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Monday, May 24, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only JAIL BIRDS and more ...! - Carly is shocked when she concludes Chloe cheated on Daniel. Chloe now tries to deny it. Carly knows she is lying, though. Chloe cries Dan is her whole life and all was well until Carly started lurking around. What does she want now? Carly exclaims she wants for her to tell Daniel the truth! She is Daniel's friend and he is Melanie's father. Chloe calls her a hypocrite, given how she withheld his daughter from him. Carly thinks Danloe can get through it. Chloe accuses her of not having the right to give her advice and brings up her sordid past. Carly threatens to tell Dan if she does not. Chloe cries she cannot hurt him. Carly assures her she is trying to help. Chloe cries she will tell him, but she will also tell him it was Carly's fault as she had assumed he was cheating with her. Carly replies she should tell him whatever way she must and departs. - At the hospital, Dan and Bo discuss Roman's mugging. Bo admits they brought in Arianna Hernandez for questioning, though he doubts she did it. They now talk Carly. Dan admits Chloe had a bit of a problem with Carly, though things are now fine. Bo doesn't appear convinced. - At the police station, Nicole conveniently drops an envelope from her bag, on which ARIANNA is written - and she drops it in plain view of Brady, She puts it back in her bag. He asks what that was. Nothing, Just background info in case she needs it. Brady wants to see it and so does detective Hope. Nicole hands it to Hope, who studies the papers inside and declares this puts the case in a brand new light. Nicole pretends a researcher got it for her. Hope wants to know if Brady knows about Ari's record - as a juvenile, with multiple priors for assault and robbery. Brady stares darkly. Hope explains teen Ari used to run with the Red Dogs gang. Nicole pretends to defend her. Hope orders her to step out. - Ari, meanwhile, is with sister Gaby and assures her the juvenile records are sealed. Gaby wonders if she ever told Brady. Ari recalls those days, when her boyfriend was a gang leader. He cut a deal and unfairly named Ari for half of his crimes. Gaby says she has better taste in guys now. Ari agrees she has a great guy. Enter solemn Hope and Brady. Exit Gaby. Hope wants her to explain what is on the paper she hands her. Ari soon sits with Brady and faces Hope, giving her statement. She informs her of the lying boyfriend, insisting she is not and was not ever a mugger. Hope states it looks bad. Ari laments the records were supposed to be sealed anyway. Brady stands up as she is being questioned without an attorney. Hope thinks that the test results will probably come out in her favor and all this will go away. Exit Hope. Brady sits back down and asks why she never told him. She could have trusted him. She promises she will never keep anything from him again. They embrace. - Nicole meets up with Dick Baker outside, gloating the cops are one step away from locking up Arianna. He wants a bonus. She replies not a dime - and his career as a mugger must now be over. Because if the crimes keep happening, Ari will not look guilty. Dick drawls that could actually be a problem ... His partner calls the shots. "Not anymore," says Nicole. He needs to let his partner know he is the man in charge And if he does not take care of this, she will! - Hope gets a call from Ciara, who has had a bad dream. Hope suggests she have the nanny put her in her bedroom. That is what she is already doing. Hope promises to be there as soon as she can. Her poor baby, she sighs. What can she do about those bad dreams? She must soon return to Arianna and Brady with bad news. The hair found on mugged Roman, and Ari's DNA are a match. She reads Arianna her rights and places her under arrest. Brady looks at Ari and she accuses him of not believing her. - In the southern hemisphere, Anna is groggy. Rafe asks her to tell him who is responsible for Sydney's kidnapping. She closes her eyes. Rafe wants a name. The doc warns him she needs more time and her heart rate is too fast. There is also no guarantee she has not suffered brain damage. Her heart rate must be returned to normal or she will die. Rafe is soon alone with her again and muses it was a tough stunt to pull off, which means it has DiMera written all over it. - Chez DiMera, Sami and EJ's lips do touch but the kiss is interrupted by the appearance of Stefano, who clears his throat. He suggests they take it to a room and excuses himself. Sami and EJ sit uncomfortably. He thinks they should discuss how things might have gone further if they had not been interrupted. He nervously concludes they might have regretted it in the morning. Sami blinks. They both claim they would have regretted it. Sami gasps she is lonely and vulnerable and thanks him for being on her side. He is happy they are getting along and would not want to jeopardize that. Neither would she. She stammers she should be getting to bed and bids him goodnight. "Sweet dreams," says the now flustered EJ. Once Sami is gone, Stefano returns, chuckling and applauding his son for a moment well played. EJ takes a drink, then accuses fatha of interrupting on purpose. Anytime he makes headway with Samantha, the phoenix undermines him. Stefano, however, warns he has undermined himself. Anna could wake up from her sleep and implicate him. Does he want him to stop interfering or should he take care of this problem once and for all! - Upstairs, Sami tosses and turns, and gets out of bed when she hears Sydney crying.The baby monitor is on a table in the living room as well, so EJ hears Sydney crying too. Stefano wants to know if he should make the call to take care of his problem with Anna or should he step back. EJ considers, knowing fully well that if Rafe finds out the truth from Anna and tells, he will have no chance with Samantha. Sami is soon back in bed, thinking aloud. She reminds herself that all her dreams will come true if Rafe comes home and they get back together. - Carly returns home to Bo with her suitcase. He senses that something is wrong. She would rather not discuss and tells him how much she loves him. They kiss. Bo massages her feet and they cuddle. One thing leads to another on the sofa ... - Chloe is at home, pacing and crying. Enter Daniel, who asks what is wrong and tries to console his beloved. She laments she must tell him something.He promises they will get through anything together. Chloe admits she feared he would not want to marry her. He reminds her he loves her. Chloe starts to tell him her confession but he interrupts with his own announcement. Father Matt has agreed to bump up the date of their wedding. "Will you be my wife as soon a possible?" he breathes. She says YES and she will tell him what she had started ... tomorrow! The happy couple embrace. - In Anna's room, the cops show up to arrest a person of interest in the poisoning case. Rafe is shocked when they slap the handcuffs on him. - Meanwhile, back in Salem, Stefano gets off the phone and informs a somber EJ that the Anna situation has been taken care of. Samantha will never know the truth ... - In the southern hemisphere, Rafe is thrown in a dingy cell. He insists he is innocent. He saw the guy who came with the poisoned food! The guard knows he entered their country using a false identity. Rafe points out he is FBI, so he should contact the State Department. The dept will vouch for him. The guard sarcastically replies they cut off diplomatic ties with his country many years ago. "Now you are here, a guest in our jail, with no one to call, no one to visit you, no one to save you. Have a nice life!" Rafe now realizes he needs nothing short of a miracle. - Back at DiMera mansion, Sami cannot sleep, as she has a feeling about Rafe. - Meanwhile, Rafe dreams of returning home like a hero, to tell her he found the truth, which is that he loves her and always will. They kiss passionately. Rafe wakes up and curses. - Downstairs at DiMera mansion,, EJ glumly thanks papa Stefano for his handling of the situation. Stefano gets sarcastic about Samantha. EJ wants to know why he hates her. Because she is a Brady and a liar and not to be trusted. But he suggests his son lay his cards on the table if she is the one he desires. EJ starts to say something but Sami enters in her robe, to get a glass of wine. The phoenix excuses himself. EJ is sorry she cannot sleep. He offers to help if he can. Tender music is heard. He adds it is probably just as well they keep their feelings in check, keep perspective. Sami looks flustered, says she is still in love with Rafe, and walks out ... - Back at the station, Ari is led away. Nicole approaches Brady to tell him how sorry she is. - Back in Detective Hope's bedroom, little Ciara takes out the secret box of wallets and opens it ... - Still in her hospital bed, delirious Anna now seems to be strong enough to answer Rafe's important question on who the mastermind was. "EJ," she whispers, but alas no one is there to hear ...! Next on Days of Our Lives "Ari, someone set you up somehow," says Brady. "Ari's looking guilty as sin," Nicole gloats on her phone. "It is my fault!" Chloe exclaims to Dan. |
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