Days of Our Lives April 13, 2010
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Tuesday, April 13, 2010 
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- Chez DiMera, replay of Elvis and Stefano having ended their war, Stefano informing him there is one final condition. EJ frowns about the fact that there is a price.The phoenix clears his throat and states his terms for their reconciliation, which he must do tonight! Elvis looks suspicious. What exactly does he want? Papa Stefano continues."I want Giovanni
and Sydney back in this house within an hour." EJ stammers he cannot tear them out of the house, away from Samantha. Stefano exclaims what does she matter. EJ stammers she matters much, for she is their mother. And how can he explain to her that they are suddenly reconciled? Stefano suggests he come up with something - unless he wants her and everyone else to know the truth! EJ glumly picks up his briefcase and slowly leaves as Stefano calls after him, "One hour, non-negotiable!"
- Replay of Chloe finding Carly in her and Dan's apartment. Dan walks out of a room with a box. He was cleaning out drawer space and came across a blanket. Chloe snatches the box with the blanket and then offers to help Carly get settled. They go off to do just that. Daniel rummages through the box and finds baby clothes under the blanket.Carly reappears and tells him she should not go through with this.He suggests they discuss later and she heads off to the hospital. Daniel turns to face his beloved.
He shakes his head and shows her the baby clothes. She uncomfortably admits she bought them when she mistakenly thought she was pregnant, and did not return them. She could not bring herself to do it and so she
hid them. At times she likes to look at them. Is that a problem? No, says he, and reassures his now crying sweetheart with an embrace."I know
that this is still painful, it is for me, too." It also worries him that she is
not being honest with him about things. He senses she is not fine with Carly living there. She admits he is right. She sadly says she hates that Carly gave him a child, whereas she cannot. She cries and they hug again. Dan reminds her when he fell in love with her, it was for what he saw on the outside and the inside. She is his soul mate and all he wanted from the start was to be with her. "That's enough for me." Chloe cries she is sorry for being so self-pitying. His new family is overwhelming. For him, too. Chloe hopes for him to have a relationship with his daughter, but fears he will be sucked back into Carly's abyss. Dan takes her face in his hands
and promises they will be together forever. Nothing will change that. They kiss on it.
- Outside the Cheatin Heart. Phil happens by and proceeds to call 911 as Adrienne cries over unconscious Justin. Phil drawls the paramedics are on their way. "Adrienne," whispers Justin as sirens are heard approaching.
- Steph and Mel run into each other at the hospital, where Steph states it
is a bad idea for Melanie to reapply to the nursing program, which she has just decided to do.There is no love lost between these two! Energetic Mel thinks it is not her concern if she wants to reapply. Steph pretends she just does not like quitters. Mel implies she is mean, smiles smugly, and hands the nurse on duty her readmission form. She adds what she does, where she works, is none of Steph's business and departs. Steph quips the hell it isn't!
- In the hospital waiting area, Madeline praises Chad, who goes off to check with the doctor about the D.A. Madeline now remembers seeing Kate and appears nervously distracted.
- Sami runs into Kate at Java Cafe and berates her for taking Will away. She gloats that EJ is at the mansion right now, kicking Stefano out and
she is sure to follow! Kate explodes with laughter. They are opening their home and hearts to Will, so there! Sami speaks of EJ's power. Kate warns it is Stefano's words that should be listened to. She and EJ have grossly underestimated him. She concludes that was a big mistake and flounces off.
- At the hospital, Nathan promises Justin will be fine as he is wheeled in. Adrienne informs Roman whoever hit him took his wallet and his money. Chad overhears, then returns to his mom to update her - lawyer Justin
was attacked exactly the same way D.A. dad was! They head over to Roman, to tell him just that.  Afterwards, Madeline considers how strange it is that there were two such similar attacks. Chad remarks something
else is strange - and it concerns her ...
- Meanwhile, on duty Dr. Carly reassures Adrienne. Her old pal is sorry for her previous behavior and admits she misses their friendship. If she needs anything at all ... Carly considers. There is something she needs ...  Carly later sees Nath. He is pleased to let her know that he is over Mel and now dating Stephanie Johnson.Carly nods and stares after him as he gets back to work.
- Justin wakes up in a hospital bed and Adrienne gently explains he was mugged. He will likely make a complete recovery, but they would like to keep him overnight for observation. Justin peers at Adrienne and tells her she does not have to stay with him. Later, out in the hall, Nathan would like to discuss Justin's release. Adrienne advises him to call Victor Kiriakis or Hope Brady,as one of them will pick him up. She sadly states Justin is no longer her husband and departs.
- Chez Sami, she smugly asks EJ how it went with Stefano. He murmurs things are complicated, the situation has changed. How? She hopes that
he told them Will would not live there when he kicked Stefano out. He
confesses  that is not exactly what happened.The promise of signing over the house was a mere lure. Sami wonders what he really wanted. Elvis explains fatha wants to see Johnny and Sydney badly - and he feels he should! Sami looks at him in disbelief.
- Steph shows up at Mel's place to talk. She wants Mel to know her real reasons for thinking she should not reapply to the nursing program. Mel has heard enough, but Stephanie  pushes her way in. She calls Mel self-consumed and insists she is making a mistake. Mel plays innocent and
gets sarcastic. Steph states Nath does not need to be forced to interact with her on a daily basis, as he is almost over her. Mel, however, wants a career. Steph suggests she focus on being a rich Kiriakis and make some babies. Mel calls her mean. Steph insists she just wants to prevent Nath from being conflicted. Mel laughs she knows she would do anything to keep loverboy Nathan away from her! She goes on to accuse Steph of being an insecure, manipulative operator. She wants her to be honest about the fact that she read the letter Mel wrote Nathan on her wedding day. Steph admits she did, she lied, and she is not one bit sorry! As Phil approaches the door from the outside, Stephanie brings up Mel's own transgressions. Phil pauses to listen at the door as Steph loudly laments "How could you write a letter to Nathan on your wedding day and tell
him that you'd leave Phillip for him!"
- Dan and Chloe are asleep in bed. Ring ring! Tis Carly calling Dan with an update. She does not think it is fair to stay with him and Chloe while Bo is away. Therefore, she will be staying across the hall with Adrienne,
at Steve and Kayla's old apartment. It will be close enough and she will not intrude in their lives. Dan agrees. She will pick her belongings up later. After he gets off he phone, he snuggles up to sleeping beauty Chloe. He then glances at the clock and sees double. Chloe stirs. He suggests she go back to sleep, but is clearly anxious about his recurring double vision.
- Back at DiMera mansion, Stefano and Kate toast Sydney and Johnny. "They should be arriving within the hour!" purrs the phoenix. She wants the juicy deets. He states it is best to simply accept good fortune with strength and humility, and dances he is on cloud nine! He then kisses the hand of Katherine and smiles he has not been this happy for a long time. However, he notes Katherine is not. She confesses she is disconcerted as she has seen someone from the past. "Madeline Peterson-Woods." His eyes flicker. He would rather they not think about Madeline, of all people,
now. Tis a time to celebrate the imminent return of his grandchildren. Why is Kate so sour! She sighs. "What if EJ can't get her to do it?"
- Chez Sami, she is upset at EJ's about face. He brings up contrition and warns hatred and anger can be dangerous. Sami gasps he agreed with her hours ago, so something must be wrong. She thinks he might need to get some sleep and pull himself together before they can discuss things any further. Elvis calmly states he wants to take the children out to see their grandfather - this evening! Sami hopes this is his ironic British humor speaking. Elvis clears his throat. "I have never been more serious." Sami says no, they cannot take the kids to the mansion right now! Elvis looks intense. He asks her to be reasonable. She refers to him as Jekyll and Hyde. If he is serious about Stefano, then it is over, their connection is severed! He does not want that. She believes him, and now wonders what is going on. He solemnly admits something else is indeed going on and she has a right to know what it is ...!

Next on Days of Our Lives
"Get her away from DiMera's influence somehow someway, before
it's too late," Roman drawls to Rafe.
Sami faces EJ. "Tell me the truth and it better be good!"
"I will destroy him!" Stefano informs Kate.