Days of Our Lives March 8, 2010
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Monday, March 8, 2010 
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- At the pub, Sami stares at smiling EJ, who has Sydney in his arms. She jumps up to get her baby and cries like a baby. Smiles all around! Roman and Caroline soon join the happy reunion. Ally says hi to Sydney. Sami announces she is very excited and shows her daughter to Rafe. He asks
EJ where he found her, what happened.  EJ smoothly states now is not the place or the time. Rafe retorts he needs to know. Roman gives EJ the evil eye and agrees with Rafe. Elvis explains he was instructed to pick her up in the forest reserve, near the ransom drop location ... Rafe is not impressed he did not tell the FBI there was yet another ransom note. EJ drawls he has no regrets, as he did what he knew was necessary to get their daughta back. He insists he acted alone.
- Stephanie is outside, remembering her deception about the letter. She assures herself she should have no regrets. Steph enters the Brady pub and joins the gathering, elated to see Sydney. Commander Roman wants Sydney taken to the hospital and mentions being able to get evidence of where she has been, who took her - from her clothing. Elvis thinks she is fine. Rafe wants to know where Elvis found her exactly. EJ quips would he like him to draw a map! Rafe drawls maybe he should take him there and show him the spot. The mood becomes tense. Sami would rather celebrate Sydney's homecoming. Rafe agrees it is a time to celebrate, but rest assured, he will not stop until he finds the party responsible! And the time to act is now. Elvis now pretends to agree with him. The kidnapper should be found and punished. Sami and EJ are advised to take Sydney
to the hospital as Rafe and Roman head out to the forest reserve to do some investigating. Caroline decides the rest of the family should give EJ and Sami time alone with Sydney. Will and Caroline take Ally upstairs to bed. Steph follows. Sami's voice starts to break. "Thank you so much!" Elvis murmurs just seeing her hold his daughta again means everything to him. They hug.
- Once Sami and EJ  have gone, Caroline and Stephanie return to the pub and Steph makes a comment about happy endings. She was planning to tell Caroline all about her trip with Nathan, She admits that she made a
big mistake and did something which could end up being misunderstood. Caroline is all ears. Steph explains before her wedding, Melanie was a nervous wreck and asked her to give Nathan a message. Nath, however, wanted nothing to do with Melanie or to even discuss her. That is why
she did not give him the message.She is reluctant to tell either party about it, especially Melanie, whom she suspects is not happy about her now dating Nathan. Caroline does not understand. Steph starts to explain more but gets interrupted when Will stops by. She takes her leave.
- Down at the pier, Nath confronts Carly. How could she shoot her own daughter! Carly retorts this is not his business, as he is no longer Mel's boyfriend. And if he cared so much, where has he been! He admits he was ignoring his messages while away and regrets it now. He wishes a number of things had been different. Carly says she is sorry. He is sorry, too. Carly thinks as her friend, he can be there to help Melanie recover. He glumly replies he is not sure she wants that and excuses himself ...
- At Java Cafe, Chloe joins Phillip, who is worried why Dr. Dan needed
to talk to Mel alone. He fears it is a medical issue. Chloe enlightens him. Tis no medical issue. Daniel is Melanie's father! Chloe sadly says she cannot have children, but he already is a father. Phillip is surprised about the papa Dan revelation and sympathetic toward Chloe.
- Chloe later walks along the pier. Her face becomes stony when she perceives Carly. Carly asks if she knows how Mel reacted, or if Daniel told her. Chloe sarcastically states she is incredible for caring all of a sudden. Furthermore, if she were lucky enough to have a baby, she
would never give her up!
- In her hospital room, Mel starts to cry and tells Daniel it is impossible
he is her father. He should get out! He stands up and starts to leave. She cries how long has he known, then learns he only discovered the night before. Seeing her in a whole other way has affected him. Mel cries all he did was stare at her. He explains he was trying to think of a way to tell
her without hurting her. She does not want him to leave and wishes to hear how she came to exist. He admits he was with Carly just one night, at a medical convention, when they were both lonely. He never suspected he had a child. Mel cries did Carly never say anything to him? "Nothing," says he. Mel now wonders if he hates Carly as much as she does! Daniel tries to talk her out of being angry. She cries that Carly deprived them
of each other, so how not to be angry? Papa Dan suggests they move forward. He wants to get to know her and be there for her. She wonders if he even wants kids. He sighs he did, but then Rebecca his late wife became ill. She brings up Chloe and their plans to have kids. He explains he just wants to focus on getting to know his daughter. "Will you let me do that?" he says, his voice filled with emotion. Mel observes him with
tear-filled baby blues. Dan the man hopes she will give him a chance. She sniffles and assures him he seems very nice. Matter of fact, she greatly respects him for the way he saved Chloe. Papa Dan declares he feels a connection with Mel. She feels it, too. He wipes a tear from his cheek
and notes that connection is a place to start. Mel smiles and agrees.She never ever thought she resembled Trent, but she sees she and Daniel
have the same chin ...
Phil returns to the hospital and complains to nurse Maxine that Dr. Jonas is taking too long. In two minutes, he is going to see his wife! Meanwhile, Dr. Nathan happens by and hears his reference to the fair Melanie as his wife. After 2 minutes, Phillip enters the room. Daniel quietly departs. Mel smiles he is her father. Phil knows. Mel now has a complete break down that she could have been raised by him instead of the evil Trent, but Carly never let her have the chance! Phil tenderly consoles his young bride. Once she has calmed down,she becomes optimistic about getting to know Daniel, yet that is not the same as being raised by him. Phil understands. Mel adds there is no way she is ever calling Carly mom. Phil understands that, too. She laments she has a new family, but really doesn't. He points out she has him. "I love you." She wonders if he has any regrets. Phillip kisses her and says no regrets. What about her - any regrets? Mel looks preoccupied, then declares of course she has no regrets, she loves him. She wishes to look ahead to the future, Phil gives her hand a reassuring squeeze. He has been researching real estate listings for them. One has
an indoor pool. Mel gets excited and wants to see. Unfortunately, he left the listings in the car and steps out to get them. Enter nurse Maxine, who teases Mel for playing hostess to so many visitors. And everyone is asking about her! They hug. Maxine leaves when the phone rings. Mel wrongly assumes it is Maggie, but it is Carly. Mel pouts. They have nothing to talk about. Carly understands she hates her and implores her not to hate papa Dan. He could give her what she needs. Mel snaps she has no idea what she needs. Carly points out everyone needs love. Mel gets upset. "I may need love but not from you! And soon you'll be out of my life, when you're thrown in jail and I'll never have to hear from you again!" Carly reminds her that love does not disappear. She will never stop loving her. Melanie ends the call and sobs.
Stephanie runs into Phil at the hospital.She is there to tell Nath the great news about Sydney being found, yet cannot seem to find him anywhere. Meanwhile, Nathan silently enters the Salem patient's room and consoles
a sobbing Mel with a hand on her shoulder.
- Outside of town, Roman and Rafe use cops and flashlights to search the snowy forest reserve. They arrive at the clearing where the kidnappers presumably left Sydney. "Why now?" wonders Rafe. Roman bends over to retrieve something and drawls maybe they will get some answers.. Tis
a stuffed toy, which Raf soon holds in an evidence bag. Roman is now
on the phone and curses upon learning that EJ and Sami have not taken Sydney to the hospital. He wants to know where they are.
- Back at the pier, Daniel comes upon Carly and Chloe and refuses to share the deets of his conversation with Mel - with Carly. She departs. Chloe asks him to tell her how it was. Emotional, awkward, and great.
But how does she feel? Fine, says Chloe. He is more concerned about her, what she has been through, and does not believe she is fine. Chloe blinks. She insists she is fine and sits on a bench. He follows. She insists she is happy for him. "This is about you now, alright.You've always been so good with me and now it's my turn. And I want you to know I think Melanie is very lucky because you are going to be a wonderful father." The emotional pair hold each other tightly.
- EJ takes an uncertain Sami (and Syd) to DiMera mansion and instructs maid Mary to send little Johnny downstairs. He announces he will keep his promise of reuniting the family before they do anything else. Sami cannot deny him that and calls him a hero. She hands the baby to Elvis and Sydney says, clear as day, DADA. Sami is baffled. She has not seen him for a long time and never said that before! Strange. EJ acts like it is
no big deal. "Samantha dahling, you're overreacting." He claims it is not the first time she called him dada, but Sami disagrees. Enter Johnny, excited to see Sydney. Elvis has Sydney on his lap, while Johnny sits on Sami's lap. Elvis proceeds to tell Johnny that he, Sydney, Ally, his mother and father can all be together again. Sami is touched. EJ adds he has an idea. After sending Johnny off to get a stuffed bunny, he states his case
to Samantha. He thinks she and Ally and Will should stay overnight, so
as to establish that they are a family. Sami looks stunned. Ding dong!
Rafe storms in, having found out from Roman that they did not go to the hospital. He blasts EJ for hampering the investigation and not giving a damn! The fellas start to argue, EJ drawls his days of deferring to him
are over. Sami reminds them Sydney is sensing the tension. Rafe steps
out to take a call. EJ promises Sami he will try and keep her name out of what happened. She does not think it will work. He repeats he can keep her name out of the deception and Rafe does not need to know. Oops! Rafe is already back in the doorway, watching, listening. Sami proceeds
to explain. "Rafe ..." He finishes for her. "You knew. You knew about
the ransom note - and you didn't tell me." He looks down. Sami looks mortified. Elvis looks at them both, his hands in his pockets,  but says nothing ...

Next on Days of Our Lives
What's this about?
The letter!
What letter?

Stefano informs Kate "When I find out, they will beg for death!"
Sami talks, Rafe listens. "I lied to you again and I know how angry
you must be."