Days of Our Lives March 31, 2010
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Wednesday, March 31, 2010 
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- Replay of EJ telling Sydney he loves her mother. He looks at her photo, then puts Sydney down. Ding dong! Tis Lexie.She wonders what is going on with him. "A lot," he admits. She asks for specifics. He regrets not listening to her, what she had said about his feelings for Samantha. Lexie
is relieved he will no longer deny he loves Sami. EJ complains he ruined everything. He recounts how Sami drove a hole thru his heart by lying about his daughta. How can he love someone who causes him so much pain? Lexie reminds him we do not control who we love. She asks if he will tell Sami how he feels. He knows not, as he is not certain how she would react, even though she and Rafe are rather broken up. Sis Lexie wonders if he wishes to make something happen with her. EJ is unsure. She suggests he go for a walk to think things through and offers to watch Sydney. He thanks her and heads out to do just that ....
- At the pier, Nicole saunters toward Sami. "Long time no see." Sami glares daggers at her arch enemy.She cannot believe she has the nerve to be back in Salem. Nicole says she is not leaving so she had better get used to it. Sami scoffs. Nicole calls it ironic they are down by the river, where Sydney was taken from her and given to Sami. Sami warns her to leave Salem or she will kick her *ss! She must stay away from her kids. Nicole asks after Syd. Sami retorts she is fine. Anna took good care of her. She accuses Nicole of letting her get away with it just so she could get out of prison. How selfish! She repeats to stay away from her daughter. Nicole casually replies she has moved on and suggests she do the same. Sami reminds her she stole her daughter. Nicole points out Sami lied as much
as her, given how she kept Sydney from EJ but now she has Sydney and lover boy Rafe. Happy ending. Pause. Nicole wonders is she not happy after all? Sami refuses to discuss. Nicole claims while she was in prison she had time to think and realized Sami and her lying caused everything! She taunts her that she also blew it with Rafe, the one good thing she had going in her life ... Sami suddenly stops her with a punch to the face. Nicole staggers and touches her lip. Sami says she should not have done that, she should not have provoked her. Nicole accuses her of breaking
her jaw and slugs her back. They proceed to wrestle on the pier and pound on each other, like a couple of gals gone wild!
- At Java Cafe, Nath runs into Steph and insists on paying for her coffee. She makes a remark about not forgiving and forgetting. He is pleasant
and she wonders if he is trying to make peace with her. He replies no.
She assumes he is not over the letter. He states Mel said it was only a letter goodbye anyway. Steph remembers what the letter really said - that Mel wanted to to know if there was still a chance for them ... She blinks back to reality. Nath continues. He was hoping he and Steph could start over and invites her out for dinner. She smiles and accepts! Just as Nath
is about to leave, enter Aunt Adrienne. The intros are made. Once he is gone, Adrienne teases that must be the guy papa Steve has been emailing her about, the one she is in love with. Steph giggles she is indeed crazy about Nathan! However, they did have problems as he was into someone else. Steph adds she is now out of the picture. Adrienne takes it all in ...
- At the hospital, Chloe is horrified to hear Carly say Dr. Williams was about to explain a problem concerning Daniel. The doc elaborates. Blood has moved around a certain lobe, which indicates that he could experience double vision at times. It should clear up, but if it not, there are options.
- In his hospital room, Mel cries how much papa Dan means to her. Dan looks at her, seeing double. She rushes out to summon the doctor. Chloe, Carly, Mel and the doc rush in. The doctor wants a word alone with the patient. Out in the hall, Chloe gets upset at Carly. Mel now says this was not Carly's fault so she should leave her alone. She thinks it was her fault for storming out of the pub. Out comes the doctor, who will need to run more tests before his final prognosis. Chloe returns to her sweetheart.
Dan is pleased to see her. She is worried. He smiles he will be fine as long as she loves him. She lies down on him and they hug. Later, he admits he sees two of her. Chloe hopes it will get better. She woefully notes that she should be cheering him up but she is the mess. "You're a hot mess," he drawls, adding the vision problem could be gone any moment. Outside his room, Carly says it was good of Mel to defend her to Chloe. Mel asks for the truth - will her dad be okay? Carly points out they need to await the test results. Mel points out he needs his eyes as a doctor and proceeds to blame herself. Carly insists it was not her fault. Besides, first she blamed her. What made her view it differently? Mel thinks she was wrong to lose her temper at the pub and act so bratty. Carly assures her he slipped on the ice and it was an accident so no one is to blame. Mel just wants him
to get better ...  Mel enters Dan's room just as he is about to kiss Chloe. Chloe departs to give them a moment and get her man some chocolate cake from the pub. Mel pouts she is sorry that he got stuck with her for a daughter. Dan insists he fell down because of the ice, not her. She admits she aways feels guilty when bad things happen. He claims accidents are random. Mel now praises Carly for knowing what to do. Enter Carly, who praises Mel for her own professionalism. Mel looks overwhelmed and excuses herself. Carly tells Dan she is sorry. He repeats t'was an accident. She hopes Mel will not blame herself. They both worry about Mel being emotionally high strung and laugh about where she got that from, Carly is happy to see Dan smiling again and places her hand on his. Chloe returns with the cake and stops at the window, where she is none too pleased to spy Carly at Dan's bedside, her hand on his!
- At the pub, Rafe is stunned to hear from Ari that felonista Nicole is back in Salem. He is equally surprised to hear that Ari and Brady were in Santo Domingo to elope, which was why Nicole showed up. He calls and leaves Sami a message. "Nicole's back in town so be on guard."He then asks Ari what the wedding rush was. There is no rush. It will now be in Salem. He notes she seems very happy. Ari states Brady is the best and she will not let Nicole ruin things. FBI Rafe is anxious to find Nicole and ask her some questions ...
- Later, Ari and EJ run into each other at the gym, where she is doing a strenuous workout on a bike. He wonders if she wants to talk about what is bothering her. She updates him on what transpired to ruin her tropical elopement. What happened? His ex-wife happened! Elvis is shocked to hear that Nicole is in town. He is very worried and thinks Ari should be
as well! She assures him she does not trust her. Elvis sighs he must find her and leaves to do just that ...
- Down at the pier, Rafe come upon the bloodied, battling broads and intervenes. They refuse to stop, however! He soon has them in custody
at the police station, but Sami and Nicole continue to yell insults at each other.  Enter Roman, who orders them to shut up. Rafe fills him in on the fight. Roman has Nicole taken to an interrogation room. Rafe intends to question her as well. Before she is escorted out, Nicole warns Rafe that Sami will hurt him every chance she gets. Sami sticks out her chin and lunges, but is held back by Rafe. Rafe soon dabs at Sami's cuts and she complains it hurts. She recalls how she nursed him back to health before, which led to other things early on in their relationship. They are about to kiss when Rafe is informed that Nicole is now ready for his questions.
He takes off and goes to the interrogation room.
- Mel is down at the pier, talking to the doc on her phone, She is worried about Dan's vision. Could it be permanent? Pause. She quietly thanks him for being honest and turns around, only to find herself face to face with Nathan. Mel's eyes are filled with tears.  Nath looks concerned.
- Back at the station, Roman tells Sami he is sorry they did not find out that Anna was the one who had kidnapped Sydney. She insists he not blame himself. Besides, some good has come of this fight with Nicole.
She is now convinced Rafe still loves her and they will be able to find
their way back to each other ...
- As FBI Rafe interrogates Nicole, he demands to know how she pulled off the pardon. They know she already knew Anna kidnapped Sydney
and therefore blackmailed her. But how long did she know? He warns
she could be charged. Nicole reminds him she was pardoned. From the kidnapping perhaps, but not from obstructing a federal investigation - a
serious charge. Nicole considers and then announces she will tell him everything ...!

Next on Days of Our Lives

You're not jealous, are you?
Should I be?

Elvis informs his flunky "You leave this hour because I can't have anybody connecting these dots!"

Nicole faces Rafe. "I came back to take what's mine, what's always
been mine!"