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Monday, May 17, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only WITNESS SILENCED and more ...! - Hope sits at the house of Kiriakis and ominously stares at a picture of what was on Brady's body. The telltale tattoo.Along comes Ciara, happy about their earlier talk, but Hope does not remember it! What did she say? Enter Justin with a briefcase. Ciara happily greets him. He is there to drop off things for Victor to sign. Hope asks him to stick around and takes smiling Ciara back up to bed. When she returns. Justin notes she is upset. Hope laments daughter Ciara is now imagining they are having conversations. She seems to be creating a fantasy mother. Justin is more concerned about the effects on Hope and tells her. "You don't seem like yourself anymore." Then who is she? Hope assumes what is happening to Ciara is linked to the kidnapping. She alludes to the fact that one does not get over feeling powerless when something traumatic happens. She sadly remembers how powerless she felt after pal Justin was attacked. He murmurs he knew all would be well when he woke up and saw her. Hope admits that he is important to her. Justin takes her hands in his, his eyes moist. She adds she needs more time. He realizes she is busy with the case at present. She plans to stay up all night, trying to figure out who the attacker is. No distractions. Justin suggests she go to sleep now and get up early with a clear head. That always works for him when he has a tough case. Hope explains she wants to solve the case before Bo returns. Justin touches her face, hopeful she will eventually then have more time for him, wishes her goodnight, and departs. Sleepless Hope proceeds to pop pills. She is soon made up, dressed in black, and defiantly walks out for a night of action. She is on the prowl ...! - Dick Baker sits and considers his situation. He is perplexed he has not received any message from his partner in crime. She must be certain he will not give her up. He muses Nicole just wants Arianna Hernandez to take the wrap for both of them ... - At the pub, Arianna thinks Nicole was trying to steal glasses from the pub. Nicole claims it is for a story on just how easy it is to steal from a restaurant. Her angle is some young people do not consider it stealing. Along comes waitress Kenzie, who asks Ari to stop making a noisy scene about it. She thinks Nicole's story is a good idea, matter of fact. - At Java Cafe, Brady points out that sister Sami and kids are playing house chez DiMera. How can she be in the same room as EJ and not get ill! Sami reminds big brother he has not cut off Nicole despite her terrible actions. He explains he is not living with her. He proposed to Arianna and is moving on. Sami says she would want something like that with Rafe in a heartbeat. If he showed up and said he wanted to reconcile, she would agree to it. However, the reality is she does not even know where he is! - Meanwhile, back at the mansion, Elvis explodes at Stefano. Anna has not called in? Now what! The phoenix drawls that Anna better not have double crossed him. He knows where she is generally. There are only certain places she can go. This is the only time she has not called in. EJ anxiously points out Rafe might have found her! Mr. FBI is on a secret assignment, he bellows. Stefano assures him nothing will lead back to him. Anna knows she will pay the price if she talks! EJ later speaks to a contractor on the phone about Sami's place. Stefano admits he had put the word out to all contractors not to return Sami's calls so her home would remain unfixed and she would remain at the mansion. EJ believes plumbing will not make much of a difference if Samantha finds out the truth, in case Anna talks. He recounts his need for revenge and starts to drink. He laments he did the worst possible thing to a mother. Then he realized exactly why she kept the child's existence from him. And if, by some miracle she does not find out what he has done, he will not deceive or pressure her. He shuts the door and exclaims the only reason Sami is there is not because of him, it is because of Will. Furthermore, if she wishes to leave with her children, he is fine with that. At that moment, Will happens by the closed door and overhears. Will soon walks in as Stefano excuses himself. EJ now wants a word with the lad about his animosity toward his motha. He knows about holding onto anger, but it ultimately leaves one feeling empty and alone. He speaks of the power of forgiveness. Enter Sami. EJ clears his throat and goes upstairs to check on Johnny and Sydney. Will looks wistfully at his mother. Sami talks of Johnny wanting to learn poker for family game night. Can Will help? He will see what he can do. Enter Elvis, with the news that neither of their children is asleep. Sami excitedly tells him that Will was receptive to her latest suggestion and wonders what EJ said to him. Sami and EJ smile at each other. EJ downplays it. Now Will comes back with Johnny, who is pumped to play poker. EJ chews a cigar and plays against Sami/Syd and Johnny/Will. The mood is light and Will is in good humor again ... Afterwards, , EJ and Sami sit with Sydney and discuss how things are now better between Sami and her son. She thanks EJ for whatever he said to make Will himself again. EJ has a confession.He took matters into his own hands to get her a contractor. Sami thanks him. Then, without any warning - "Hands up, FBI!" shouts Johnny from behind. Elvis is shaken. Sami assures him it was just a game ... - Far away, Rafe warns Anna that the person who hired her must know where she is. He is her best chance so why not start talking. Anna looks nervous. She wants a lawyer. Rafe drawls he is offering the best deal. Tell him the mastermind's identity and she gets a clean slate. She replies she is worried about him cos he seems to be on a personal mission. She fears he might kill the messenger if she spills all! She says the person to blame is ... Sami .... and refers to her deception. Rafe impatiently argues Sami did not take Sydney or put Anna in this precarious position. Anna wonders why he is not with Sami now, anyway. Rafe is aware that Anna is trying o get him off topic. She calls room service and complains her dinner is late. Rafe wants to pass the time by theorizing. He thinks the mastermind used her, due to her anger toward Stefano on account of Tony. However, the ultimate goal might not have had anything to do with Stefano. Knock knock!! Tis room service. Anna pretends to admire the tray and darts from the room, FBI Rafe in hot pursuit! He has her back in an instant and gets rid of the hotel employee by flashing his FBI badge. Rafe concludes Anna is utterly terrified of the person who hired her. He promises to help make her disappear if that is what she needs. She agrees to tell him for real this time and now wants to eat. - Brady hooks up with Ari at Java Cafe. Ari complains Nicole tried to steal a glass from the pub, just to prove how easy it is to steal. Brady reminds her she does not need to keep that job if she really does not like working with her. Ari refuses to quit. Brady appears exasperated. Ari claims she likes the job and is good at it. Brady solemnly informs her that perhaps she can live with Nicole, but he is not so sure he can live with her like this! She seems obsessed with Nicole and he doesn't like it one bit. She accuses him of not wanting her to work with Nicole cos he is the one addicted to her. She gets mad and storms out ... - Meanwhile, felonista Nicole is wearing gloves and expertly removes the fingerprint from the wineglass to a flashlight. She then calls Dick with the news that she has enough to throw suspicion on Arianna. "We move tonight!" She meets up with Baker at the private seedy room where he usually meets Hope. They frame Arianna tonight. He replies that he must clear things with his partner. Nicole instructs him to do it. She will make sure Ari has no alibi. However, she does not know how long transposed fingerprints will last. Now, how to set this up ... Baker asks if she really thinks framing Arianna will get her Brady back. He admits his partner has issues and he does not think she will like this. Nicole refers to his partner as a mental case and says she cannot wait to meet her. Baker doubts that will ever happen. Meanwhile, Hope gingerly approaches the closed door and stops to listen ... - At DiMera mansion, it is little Johnny's bedtime. Sami smiles at Johnny telling his daddy goodnight, as friendly Will awaits to tuck him in. The scene of a happy family ... - Anna eats dinner and concludes Rafe is pursuing this with such tenacity because Sami thinks EJ was her hero in getting Sydney back - instead of him! Rafe does not deny it. Anna would like to talk terms of witness protection. Rafe has had it. He shoves the dinner aside and rages that he wants that name. Anna nervously agrees to tell him, then suddenly starts to cough and choke ...! Next on Days of Our Lives "Whatever happened to staying true to your partner!" Hope barks at Baker. "Who helped you kidnap Sydney!" Rafe demands from a gasping Anna. Sami faces EJ. "I swear to god, when I find out who did this, I'm gonna kill him!" |
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