Days of Our Lives March 4, 2010
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Thursday, March 4, 2010 
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- Nath gasps is Mel okay. She looks at him and says she loves him and never stopped. They embrace. Now Nath blinks back to REALITY. He says he would never have left town, had he known Mel was in hospital. Why is there a cop out front? Mel wonders if he even cares. He insists
he does. He assumes she was shot because of a Kiriakis mafia war. Mel states that was not it, she is descended from the scum of the universe.
He will not have her talking about herself that way. He then notices the wedding ring. Did it not occur to her that the shooting might be an omen telling her the marriage was a mistake? She replies where does he get off acting like she matters to him. He reminds her he told her already - the night before her wedding. She points out he was intoxicated at the time. He brings up the fact that the nurse told him she had wondered why he did not come by to see her earlier, and therefore concludes she still cares about him. Furthermore, he thinks she is hiding something from him and wants to know what it is. Melanie flashes back to the letter and starts to hyperventilate. "You know!" He wonders what is wrong. She cannot breathe! He gets the stethoscope and gently urges her to calm down, take
a deep breath.
- At Java Cafe, Steph is surprised Phillip is not on his honeymoon. She wonders if he and Mel are together. Of course. She tells him she will always be a friend and refers to her and Nath being an item. Phil updates her on the latest happenings. He now drops a bomb. Carly is Melanie's mother! And there was the shooting, which is why Mel is in hospital ... Steph's face falls. She now realizes Nath will see her at the hospital and hastily excuses herself.
- Steph soon enters Mel's hospital room, where Dr. Nathan is attending
to the Salem patient. Nath assures Mel it was just an anxiety attack that made her lose her breath. Stephanie steps forward to announce she is so sorry, she just heard about the wedding shooting. When Mel learns she was out of town, as was Nathan, she surmises they went away together.
- At the pub, Bo tells a horrified Carly that Vivian managed to sneak into Mel's room. But then Phillip interrupted. Bo assures her all ended well. Carly decides only she can take care of Vivian. She is the one she wants so she is the one who should have to pay. She wishes to plead guilty. Bo cannot believe what he is hearing! They will be able to prove she was trying to protect her daughter from a crazy woman, hence the accident. He thinks Mel will be able to prove that with a statement. Carly thinks
she has already been put through too much, not to mention that she hates her. Bo drawls they are handling this his way. He refuses to  change his mind. Carly laments she hurt Melanie and also Daniel. She is a curse to him, just like she was to Lawrence and she has been to Bo! He reminds her that Lawrence would have killed her. She brings up the fact that she knows Bo is hurting because of Hope and Ciara. She feels he would be better off if she left Salem for good. Bo understands how she feels. He went through the same feelings of guilt when he lost Zack. However,
Mel is alive and needs her. He believes mother and daughter would be good for each other. If she pleads guilty, Mel will miss out on having a mother and he will miss out on a future with Carly. The future is worth fighting for. She hugs him.
- At the house of Kiriakis, papa Dan approaches Vivian and warns that
he will never allow her to be nasty or lift a finger against anyone he cares about! He knows she was in Melanie's room and she had better never go near her again! Enter Victor. Dan enlightens him. Vivian claims she was only trying to make Mel comfortable in her room. Dan, however, accuses her of trying to finish what she started! Victor glares at Vivian. He would like to think she would not threaten the life of his daughter-in-law. Viv quips she has nothing against the lovely girl. Besides, if she wanted her dead, she would be dead! Dan does not want her to get the chance again. He hopes Victor will back him up on this. Victor turns and asks just what Melanie is to him. A patient whose life he saved, says the emotional doc. Vic points out there is no proof anyone but Carly Manning tried to harm the girl. Dan angrily advises him to keep Vivian far away from his patient and departs. Alone at last, the Greek tycoon demands Madame Viv tell him the truth. She admits she planned to smother the girl with the pillow, then changed her mind. "Carly Manning is the target." Besides, she has already arranged her own poetic justice! Victor warns the cops are having them watched, from a guy in a parked sedan across the street. He could become father of the year if he helped Bo nab Vivian! He pours himself
a drink. Viv admits her past actions were  all because of Lawrence, and she is back to herself now. She is no longer a threat to the fair Melanie and implores him to believe her.
- Down at the pier, Carly approaches Phillip. He is not interested in what he perceives as her fake concern for Mel and adds. "Karma's a b*tch!"
He wants to know where her famous concern was when Melanie was being abused by the father she chose for her! Carly asks how she is. He sarcastically alludes to the fact that Vivian has Mel targeted as a way to exact revenge on Carly. She agrees and warns him that Melanie should
not be taken back to live under the same roof as viper Vivian. He must protect Melanie from her, as her husband. Phil looks intense and walks away.Carly continues to stroll along the pier and hears a bell. She flashes back to a nostalgic lovefest with Bo.
- Phil saunters into the mansion and informs Victor his wife will not be returning to the house until he kicks Vivian that crazy b*tch to the curb. Will Vic do the honors or should he! Vivian is shocked to hear his words. The Greek tycoon assures him he misinterpreted what happened in the hospital room. Phil suspects they are still conspiring together. Vic states his enemy is only Carly. Viv assures him Mel has nothing to fear from her. Phil is doubtful.The accusations continue to fly. Victor reminds him Vivian is a guest in his home. He rejects his demand to kick her out. Now what? Phil retorts then it is hard for them to be a family, angrily says he never wishes to see Vivian again, and walks out. Vivian offers to go. The Greek tycoon says he will talk to Phillip. She may pack her things, but he believes she will be back soon ...
- Daniel returns to the hospital and cautiously opens Mel's door. When he spies Nath and Steph with her, he quietly closes the door. Meanwhile Mel is annoyed to hear Nath and Steph were at a ski lodge. Nathan asks what she was trying to tell him before. Melanie retorts it no longer matters and suggests Nath leave the room, but not Stephanie! The two girls are now alone. Mel is irate that Nathan did not even bother to read her letter. And what happened to said letter? Steph remembers tearing it up, then fibs she did nothing with it. Mel asks her to destroy it. "Done," agrees Steph.
- Out in the hall, Bo approaches Daniel. He would like the OK to take Melanie's statement. Dan drawls it is not OK! He does not want her to relive that night all over again. Bo understands why he is protective. Dan snaps Mel is his daughter and Bo did not have the decency to tell him. In addition, he is displeased how Carly worked him when he tried to get her on staff. He thinks Bo will regret being her wing man. Bo promises just a few questions, no more. When he later enters Mel's room, Steph is just leaving.
Out in the hall, Carly tries to tell Daniel she is sorry. He is not interested, as it is too late. Carly wants to make things up to him and Melanie. Dan points out her entire future is in her daughter's hands.
Also in the hall, Steph laments to Nath she did not know Melanie would end up getting shot. If she had known ... Nath now thinks he knows why Mel seemed mad. She must be furious at the whole world.
- Back in Mel's room, Bo enlightens her on how dangerous Lawrence Alamain was. He killed Bo's friend and raped one of Hope's cousins. Mel remarks it sounds like he and Carly were a match made in heaven! Bo continues trying. She has a great husband and could also have a mother who loves her and would do anything for her. "Why are you doing this?" says Mel. He grins he considers giving advice part of his brother-in-law responsibility. He thinks she should give Carly - her mother - a chance. Mel pauses. Enter Phil, who accuses Bo of trying to work her. Melanie sweetly coos she can handle it. Matter of fact, she is ready to give her statement. Bo starts the recorder. Mel calmly recounts how that fateful night, Vivian went up to the roof to talk to her about her mother. "And then Carly showed up with a gun." Next thing she knew, Carly pointed
the gun right at her, and she thought "Oh my God. This woman I barely even know is about to kill me and I don't know why ...!"

Next on Days of Our Lives
"Finally, she pays for what she did to me," Elvis tells Anna.
"Nobody is going to hurt our daughter," Dan drawls to Carly.
Bo addresses an upset Mel. "If I were you, I'd be scared."