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Tuesday, May 18, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST and more ...! - Chez DiMera, Sami happily tells EJ the kids are asleep. EJ sits at his desk, going over papers. He admits he feels something is rather wrong. Stefano? Negative. Sydney starts to cry upstairs and Sami thinks that was what he sensed - that his daughter was upset. Elvis pretends to agree that was what he was worried about. Sami walks off to attend to the baby. EJ mutters why has fatha not contacted him yet ...! Unsuspecting Sami soon comes downstairs with sleepless Syd and hands her to papa EJ. After a few minutes, EJ has tucked her back to sleep and saunters back down. Sami smiles about their connection. She confesses she is jealous of his connection with their daughter, all the time he could spend with her. She feels like a newcomer only. He assures her she has the rest of her life to catch up. All the kids love her. Sami sighs about the time she was away in witness protection. Rafe had thought when she got Sydney back, things would be back to normal. But it is hard. She never ever wanted her kids to think their mother had left them. Elvis drawls she had no choice in the matter and he knows she would have been a motha from day one had it been possible. Sydney will understand when she gets older. Sami quietly growls when she finds out whoever was working with Anna, she is going to kill them! EJ is rendered speechless for a moment, but then continues to reassure Samantha. Sydney will soon call her motha. But Sami feels her daughter still wishes she were Nicole ... - In the southern hemisphere, replay of Anna starting to choke when she is about to give Rafe the name of the mastermind. FBI Rafe does not believe her theatrics. "Help me," she gasps and her face falls onto the table. Rafe realizes she was not faking after all. "Anna? Anna? Anna, speak to me!" He checks for a pulse, than calls the hotel front desk. They have a medical emergency and need someone to come right away! The Latin paramedics are soon on the scene. Has she taken any drugs or alcohol lately? Rafe glances at the dinner tray she had been eating from and curses. As she is wheeled out, he concludes she was poisoned. In the hospital, Anna remains unconscious. Rafe gives the doc a sample of the food to be analyzed. Will she make it? The doc can make no promises. He later returns with news. She was poisoned and if they had not been aware of this, it would have been fatal. Rafe implores him to keep the lady alive, as she holds the key ... - Back in Salem, Stefano is lounging outside, smoking a cigar.He receives a phone call. "How long ago was it delivered?" He grins. "Verrrry good. Keep me posted Ciao!" Outside the door, he soon receives another call and chuckles that dinner did not agree with her. "It may just be her last one ...!" - Replay of Ari storming out of Java Cafe. Kenzie enters and wonders just what that one's problem was. Brady is clearly dismayed by his girl's overreaction. He calls her and leaves a message, but Ari will not take the call, convinced he is not over Nicole. - In the seedy poker room, Nicole wonders who Dick's mystery partner is. Who is he protecting? Lipstick Hope listens at the door, a somber look on her painted face. "Keep your mouth shut, doc," she mutters. Inside, Dick warns Nicole his partner is so dangerous he could wind up dead if he ratted her out. Nicole drops it and says she will be in touch ... Hope draws her gun, ready for action if need be. Baker stops Nicole and points out Ari has an alibi. Nicole impatiently says she will make sure she does not have one and will buzz him. Exit sarcastic Nicole. Hope has already stepped away from the door. Dick hides the evidence bags Nicole has given him as Hope enters. She accuses him of betraying her as his partner and adds it was not a smart move! He denies the charge. She tells him what she just heard. Dick points out if he does not do Nicole's bidding, she will turn them in ... Hope reminds him she does not even know her identity. She does not care if Nicole wants him to frame Arianna or Hilary Clinton, she is still in charge and will not allow any woman to be framed to take the fall. Is that clear! Dick promises he was really just humoring Nicole and admits Hope is scarier. Besides, he has some kind of leverage. If Nicole rats him out, he could rat her out to Brady, the guy she wants. Hope calls her a fool for doing such a thing to win another bastard who will only break her heart! SHE will never let another man ruin her life. Baker wonders why she is so down on men. Hope cuts the convo short and heads out to do something, ordering Baker to stay put. - Maggie is at home on the phone with Julie, sadly saying to tell Alice she will be there tomorrow. Enter Mia. Maggie confides that Alice is not well. She has not been herself since Mickey died. Mia offers to help bake some cookies for her. Maggie appreciates it, but would like to know why the teen's eyes mirror a certain sadness. She also knows she has been cutting classes. She is concerned. Mia flippantly says it is the end of the term. School seems trivial and does not prepare a person for the real world. "Nothing does," she laments. The redhead sympathizes she went thru much with the tragedy of losing Grace. Nevertheless, she should not be irresponsible. Mia explains she has a plan. She has decided to give dancing another try. She wishes to drop out of school and move to New York, to start a new life and escape all the sad memories of losing Grace. Maggie thinks that sounds more like running away. Mia does not deny it. She has no close friends in town and has bad memories. Everywhere she goes, she thinks of Grace. She remembers playing with her in park, holding her in the hospital for the very last time. Maggie consoles the crying teen, who points out it is different for Chad, as he did not carry her for nine months. Still, he knows a little what it is like and she is losing him too. The only way is to get away and leave this pain and misery behind ... Maggie confides that every corner of the house reminds her of Mickey, yet if she moved away, she would still see and hear him everywhere. He is in her heart. "Mia, you can't run away from what's in your heart." It is important to finish school. She fears one day Mia will be sorry she did not graduate with her friends. It is only one more year and then she can go wherever she likes. Plus it would be good for her to have her there. Mia considers, then decides she will stay with Maggie, the best person she knows, the only person who understands her. They will help each other. They hug on it. - At Java Cafe, enter Nicole, who runs into Roman. She wonders if there are any leads on the serial mugger. Roman is not interested in talking and suggests she should still be in prison. She declares she is very remorseful. Too little, too late, says he. Furthermore, if she does not stay away from granddaughter Syd, he will make sure she gets exactly what she deserves! Brady takes it all in. Exit Roman. Nicole approaches Brady and hopes he will never turn his back on her. He frowns and excuses himself. Kenzie explains he is in a bad mood, on account of Arianna's diva tantrum earlier. Nicole is pleased to hear it. She heads outside and ends up underneath Arianna's room. The lights are on and she calls to make sure she is alone. She pretends to want to discuss work. Ari snaps she is off the clock and ends the call. Nicole is pleased to see her lights go off. Purrfect timing! She now returns to Java Cafe and calls again to double check Arianna is asleep. It goes to voice mail and she leaves a cheery message, asking her to call her back. Nicole now calls Dick Baker. Arianna is at home in bed without an alibi. Get that evidence planted on someone tonight! - Meanwhile, Ari tosses and turns, then decides the only way she will get any sleep is if she resolves things with Brady ... - Back in the seedy poker room, Dick downs a beer. Enter Hope. She has a victim ripe for the picking. Time to move! - In the southern hemisphere, Rafe learns that one of the hotel employees had his uniform stolen prior to the poisoned food service. He will talk to all the employees and view the surveillance tapes, cos she is determined to find out who it was. He is later on the phone lamenting the guy did not leave much of a trail. Enter the doctor, with an update. It does not look good ... - Back at DiMera mansion, Stefano is at the door, assuring his man on the phone that Hernandez will not find anything! Inside, EJ assures Samantha she is a wonderful mother. She is grateful to him. He gently takes her face in his hands. He now caresses her hair. She thinks she should check on Sydney. He would like to go with her. She agrees, smiles, and walks off. Lovestruck EJ smiles. - Stefano plays chess alone, and quietly tells Anthony he is sorry, it was a move he was forced to make ... - Nicole heads to the house of Kiriakis, where she pretends to Brady that she is worried as Arianna angrily hung up on her. And she sounded soooo upset! He admits they had an argument and tries to call her ... - Roman locks up the pub and saunters outside into the dark Salem night, whistling as he walks. Hope sneaks up behind him and knocks him on the head. Roman goes down! Dick comes around the corner. Lipstick Hope smiles ever so smugly ...! Next on Days of Our Lives Arianna laments to Brady "Why is this happening? Why are you doing this? Hope dangerously informs Baker "I have my reasons for rolling the people that I roll." Carly talks into her phone. "I need an ambulance at the Brady pub. Commander Roman Brady's been attacked!" |
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