Days of Our Lives September 13, 2011
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Tuesday, September 13, 2011
up by 5:33 pm et  September 12




- Sami giggles on the phone with Johnny and tells him goodnight, as
he gets back to Caroline. The call ends. Rafe pours wine for his wife
and himself. They are still celebrating and she is ready for another toast! They kiss and she thanks him for the swanky dinner. He teases they needed the second mortgage. The mood is light. Sami has an idea to
help them afford more such dates. She wishes to return to work. Rafe wonders if she got a job. Not yet, though she is determined to find one
on her own. Rafe chuckles if she had gotten the job at the department,
he would not have been able to concentrate. He puts his arms around
her and murmurs he simply cannot keep his hands off her. They kiss passionately. She stops and hopes he is really okay with her getting a
job. He is, but reminds her the economy is bad, not to mention she has been out of the work force for some time. Sami remains optimistic and declares their home is a doubt free zone. He wonders what kind of job she had in mind. She makes a few jokes, then replies she wants to do something where she can use her talents. He teases he hopes that will
not include her breaking and entering ability. She should leave it off her resume. Sami giggles. They continue drinking wine. Rafe is glad to see
her happy. They now talk about her skills. She pays bills online, cleverly organizes and juggles schedules. They both agree she has much to offer. Rafe encourages her. She would be an asset to any company. They kiss again.
- At the Cheatin Heart, Sonny, Chad, and Will are interested in the computer, excitedly awaiting the decision of the university about their proposal. Gabi wants to be with Will so he agrees to a game of pool.
Gabi decides the winner can choose what to do on their next date. She plays aggressively and is winning, thanks to some tricks she learned
from Dario.
- At another table, Mel confides to Abigail that she and her folks now
feel like a bona fide family. Abigail is wistful. Mel and Abigail approach the pool table. They talk about Dario, whom Gabi points out loves his new job, and then Brady, who apparently has not left Chloe's side. Mel frowns. Later, Gabi wins the pool game and so she can decide the date with Will. She wants to spend the night camping with Will, who cringes. Dario enters and exclaims he has incredible news. The gang gather round as he explains he got a big Titan promotion. Project manager for internet expansion. Sonny is impressed and hopes he will work with them one
day. Dario is gracious. Mel hugs and praises him. He deserves this. When they sit alone, Mel becomes glum he will have even less time for her. Dario, however, is excited. She promises she will try and be happy for him. Dario points out that he needs to establish himself, also for them,
so he can prove to her family that he is worthy. Mel retorts he does not have to do that and they drink the champagne he has ordered. At another table, Sonny announces he has news of the proposal. The verdict is ...
- As Kinsey watches and the aria plays in the background, Brady urges comatose Chloe to fight. He is at her hospital bedside and lovingly kisses her hand. Kinsey is grateful he withheld the facts about what she was doing. He agrees it should stay that way. He recalls how happy she was that in a recent video chat, baby Parker said mama. He must miss her. Kinsey worries she might not come out of it, but Brady refuses to accept that. He eventually admits he never stopped caring about her. Their kind of love does not die. Kinsey believes Chloe feels the same way. Brady
is dismayed she did not come to him for help. When Kinsey is about to depart, Brady becomes concerned. He insists his driver give her a lift, so she will not have to walk anywhere alone. Kinsey thanks him. Brady
steps out to tell his driver. Kinsey informs Chloe she is right, for Brady
is one terrific guy.
- At Chez Rouge, Nicole calls EJ a loser who is there alone. He smiles charmingly and points out there are two glasses upon his table. He gets
close and tells her his guest just arrived. Nicole is stunned and agrees to join him. She finds out he was having her followed and suspiciously asks what the hell he wants! He grins he is enjoying a glass of champagne with his wife. Nicole accuses him of playing mind games with her. He slept with her sister! He laments he is sorry. She is still disgusted and wants an explanation. EJ looks her in the eye, then sighs he has no earthly idea what he and Tay saw in each other. Nicole cannot help but laugh and presses him about her sister's appeal. He has no idea what it was. Nicole shares info on Tay's record, which was only for protesting at a human rights demonstration. She now wonders if he was merely punishing her with her sister. He denies it. He suggests they just enjoy the evening and drink and be merry. He admits he wanted to be someone decent and respected. Nicole realizes he thought of Taylor as his salvation. EJ drawls he took a wrong turn. They toast to "knowing who you are" and happily drink their champagne ...

Read Part 2 - click here!
3 Weeks Ahead
Part 2