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up by 5:20 p.m. est Friday, May 21, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only CHLOE BUSTED and more ...! - Will is dressed and ready to go to T's late night party. Sami stops the teen. He is not going anywhere! Mr Higgins emailed her that Will is heading into the finals of advanced algebra with a D. How could he let this happen! A to D? He points out Rafe was helping him but then she screwed things up. They argue. She grounds him for the weekend. Will thinks she is punishing him cos her life is in the toilet. He reminds her he moved out to get away from her! In the living room, Stefano advises Elvis to relax. EJ demands to know WOT happened to Anna. The phoenix admits Hernandez found her. EJ cannot believe it. Did she talk? The phoenix assures him she will never tell anyone anything. EJ hopes he did not ... Stefano cuts him off. She is alive but she will not talk. He need not know the details. He drawls when he says he will get something done, it is done! EJ gets miffed about the way he controls things. Stefano sarcastically says then he can leave him on his own and storms out. EJ goes out to the foyer and interrupts the Sami and Will argument. What is the problem? Mother and son loudly blame each other.Sami must go upstairs to tend to crying Sydney. EJ wants a word with the lad, who quips he is not his father. Elvis reminds him his mother is responsible for him until he is 18. Will snaps things were different with Rafe. Maybe it is EJ's fault that Rafe is not there. He does not need or want his help. EJ must leave to help with the crying baby. Mad Will pushes the chess set with a hand. Enter Stefano, who pleasantly probes. Will glumly tells him he is grounded and why. The phoenix grins there must be a way to make that D disappear! EJ returns and overhears, a frown on his face."Trying to control things again?"says he. Stefano smoothly states he meant hard work would make the D go away. EJ gets preachy. Will makes a snide remark about pure hard work not being how EJ got ahead, tells Stefano he will see him later, and saunters out of the room. The phoenix talks Will. Elvis explodes. He accuses him of viewing Will as a convert to the DiMera way of life, but he will never get him! Stefano purses his lips in thought. He reminds EJ of the power he has given him. EJ insists he does not repeat not want Will to be drawn in. He should stay away from him. Stefano speaks of needing someone to mentor. Johnny is too young. He is concerned about the next generation. If Elvis does not allow him to pass on the DiMera torch to him, then Samantha's son would be the next choice. Elvis will not let him corrupt the boy the way he corrupted him and tells him just that. Sami listens in the doorway and blinks. EJ warns him not to make Will or any of his children his apprentice, for there will be consequences. Stefano points out he has no right to say such things after what he has done ... Sami storms in and declares he is outnumbered. She agrees with EJ. Stefano sarcastically says in that case, he will let EJ's children learn by their father's shining example and exits. Sami gazes at EJ. She heard enough to know he is looking out for her. They sit and she continues. She wants him to know he is not his father's son. "You're a good man." He laments not all the time. She points out she is not perfect and praises him for standing up to his father. She touches his face. He is a good man and she is proud of him. EJ gets dreamy-eyed and they lean forward to kiss, almost ... Meanwhile, T calls Will, who cannot go to the party. He admits Stefano is not a bad guy and then flashes back to a chess game he once had with the phoenix. Will is impressed with his power and mystique .. - In the southern hemisphere, Rafe gets mad at the doc for telling him the patient might never regain consciousness. He must do something pronto! The doc announces there is one possibility, as a matter of fact. There is a risky stimulant. Rafe orders him to just do it cos she has info he needs! The doc puts the drug in her IV. They need to monitor her heart rate. Rafe implores Anna to please wake up and tell her who did this. Who is the controller ... He promises to protect her. "Just hang in there, okay. Be strong. Do it for Sydney. Do it for Tony." Her finger moves. She slowly opens her tired eyes .... - Replay of meddling Mel crazily fighting Steph for her purse at the hospital. Things start to fall out. Steph snaps at her to stop it. Mel shrieks and will just not let go. Maxine and Maggie pull the girls apart. Maggie demands to know what is going on! Mel shouts will Steph tell her or should she! Steph accuses Mel of not being over Nath. Mel gets madder. Steph warns her to consider other people's feelings, puts the fallen items back in her purse, and waltzes off. Maxine informs Mel she is relieved until her next shift and walks away. Mel laments to Maggie that Nathan could get hurt. The redhead wants to know what she knows that could hurt him. Mel claims Stephanie has plans, but will say no more and now scurries away. Maggie sighs. - Replay of Phil opening his door to raging Dan. He marches in, declaring he wants answers! Phil drawls he never meant to hurt her and is then pleasantly surprised to discover Dan was simply angered by the fact that he and Mel planned to have dinner with dangerous Viv! Phil assures him he was not intending to go through with it, he was simply trying to get the old bag to leave them alone. He does not want Mel to go anywhere near Viv. Daniel confesses he might be on edge as he thinks Chloe is keeping something from him. Does Phil know what it is? She has not been quite herself. Phil explains maybe she loves him a great deal and fears losing him. Love can make people behave in strange ways ... Dan decides he knows what to do after all and departs. Phil breathes a sigh of relief. - Replay of Chloe and Nathan realizing Carly is in the outside hall. "Is something wrong?' asks Dr. Carly. Pause. Chloe wonders why she is there. She came by to pick up some things, as Bo has returned and she will be moving back in with him. Is everything okay? Chloe claims they were discussing Lucas and she hope Nathan will not make a big thing of it. She gives him a look. Nath gets uncomfortable. Carly takes it all in. Chloe says she knows Carly must have a lot to do. Carly is soon gone. Chloe shuts the door. Chloe does not want her secret to come out. Nath insists she should get the therapy as she may have commitment issues. Chloe accuses him of just wanting a chance with Melanie. He denies it. He just would not want Mel to get hurt. Chloe warns if he does not back off, she will get hurt. He wonders what on earth she means. Chloe pretends she was alluding to the fact that if Dan is unhappy, Mel will be too. Is he going to tell her? Nath says no he will not. He was trying to help, he adds, miffed. She can deal with it herself! He walks out. Chloe thinks things could be looking up. Knock knock knock! Tis Carly. "Now that Nathan's gone, I think we need to talk!" She coolly walks in. She explains she had pretended not to hear much but she heard quite a bit. Chloe looks mortified when she states she knows why she and Nathan were arguing ... - Nath meets up with gal pal Steph at the Cheatin Heart. She fills him in on the hospital fight. What was it about? He then decides he would rather not know and takes a gulp of beer. He would like to go home with her. Steph smiles and the happy couple take their leave. They are later in bed together, getting up close and personal, and Stephanie thinks all is as it should be ... - Mel returns home and hugs Phil. She says she was sent home early for having a fight with Steph. Phil is dismayed to hear they were fighting about Nathan. Mel exclaims she is trying to trap him. She threw away her birth control pills. Phil wonders what makes it her business. Mel pretends she just thought she should be open and honest and takes his hand in hers. It is good they share everything. She laughs nervously. Phil grabs her and drawls does she know how much he loves her! He now sweeps her up and carries her off to the bedroom ... - Daniel tracks down Father Matt at the hospital. He believes Chloe is suffering cos of his past baggage. Due to this rough time she is having, he is lost. He has an extreme plan. Can he count on the priest's help ...? - Back at Chloe's place, she blurts out to Carly that IT only happened one time and she simply cannot tell Daniel! Carly is confused. Tell him about what? Chloe's blue eyes widen. She is at a loss for words. Carly now does the math. "Oh my God, did you cheat on Daniel ...!" Next on Days of Our Lives "I thought this Anna problem was over and dead!" EJ barks at Stefano. "Do you know about Ari's record?" Hope asks baffled Brady. "All I want is for you to tell Daniel the truth!" Carly exclaims to Chloe |
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