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Wednesday, May 5, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only BIG SHOTS AND LITTLE SHOTS ...! - Vic and Viv visit Brady in his hospital room. The Salem patient is wide awake. Enter Ari, who kisses him and sits on his bed. She feels bad she was not with him. Victor finds out she was at the house at the time of the attack. Vivian says she did not see her. Nicole lurks at the door and purrs Arianna not having an alibi could be a lucky thing! Ari snaps it is a big mansion. Viv relents she might just have missed her. The Greek tycoon is livid someone has branded a Kiriakis like a bull and he will not let them get away with it! Brady would rather he not get involved but Vic storms off to speak with Roman about the matter. Viv decides to do the board meeting minutes instead of the police. Nevertheless, she walks Vic out. Out in the hall, Nicole and Ari soon bicker. Ari warns her not to upset Brady or she will deal with her and departs. Nicole now visits Brady. He thanks her for taking charge and getting him to the hospital. He has not been nice lately, yet she was there for him. He is sorry he did not realize before that she is still the same woman who is his friend ... Nicole is glad to hear it. Whether he is engaged or not, she will always be on his side. After all, he cared about her feelings when no one else did. He gallantly offers to give her an interview. Nicole declines, for she knows where to draw the line. Enter Ari with flowers. She makes a snide remark and tells Nicole she is supposed to call in for her next assignment. She smugly informs her she is taking the morning off to be with Brady. Nicole walks out, grumbling about the little bitch, unaware that Vivian is around the corner and has overheard! In Brady's room, Ari is mad that Viv had said she did not see her at the mansion. He tells her not to be fussed over it. They talk family ... - Hope wakes up in her room, having overslept, and notices her makeup scattered on the floor. She summons Ciara to discuss. Little Ciara denies playing with her makeup and suggests mommy put it all over the floor. She hopes mommy believes her. Hope claims she does, though her eyes indicate she does not. Roman now calls with news. "The mugger struck again." Brady Black was the victim and it seems the serial mugger is targeting people they both know! - At DiMera mansion, Stefano is on the phone and tells his contact to forget about Hernandez, but is Anna being a good girl? He is pleased to hear she is doing as she is told. Click. Enter Kate, who wonders if that was Anna DiMera he was talking about. Stefano mentions covering his bases and Kate admits it is none of her business anyway. - Anna is in a cabana at an isolated warm location and laments she has no life. She still misses Tony, too. Enter Calliope, who starts to say she must have the wrong ... The two women embrace and seem happily surprised to see each other. Calliope thinks Anna looks like she is hiding out. They discuss the remoteness of their location. Anna sadly implies she is still in mourning. Calliope complains how tough it was to get there.Really? Anna wonders what was her motivation. Calliope notes Anna is on edge. What is she hiding from? She can trust her old friend. Anna flashes back to the 1980s, when funky pal Calliope talked her into Tony as the guy for her. Anna smiles that back then, life was so much simpler. All she needed was Tony. Times are different now. She claims she is only hiding from her memories, but why is Calliope there? Calliope woefully states that she and Eugene owe the IRS money so they were looking for a place with no extradition to the U.S. Eugene is deep sea fishing so she has time to chat. Anna, however, feels it would best best if she left. Calliope sighs. Anna thinks she should be alone and admits she has done some things ... She did something reckless, which turned out different than she expected.This seems to be the end of the line for her. She needs to be alone. But maybe they will see each other again. They say their goodbyes. - Sami and EJ enter the pub, the mood light. He asks her to get them coffee and he will go upstairs to fetch their kids. Enter Roman as Sami pours the coffee. He updates her that Brady was attacked by the mugger, but should be alright. He is looking for EJ, to talk about the mugging. He soon finds out Sami picked him up at the hospital - and she will also be living at the mansion for a while. Commander Roman thinks she has lost it! She explains he has two kids with EJ so it was inevitable for such a situation to arise. He asks about Rafe. Sami sadly says Rafe made it clear they were over. Roman dubiously wonders if there is a future for her and EJ. Sami remembers the kiss and admits maybe there is. Meanwhile, EJ has returned and overhears her last comment, his eyes sparkling. Roman wonders about Rafe. Sami states they argued and he stormed off. Roman starts to remind her what happened last time she stayed in that house. EJ steps forward and declares it was a disaster. He promises Roman he will make sure it is not a disaster again. Roman gives him the evil eye, lets him know he will be watching, and departs. Sami, EJ, and the two kids later all make their way to the mansion. Sami and Kate take the children upstairs. Sami appears disappointed Will did not wish to be present when she moved in. Once alone, Elvis and Stefano talk. The phoenix asks if his son is happy with Samantha in his life. EJ warns he had better make sure no one finds out where Anna is. Stefano assures him no one will. Elvis points out FBI Rafe is still trying to get to Anna and if he finds her,he will have no chance with Samantha. Stefano promises him that he will make Sami want to stay with his son, and there is nothing Raphael or Anna will be able to do about it! Meanwhile, Sami and Kate have come downstairs. Sami must deal with Kate talking formula,etc. Kate adds she is concerned about the situation with Will, who hated seeing Sami and EJ under the same roof. And now Will's feelings are not being considered. Sami shares that she intends to make things right with Will. Kate sarcastically wishes her good luck. Sami suspiciously wonders if Kate really means she will stand in her way! She insists she will work things out with her son. Kate brings up Sami's disastrous mistakes, She should let Will lead his own life but Sami is mad and will not turn over her son to the likes of her! Stefano and Elvis walk out and calmly ask Kate what is going on. Stefano takes his beloved for a walk. Once they are alone, Sami tells EJ it was about Will. He assures her he will make it work. She claims that Will is her only reason for being there. He hopefully wants to know if part of the reason she is there is because of him. Of course, as his kids need to be with him and he is not yet 100%. Sami decides to be truthful. She can handle his dying father, though Kate is another matter. Elvis offers to take care of Kate. She does not think she can deal with her, though ... "It will not work," says she. EJ's face falls. - Victor waltzes into the police station and snaps at Roman has he found the lowlife who attacked his son! Roman has his best detective on the case. Who? Hope now appears. "That would be me!" The Greek tycoon quips he does not think she is up to the task. Hope is determined to get even more involved. When Roman shows her the pictures of the sign that was left on Brady, she announces she knows what it is and someone is sending her a message. It is a Celtic symbol she saw in Ireland. The three rings represent three Celtic dieties, one of whom is Bridget, goddess of female empowerment. She feels the attacker could be a woman. Roman points out EJ was sure there was a man. Hope points out someone also hit EJ on the head from behind. Pumped, she heads for the hospital to interview Brady. She enters his room and Ari exits. Brady is curious if they have gotten any closer. Hope tells him about her new information. She holds up a picture of the sign he now has on his chest. Brady looks surprised. Hope seems pleased with herself. - Out in the hall, Vivian approaches Arianna. She brings up Brady and has some advice. She should keep an eye on that good looking young man, as Nicole seems to be looking for a window of opportunity! - Nicole strolls outside and gets her latest assignment over the phone - illegal gambling operations. She could do that and assumes there will be some nutjobs involved ... - Kate and Stefano sit at the park and talk. He explains that his precious son is back in his life and he is in love with Samantha. Kate calls her a user who will move on after she uses him. The phoenix drawls that this time, Samantha is not going anywhere. Trust him! - Back at the mansion, EJ tries to reason with Sami about Will. And he will help her deal with Kate, too. She laments it is not just about Kate anymore, it is about a million other reasons she should not be there .... - Meanwhile, Calliope has returned to a room, where she snaps at a MR. BIGSHOT that she did as he instructed, making contact, and she did not like it one bit. Mr. Bigshot Rafe stands over her and listens ...! Next on Days of Our Lives "I think he's close to finding out who kidnapped Sydney," Ari tells Gaby. "You're gonna help me catch Anna DiMera whether you like it or not!" Rafe orders Calliope. Elvis tensely reminds Stefano "If she talks, you and I are going to lose!" |
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