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Tuesday, May 11, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only PARTNERS and more ...! - Replay of Baker walking into the secret poker room, only to come face to face with Nicole! He puts on a fake British accent, but she insists he is Dr. Baker and why is he not dead! Dr. Baker pauses and goes on with the cockney accent. Nicole demands he stop the games. He hits back by demanding to know why the baby thief is not in prison. She, however, wants to know what he is up to or else she will call the cops! He tells her his story ... He had assumed Stefano would send his thugs after him. Consequently, he chose to fake his death. Nicole is all ears. A past scene is shown,with Baker entering his tropical hotel room,lamenting he has not much time. He hastily injects himself with a drug, hides the syringe under the bed, sits down, and places a noose around his neck, pulling a bit to make it appear he has been strangled. Nicole learns that he used a drug to slow down his heart rate to appear dead. He points out she no longer has his blood on her hands. Tis the silver lining. Nicole is more interested in his recent activities and whips out Brady's stolen money clip. Dick looks from Nicole to the money clip, back to Nicole. He plays innocent. She knows he stole it from his victim last night and cannot believe he has gone from a baby seller to a mugger!He makes a snide remark about her being a detective. She understands he needs money for the gambling habit, but he has made it personal. He exclaims he does not care about those guys. Besides, she has no proof. She pulls out her camera and smiles she could prove a lot. "You're going down, Dickie. Tonight!" He dismisses her as a laughing stock and warns he would turn the tables on her. Nicole is mad that he targeted Brady. Baker exclaims he did not pick them, "She ..." He stops. Nicole gathers the one in charge is a woman. Like Bonnie and Clyde? Baker suggests she forget about the partner. Brady will be fine and he too has had a tough time. How about some compassion? Nicole threatens to go to the cops, unless he tells her about his partner. He does not. She warns he only has a few minutes of freedom left and takes off. - In the hall of the building where she lives, Chloe runs into Carly and accuses her of just not covering her tracks well enough when the doc tries to make amends. Carly is aghast when Chloe says she set it up with the motel creep! Chloe goes on to call her a scheming sicko and assures her Daniel believes only her! She now turns her back on a baffled Carly and enters the apartment she shares with Dan. - Out in an alley, Dan grabs the alcohol saturated motel creep by the scruff of the neck and demands he tell him the truth. Who made him lie! The creep claims he made an innocent mistake when he said he had been at the motel. Dan laments his fiancee thinks his female friend made up the story. It makes no sense. The motel creep thinks one of the women must be lying. Dan wonders if he is the one lying. The creep retorts why would he do that? He claims he is honest and hard working. Dan looks mad. So he is saying his fiancee is a liar? The creep asks if his fiancee has a history of mental illness. As a matter of fact, he would rather not see Dan or his fiancee ever again! Dan tells him to scram and appears to consider. - Vivian shows up at the hospital, dismayed when Maxine states Victor does not wish to be disturbed. Vivian now threatens to report her for her insolence. Maxine lets her go into Maggie's room. Jealous Viv pauses at the slightly ajar door as Maggie coos about Victor's nice qualities and he smiles. Enter Viv. She says she is concerned about Maggie, who admits she has been tired and they are running tests. She felt faint and collapsed, yet Victor was there to help. Vivian talks about the wedding plans. They are busy with the arrangements and she reminds fiance Victor they have an appointment. The Greek tycoon, however, is not going anywhere, as he is in the middle of talking to Maggie. The wedding plans will wait. He and Viv can talk later. Viv forces a smile and steps out to take a call from the wedding planner. However, it is not the wedding planner calling - tis the motel creep, who updates her on how he told the doctor what he was instructed. He wants nothing to do with him again so he is taking part of his money and getting a one way ticket outta Salem. Viv coos that is an excellent idea! Viv now sees Chloe at the hospital, just as she gets a call from Dan, who wishes them to meet up at home. Chloe thinks he sounds strange and wonders if Carly said something about her. He replies it is not about Carly. They agree to meet at home. Chloe thinks aloud that Carly bitch is poisoning him against her and walks off. Vivian now calls Gus, with orders to follow the songbird and update her on her reaction when she gets some unfortunate news ... - Brady is getting a head massage at home from Ari when Commander Roman summons him to the station, to go over the attack case. He is covering for Hope, who is home with Ciara. Meanwhile, Hope gets out of bed, leaving sleeping Ciara, and heads for the her closet. She emerges as her glamorous, confident alter-ego and eerily looks at herself in the mirror. "Mommy will be back very soon," she whispers, taking off. - Hope soon runs into Carly at the park. Carly is surprised she wants to chat. Red lipstick Hope explains she no longer hates her and commends Carly on being a decent person. Carly finds this change of opinion very sudden. Hope is sorry she judged her so unfairly and she is being sincere. "I no longer blame you for what happened with my husband." She calmly insists she has had a change of heart, as she has figured out where the blame really lies. Carly eyes her dubiously. Hope elaborates. The blame lies with BO! She smiles she would be happy to get together and chat more sometime, thanks her, gives her a hug, and is on her way. Carly shakes her head ... - At the station, Ari and Brady hear from Roman how they deduced the attacker was a female. Roman gets called away. Ari wants to talk about the case and brings up Nicole. He thinks she should stop bringing up her Nicole insecurities. Ari snaps he knows Nicole has feelings for him and Nicole actually believes she has a chance with him! Brady becomes exasperated and tells her again that he loves only her. Ari accuses him of caring about Nicole. He gives her a kiss and insists he loves her. They continue kissing. Enter Nicole, who is none too pleased to see the public, passionate display. The happy couple scurry off to tell Roman they are leaving. Nicole stands alone, miffed that Ari gets a free pass, even though she has no alibi. She now gets an idea! Meanwhile, Brady heads back to the Kiriakis mansion, kissing Ari, ignoring his ringing phone. - At the park, jogging Daniel comes across Carly. They rehash Chloe's latest accusations. As Chloe happens by, concealed behind some trees, she overhears Dan telling Carly that he knows not where Chloe got her ideas, but she is wrong. Dead wrong. She is making no sense. Carly puts a reassuring hand on his arm as they sit and discuss. Dan simply cannot understand why she would tell such a story.The Chloe he fell in love with would never have done such a thing! Nearby, Gus quietly calls Madame to get down there, as she may have hit the jackpot ... Dan tells Carly of Chloe's hysterical pregnancy. It must have crushed her to learn that Carly gave him a child. He is desperate to make things right. She refused to go to therapy and he let it go. Perhaps he was too preoccupied to see what was going on. Carly assures him he is not at fault. He decides he should confront Chloe, but then reconsiders. "What if I'm wrong?" - Confused Chloe heads for the pub, where she leaves Phillip a message that Carly has won! Vivian and Gus enter, with a staged discussion, Viv pretends to blame her wedding plans being thwarted on that lowlife Carly Manning, who gets away with everything! Viv approaches Chloe and says she is sorry, she had not realized that one of Carly's defenders was in the room. Chloe retorts she now knows what Carly is really like! Viv's eyes narrow like a cat. Perhaps they should help each other. "What do you think ...?" - Back at the hospital, Maggie thanks Vic for his help and his discretion. He murmurs he looks after the people he cares about and he will always have her back. They hold hands. She gets sleepy but he promises to be back tomorrow. He pauses at the door and promises the redhead she will beat this. - Hope joins Baker at his room, He is packing, ready to disappear, cos Nicole found out what he did. Hope smiles that she knows how to cover her tracks."This partnership is over. You're on your own now," says she. Moments later, Baker gets an unexpected call from Nicole. She is ready to make a deal, but the next victim will have to be Arianna Hernandez ...! Next on Days of Our Lives "You know what. I have to confess, I have to tell Daniel!" Chloe tells a dismayed Phillip. "Maybe I'm tired of letting her walk all over me!" Ari snaps at Brady. "She has something I want!" says Nicole. Baker sighs. |
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