Days of Our Lives April 1, 2010
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Thursday, April 1, 2010 
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- Viv slithers up to Carly at the hospital and leers now she is after Daniel, but who next, whose life will she ruin! Carly snaps at her to leave as she has work to do. Vivian taunts she is to blame for Daniel's accident, which will no doubt ruin his medical career. "All the more reason for Melanie to hate you!" Justin appears and barks at Madame Vivian to get lost! He also reminds her of the restraining order. Vivian reminds them it is no longer valid. She gloats she is putting down rich and powerful roots in Salem! Justin advises her to stop speaking in tongues and explain. She coos she
is getting married to Victor and departs. Justin wonders why Victor would want to marry her. "Guess," says Carly. He has no idea, then it dawns on him. Victor hates the fact that Carly is with Bo, so marrying Viv is giving her a message. He is keeping the snake around, ready to strike when he gives the word ...!
- At Java Cafe, Steph confesses to Aunt Adrienne she did a bad thing.
She tells the tale of the "little twit" who gave her the letter and exactly what it said. She also confesses what she did about it. Steph wants Adrienne to assure her it was alright, but Aunt Adrienne cannot do that. After all, she gave Mel her word she would pass on the letter. Stephanie complains she made a selfish decision, but consider what Melanie was doing. Adrienne agrees it was not classy the way she wrote one guy a letter on her wedding day to another. Steph says Nath did find out about the letter, though he can never know its true contents! Adrienne thinks
she has not prevented anything, she has merely delayed the inevitable, because when people have feelings for each other, even a wedding ring might not stop them! Steph thanks her for listening ...
- At the pier, Nath asks Mel what is wrong. She tells him Dan's vision
has been affected by the mishap. Hug. Along comes Phil. He glares at Nath and then takes over when Mel goes from Nath's arms to his. Phil understands she is upset over Daniel and informs Nath he has it covered, he can leave now. Exit Nath. Mel wonders if Phil is jealous. He drawls should he be? No, she was just losing it after a convo with the doctor concerning papa Dan's double vision and Nath was there and then Phil showed up. She insists he is the one she wishes to be with and kisses
him. Meanwhile, Nathan walks and laments he cannot stop thinking of
the fair Mel. Elsewhere on the pier, Phil and Mel cuddle on a bench. She wants to get back to Daniel. Phil says anything is fine with him, as she is his wife. Mel likes the sound of that and decides they should head for Maggie's instead. Viv unexpectedly comes around the corner, all smiles. "Children, I have wonderful news!" Phil drawls no one there is her child. Vic smiles she thinks of all younger people as children. But she does have news. They will be a family soon, for Phillip's father finally popped the question! Phillip looks dismayed.
- Elvis pays a visit to flunky Benny at his place. He grimaces that his ex-wife got out of prison, thanx to Anna blackmailing the governor. Benny stammers he hopes Anna did not tell Nicole that EJ was paying her. Elvis pauses.His ex and Anna seem to have a connection. Therefore, he must
be careful nothing leads to him. Benny assures him he can count on him. EJ calls him a liability and reaches in his jacket pocket. Benny, fearing
for his life, insists he would never give him up. He is surprised when EJ pulls his hand out of his pocket with a wad of cash, and orders him to leave. Today. Benny is more than happy to oblige. EJ adds he must leave hastily as things are getting dicey.
- At the police station, replay of Rafe warning Nicole that she could be charged with obstructing a federal investigation, her stating she will tell
him everything. He waits. "Anna DiMera and I were partners," Nicole smirks. She then elaborates. They were like sisters who suffered in the same horrible family. Rafe sarcastically says that must be why Anna took pity on her and helped arrange for her release. Nicole replies he is starting to get it and stands up to leave. Rafe growls at her to sit back down or
else he will handcuff her to the table! He demands she start telling him the truth.Nicole pretends she only learned from FBI Rafe that Anna got the governor to bail her out. Rafe tells her his own theory. She must have remembered Anna was the kidnapper and gave her an ultimatum - to get her out. Anna took too long, which was why Nicole summoned Rafe, but then the governor called to pardon her just when she was about to give Anna up. Nicole replies usually Rafe is smart, though today he is "dumb and dead wrong!" She claims Anna must have taken pity on her plight. Rafe claims the reason Anna did it was so Nicole did not spill the beans about her being the kidnapper. Everyone knows that now, so why does she not just tell him where Anna is! Nicole shakes her pretty head. She is sympathetic about Rafe working hard and getting nowhere. No wonder Sami lied to him. He was no longer useful to her. He tells her to leave
and wonders what brought her back to Salem. She is there to claim what
is rightfully hers and always was! Nicole adds to tell his sister hello and waltzes out. Rafe later gets a file to look through with photos of shoppers at a store near where Sydney was held, where one can find baby supplies. He sees a photo of hoodlum Benny buying diapers, packing heat. Roman had it run through facial recognition on the computer. Benny the man,aka Benny buttons, is a known felon! Rafe wants him located pronto! And when they find him, they need only to keep him in sight. Maybe he does not need Nicole after all. Maybe Benny will be his ticket!
- Elvis calls Benny, who is at the airport, and wishes him a good flight. Benny makes himself comfortable at the airport bar and orders a vodka. He places his phone in the garbage and takes a drink. When he is ready
for a refill, Rafe saunters in. He makes a comment about his wad of cash when friendly Benny offers to pay for his beer. Rafe starts to talk about his lady friend who took off. He still wants her so bad and she had the prettiest name. Benny chuckles about pretty names like Marguerita. What was his lady's name? Rafe casually takes a drink. "Anna. Anna DiMera." Benny's face falls. He gets up to leave. Rafe coolly informs him he has six guys on him so he is not going anywhere. He should remain for a chat. Rafe talks Sydney DiMera and shows him the photo they have of him buying diapers. Benny denies knowing Sydney. Rafe now drops a bomb. They could prove, with DNA, that he had handled Syd's stuffed animal that got left behind. Benny wants a lawyer. Rafe wants to talk deal. He requires only two things from the hoodlum - where Anna went and who she was working with!
- At the pub, Nicole approaches Elvis at his table and flashes a smile, wondering if he misses her. EJ is speechless. Nicole quips her world is
just empty without him, too! EJ continues reading his newspaper. Nicole smugly says she is pardoned and her record is clean. Elvis says she is not welcome here. She assures him she is staying in Salem, to make a fresh start. He scoffs she will be back to lying and scheming. She points out he has his own long list of crimes. He brings up Anna getting her out. Nicole presumes he must be livid with Anna, for hiding Sydney all that time. What a betrayal! EJ's eyes darken. He wonders if Anna was acting alone. Nicole says she did.  She believes she knows why Anna took Sydney. Elvis grabs her hand and dangerously murmurs for her to tell him why Anna took Sydney. Tell him now!
- At the hospital, Adrienne approaches Carly and Justin. She is happy to see Carly but then gets intense and says she never thought Carly would
end up with Bo as long as Hope was around! And how is their little girl handling it? Children are the ones who suffer most. She points out Bo
and Hope always find their way back together. Carly wonders what she
is trying to tell her. Adrienne has some advice."Don't get too comfortable, not with Hope around." Justin looks exasperated. Carly looks annoyed.
- At the cafe, Nath enters. He would like a word with Steph. He must cancel their date, because of Melanie! He wants to be honest, no matter how hard it is. "I still have feelings for her ...!" The smile fades fast from
Steph's face.
- Down at the pier, Phillip doubts Vivian's claim. Viv thinks he is thrown and asks Mel what she makes of it. Viv realizes they are overwhelmed
but hopes they will soon move back to the mansion so they can be one
big happy family. She wishes them a happy aft and flounces off. Phil wonders if his dad will really marry her. Mel cares not and only wants Phil, whom she starts kissing again ...
- At the bar, Benny warns FBI Rafe he cannot ask him questions as he
has asked for a lawyer. Rafe has a cop cuff him and haul him off, to be charged by the Salem P.D. for aiding and abetting in a kidnapping. Rafe hopes they will get lucky and the hoodlum will break under pressure ...
- Back at the pub, Nicole exclaims what has gotten into EJ! He claims if
he is paranoid, it is because one of Sydney's kidnappers is in town. Nicole doubts that is it, however. She senses that he is worried as hell about what Anna might have said to her and wants to know what he fears it might have been ...!

Next on Days of Our Lives
"I took a very big risk but it paid off," smiles Anna.
Nicole faces EJ. "You are scared and now I just have to figure out why!"
Sami whispers to Rafe "I want us to be together."