker DiMera, queen of the tabloids. He will help her when hell freezes over! If he crossed the DiMera family, it would be political suicide. He will not grant a pardon to that fruitcake. He would rather give Anna a position or take her to Paris. Anna cries if he does not pardon her, she is in big big trouble! She cries like a baby and he feels sorry for her. Anna offers to do anything if he pardons Nicole and kisses him. He laughs this is crazy and they start to make out.
- At the pier, Vivian coldly warns Carly "The sword of Vivian hangs over thy head." Dan steps out of the shadows and approaches, ordering Viv to back away from her or face the consequences! If she bothers Carly or ever comes near his daughter, he will put her in the psych ward where she belongs! Viv quips Lawrence did want the father dead too, so perhaps she should put that on her to do list. Dan drawls for her to put him at the top cos he would love to have legal justification to take her out! Vivian airily admits they have reached in impasse, suggests Carly remember what she said, tells her to have a nice day, and leaves. Daniel assures Carly that
Viv will not go near Melanie now. Carly is impressed he spooked Viv.
Mel is lucky to have him. Dan advises her to let him know if Madame bothers her again. Carly reminds him she has messed up his life enough
so she is not his problem. Dan feels she should be safe and available, for Melanie's sake, in case she decides she wants to have her in her life. Hence his involvement. And he will make sure Vivian is kept in check! Carly is impressed. Are they friends again? He says it is more like they have a mutual enemy and he is involved ...
- Outside Java Cafe, Viv informs Gus she is bringing in backup. She calls Victor and tells him it is about Carly! The Greek tycoon soon meets her
at Java Cafe and is none too pleased to hear Carly has been exonerated. Viv says she will take care of her regardless, the law be damned. "Here here!" applauds Victor, raising his coffee cup.
- Chez Sami, Theo runs out and exclaims that baby Sydney is crying. Lexie offers to look in on her. Alone with EJ, Theo now drops a bomb. "Johnny told me your secret!"  Elvis pulls him aside and whispers what secret. "About Sydney, that she was never gone, she was safe with you
all along," says little Theo, much to EJ's astonishment ...!

Next on Days of Our Lives

Really. Or else what?
I don't think you want to know!

Miffed Sami tells Rafe "I think we should take a break."

Elvis appears to sit next to Anna on a plane and holds a gun to her.
"Stupid, stupid girl!"