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up at 5:30 p.m. est Monday, May 31, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only THE TREASURE BOX and more ...! -Replay of the macabre Kiriakis reception getting underway, Hope and Ciara entering in time to see Carly catch the bridal bouquet. Hope puts on a brave face. Bo lifts up Ciara and steps aside to update her on the impromptu wedding. Carly stares, still holding the bouquet. The child innocently wonders if Carly catching the bouquet means she is going to marry daddy. Hope's eyes are filled with distress. Once she is alone with Bo, she warns him this is hard on their daughter. Maggie chats with Ciara. Justin approaches Carly, who is serving herself some food. He remarks something is wrong. Carly recounts how friendly Hope was the other day, unlike now. Justin points out it could not have been easy for her to see the other woman catch the bridal bouquet. Carly decides he is right. Brady informs Victor he must leave. Victor talks about the arrested attacker. Brady would rather not hear anything against the women in his life and makes for the door. Nicole stops him. No point in going to see Ari, as she has a public defender. She pretends to be on his side. Brady wishes Dan and Chloe his best and decides to leave, Nicole following. Maggie now approaches and states she is glad things worked out for Dan and Chloe. Carly sips a drink and watches the happy couple. She herself now approaches, announcing that she has something to say to them about their wedding. Victor takes Daniel aside to talk to him. Chloe gets upset with Carly, though Carly says she has decided it is not her place to tell Daniel her secret, that is up to Chloe. She walks away.Meanwhile, Victor wants to discuss his godson's plan to marry that Chloe. Dan drawls he is in no position to judge, given who he just married. He gets the Greek tycoon to admit he is not in love with Vivian. Viv overhears. So does Kate, who smirks. Outside, Mel hopes she and Phil have worked things out and he believes her that she is over Nathan. He murmurs he does. She calls him the perfect husband and hugs him. Phil remembers his fling with Chloe and laments no, he is not! Out comes Carly. Phil goes in to speak with his father. Mel admits to Carly she does not trust Chloe with papa Dan. She acted like things were peachy keen and then confided in Phillip. Carly is glad to hear she cares about Daniel and explains he loves Chloe. Mel makes a snide remark about all men liking Chloe, due to her attributes. She fears she will hurt Daniel, however. At the same time, Chloe and Phil run into each other in the foyer.They discuss the wrong assumption that their partners were cheating, which led to their affair. Phil does not want to lose Mel. Enter Mel, who wonders what he means by that. Why would he lose her? Phil pretends he just worried he could screw up again. Mel calls him perfect. She now wants to go see if they are cutting the cake yet. - Dick Baker watches TV from his bed, catching the end of roving reporter Nicole's segment on arrested Arianna. He sighs she set her up with his help. He muses his partner in crime will find out and she is a cop. Time for the doc to hit the road! Meanwhile, EJ is seated at the pub, also watching the report on arrested Arianna, who has been accused of the attacks. "Rubbish," he declares and heads off, in his elegant suit, pink shirt and tie ... - Ari has a meeting with a public defender - the same one who helped Nicole end up in jail. She paints a grim picture of her options. There is not much to go on. The police department will throw the book at her! And she has a prison record, not to mention the D.A. was not willing to deal. Ari protests. The public defender claims she is the best there is. Enter EJ. "I disagree," says he. He takes a seat and offers to help, calling the public defender poison, one who is not liked by judges. Hence her pressure on her clients to enter a guilty plea. The defender gets miffed. Elvis drawls if Arianna will have him, he will be her lawyer! He later sits alone in the room with his waif client and asks her to tell him everything the cops have on her. He is all business. She wonders how she can trust him. He asks her for a dollar. They took her purse, though she still has her good luck dollar, which she hands him. He gives her a receipt and drawls now he is covered by attorney/client privilege. He intends to get her off. Ari grins she just hired herself an attorney! He explains he will try to get her out today. She explains she does not have enough money for bail. No matter. He will take care of it. He will also check the police reports to see what they have. She updates him on the evidence. EJ will get an investigator on it right away. Ari is overwhelmed. Why is he doing this? Because she stood by him when no one else would and also he believes she is innocent. - Nicole stops Brady at the pier and suggests he let Arianna get a good night's sleep. Not in prison, says he! He is determined to see her and Nicole is unable to stop him. Brady departs and Baker emerges from the shadows. Nicole looks like she just got a headache. Dick wants money. Nicole wants to blow him off. He points out he could get desperate and start to say things - incriminating things about planting false evidence, which could make her go back to prison. Therefore, she should put his money request back on the table! - In their meeting room at the prison, EJ holds Arianna's hand over the table and she whispers "Thank you." The door opens and Brady stares darkly at the pair ... - At the pub, smiling Steph joins solemn Nathan, who has papers before him.He has been offered a research fellowship at John Hopkins. Now what? He thinks she should come with him to Baltimore. However, he understands it would be too much to ask her to uproot from Salem. Besides, he is happy with his life in town. Therefore, he stays. Enter Mel and Phil. He is not keen to see Nath, but he must approach with Mel to say hi. Mel tells them of the strange wedding they just attended. Phil now states Dan and Chloe moved their wedding date up. Nathan becomes uncomfortable. He starts to say something, then decides it is in fact none of anyone's business. The two guys have later stepped away. Mel notes Steph is still drinking diet soda. She claims she is dieting. Meddling Mel concludes she did not tell Nathan the details of their fight. Steph informs her that she does not need to trap Nathan. Matter of fact, he just turned down a research job at John Hopkins to be with her! Her mom calls and she steps away to take the call. Nath returns to the table with a tray of drinks. Meddling Mel wants to know if he turned down John Hopkins to stay in town with Stephanie. Outside, as Steph gets off the phone, Phil walks up and repeats what Melanie told her - that Steph is trying to get pregnant without Nathan's consent. Steph jokingly denies it and brings up her being into Nathan. Phil snaps Melanie is not the one who has done something wrong. Steph realizes she has hit a nerve. When Phil and Steph return inside, Nath decides he and Steph have somewhere to go. Mel looks disappointed when they leave ... - Back at the Kiriakis mansion, Victor and Maggie are sitting alone on the sofa. He knows she prevented his family from leaving and is grateful. Viv interrupts the moment with a photographer and makes him pose with her for wedding pics. Kate watches dubiously.Outside, Hope asks Bo if he has spoken to Ciara. He has. They discuss her treasure box story. Bo did not feel she was lying. Out comes Ciara, with Justin, and she insists there is indeed a treasure box. Mommy is the one who is lying! Bo looks at his daughter with concern. Justin takes her back inside as the child complains no one believes her. Once they are alone, Bo points out it would be easy to disprove the story. Hope gets defensive. Does he think she is the one who is lying?! - Maggie heads home to her kitchen and speaks to Mickey's picture. She got through it. She could imagine Mickey making wisecracks during the ceremony and cries, all alone in her empty kitchen. Knock knock knock! Tis Victor, who notes she is crying. She claims she only has tears due to her allergies and invites him in. The Greek tycoon grins his wedding was like a wake. She agrees and they share a giggle. - Chez Kiriakis, Viv coos at Ciara,who is with Justin.Ciara says she looks pretty. Viv is looking for Victor. Carly and Viv soon run into each other and Carly no longer has the bouquet. Kate taunts that Victor could be on the roof awaiting his new bride! Viv walks away. Carly laughs. Kate had thought she could use a friend. They now talk Chloe. Why does Kate not like Chloe? Because she cheated on Lucas with Daniel for months, not to mention how she turned all American boy Brady into a drug addict. Carly looks concerned. At the front door, Chloe kisses Dan, as he must depart to attend to a patient. Exit the diligent doc. Carly emerges and exclaims she just heard some things about Chloe that made her very uneasy! So, unless Daniel learns the truth from Chloe herself, she will tell him that she cheated! Exit Carly, slamming the door behind herself. Chloe is a wreck. Vivian seizes her moment. She steps forward, touches her hair and purrs "Darling, don't cry. Let me help you ...!" - Bo assures Hope he does not think she is lying, yet he does not know what to do about their daughter's story. Hope thinks they should go up to her room and see if there is such a treasure box once and for all. They do just that. Upstairs in Hope's bedroom, Bo looks under the majestic bed and produces the box. Hope does not remember ever seeing it. Bo thinks they should open it to see if there is treasure inside. Hope agrees and they watch with interest as he proceeds to open the mysterious box ...! Next on Days of Our Lives "Chloe, you have to talk to him tonight!" insists Carly. "You're gonna tell me who your partner is right now!" Nicole orders Dick. "I know you're innocent," EJ assures a wide-eyed Arianna. |
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