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Friday, May 14, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only MAKE OR BREAK and more ...! - At DiMera mansion, Sami and EJ are sitting side by side, continuing their heart-to-heart. She insists their children and also her children adore him. Enter Will. The lad thinks she should let them speak for themselves. He barely tolerates EJ, says he. Sami points out he is his guest. "So are you," drawls Will and walks out. Sami is sorry. EJ understands. Sami assumes Will is cross with her, since she has no job or house or partner. EJ thinks she has Rafe's convo on her mind. She laments it was not even a conversation. Elvis assures her she is a wonderful motha. She smiles being there is not such a big sacrifice after all. There are advantages and luxuries. What matters most is for her to be with her kids. She reminds him she owes him for getting her daughter back. He admits his motives were not entirely unselfish. In the foyer, Kate comes downstairs and runs into irate Will. He holds up the photo of her and Maddie and he demands answers. "How come you never told me you knew Chad's mom!" They head for Java Cafe and Will still wants answers. Kate pretends she has only seen Chad's mother at events, etc, but they are not friends. In addition, that is the way she wants to keep it. Will points out Chad's mother said the same thing! - Meanwhile, Madeline raises her voice at Chad for thinking it would be alright to go to Salem U. He talks about playing ball. She insists he has to go away for college, end of story! She sighs his new friends must have changed his mind. She does not like their influence. He mentions Will. She mentions her disapproval of his family. Chad looks hurt and alludes to the fact that she wants to send him miles away. Why does it feel like she wishes to get rid of him? - Back at the mansion, EJ marvels to Sami that he never thought they would ever be in a situation that vaguely resembled domestic bliss. Sami recalls how when she found out she was pregnant with Syd,she felt it was a mistake, yet now she is such a joy. She was wrong. EJ does not think they should dwell on their mistakes ... Sami later walks around the mansion - click click click - remembering Rafe, the ring he once gave her. She woefully takes it off. EJ appears and clears his throat. He states she may no longer be with Rafe, but she is still Johnny's mother. He hands her a hankie and she says maybe she will get a chain for the ring. She dabs her eyes as Stefano enters and excuses herself. The phoenix remarks Elvis has been working his wiles, but reminds him he holds all the cards. If he ever tells her what Elvis did, it is over! EJ teases him for reminding him of his endless power. Stefano chuckles, then becomes more serious. Samantha is the mother of his children. He understands when it is about family. EJ is pleased and amused that fatha seems to have acknowledged Sami as part of their family. He also advises him not to interfere. The phoenix agrees he will not make trouble. He muses he will leave that up to Samantha, who has a good track record of making trouble! EJ looks a tad worried. - Replay of Anna finding Calliope's wire. Rafe's monitor flatlines. He pounds on the keyboard. No luck! Anna has put the wire in a drink, says she will run, and Calliope had better not try and stop her! Rafe calls a contact about the equipment malfunction. He should remain on standby for the moment. Rafe fears that if he goes in now, the operation is over. Moments later, Anna races into her room and starts to speed pack. She grabs her passport and throws open the door. "Leaving paradise so soon?" drawls Rafe, blocking her path. Anna informs him there is no extradition so he cannot touch her. "Watch me," he mutters dangerously. Within minutes, a cuffed Calliope is hauled into the room by Rafe's FBI partner. Anna chides her pal. Look at what she gets for trusting him instead of her. Rafe has one final offer for the pair. Freedom. All Anna has to do is give him what he needs. Then Calliope and Eug will be free from the IRS. Anna is miffed to hear that Calliope lied about losing her husband. "How could you?" She thinks that was extremely insensitive, given how she lost her Tony for real! Calliope begs her to think of the good times. The FBI agent takes her out of the room. Anna makes a remark about not wanting to help her now anyway. Rafe warns that if she does not help him, she can say goodbye to all that she has ever held dear. - At the pub, Brady and nervous nelly Arianna have set a date and talk honeymoon. Ari notes anything is okay, except the Caribbean! Nicole slithers in and sits at the bar, smugly telling herself that hurricane Nicole will follow them wherever they happen to go! She steps outside and calls her sleeping flunky. "Rise and shine, Dick!" Time to move on their plan pronto. All he has to do is bash someone on the head. He mentions his partner in crime. She cares not who the rich victim is, so long as it is not Brady, whose heart she is sure she has, it is just his head that needs to keep up! Brady soon comes outside and Nicole is surprised. He assumes she is hard at work on her secret story. Hence her jumpiness. She claims she is busy protecting her source. They talk and he reminds her he is still her friend. He looks at her intensely and says he wants what is best for her. She retorts she wants what is best for both of them. Ari walks out and joins them. Nicole informs her they have work to do before tonight's broadcast. Brady and Ari kiss and exchange I love yous. Nicole grimaces. - At Java Cafe, Kate stands up when Sami enters. She offers her scones and announces she is giving her and Will a chance to talk. Exit Kate.Will sighs. He does not want to talk to her. Sami, however, wishes to speak to him. Will has other things on his mind. What is going on between her and EJ? Twice he almost caught them kissing. Sami is curious about how he feels. He now claims he hates her. Outside the cafe, Madeline and Chad approach. Maddie is still snapping at her son about not rushing his college decision. She stops in her tracks when she sees Kate. The two women exchange an uncomfortable glance. Chad takes it all in. He greets Kate, opens the door to the cafe, and makes a snide remark when Maddie says they will talk later. The two women decide to take their discussion elsewhere and do just that. Inside the cafe, Will excuses himself to do schoolwork. Brady approaches Sami with news. He and Ari have set a wedding date. Sami is excited and wants to help. He assures her he has it all under control. Sami thinks she should be in charge of making sure Nicole doesn't wreck it. Brady gets himself a coffee and assures her he will not let Nicole ruin his wedding. They now talk Will. Sami laments he is mad at her for moving into the DiMera house. Brady wonders then why live there?! Chad and Will are doing schoolwork in the corner. Sami hopes Will knows she is not giving up on him and now asks if Ari has heard from Rafe. Negative. She updates Brady on Johnny's FBI gift, how Rafe blew her off when she called. Things seem scary. She needs to settle down somewhere and she is around EJ all the time. It actually makes her feel vulnerable. Brady assumes she is telling him she still has feelings for that guy. Sami sighs. - Halfway across the world, Rafe tries to reason with Anna. Just as she wants justice for Tony, he wants justice for Sydney. He hopes she will help him out. Anna appears to consider. Rafe points out if Sydney is in danger, he needs to know. Anna presumes he still loves Sami. He drawls he does. Anna calls him a fool. - A t the pub, Nicole will not tell a rather neurotic Ari what her latest story is about. Arianna is suspicious, given how she got herself sprung from the slammer early and then showed up where Brady was. Nicole calmly says she should not be worried about her, though she should be worried about Brady's feelings! Ari takes a seat opposite her and retorts he has been over her for a long time! Nicole suggests they have a drink, to clear the tension. They share a bottle of white wine. Ari is bored. Nicole has done most of the drinking. Ring ring! Tis Baker calling Ari, claiming to be an anonymous tipster. Ari scurries away to talk. Nicole gets into her bag and obtains exhibit A - some hair from her hairbrush. She then takes her wine glass and empties it. Ari suddenly returns, notices she is holding her glass, and wonders what she is up to ... - Back at DiMera mansion, Stefano is at his chess set when little Johnny saunters in, sporting his FBI jacket from Rafe. EJ picks him up. Stefano orders him to take it off at once. EJ tells Johnny, who has been eating chocolate, to go upstairs and ask Mary to give him something else to wear. He pretends he just does not want him to get chocolate on it. Once Johnny is gone, he asks Stefano not to tell his son what to do. Stefano speaks of showing respect to one's father and setting a good example. He is sorry he lost his patience with Giovanni, but what a thing to have that jacket, which ought to be burned! Elvis grins and pats his papa on the shoulder. Perhaps Mary could shrink it in the laundry! Stefano cannot imagine who brainwashed that boy into thinking those FBI agents are honorable people, At least it will be over soon. EJ agrees. Stefano is later on the phone, livid that Anna missed her scheduled check-in! She had better be incapacitated or she soon will be ... ! - At the park, Maddie complains about Chad wanting to stay in town and the picture that links her to Kate. And she has a reputation to uphold in this community. Kate too wants the past in the past. Does she need her intervention with Chad? Maddie lists the crimes and mistakes of Kate's children and grandkids and calls her a HO. Kate counters it takes one to know one! Mad Maddie refuses to dignify that with a response, sticks her nose in the air, and clicks off. - Rafe continues to remind Anna if she does not cooperate, she will go to prison. Is that the kind of life Tony would want for her? Anna asks what he wants to know. Rafe brings up her accomplice. She claims his name was Benny. Rafe points out someone sprung Benny. The person in charge. He wants to know who she was working for. Anna smiles and stares right back at him, a glint in her eye ...!. Next on Days of Our Lives "It doesn't take a bloody genius to connect the dots!" EJ exclaims to Stefano. "What the hell am I supposed to think, Sami!" says Brady. "Sami didn't make you take that baby," Rafe reminds Anna. |
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