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Thursday, May 13, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only BUSTED and more ...! - Dan returns home, having been called to the hospital for an emergency. Chloe stirs on the sofa. The doc feels the time has come to continue the discussion they had been having. Just what was that terrible thing she said she did? Chloe remembers her wild affair with Phil and admits she is afraid Dan will leave her if she tells all. She is very upset as she begins. When she mistakenly thought he had slept with Carly, she did something she will regret forever, says she. She goes on to say she also overheard him in the park with Carly, and laments he now believes she has been telling stories, inventing things. He does not deny it. She brings up Phillip coming over and he tells her he already knows the rest .... Dan the man comes clean about knowing she confided in Phil about her feelings after the hysterical pregnancy and he is so sorry! She should have been able to confide in him! He adds he does not care about anything other than the now. They will fix things. He kisses his crying beloved, who looks as guilt ridden as ever. - At the house of Kiriakis, Viv leaves a message for Victor about flowers for their wedding. He is still with Maggie at the hospital. Flunky Gus has breakfast. Madame is displeased that her fiance no longer even pretends he wishes to marry her! - At the hospital, Victor makes a bemused comment about Viv's endless messages. The redhead wonders if he is marrying that one for a smile. Enter Phil and Mel. The Greek tycoon now announces he is going to take Maggie home. Mel, as it turns out, had the same idea. Girlish Maggie's spirits are lifted from the attention. Mel wonders where Daniel is. Phil would like a word with papa Vic and the two step out of the room. The prodigal son accuses him of using Maggie to get to him, as Mel is close to her, and assures him it will not work. He wants him to cancel his wedding to Vivian. He also wants him to stay away from Maggie. Victor praises Maggie as a wonderful woman. They certainly don't make them like that anymore! In waltzes Viv, who assumes Victor was referring to her. Phil enlightens her. They were discussing Maggie! Vivian puts on a brave face and gives Maggie some flowers. She has also invited Phil and his new bride to dinner one evening. Phil responds with sarcasm. So does Mel. The pair walk off for a moment. Maggie thinks Vivian is a lucky lady. Men like Victor are far and few between these days, as she tells Vivian! She hopes they will be blissfully happy. Victor gets sarcastic. Maggie soon goes home with Mel and Phil. - Viv complains to flunky Gus about her fiance's attention to Maggie Horton and makes a strange comment about things being done quickly. - At DiMera mansion, Sami enters and suggests EJ and Johnny stop playing ball indoors. Something has also arrived for little Johnny - a child size FBI jacket, with a card. Tis a gift from Rafe for the little man. EJ's face darkens. Johnny excitedly wears it. Sami makes a remark about not wanting Stefano to see his grandson in an FBI field jacket. Elvis makes a remark about assuming Samantha and Rafe were done. Sami explains Rafe had previously promised the lad the FBI jacket and was just keeping his promise. Johnny misses Rafe and says so. Once Johnny is out of the room, Sami perceives EJ's foul mood and makes a comment about getting the tyke a mobster jacket, to make Rafe and EJ even. She adds EJ will have to accept the fact that Johnny cares about Rafe. She decides to call Mr. FBI and thank him. EJ interrupts. Sami gets mad. EJ clarifies. He thinks he should call Rafe instead. A sort of peace offering. Sami blows him off. - On the remote island, Calliope is prepared for her latest round with Anna. She does not want to continue the game, but has no choice. In addition, Rafe alludes to the fact that Sami could be in danger from the person who hired Anna. He shows Calliope a picture of Sydney and advises her to do the right thing. He implores her to help. Calliope admits his eyes could melt the Yukon and she agrees. He wishes her luck as she slowly departs. Meanwhile, a very hungover Anna is wondering exactly how much she might have told her old pal! She proceeds to make a phone call and some last minute arrangements. - At Java Cafe, high schoolers Mia , Chad, and T talk about what lies in store next year. As it turns out, Chad has been accepted to Wake Forest (college in North Carolina). Mia points out she will not likely remain in Salem next year either. Matter of fact, she might be going to New York to study dance. Chad thinks he knows what she really means. T leaves to give them some privacy. Chad elaborates. He is of the opinion that Mia wants to run away from everything. She doesn't deny it and wonders if he will forget about their baby and what happened when he goes off to college. He gets a thoughtful look in his eye and admits he will not .... Later, T returns to Mia, now alone, and asks if she intends to drop out of school and leave Salem. She replies she does and wonders if he will miss her. T thinks Chad will miss her. Mia doubts it. In the past yes, but that was then, this is now ... - Chad's D.A. dad and mom Madeline are in the park, discussing their only son. She is all for him going to Wake Forest, and keeping as far as possible from those dastardly DiMeras. The D.A., on the other hand, thinks they should trust in Chad. He should at least stay for the summer with them. Chad soon joins his mother and admits he is having second thoughts about attending Wake Forest altogether. He might stay in Salem. - On another continent far far away, working agent Rafe prepares to watch his computer. Ring ring! Tis Sami, calling to happily thank him for Johnny's jacket. Rafe is pleased. Sami hears Calliope's voice and wonders who is there with him. Rafe morphs back into FBI mode. He will only say that he is undercover and ends the call. Sami gets miffed. Meanwhile, hungover Anna informs Calliope she now regrets some of the things she told her. The two soon get relaxed at the spa with beauty treatments galore, courtesy of Anna. She announces she will tell Calliope who kidnapped Sydney after they discuss another matter. Back in her room, Anna reminds her she lost Tony and Calliope has also lost Eug. How about they travel the big bad world together? - In Salem, Sami laments to EJ that Rafe probably did not wish to speak with her, as he is probably mad. Elvis, however, feels Rafe is avoiding her because he still loves her. Sami is baffled by his bothered reaction. EJ admits he feels Rafe is the kind of man a boy could look up to, but he is not. Rafe is a good guy and EJ has a mafia family. Sami points out that it does not have to be that way. He does not have to be like Stefano. Easier said than done, says EJ. Sami insists he too is a good guy. After all, he has been there for her! In fact, she hopes one day Johnny will be just like his father, who is very different than Stefano. She promises she will always make sure no one ever takes his place in their kids' hearts .... - Chez Maggie, the weary redhead goes to her room to unpack. Phil and Mel discuss the latest. She still cannot reach Dan. Mel now asks about Victor. Phil mentions Maggie trying to move along a reconciliation of sorts between himself and Victor. The prodigal son does not seem to feel his pop will actually go through with the crazy wedding to Vivian ... - Back at the house of Kiriakis, jealous busy bee Viv later drops a bomb on her reluctant groom - she has moved up their wedding date! Victor reacts badly, spitting out his drink ... - Dan makes an appointment for Chloe and himself to see a therapist together. This is just what they need, no more secrets ...! - Back on the remote island, Calliope pretends to Anna that she cannot travel with her, as she does not want to be on the run from the IRS. Anna offers to help pay her debts. Calliope is moved, almost to the point of admitting her deception. Anna gives her a hug. Rafe watches in horror from his computer as the flower concealing the truth falls from Calliope's top, revealing the wire she has been wearing all along. Anna snatches it and glares daggers at her so-called friend ...! Next on Days of Our Lives "Leaving paradise so soon?" Rafe pleasantly asks Anna. Will faces Sami. "What is up with you and EJ, mom?" "Then you and Samantha will be finished forever!" Stefano calmly tells a glum EJ. |
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