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Wednesday, May 12, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only TRUE LIES and more ...! - Phil and Mel talk about Maggie. Mel is packing her bag and worried. Phil assures her she will be fine. Mel cries she needs her tea and teacups. Phil reassures her. Mel admits she did not see all this coming. Now she has a mother and father and Maggie and Phil to trust and care about. When she embraces Phil, he flashes back to his moment of passion with Chloe! - On the park bench, Dan talks Chloe with Carly. Their connection was amazing from the start. He loves her so much and she is so feminine. He laments things used to mesh and now he is messing up. He finds it hard to put himself in her shoes. Carly points out beginnings are always easiest in relationships. He worries Chloe is in trouble and he cannot help her. He blames himself. And now she seems focused on Carly with her crazy conspiracy theory. How crazy is it, muses Carly. After all, this is Salem! She reminds him both he and Chloe have been thru a tough time. They love each other and can get thru this. Dan complains Chloe does not trust him. Carly reminds him Chloe went through a terrible trauma. Ring ring! Tis Mel, who notes he sounds upset. He asks what she needs. A favor. Maggie is in hospital and she knows the docs in Salem are all good, yet she hopes papa Dan get check on her. The redhead has had a relapse. Mel is scared. Dan will meet her at the hospital and promises they will take care of her. Mel is happy to have such a hotshot doctor and great guy as a dad. Click. Dan updates Carly on Maggie's fall, admits he is still overwhelmed about what is happening with Chloe, and departs. - At the pub, eerie music is heard as Chloe and Viv discuss how Carly tries to ruin everyone's happiness. Viv purrs she can count on her. Chloe wonders what Viv can do. She complains that Dan looks at her like there is something wrong with her. Madame Viv insists it is because of what Carly said to him, what she has been feeding him. She has an uncanny ability to poison men against the women who love them. Chloe asks why. Vivian lies that Carly is unhappy and cannot stand to see anyone else happy. Chloe prepares to leave. She thinks the mess is her fault, not Carly's. She should not have doubted Daniel. Viv persists. Chloe thinks she should apologize to Dan. Viv is against it. Chloe would rather not discuss and excuses herself. Alone, Vivian vows she will not give up on using her, for she is her ticket to destroying Carly once and for all! - At the house of Kiriakis, Ari and Brady are in bed until she gets a message. She starts to yell insults about Nicole. Brady sighs. "What did she do?" Turns out Nicole took off to follow a news story without her, with the camera. Ari hops out of bed, mad and determined to stop her! She gets dressed and Brady tries to talk her out of it. Ari is worried that Nicole will mess up the equipment, which is her responsibility. Brady tells her to be careful. She should not let Nicole start running her life. - Replay of Baker taking Nicole's call while red lipstick Hope watches. Nicole is ready to deal. She announces the name of his next victim is Arianna Hernandez. "No!" exclaims Dick. Oh yes, coos Nicole, or he is going down! She will meet him at the riverside and show him her pics. Baker alludes to the fact that his partner is inflexible. Nicole mentions prison and insists he be there. Click! Hope drawls Dick is indeed between a rock and a hard place but he has more to worry about from her! Baker will see what he can do about Nicole. He plops down on the sofa and laments how much he hates Salem. What if Nicole went to the police or worse yet the DiMeras! Hope warns him to make certain Nicole says nothing. He needs to make her realize she is playing a dangerous game. Exit Hope. Meanwhile, Nicole smugly awaits down at the pier. Baker nervously heads down to the waterfront, unaware that suspicious Hope, who does not trust the undead doc, is in fact tailing him. Baker soon meets up with Nicole. He explains his partner is in control and not open to suggestions ... Hope listens but then gets interrupted by a call from Ciara. When she woke up, mommy was gone. Hope promises to come home and must take off. Nicole and Baker continue their convo. He informs her his partner only has a thing against men. Therefore, the lady would not attack Arianna. Nicole, however, has changed her mind. She now wants the woman who is attacking men to be caught - and all the evidence will lead to Arianna Hernandez! She smiles triumphantly about her new idea. Baker wonders about her motivation. "She has something I want and you know how I get what that happens," says Nicole. He hopes she is not going after EJ DiMera again. Negative. All along, the most wonderful man was there for her. They were meant to be. Baker realizes she wants Brady. She insists he loves her, not Arianna. - At the hospital, Mel tells Dan she is sorry to have dragged him away from Chloe. When she finds out he was not with Chloe, she assumes they had another fight. Phil told her all about the hysterical pregnancy. Mel promises to tell no one. Dan is rather surprised. He stares at Phil, who is checking his phone messages, and states he had not realized Chloe and Phillip were that close. Phil listens to Chloe's last message lamenting that Carly has won, mutters damn it, and takes off. Daniel and Mel continue their discussion. Dan feels Chloe should not know that Mel knows. Mel notes the timing was not the best for Chloe to find out he already had a kid. She is sorry. Dan drawls discovering he was a dad was the best thing that ever happened to him. Chloe simply needs time to adjust. Mel agrees that he'll look out for Chloe and she'll look out for him! Mel later returns and tells Dan that Maggie is asleep. Dan is ready to head home to Chloe. Phil is no longer around and wife Mel assumes he is on some TV station business ... - Hope returns to Ciara. The child is thirsty, Hope suggests she look at her book and goes downstairs to get her a drink. Meanwhile, Brady and Ari are still downstairs disagreeing about Nicole. Ari is ready for a fight with her. Hope comes by and warns it would be a war cos Nicole does not give up until she gets what she wants. She pauses and smiles that perhaps they could learn something from her! Ari insists she must leave. Hope wishes her good luck. Brady thinks that sounds like she is going off to battle. Hope explains she has seen many hurt by Nicole and would hate for either one of them to be added to the list! She wonders if Brady still carries a torch for Nicole. Brady gets miffed and claims he is marrying Ari. Hope is sorry if she seemed out of line. She has been dismal about affairs of the heart and overworked of late. Brady understands. Hope adds that Nicole having an alibi has not made her life any easier. Brady defends Nicole. She would never have put that stamp on him. Hope has the feeling that whoever is responsible is just getting started ...He deduces she is not any closer to finding the person responsible. Hope says she is sorry she does not have better news and gets back to Ciara. Ari rejoins Brady and decides she will stay in after all, instead of doing battle with Nicole. They kiss on it and get back to bed. Meanwhile, Hope gives Ciara her water and is most sympathetic to hear that the boy her daughter likes prefers another girl. Hope declares the problem with people is that they can always let you down ... - Carly runs into Vivian outside the pub and sarcastically says she was just thinking about her! Like an infection that needs to be killed! She goes on. Good doctors keep watch on infections that spread and she is a good doctor so she will never stop watching her! Exit Carly. Along comes Gus. How did it go with Chloe? Viv calls her volatile and fragile. She could certainly be a danger to the good doctor ... - Phil joins Chloe at Salem Place, out of breath. He just got her message. Chloe is upset about hearing Daniel tell Carly she must have made the story up. She is even more dismayed she betrayed him. She was wrong and horrible. Phil understands. She calls her behavior unforgivable. She hates herself and must confess! Phil attempts to talk her out of it. She realizes he is thinking of what it would do to him, not simply Daniel. She acknowledges they are in this together - and neither wants to lose their significant other. Phil reasons that by keeping quiet, they are taking care of those they love. He wants her to calm down, assures her things will get better, kisses her on the cheek, and takes his leave. Once alone, Chloe decides it will indeed get better as soon as she tells Daniel the truth, and waltzes off to do just that! - Down at the pier, Baker warns Nicole that her plan could blow up in her face. Nicole suggests he hope for the best, cos either she and Brady will go off in the sunset together or he winds up back in the slammer! Baker plays devil's advocate. How will the cops believe it was Arianna? She has a record. Her motivation? Jealously. Nicole stares down Dick the doc. "So, Baker, are you gonna help me or are you gonna be the star of my next expose!" Dick is curious how she will make the charges stick. Nicole promises to take care of everything. - Breathless Phil gets back to Mel at the hospital. He kisses her to remind her how much he loves her and they leave together ... - Dan is at home when Chloe enters. He thinks they need to talk. Chloe agrees and she wants to go first. "I did a terrible terrible thing ...!" Next on Days of Our Lives "Do you think Sami's still in danger?" Calliope asks Rafe. "I think it's because he's still in love with you," EJ informs Sami. Chloe shakes her head at Daniel. "I didn't mean for it to happen!" |
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