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up around 5 p.m. eastern Detailed Day Ahead Tuesday, May 4, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only BODY OF EVIDENCE and more ...! - Replay of Chloe screaming at stunned Carly to shut her lying mouth. She accuses her of covering her tracks and declares she will not ruin anyone's life again! Carly denies it and wonders what is really wrong. She wants her to spit out what she thinks Carly did to her. Dan walks in with the food, having heard the voices, and he too would like to know what is going on. Chloe rages that Carly is trying to ruin her life. Carly leaves for the hospital and wishes Daniel luck with her. Once she is gone, Dan asks what this issue she has with Carly is. She laments she was so sure they went to a motel and slept together. It was a rumor someone told her. They argue. Dan disagrees that Carly started that rumor. Chloe points out he is not denying the affair. Dan impatiently assures her he loves her, not Carly! He is dismayed she cannot see that. Chloe begins to cry. Dan the man places a hand on her shoulder and asks her to tell him everything. They sit by the fireplace and she begins. The hospital employee told her that Dan and Carly went to a motel. Dan calls him a son of a bitch who made it all up. Chloe points out the motel reservations man seemed to think he had seen Dan there with someone. She cries then she heard he was in surgery and she became confused. She thinks Carly started the whole story at the hospital. Dan exclaims it is a crazy rumor that Carly would surely not have invented. He wants Chloe to trust him that he loves her and is on her side. If someone lied to her on purpose to start this series of crazy events, he will find them and make them pay. The pair manage to find the reservations motel man at the pier later on but he denies having ever met Chloe before scurrying away! - Replay of Mel asking Phil why Chloe would be rash. He says she has been upset lately. It was hard for her to find out about Dan and Carly and Mel. Mel wonders what that has to do with Phil. He drawls Chloe sometimes leans on him. She does not have many friends. Mel thinks the message he left sounded rather intense. She realizes that Chloe has been confiding in Phil for a while. Mel is at first uncomfortable, then assures him she likes that he is such a good friend. Phil feels terrible and sighs he has made things worse! She senses he is hiding something. "What is it you're not telling me?" They sit at the table to discuss. Phil tells her the sad story of Chloe's leukemia, inability to have kids, not to mention her recent hysterical pregnancy. Chloe is emotional at present. Perhaps he should have stayed out of it. Mel is impressed he is loyal and trustworthy, which is why people feel they can tell him their secrets. Phil looks guilty. He now says they should give Daniel and Chloe some space, to work things out. Mel wonders if Carly knows all about Chloe. Perhaps she should tell her. Phil insists she stay out of the mess! - Down at the pier, Nath tells Steph he would like to have a quiet night at home - with her! She is all for it, glances back at the trash, and leaves with him. At his place, they drink wine in bed and chat. He has an idea. "I wanna take you to Paris." In the springtime. Steph smiles and says she can speak French. "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?" They get nekid. Steph gets intense and tells him she loves him. Afterwards, they cuddle and she remembers getting rid of her birth control pills. - At the pub, Gaby tries to continue her noisy argument with Nicole and says Nicole is done. Nicole smirks. "I'm Nicole DiMera. I'm never done!" Gaby suggests she leave. Nicole is not going anywhere.Gaby snaps she does not want her sister to have trouble from a washed up old porn star! Nicole chuckles this washed up old porn star will make Brady see the light! She orders the girl to fetch her a dry martini. Gaby yells about her baby switching indiscretion and refuses to serve her. Nicole decides to help herself and makes a remark about Gaby's sister selling drugs. Gaby calls her a loser and wants her out! Meanwhile, Ari is at the Kiriakis mansion, where she is unable to find Brady. She is worried ... - At the park, Baker is surprised when Hope claims she is not finished yet and rips open unconscious Brady's shirt. Baker hopes she is not going to do anything freaky. "You can't kill him!" Hope reminds him this is her game, with her rules, and pulls something out of a black velvet pouch. Baker turns around. When he turns back, he asks Hope what she did. "I left my mark," says she. Baker calls her perverse. Brady starts to stir. The partners in crime take off, but not before Baker secretly pockets Brady's cash clip. - Down at the pier, Hope fixes her makeup and wonders who that guy was anyway. Baker would rather not discuss, recalling how Brady had once threatened him to stay away from Nicole. Hope reminds him they are a great team. Baker appears to have misgivings and leaves. Hope smiles she is all dressed up with nowhere to go. Meanwhile, Dick Baker and the stolen clip arrive at an underground poker game. He soon runs out of money, then offers up the gold money clip. He puts it on the rest of the cash in the pot and the game continues ... - Back at the pub, Gaby gets madder at Nicole as she mixes her drink. The teen causes it to spill. Enter Brady in distress. Nicole rushes forward as he staggers, then collapses in her arms! Gaby calls for an ambulance. Nicole gasps she cannot stop the bleeding, cradles his head in her arms, and promises to take care of him. He moans, then loses consciousness again. Brady is soon wheeled into the hospital. Nicole tells Roman he has been mugged. Roman walks off. Carly assumes Nicole has been drinking, due to the smell of booze on her (which Gaby made her spill). Nicole waits at the door as Carly and Roman attend to the patient. Carly thinks he is alright. It is pretty much the same as the other mugging victims, except for an odd mark painted on his chest. This looks like something personal. Roman alludes to the fact that it could have been Nicole. He later tells Nicole things do not look good for her. Nicole points at her airtight alibi - Gaby, who is trying to reach sister Ari on her phone. Nic stands up and tells the teen the commander would like a word! Gaby corroborates her claim that she was with her at the pub at the time of the attack. Along comes Ari, shocked to hear Brady was mugged. - Back in her room at the house of Kiriakis, Hope places the evidence of her recent conquest in her secret box and drinks a glass of water. A large imprint of her red lipstick is left on the glass. She goes back to sleep ... Meanwhile, Roman leaves her a message about the mugging, with a request that she call him asap. Hope dreams of the sign on Brady's chest and wakes up with a start. - Dan and Chloe head home. She laments Daniel does not believe her. He breathes he does and promises they will figure out what happened. They embrace. - In bed, Phil and Mel kiss and say they love each other. He, however, cannot seem to stop thinking of his wild fling with Chloe while in bed with his new wife! - As Steph and Nath make out, with thoughts of Paris on their minds, elsewhere, a bag lady rummages through the trash, coming across Steph's discarded birth control pills .... - Back at the poker game, the winner (alas not Baker) wins the whole pot, including Brady's distinct gold money clip! - At the hospital, Arianna cannot prove where she was when Brady was attacked and Nicole is smug. She points out she also had an argument with Brady. Ari shouts is she accusing her?! Nicole sweetly smiles she is just sayin' ... - In Brady's room, Roman and Carly try to figure out why Brady was branded. And what does that sign mean? Roman deduces someone is trying to send a message ... - Back in her room, Hope whispers to herself that she has been having some very strange dreams. Good thing she cannot remember any of them. She flops back on the pillow, sleepily unaware of what has already transpired with her alter-ego that night ...! Next on Days of Our Lives "Excuse me, I am not turning my son over to you!" Sami tells Kate. Stefano informs Elvis "Who said Anna will be a problem? No one is going to find her!" Anna comes face to face with a blast from the past. "Calliope?!" |
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