Days of Our Lives April 2, 2010
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Friday, April 2, 2010 
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- At Java Cafe, Mel praises Phil for his calmness after Viv's crazy news. He laments that his pop has never wed anyone who has not attempted murder! Mel makes a quirky comment about the gene pool. Phil drawls the scenario makes no sense. Mel suggests maybe Viv has the goods on Vic or maybe he wants something from her. Phil sighs his father never fakes stuff about family so why would he marry Vivian? Enter Kate, who blanches when she overhears. Phillip confirms father is indeed marrying Vivian. "No he's not!" declares Kate. She will not allow it! Phil tells Kate
it is her fault as he must be doing it to pay her back. He has had enough
of getting in the middle of their twisted games! Mel gives the pair some time alone. Phil smoothly states he will try and talk to Kate like a rational adult. He predicts Vivian will try and get a rise out of her so what if she changes the game and acts like a grown up for a change!
- The Greek tycoon  is on the phone, ordering clandestine analysis on the Alamain properties in Africa when Vivian enters, excited about her busy
day. She pours Vic a drink and he wonders what she is about to tell him that he might not like to hear. She nervously smiles she let Phillip know they were getting married. The Greek tycoon explodes that his kids are
off limits - or else! Viv points out the lad would have found out anyway and now she can woo him before the wedding. Vic growls now he is not even sure there will be a wedding. She sits on his lap and implores him
not to break her heart. Victor excuses himself and walks out the door.
Madame Viv calls after him they have not even discussed the wedding invitations!
- At the cafe, Kate assures Phil she does not need his help in dealing with Viv. Moments later, enter Madame Viv herself. "Let the games begin!" says Phil. The two women walk toward each other. Viv boasts about the wedding. Kate leers she has no blood for the blood test. Viv believes she
feels humiliated. Kate warns her that Phillip sees through her and loses
her cool when Viv calls him her son. Never call him that, says she! Viv tells her to stop when she grabs and shakes her.  Phillip watches as Kate goes on to threaten Viv unless she ceases and desists from mentioning
her son's name ... Viv taunts she should get a restraining order against
her, though she would rather have her see her wedding. Kate insists the marriage will never happen, Victor is playing games. Kate soon departs after realizing Phillip is gone.
- At the police station, Agent Rafe wants answers from Benny. He lets
him make a call and Benny is exasperated he could face federal charges. His lawyer blows him off. Rafe eats munchies and wonders why Benny trusts the guy, who was probably paid off to represent him badly. Sounds like he was hung out to dry. Benny looks glum.
- Sami arrives home with Sydney. Sami tells her baby Rafe was the one responsible for bringing her home. Perhaps the problems started cos she didn't trust him. She adds she does not trust Syd's daddy. Enter Will, who asks about Sami's situation. She updates him on Anna being gone, not to mention Nicole being free. Will is dismal no one will ever pay for the kidnapping. Sami assures him Rafe will make someone pay. They talk. Sami admits she is cautiously optimistic. Knock knock! Tis Rafe. Sami is glad to see him. They smile at each other. He shares his news with her about the possibility of getting info from Benny. Will happily takes Syd
to the park, so as to give them some space. Sami cheerfully says he must have known she wanted to be alone with Rafe. She has been thinking ...
She suddenly grabs him in a passionate kiss and he kisses her back with equal passion. On the sofa, EJ's shirt with a noisy toy inside interrupts the mood. That does it. Rafe stops and declares he must get back to work, to be there when Benny's lawyer arrives. Besides, Sami had said she wanted a break. Sami claims she no longer wants any break, she wants them to
be together! Rafe wonders what has changed. Nothing, says she.They still love each other, right? Rafe glances at EJ's shirt, then sighs he has been doing a lot of thinking. Maybe the problem is them. She insists they love each other and is that not what matters? He wonders if it is. She says they will get through this and he makes a comment about love not just being what gets people through things. Sami cries they have Sydney back and it is their turn to be happy. Rafe asks what will happen the next time things get rough. Another break? She notes he is angry. He replies he is just sad about the whole damn thing. She repeats she wants them to be together and asks him to move back in so that they can be a family.
- In paradise, Anna stretches with her latest boy toy, who compliments
her on her flexibility. She giggles she took a big risk but it paid off. Now she is home free!
- At the pub, Nicole concludes Anna must have something on EJ. He laughs nervously and denies it. Nicole realizes he is very very scared! He thinks she has lost touch with reality. "Have you forgotten who I am?"
he drawls.  She made a big mistake in getting Anna out. They proceed to argue. Nicole repeats he is scared and she intends to figure out why! She starts to stand up and he shoves her back down, informing her she is not going anywhere! Kenzie waltzes over and asks for an autograph from the infamous baby snatcher. She has gotten so many hits ... EJ suggests she scram. Kenzie realizes who he is, mutters about the Sopranos, and gets back to work. Elvis coldly tells Nicole she will now tell him everything Anna said to her! Later, Nicole assures him that is all Anna told her. EJ calls it a coincidence that they committed the same crime - her and Anna. Nicole emphatically denies they were working together. He righteously says there is no punishment bad enough for what Nicole did to Samantha! Nicole retorts things have changed, given how concerned he now is about Sami. She suspects he is up to something but he will only end up alone and bitter. She reminds him how happy he was when he thought Sydney was hers and claims that he will never be that happy again! She defiantly declares she hates him. He makes a comment about her scratched face. She warns him to stay away from her or she will inform Agent Hernandez there is more to the EJ and Anna story than meets the eye! Exit Nicole. EJ's phone rings. "Damn!" says he. He soon gets Anna on the phone and updates her on the recent Benny arrest. He is annoyed she does not seem concerned. She explains it is not her problem! Anna is more interested in getting back to her new man, with tea, and ends the call fast. EJ frowns.
- Will sits with Sydney at the pier, pondering where to go next. Along comes Nicole, who stares at the child she once called her own, her eyes filled with sorrow. Will proceeds to leave and angrily tells Nicole he will not let her near his sister! Nicole insists she merely wants to say goodbye. He stops and turns around. Sydney observes.
- Mel is telling Maggie the latest in her kitchen when there is a knock at
the door. Tis Victor Kiriakis, there to see the pretty widow! How has she been? Maggie would like a moment alone, so Mel departs to find Phillip. Maggie suspects the Greek tycoon is there to discuss Phillip. However,
she will not be a party to any more Phillip manipulating! Victor respects her view and hopes they can be friends. Maggie smiles Mel just told her
of his new wedding plans. Quite a fiasco. Vic is clearly impressed with her direct manner and chuckles. The redhead suggests that he not marry the woman who tried to kill Phillip's wife, if he wants to make amends with his son. Victor points out Kate married the man who tried to have Phil killed and he still talks to her! Maggie calls him and ex-wife Kate nuts and she thinks it is amazing Phillip has turned out so well. "People shouldn't have to get over their parents marrying murderers!" The Greek tycoon nods. "What if there's no choice?" Maggie's eyes widen when he adds he is referring to himself. He admits it would be the best thing for his family
if he married Vivian. Maggie wonders. He cannot explain more. Maggie understands where he is coming from, even though she cannot imagine how he might think it would be good for his family. Victor notes Mickey was a lucky man to have a wife who makes sense without scheming. He mentions women are usually after his money. Maggie lightly says he sure picks them! Vic quips he may have saved the worst for last. Maggie states maybe Viv will change, one never knows. They both laugh. Victor is glad his son and Melanie are staying with Maggie. She smiles sometimes she thinks Victor Kiriakis is a decent man. He smiles back, a twinkle in his eye.
- Outside the cafe, Phil glances at the two women who call themselves his mother and runs into Mel. She happily leads him to a hotel room, where they can spend some time alone. He thinks it is perfect and they start to kiss on the bed. Their marriage is consummated. Afterwards, Phil assures her he loves her and wants to start a family with her ...
- Back at the pier, Nicole sadly crouches down to say goodbye to Sydney, who calls her mama. Nicole mournfully explains she is so sorry for all she put her through but she is not her mama and she never will be able. She lovingly strokes her cheek as Will watches.Nicole says Syd has a mother who loves her very much, but she will never forget her. She wishes her only happiness. Nicole stands up, her eyes brimming with tears, thanks Will, and departs.
- At the house of Kiriakis, Viv pretends to be busily reading with a drink when Victor saunters in. She hopes he is not still angry. He states if he plans to marry her, Phillip should indeed know about it. Viv implores him to say WHEN instead of IF! "When," repeats the tycoon. She wants his input for the ceremony. He reminds her this is but a business arrangement. She insists she will try to make him happy. The Greek tycoon raises his eyes to the heavens. "Oh god, what have I done!"
- Back at Sami's, Rafe gets choked up. "You do know that I love you ..." However, he is not sure they have the same idea of what love means. In his view, love does not take breaks or keep secrets. Would it really solve their problems if he moved back in? He cuts the convo short after looking at EJ's shirt again, says he must get back to work, and leaves after telling her he will see her around. Exit Rafe. Sami looks crushed.
- Outside, Elvis is on the phone, receiving an update on how Benny has been taken care of. He is most relieved.
- In paradise, Anna is getting a massage. A door is heard opening and the hands on her back start to pinch her, as they have been replaced by the thick hands of a powerful man. Anna exclaims it hurts. "Really," growls Stefano DiMera, his eyes flashing with rage. "It's nothing compared to what's coming ...!

Next on Days of Our Lives
Elvis grins as Sami wonders "Who are you and what have you done
with EJ DiMera?"
"I just have this really weird feeling that no one's going to see Anna DiMera again," says Nicole.
Stefano rages at Anna. "I WANT THE TRUTH!"