Days of Our Lives March 5, 2010
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Friday, March 5, 2010 
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- At the hospital, a father rages. Dan is angry. He complains to Carly
that Bo is pumping Melanie and he suspects he just wants to get Carly
off the hook for shooting their daughter. Carly points out she wanted to plead guilty but Bo would not listen. Daniel gets sarcastic. Carly yells and cries she is unable to do anything right for their daughter! Daniel is still mad at her, yet apologizes for his remarks. Carly repeats she wants for Melanie to be safe. The only way to do that is to put Vivian away, with
a statement from Melanie. Dan informs her he went to see Vivian and threatened her, though it did not seem to make much of a difference. In
addition,  she has Victor backing her up. Carly is exasperated. So is Dan. Someone needs to get through to Melanie to implicate viper Viv! Carly
is caught off guard by his change of approach. He retorts he is pragmatic. Dan explains if Mel does not listen, they will have to do something. Carly smiles that he has been a dad for a day and he is already great at it. She is sorry for everything. He sighs they share a kid and will do what is best
for her, yet he has not forgotten her lies and secrets. Neither has she.
- Justin saunters into the Java Cafe and joins Hope, noting she appears
a tad glum. She has dropped Ciara off for a sleepover and now can only look forward to another evening with Vivian and Victor. Justin makes a snide remark about Vivian being the woman who almost killed her. Hope is in no mood for jokes. "I lost Bo - and I don't want it to be true," she says sadly. Justin asks if she is sure. She is sure Bo wants Carly. Justin points out Bo is but a man. Carly was like a damsel in distress showing
up when Hope and Ciara had gone. Therefore, the current situation is
not necessarily permanent. Hope admits she still loves him, but is not really sure she wants him back. Justin sympathizes that she is hurting. Finished after 25 years, she laments. Justin now suggests Bo is on the rebound. Hope doubts it. He has loved other women, while she has only ever loved one man - Bo. How to move on?
- Justin later comes upon melancholy Carly alone at the pier. He alludes
to the fact that Hope is dismal, too. He now declares he has been thinking about it and wants to take her case! She wonders what is in it for him. He wonders why she is cynical. She presumes he is counting on keeping her out of prison so Hope will not reconcile with Bo ... He thinks that is the pot calling the kettle black and promises the charges against her will not even make it to court! Besides, if his motivation were indeed Hope, then he would be working that much harder. She teases does that mean he is admitting it? He grins. "Lawyers never admit nothing! Sounds like a plan, doesn't it?"
- In Mel's hospital room, Bo stops recording. Mel insists they continue. "Carly looked at me and she shot me. Case closed." Bo asks why she is lying. Phil informs him that is quite enough! Mel assures him she is all too familiar with Commissioner Bo's tactics and sees he is simply trying to protect his girlfriend. However, Carly shot her and now she will pay! Bo thinks Mel has motives with such a story. Mel is quick to respond that he has no right to question her motives, given his involvement with Carly!
Bo wants a moment alone. Phillip says no. Melanie assures him she is
not scared so he can leave. Phil drawls at least Bo cannot say they did
not cooperate and saunters out. Bo now tells Melanie if he were her, he would be scared.Vivian is a very crazy woman, like no other she has ever encountered. She might get revenge on her mom this way but Viv will get another shot at killing her. Bo warns there will not always be a guard at her door, and he will not be able to watch her 24/7. Enter papa Dan, who demands to know if he is threatening her. Bo just wants her to face the facts. Mel exclaims for the doc to get him out of there! He agrees to leave
but quietly warns Daniel once she is released, he cannot continue security detail. He just wants to protect that little girl - and someone needs to get thru to her. Exit Bo.
Out in the hall, Phillip complains to Hope that Bo is trying to intimidate Melanie. She thinks Phil should get off his high horse, cos he is trying to protect her. Phil vows to stand by his bride, no matter what she tells Bo. Bo comes out and retorts then he is a fool! Phillip disagrees, insists he is doing what is best for his wife, unlike Bo, and departs. Bo admits he has
a point. Bo and Hope discuss the case. Bo realizes Mel remembers how he accused her in the Trent Robbins murder, not to mention his current involvement with Carly. Hope is certain the commissioner would never manipulate a witness, tho it was not very smart off him to assume Mel would open up to him! They were a good cop team and so she offers to take over for him, given his personal involvement, the fact that he might have pushed Melanie into shutting down. Bo appears to consider, clearly pleased that Hope still remembers what a renegade he can be!
- At the cabin, Anna wonders if EJ is sure. He holds Sydney in his arms and darkly declares he is indeed. "This is the beginning of the end for Samantha." Anna thinks he is like Stefano, and is dismayed he will not
tell her what comes next. Elvis looks intense. He toys with his phone and sighs.
- Chez Sami, she remembers the ransom note as Rafe approaches. He remarks she is jumpy and gently asks what is going on. He knows there
is something. She denies it. He presses. She claims it was just hard seeing Sydney on the video. Rafe is sorry for what she has been thru and thinks he knows why she has been evading him. Post traumatic stress, which explains why she canceled the memorial. Ring ring! Tis Elvis with news. "The ransom was a hoax," he says. Sami asks what he means. "I mean our baby is dead!"
- Elvis gets off the phone and gloats to disapproving Anna that Samantha is getting what she deserves. He is taking away Johnny and Sydney and
he is certain she will have trouble in paradise with Mr. Hernandez when he finds out what she kept from him, so she will be all alone!
- Sami falls apart, crying. Rafe has no idea what is wrong. She holds Ally in her arms, rocking and crying, not responding or speaking. Rafe calls Will and summons him to meet them at he pub. Sami is in crisis!
- At the hospital, Mel says she does not like Bo and repeats her statement to Dan. He calmly reminds her that Carly had said Melanie moved in to protect Viv, which is why she was shot. Mel pouts then Carly was lying. And whose side is he on! Her side, he breathes, and sits down. "There is something you should know about Carly and me." Turns out they have something in common. She jokes does he like to shoot people on their wedding day too! He explains there is more to this story that she needs
to know. She assumes he will tell her the shooting is all Vivian's fault.
No, says he. "I am trying to uh  ... to explain to you why I care so much about what happens to you. You see. Carly and I  ... You know that we've known each other for a very long time." He feels everything Carly did was for her. Mel does not believe he knows that for sure. He claims he does, and he understands, as he feels the same way. "I just found out. Carly told me (pause) I'm your father." Melanie stares at him, her baby blue eyes wide ...
- Outside the pub, Rafe updates concerned Will before he enters. He is worried about Sami and asks him not to allude to any false hope about Sydney being alive. He then makes a call.
- Back at the cabin, Anna criticizes EJ for his unmatched cruelty. He drawls that Samantha keeping his child from him was far worse.  Ring ring! Tis Rafe. "What the hell did you just say to Sami!" EJ pretends he
is busy. He hears car horns and wonders where Rafe is. At the pub, he had to get her out of the house. Elvis repeats he is busy and ends the call. He then shows Anna her payment - 5 million dollars. He asks her to get Sydney so they can leave. She soon hands him the baby, passport ready, and reminds him she does care about Syd. And it is not too late, he could make things right. She accuses him of ripping out the heart of the woman he is in love with! He denies it and walks out with Sydney ...
- At the pub, Sami is none too pleased to hear Rafe called EJ. He assures her he is just trying to help. She sadly says that he does help, by being with her and her family. That is all she wishes to say. He holds her in his arms. He would bring back Sydney if he could. Sami sighs she does not know how she will go on without her ... "You don't have to," says EJ. Sami looks up and gasps, beholding the sight of EJ standing before her, carrying her precious baby Sydney ...!

Next on Days of Our Lives
"Your own daughter and you tried to kill her, what the hell is the
matter with you!" Nathan shouts at Carly.
Mel peers at Dan. "Do you hate her as much as I do?"
Sami holds Sydney in her arms as Rafe faces EJ. "I need to know
exactly what happened!"