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Monday, March 22, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only FRANTIC! - Mayor Abe and Commissioner Bo have visitors - Dan and Carly. Carly informs them of Vivian's most recent threats. Bo calls her a dangerous insane woman. Why is she not in a mental institution! Dan seconds the motion but reminds him they need to protect Carly. Bo wants to put an end to the madness.Carly is only interested in Melanie's welfare. Daniel talks tough about Viv. Bo wonders when it became his problem. When Melanie was almost killed by Vivian, under Bo's watch, that's when! And now Carly is getting death threats, so what is he going to do about it? - Viv meets Gus at the Java Cafe. She has a back up for her plan and it still involves him. They look on the computer and Viv ponders searching for slow acting poison. Gus is uncertain. Ring ring! Tis Commissioner Bo and he orders Viv down to the station pronto! - Also at the cafe, Will approaches working Mia with the necklace he gave her, the one she lost. She asks where he found it. Gaby got it from Chad. The necklace gets around, says he, just like her! She claims she lost it at work and Chad must have found it. Will calls her a liar, warns she will end up alone, and storms out. Enter Gaby. - Alone in a room with Anna at the house of Kiriakis, the governor stops kissing her and warns Anna she is asking too much. It was a high profile kidnapping with a sick game of musical babies. Anna insists that his heart would go out to Nicole if he read her statements. He alludes to public opinion counting more, then calls his driver. He is sorry he cannot help Anna on this matter. She feels sorry for herself and calls herself a washed up old bimbo. He thinks she is still so cute and it was great to see her. He kisses her and exits. Anna starts to panic, remembering Nicole giving her no more than 24 hours. Time to bring out the big guns! - At the pub, replay of Rafe telling Sami it is not a good idea for him to write her a job recommendation for the FBI. Sami gets miffed and races to the door. He stops her. She explains she feels the need to have some means of support for her kids, in case there is a custody battle with EJ. Rafe points out she does have means of support. Him. Sami gasps she appreciates that but ... He asks if he is not enough.Sami still thinks the FBI job would be perfect for her and exciting, plus it has daycare. Ari and Brady think they should leave. Sami now realizes they are supposed to be celebrating their engagement so she and Rafe sit back down and make merry. They ask the couple if they have definite wedding plans yet. No and they plan to keep it simple. Sami asks Ari if she intends to continue working after she gets married. Yes. And she is thinking of going back to school to get her Master's. Sami slips in wanting to go back to school herself, if it weren't for the kids, but the FBI job would be perfect for her now. Brady pretends he would like to check out the pie and takes Ari with him. Rafe points out the job that Sami wants is not even in his department. In addition, he has never worked with her. Sami insists she is smart and punctual and whatever she has to be. He asks if she has any clerical experience. She replies she has hospital experience (she used to do reception) and she can type, answer the phone, get coffee, and keep secrets. He quips there is no need to tell him that and she wonders what that is supposed to mean! He replies he was just agreeing with her and suggests she is defensive. She accuses him of taking a swipe at her and then voices her displeasure that he won't give her a job recommendation. Rafe explains she would never pass a background check for the FBI. Sami appears confused and asks why. Because she has a criminal record and also withheld information in a federal investigation. Sami shouts this is really about him not trusting her. She sarcastically says she is insecure and maybe they should not have jumped into things again. They should take a break. He says okay and she is displeased about that, too. He patiently points out she suggested it and departs. Sami starts to cry. - Chez Sami, Elvis must deal with Theo knowing the Sydney secret. He says Johnny makes up stories. Theo, however, is nothing if not persistent and repeats Sydney was with her daddy the whole time. Lexie walks out carrying Syd and asks Theo why he would say that. EJ frowns. Lexie is baffled. EJ assures Lexie he must have misunderstood. Lexie sends him in the other room to play with Johnny. Lexie does not dismiss what Theo tells her. She wonders if Johnny, being in and out of Stefano's house, might have seen or heard something. He could be the key! Elvis retorts Johnny hardly spent any time at the mansion. He sighs and says he hopes she does not think fatha had something to do with the sydnapping. Lexie would not put it past him. - Anna heads for DiMera mansion and is about to knock on the front door, when she imagines what might happen.In her fantasy, Elvis reacts angrily when she states she needs his help, as Nicole has identified her as the kidnapper. He has already given her 5 million dollars to keep her mouth shut.! Elvis summons henchman Marco, who shoots her! Anna blinks back to reality and sighs. "What the heck am I thinking!" she gasps and scurries away. Anna now imagines being on a plane to escape, only to be shot by EJ! She blinks back to reality and decides there is no hiding from the DiMeras. There is only one thing left to do! - At the slammer, Nicole is ordered back to her cell but she continues to paint her nails, dreaming of her get out of jail fee card. Lois is curious who she is getting herself dolled up for. Must be that guy she had called earlier. Nicole flashes back to telling Brady goodbye. She thinks she was an idiot to walk away from the one guy who loved her. Lois says if she was the one who walked away, maybe it's not too late. Nicole states he has tried to move on with someone else but he could come back. Crazier things have happened. Lois' phone rings. It is for Nicole. Anna admits she could not get the pardon from the governor. It is over. However, there is one other thing ... Nicole is livid, suspecting she is stringing her along, and gives her 12 hours, not a minute more! Much to Lois' surprise, she then throws the bottle of nail polish against the wall. It shatters and leaves a red stain. - Viv enters Bo's office and exchanges words with Carly. The commiss asks Dan and Carly to excuse them. They leave and Dan impatiently tells Carly he cannot help but resent that Bo has known about his daughter for longer than he has. Carly thanks him for his help, though he does not need to stay. He departs. Inside, Vivian is flippant. Bo has a dire warning. He could make her life a living hell. Vivian accuses him of making threats he cannot follow through on, unlike her, and bids him goodbye in French. Carly asks how it went. Bo says he is not surprised how it went, though Vivian is going down! - Ari and Brady head for Java Cafe, happy and together. Ari spies glum Gaby sitting alone and notes something is the matter. Guy trouble, says Gaby. Mia watches. Gaby complains what Chad said, how he still cares for Mia. Ari points out having a baby can bond a couple. - Sami goes home and picks up Sydney. EJ asks if Rafe will be joining them this evening. Sami replies he will not be coming at all. He pretends to be sorry and to want her to be happy. Sami finds it ironic that despite what she had anticipated, she and EJ have not fought since getting Syd back. - Rafe punches a bag at the gym with a vengeance. Along comes Will, who wonders what his mom has done now! Rafe shakes his head and admits they have problems, but it's not Sami's fault. Will disagrees and starts to hit the bag, remarking all the guys Sami has played break up and make up with. "Nothing ever lasts!" Rafe senses something is wrong with Will. He admits he broke up with Mia,who was stringing along two guys at once. - At the pub. the governor joins Mayor Abe, Lexie, and Theo at their table. He is impressed with the green Brady pub and all the great things Mayor Abe has done. Abe praises Lexie and the governor concurs. He shakes Theo's hand. Theo says hello. The gov tells Abe he has a beautiful family and now heads off to get back to his busy schedule. Lexie realizes Abe does not like the man. No. Too ruthless, ambitious, and slick. But he suspects that man is headed for higher office, provided he keeps his nose clean. - Meanwhile, Anna sneaks up to the governor's hotel room door. - Back in her cell, Nicole decides she must speak to someone who will take her calls, someone whom she can trust. It dawns on her who that would be! - At the cafe, Gaby is elated to hear Ari's happy news and advises her to elope. By the door, Brady tells Dan he is dreading Victor's reaction. Dan advises him not to take it to heart, no matter what it is. Brady hopes his reaction will not affect Ari, make her feel she does not belong. When Ari hugs Gaby and gets back to Brady, Mia approaches and makes a remark about Chad dumping her. She thinks it was a smart move. Gaby starts to leave. Mia says she would be humiliated too. Gaby tells her to drop dead and departs. Brady and Ari remain at their table and he absolutely agrees with Gaby's idea of eloping! Sounds like a plan! Madame Viv enters and rejoins Gus with the latest. Bo Brady's attempts at intimidation aside, she will not be deterred. She intends to do Lawrence proud! - Chez Sami, she laughs loudly and plays with Sydney. Elvis says Sydney reminds him of her mother. He watches her with a smile on his face and calls Sydney a very lucky girl. Sami rocks her to sleep in her arms. - Bo and Carly are in his office and he would like to discuss their future. She smiles they should not talk at all and they start to kiss. Carly is paged and must check in with the hospital. Alone, Bo whips out his phone. "Hey, it's me. Just wanted you to know that this craziness with Vivian, it's gonna end." - At the governor's hotel, room service arrives with a tray. Anna offers to take in the tray as she and the gov are sharing the room. She hands the bellhop a tip and he leaves. She now drops pills into the glass of wine, knocks, and walks out of view. The governor opens the door and wheels in his dinner and glass of red wine. Anna quietly comes out from around the corner and listens at the door."Nighty night Jimmy. Sleep tight!" - Rafe is sweating and working out at the gym when he receives an unexpected call. "Rafe, it's Nicole DiMera.I need to see you right away!" Next on Days of Our Lives "Every word out of your mouth is about Melanie and that stupid letter," Steph complains to Nath. "Do you still have feelings for Nathan?" Maggie asks Mel. Nicole faces a most interested Rafe. "It's about Sydney. There's something you need to know." |
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