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Thursday, March 25, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only DEAL OR NO DEAL ... - At the pier, as waves are heard lapping against the Salem shore, Bo promises Carly he will always be there. Replay of their passionate kiss as Vivian watches from the shadows. She now asks Carly whether she hypnotizes the men who fall for such a murderess! She taunts her and Bo steps in. "Stop now and live or I will end your life before you have a chance at ending hers!" Madame Viv's eyes flicker with fear. She sees he means it and deduces he must really love Carly, "It's not fair," she whispers. It is not fair for Carly to have a happy ending. Bo threatens her to leave Carly alone or he will end her miserable life! Madame slowly says perhaps she should stop living in the past. Maybe there is a better way to handle the situation, so she will not say au revoir, she will just say goodbye. Exit Viv. Carly feels she is lying. Bo would rather get Carly home. They race off together. - Hope sighs and sits at her desk at the the station, flashing back to bitter words she said to Bo about hoping to hell Carly is worth it. Enter Justin. Hope pretends she is busy. He insists. It cannot wait as she played God with his life! She let Adrienne think there was hope when there is none. She believes there is. Justin now speaks as a friend. He thinks she wishes to convince herself he and Adrienne have a chance, as it could mean she and Bo do as well. It is time to move on, She holds up her ringless hand. "I already have." Justin softens. He is worried about her. Hope explains maybe he is right and she should not have interfered, but maybe he has been fooling himself. Justin sighs she has made her position clear though that has not changed how he feels. He confesses he is in love with her and that will never change. Enter Adrienne. "You're in love with Hope!" She wants a word alone with the almost other woman. Justin sighs and departs. Adrienne tells Hope what she thinks. After Bo dropped her, Hope moved on with her husband! Hope points out she has no feelings for Justin, nor does she think his feelings for her are real. Adrienne claims she does not care. Hope, however, thinks she does. After all, she traveled halfway across the world to see him. It is not over. Adrienne says Hope's heart might be in the right place, but she suspects Hope is really talking about her and Bo! Hope looks sad, then replies she needs to get back to work. Adrienne continues. Bo is with Carly now. In order to save herself, Hope should move on. She exits. Hope considers. - Carly and Bo are in bed together and Carly wonders if Bo really meant he would kill Vivian.He sighs the important thing is that is what Viv thinks he would do. He knows Vivian is on her way to Victor, to complain, but Victor will just assure her Bo did mean he would kill her. They get back to their lovefest. "I love you, princess," says Bo. - Mayor Abe is with Sami at her place, assuring her that her home is being watched. Sami rages and paces in her loud mini. What or who made the governor do it! Nicole has no contacts besides Brady and Chloe. Abe points out FBI Rafe is working on it so she can ask him for an update. Sami gasps they are taking a break from each other. Abe is sympathetic. - Rafe is still on Victor's doorstep. Vic repeats the governor and Anna had an intense conversation last night. Rafe wonders why Anna would want Nicole freed. Victor suggests it might have been connected to EJ. Rafe considers. He enters and they discuss. It would not have been difficult for Anna to get the goods on someone like Ford. But what would her motive be, for arranging to have Nicole released? To get revenge on EJ, whom Anna probably loathes as much as Stefano, says Victor. Rafe is not so sure. That sounds too extreme. He should focus on what matters and that would be what Nicole had on Anna! - At DiMera mansion, as Elvis sits at the chess table with the governor, the fireplace in the background, the governor states he had no choice and assumed Anna was acting for the family. EJ is enraged and demands to know every single word Anna said to him! He then advises him to keep this strictly confidential. The governor agrees and departs. Elvis mutters Anna should have come to him. He now places a call on his phone and asks Anna where she is. She replies, still seated on the plane, that she is somewhere he will not find her! Elvis gathers Nicole remembered her, hence her forced cooperation. He demands to know if she said anything about him. Does Nicole know he was the mastermind? Anna retorts she covered for him and kept up her end of the bargain but nothing had better happen to her! Back in Salem, Elvis ends the call, frowns, and heads out of the mansion ... - In paradise, Ari is getting dressed when her pearls come apart and fall to the floor. The island girl helping her thinks it means something terrible will happen! Ari asks her to help pick up the pearls. This was a gift from her fiance. As the fallen pearls were a gift from her betrothed, the island girl warns this means their union will not stand! Ari nervously disagrees but flashes back to her insecurities about Brady and Nicole, She is doubly dismayed by the hotel manager, who seems to be as superstitious as his employees. - Meanwhile, Nicole finds out Arianna is about to marry Brady. When the justice of the peace excuses himself to fetch the marriage license from his car, Nicole spies Brady and mutters she is just in time. Then again, maybe she should do the right thing, since it is over. Brady stands up and turns around. Their eyes now meet.Nicole looks uncertain. Brady looks tanned. She was pardoned, says she. But why is she there? She replies she had some business there. He doubts it. She admits she came there to speak with him, the one person always in her corner. He retorts she should not have come. She recalls telling him to move on, but now that she is free, everything had changed. She smiles at him. Brady does not smile back. Instead, he contacts the prison to check she is telling the truth.Afterwards, he gives her back her phone and congratulates her on her freedom. She says she is free from everything and alludes to the fact that she is ready for him. Brady murmurs he is not in paradise on business, he is there to marry Arianna! He is in love. Nicole calls his beloved a drug dealer. He reminds her he already explained she was not. She claims she does not want him to get hurt. He drawls no one hurt him the way she did. Nicole sadly says she wants him to be happy and leans in to give him a goodbye kiss. Along comes pretty bride Arianna, who cannot believe what she is seeing. "What the hell are you doing!" She deduces Nicole is after Brady. Nicole explains she knew not they were getting married. Ari shouts do Sami and Rafe know she is out! Nicole replies she is sorry, she was just kissing him goodbye. Arianna doubts it and shouts she is onto her! Brady tries to calm down the belligerent bride. He wants to take Ari for a walk on the beach, but Ari wants Nicole to witness this. Then again, now that Nicole is free, if Brady does not want to marry her, she will accept that. Brady steps forward and assures her he loves and wants to marry her. Ari thinks he also loves Nicole. Nicole calmly says it sounds like Arianna is the only one who has any doubts! - At the house of Kiriakis, Madame Viv hears form Victor that he does indeed believe Bo would kill her to protect Carly. She declares she will marry Victor after all and give up her vendetta. Victor presumes she will move onto psychological warfare. How well he knows her, purrs she! They have a drink and discuss. Viv declares that Bo and Carly will not be together for long. The Greek tycoon shares a toast with her. "I can live with that!" - Chez Sami, Elvis shows up with an announcement, in an attempt to do damage control. Anna must have blackmailed the governor! Rafe enters with an even bigger announcement. Nicole must have blackmailed Anna into blackmailing the governor, cos Nicole found out Anna DiMera was the kidnapper! Elvis feigns anger and frustration. Sami is exasperated. Rafe stares at Elvis and drawls it is interesting that in this case, the more answers they have, the more questions arise! His phone rings and he steps away to take the call. Sami is angry and confused. EJ has an answer for everything and pretends to be sorry for how she has suffered because of his family. He should not have kept Anna's secret that she was in town. Sami assures him there is no way he could have known, but this does not sound like Anna ... He tries to play on her sympathy by blaming himself. Anna must have been trying to avenge Tony's death. Sami still doubts Anna would have done such a thing as orchestrate the kidnapping. It does not seem like her. Rafe comes back from his phone call, bearing news, courtesy of the FBI. Nicole DiMera is in Santo Domingo! - Back in paradise, Brady tells Nicole not to interfere in his conversation and faces his bride. He implores her not to do this. The belligerent bride states Nicole being free changes everything. Brady assures Ari that he still wants her, but the ball is in her court. "You want to marry me or not ...?" Next on Days of Our Lives "Believe me, if she has half a brain in her head, she's going to stay far away from Salem and from your family" Kate tells Stefano. Rafe shakes his head at EJ. "Anna wasn't acting on her own ..." Ari faces Brady and exclaims "No, I'm sorry, I don't want to marry you today!" |
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