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up by 5:20 p.m. est Thursday, May 20, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only THE BOYFRIEND and more ...! - Carly comes home to Bo's place, only to find BO! Bear hug and kissy time! He updates her on Kim. Now no sign of cancer. His sis was brave and he was a model patient. She is curious if he has been to the hospital or got her message. Nope. His phone died. Carly now drops a bomb. "Roman was attacked tonight." She updates him on the marking, how he was found. etc. Bo heads off to the hospital, exclaiming who would be brazen enough to attack a cop! - At the hospital, Brady and Ari conclude the lab was wrong. Mayor Abe explains they ran the tests 3 times. Ari insists she never saw that flashlight before. Brady tries to defend her when Abe points out the flashlight is the common variety type. A frown creases Abe's brow as he asks if anyone can give Ari an alibi. Nicole takes it all in. Abe soon steps away to call Hope. He wakes her up and fills her in on Roman's attack. This time they have physical evidence. She promises to be there asap. Brady advises Ari to wait until he calls Justin, as she needs a lawyer. She claims she does not. Nicole pretends she is mighty dubious that Ari could have done it. Abe explains such attacks would not have been hard. Nicole mentions Carly seeing someone flee the scene. Abe is reminded that it was a small woman with hair pulled back the way Arianna was wearing it. Ari laments that does match her description. Detective Hope arrives on scene and Brady tries to defend Ari. Hope retorts she needs to consider every possibility and walks off. Ari complains she is still considered a suspect. Brady cannot believe what is happening. How could anyone think she would attack him and Roman. "This whole thing is crazy!" Nicole points out the Salem P.D. oft go after innocent people. Bo now enters, followed by Carly. Hope sees him and stares. It is good to have him back. Bo thanks her for the gifts for Kimberly and now gets to the case. She thinks a woman may have been involved. Carly says she saw a woman leaving the scene. Hope would like a moment alone with Bo. Once Carly is gone, she informs him she needs to question Arianna Hernandez. He thanks her for filling in for him at the station. He heard he was hardly missed. Hope quietly says he was missed. Carly watches from a distance. Meanwhile, Brady talks to Abe about the fact that Ari will indeed need a lawyer. Nicole approaches Ari and pretends to have good intentions. She wants to go over everything she knows. Was she alone at the time of the attack? Yes. Nicole notes she did look flustered ... "You think I did it!" snaps Ari. Brady and Abe turn and observe the pair. Everyone listens in, as Nicole points out Ari does have a rap sheet. And she had better not hurt Brady. Hope now wants to drag Ari down to the station. Brady takes her. Bo asks if Hope needs him. She suggests he visit his brother and smiles she has everything under control. She walks away ... - At a seedy poker game, Dick is in! - At the Cheatin Heart, Phil tries to divert suspicious Steph by wondering why she is acting like things are not good between her and Nath. Outside, Mel presses Nath to answer just why he thinks Chloe is wrong for Dan. He becomes uncomfortable. She says if he cares, he will tell her. He sighs he does not know Chloe well. Anyway, why does Mel think she is wrong for her dad? Cos they fought. "Couples fight," says he. She explains she wants her da to be happy and gazes at Nath. Phil emerges. Mel is paged to cover a shift. Phil possessively escorts her away. Nath walks back in the pub to rejoin Steph. She wonders if Mel said something to upset him. Yes, she did. Steph appears nervous. Nath replies they were discussing a work situation. He heard something he should not have and is now at a loss. Steph offers to help. He cannot discuss. Steph presumes it could involve doctor/patient confidentiality. She praises him for being a do the right thing kinda guy. If he can, she knows he will do whatever he can to help the situation he cannot share with her. - Chez Dan and Chloe, they get dressed. He asks if he did something to hurt or upset her. Negative. He assures her he will understand whatever is wrong. Chloe flashes back to kissing Phil all over. She states even he would have a tough time understanding and mentions forgiveness. She feels like a total mess. He promises her she is not. She laments she has ruined everything. Dan still does not get what she means. She brings up him pushing back the wedding date. He drawls he just found out he had a grown child and then had to have surgery, but he loves her more than ever. She loves him too, yet feels disgusted with herself. They embrace and he wishes she could see herself thru his eyes. He blames himself for not paying enough attention to her. "Please know that you can talk to me about anything," Dan breathes. She agrees. They hug on it, though her eyes remain troubled. The doctor is soon summoned to the hospital.They exchange I love you's and she reminds herself all will be well, so long as he does not find out she slept with Phillip! - Phil walks Mel to the hospital. They pause at the pier and he remarks she was talking to Nath. She states they are ancient history. Phil knows. She admits they were discussing Chloe. Something is not right between Chloe and Dan. Phil becomes silent. When he gets back home, he calls Chloe, who is home alone. She thinks he sounds strange. He explains Mel has picked up on the tension between her and Daniel. Chloe believes her and Dan are now good, so she will not tell him about their affair. Phil is relieved. Chloe adds she has also taken care of Nathan. Phil is stunned. "Nathan knows about this!" he growls. She replies he only knows she cheated, he knows not it was with Phil. Phil, however, is worried, for Nath has a thang for his wife. Chloe promises him she has handled it. Knock knock! She gets off the phone, despite Phil's protests, and opens her front door. Tis nervous Nath! He is there to see her. What does he want? He and Mel are still pals and she has been sensing the tension between Dan and Chloe. He mentions Chloe sleeping around on the doc. Chloe tries to blow him off. Nathan feels folks will find out the truth sooner or later. Chloe gets worried. Has he changed his mind? It will not help matters if he trashes her! Nath explains he just wants to somehow help. He refers to her ... options to get to the root of the problem. She blames Carly for everything but he thinks that is not the problem. Has she ever considered sex addiction therapy? Chloe's blue eyes flash with anger. - Mel and Dan run into each other in the staff room at the hospital. He is pouring himself a coffee. She wants to know if he and Chloe kissed and made up. He appreciates her concern, but he and Chloe look forward to a wonderful life together. He thinks Mel is really preoccupied with something else. She will not let up. "Does Chloe really make you happy?" She starts to stammer about him saving people. He assures her he loves Chloe, he is not saving her. Besides, fathers take care of their daughters. His life is fine. He now wants her to share what is new in her life. Mel claims he could give her advice on how to deal with Victor. Vivian has invited her and Phil for dinner. Dan is against her going. She is paged away for bedpan business but before she leaves, Dan warns her to steer clear of Vivian. She airily agrees and is gone. Dan looks mad ... Out in the hall, Mel runs into Steph and asks if her headache is better. She talks pregnancy. Stephanie replies she is not pregnant, nor does she intend to be. Mel wants to know if she has her birth control pills, after finding out she is spending the night with Nath. Steph explains they are in her purse. Meddling Mel demands she show her! - Nicole gets a call from Dick while she is at the police station. He wants money and she owes him! Nicole snaps he owes her, just when Ari and Brady enter. They have overheard! She covers by calmly claiming it was a source for a story, makes a comment about Ari not being able to help her from a jail cell anyway, and smugly steps away. Detective Hope approaches. Brady is in a hurry to finish giving their statements so he can get Arianna home. Hope sternly informs him she is not going anywhere! Ari cringes. - Cowboy music is heard in the background. Dick Baker stands alone in the seedy poker place. He wants to get outta Dodge and leave the crazies behind, but he will be needing cash for that. Nicole left him hanging. He woefully drawls the nutcase detective will hang him by the entrails once she finds out what he's done, planting evidence on Arianna ... - Meanwhile, back at the police station, Detective Hope has questions for Arianna. They rehash the events which preceded the attack. And then ... Did Ari see Roman at all that day or that evening? Nope. Hope asks if she ran into him at all. Nope. Hope solemnly drawls that answer will be the one that decides her fate. She wants a DNA sample, to check her hair against a long, dark hair found on Roman. And if it is a match, she will have to arrest her! - Back at the hospital, Mel accuses Steph of deceiving Nath. Steph tells Mel to get a life. Mel goes berserk, lunges for her purse, and a wild tug of war follows! - Phil wonders what else Chloe might have told Nath, gets a determined look on his face, and opens the door to go find out for himself. There stands a raging Daniel. "You bastard! What did you do to Melanie!" Nothing, anxiously says Phil, his handsome face filled with guilt. "I swear, I didn't mean for it to happen ..." - Chloe faces off with Nath and explodes at him for daring to suggest she needs sex therapy. She opens the door to throw him out. There stands a stunned Carly, having overheard her outburst! An uncomfortable silence permeates the air ... Next on Days of Our Lives "How could you do something like that?" Dan asks Phil. "Cos you're still hoping that you have a shot with Melanie!" Chloe accuses Nath. 'Do you wanna tell her or should I, Stephanie!" hisses Mel, standing by Maggie. |
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