Days of Our Lives April 19, 2010
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Monday, April 19, 2010 
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- In the locker room, Mel assures Nath the loss of the patient was not his fault. Meanwhile, Maxine informs a shocked Dr. Lexie and Steph that Mrs. Martin has been lost. Oh oh. Seems she was the chairwoman of the fund raising committee and it was only an appendectomy! Nurse Maxine explains she had an undiagnosed heart condition. Steph and Lexie  now find out she was being treated by Nath and Mel. Back in the locker room, Nath alludes to what is in Mel's eyes and he has something to say ... The moment is interrupted by the arrival of Steph and Lexie. Steph gives Mel
a look. Dr.Lexie soon warns there will be an inquiry.The intern and the nursing student and their history will be investigated. She wonders if they were focused on the patient or on each other. They were focused on the patient. When Steph pops back in to say that Mrs. Martin's daughter has arrived and does not know what happened, Nathan states he should be
the one to tell her, as she was his patient. Mel and Lexie are now alone. Mel sorrowfully says she knows Lexie does not want her around. Lexie points out she has never said that.Her concern is only how her interaction with Dr. Horton might be affecting his job performance. Mel insists it is not.
Nathan later laments to Steph he should have done something differently. Steph assures him he is a good doctor. Mel shows up and starts to bite a nail. Nath later informs Lexie the patient's cause of death was officially myocarditis. She already knows. He wants to be at the morbidity and mortality conference that is standard procedure for such an occurrence. Nath later tells Mel he will go, as he wants to know if he did anything wrong. He must admit, when he walked in that room, he was thinking of her, not that patient. She alludes to the fact that had she known it would be so hard, she might not have come back. He does not think she should quit the program because of him. They stop discussing when Steph walks over to the pair. Melanie mutters she will go home and get back to her husband.
- At the station, Hope is informed by a cop that Ciara's school called, as she forgot her lunch yet again. Hope sighs. Enter Mayor Abe, who bears news. In an interview with Roman, the D.A. admitted he did not actually see Rafe. Hope snaps perhaps she should pay the D.A. a visit, but spills her coffee. She wants to find the real mugger before he strikes again. Abe does too. Hope anxiously assumes he will take her off the case. Abe notes she is overly stressed. He assumes she would rather be with her daughter at night, which is when the mugger strikes. Hope implores him not to take her off this job, as it is the one thing she has left. Enter Adrienne, who frowns. "I wonder why that is!" Abraham asks how Justin is doing. Hope replies she has spoken to him and he is doing much better despite a little headache. Abe is glad to hear it, advises the women to play nice, and departs. Adrienne wishes to continue their earlier discussion. She believes Hope wants her gone from the picture! They now get to business as Hope takes her statement about the attack on Justin. Hope notes the attacker was rather brazen. She appears interested to hear Adrienne and Justin 
had been at the bar alone for a few hours. Adrienne explains that they had some unfinished business before she left town ... Justin, who has just arrived, remarks but she is still there. "Why is that?" Hope excuses herself to get to Ciara. Both Adrienne and Justin note that Hope seems stressed out. Adrienne is sorry if she does not seem sympathetic. She would like to go somewhere and talk ...
- At the pier, Rafe confronts EJ about what is really going on. He does not buy the reconciliation scenario between him and Stefano. He never would let him near the kids unless he had something on him. EJ plays it cool and acts flippant. Rafe points out they do have one thing in common, despite their different backgrounds. Neither one gives up. He announces he will not give up attempting to prove that he has fed Sami lie upon lie upon lie. EJ winks good luck and starts to walk away. Rafe adds he will also find out what his father has on him and he will then put him away for good!
EJ solemnly turns back around. "Let me ask you something. Do you ever stop and think about the fact that the constant hounding of my family might actually be bad for Samantha?" Rafe retorts HE has made Sami's life a living hell. Elvis drawls Rafe thinks he knows him, but he knows
Rafe, too. And he is certain he hates how Sami has been getting her life back together. Rafe is sure he is up to something and he will find out what it is so Sami will not be hurt by him. Elvis drawls it must be tough for him to admit he lost Samantha and bungled the Sydney investigation. FBI Rafe now talks about Anna's exit strategy and also brings up Benny. Someone must have helped him out of his legal jam. He senses there is yet another conspirator out there and stares EJ down. He thinks about it every night! Kidnappings are usually a team effort. Ring ring. Rafe now receives news. "They got Anna! She's in Morocco!" EJ frowns, his eyes filled with dread. Rafe seems to think he already knew her location ...
- At DiMera mansion, Stefano thanks Sami for his time with the kids. Now that the family has been brought together, he feels it is time for a truce and extends his hand to her. Sami gets sarcastic. She brings up what is right and wrong and implies it would make her sick. She adds EJ wants the kids to spend time with him, though she will still loathe Stefano for the rest of her life. The phoenix drawls that with this stupidity, she has sealed her own fate! She makes a comment about his maneuver from a truce to
a threat within seconds. He exclaims he cannot believe she is Marlena's child. He will make sure Giovanni and Sydney will not turn out like her! Sami snaps visitations are over. Stefano becomes exasperated. He cannot understand how a son of his could possibly ...  "Could possibly what?!" probes Sami. Pause. He pretends he simply wanted to say he could not understand why his son would wish to have children with the likes of her. Sami sticks out her chin defiantly and responds by saying visitation with Johnny and Sydney is over for Stefano. She is cutting him off and he will never see them again. Stefano flashes back to EJ warning him if Sami found out the truth, he would never see the grandchildren again. He blinks back to reality. "Samantha, wait." He is sorry for his temper. He insists he was sincere when he suggested they should get along. It does not have to be war. Even without a truce, they could still have civility for the children and Elvis. Mad Sami claims she is taking the kids and never coming back. Stefano notes she will have to bring them back eventually, so as to see their brother William. He reminds her he now lives in his house! Sami is later gone, but storms back in to look for Johnny's penguin toy. Stefano is seated at his chess game. Sami accuses him of hiding it. She repeats she might tell EJ to change the custody arrangement. Enter Kate with news from maid Mary. The penguin is in the diaper bag. Sami makes a snide remark about leaving permanently and storms off. Kate claims she loathes her. Stefano tells Katherine he has a serious problem. Kate smirks. "With her? Should I start baking some brownies?" The phoenix is most amused.
- At the house of Kiriakis, Hope swallows a pill. Ciara arrives, glad to see her. Hope hugs her then swears about being late. Hope tells the sitter she will put her to bed herself. They go upstairs.
- At the Cheatin Heart, Adrienne tells Justin she has a buyer for the bar already. They have a beer and he asks what is bothering her. The new buyer wants to change the name of the place. Justin shares her opinion it should remain the Cheatin Heart. It has a history ... She now cuts to the chase. She knows he did not want her around when she came to town,
but she does want to say that she is glad she came. He nods. She sadly says she now understands something about them. It was awful to find him unconscious and made her remember the past. He was her rock and she was a mess. She realizes the fact that she leaned on him so much covered up the fact that she loved him so much. He grins. She adds she does not need to lean on him anymore but she is sorry that he was never able to lean on her ... She simply wanted the chance to say she is sorry. Justin whispers he too is sorry. She quietly cries they must now find a way to move forward, whatever that means.
- At the station, Rafe and Sami run into each other. He was about to call her about a report. They have one Anna DiMera in custody and will soon know what happened! She is in Morocco and they are working on the extradition process.Sami appears to believe he does not want to be out of her life, given that he is keen to solve the kidnapping case. Rafe informs her he is surprised EJ did not bother to update her, as he too was present when he received the news. He refers to the expression on his face. Sami looks doubtful.
- At DiMera mansion, Stefano has just informed Kate that EJ told him
he loves Sami. "It was a horrible moment!" he complains. In addition, Elvis wants him to show some respect. He does not understand. Perhaps after what happened with Nicole, Elvis is off. However, he does not wish to lose him. He must try somehow to get along with that ...Kate consoles him. Enter EJ, who wants a moment alone with fatha. He ushers Kate
out and shuts the door. He has news. It is about Anna. "They've found her. She is in custody," says he. Papa Stefano tells him to calm down. Elvis panics that she will tell the authorities everything, so he will lose
both the children as well as Samantha ...!
- Hope returns from somewhere, wearing a lot of makeup, acting rather strangely. Ciara is waiting for her and says she was scared. Hope, acting like Gina, says she had to pick up her cell phone and there is no need to
be scared.  She misses daddy and Uncle Justin, says Ciara. Hope smiles she can solve both of those problems. "Maybe someday Uncle Justin can be your new daddy!"
- At the mansion, Stefano assures Elvis the arrested woman was in fact not Anna. He arranged for Hernandez and his agents to engage in a futile chase, to give the real Anna more time to go undercover. EJ thanks him. Stefano grins he has but one regret - that he will not be there to witness the reaction of Hernandez when he gets that call!
- Back at the station, Rafe drawls to Sami that in 24 hours, he will be face to face with Anna, to find out what happened. Ring ring! He takes the call. Bad news. "It wasn't her!" Sami is sorry. Rafe declares it was a set up. He walks away, yelling they will not stop him!
- Down at the dark pier, Lexie is in a hurry walking and trying to call Abe. All of a sudden, she comes across him,lying unconscious, and it looks like he has been attacked ...!

Next on Days of Our Lives

"I don't think it will take much to push her over the edge, do you?"
Viv purrs to Gus, while watching Nicole and Chloe thru the window.
"I'm just saying watch your back," Nicole advises Chloe.
Carly smiles at Dan."I'm more than a good friend. We both know that."