Days of Our Lives April 20, 2010
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Tuesday, April 20, 2010 
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- At the house of Kiriakis, Ciara is getting ready for school and wants to take Vivian's wedding magazine for show and tell. Hope is baffled when she says she wanted to take it cos she told her Uncle Justin would be her new daddy. Hope replies she never said that. "You did too!" pouts Ciara. Hope claims she would never say anyone else would be her daddy. Ciara angrily states she remembers! Hope thinks she must have dreamt it. Ciara protests she is not lying and runs off. Ring ring! Hope is shocked to hear Abe was mugged last night and no one told her. Detective Hope is on her way!
- Carly approaches Dr. Dan at the hospital and assures him things will be okay. He is doubtful but she has a new idea. She has arranged for him to meet with a doctor who can give him a new laser surgery procedure. Dan eventually agrees to it and is grateful. It will be an outpatient surgery. He calls her a good friend. She reminds him she is more than that. She is the mother of his child though he might hate it. He admits he is pleased she is Melanie's mother. He only hated she did not let him be her father. Carly excitedly suggests he tell Chloe about the surgery. He is not sure, in case
it does not work ...
Hope joins Abe and Lexie in his room, apologizing profusely as her phone was turned off. Mayor Abe quips it looks like the mugger got him. Hope wants to stay on the case. Lexie informs her that had the mugger hit Abe
a few inches to the right, he could have died! She gives them their space. Abe heard nothing but is sure it is the serial mugger, who snuck up behind him, hit him, and took his wallet. Hope wonders what the brazen attacker will do next. She wants to put a team together. Mayor Abe asks if she has been sleeping alright. Hope appears distracted. He asks if there has been any word from Commissioner Bo. Hope replies that she heard Kim's bone marrow transplant went well. However, she has not heard directly from Bo. Abe feels she should take some personal leave time. Hope insists she would rather keep working. Enter Theo with Lexie. He is excited daddy will soon be home. Exit Hope. She soon asks Lexie about Abe's injuries, to compare them to those of Justin and the D.A. Dr. Lexie informs her
she would have to speak with the admitting doctor, who happens to be Carly. Hope is about to approach Carly just as Carly receives a call from Bo! Hope is visibly upset.
Meanwhile, Theo complains to Lexie that daddy is not coming home soon enough. She promises daddy will tuck him into bed tonight. It will just be
a little while longer. Theo innocently asks what happened. Lexie fibs he was in a hurry to meet her for dinner and then tripped and fell, but in the future he will be careful. No more accidents. She gives cute little Theo a hug.
- Pal Nicole happily walks with diva Chloe on the pier. Chloe is in a dark mood over Carly living nearby. Nicole cheerfully suggests they plot her downfall over bacon and eggs. Vivian has overheard and gleefully says to herself they should indeed do that! At the pub, Nicole tells Chloe that Phil offered her a gig, as the roving reporter for Titan TV. Might Brady have been behind it, she wonders hopefully. Chloe would rather not remember her own TV days. Nicole makes a snide remark about Kate putting Chloe thru hell and wonders if Dan is even worth the trouble. Chloe refuses to hear anything against her man. But Nicole warns her to be careful. Most women do not have a chance against Carly. Meanwhile Madame Viv lurks outside and wonders what they are discussing. Along comes flunky Gus, with her schedule. She quips she has important business. She mentions Carly having another enemy and peers through the window, alluding to
the fact that there might be someone who could be motivated to do what she wants to but cannot,due to Victor's interference - that is, drive a stake through Carly Manning's heart! She does not think it would take much to push Chloe Lane - the possessive paramour of Dr. Daniel Jonas - over the edge! Viv now enters the pub and silently sits at the next table, listening. Nicole informs Chloe to do something before Carly gets bored and decides to sink her claws into her man! Vivian smiles while pretending to read the menu. Chloe looks upset. Nicole points out that if Bo dumps Carly, she will certainly go after Dan. Viv daydreams of jealous Chloe killing Carly
down at the pier. She blinks back to reality and continues listening. Chloe assures Nicole that she and Daniel are fine. Besides, Carly is in love with Bo. Nicole calls Dan a player. Chloe reminds her he was, but is no more. Chloe gets mad and exclaims she wishes Carly Manning would drop off the face of the earth. "Why haven't you told me that?" drawls Daniel as
he walks up behind her. Oops!
- Ari drops by the elegant house of Kiriakis. Brady's meeting ran late and Victor insists she stay for breakfast. He pours her coffee the way he feels it should be taken - black with enough sugar. They sit and discuss her new position as production assistant for him. Ari had thought he gave the TV station to Phillip. He points out he is the TITAN part of Titan Enterprises. She retorts that she will not answer to him. The Greek tycoon cackles that feisty approach will do her well as she and Nicole battle over Brady! She does not have to fight for Brady, says she. Victor warns her who she is up against. Nicole is also like a bad habit and Brady has had problems with substance control in the past. Ari snaps she is the one in control and heads off her for first day on the job. Victor smirks knowingly ...
- At the pub, Daniel solemnly joins Chloe at the table. He suggests she not  pay attention to the warnings of Nicole, the train wreck.Nicole has walked out of the pub and gets a call from her informer Rosie. She just found out the mayor was attacked and there was a news blackout. Nicole wants the production assistant to meet her at the station right away! Elsewhere, Ari gets a call and is told to report to police HQ.
- At the hospital, Carly finishes her call with Bo by saying she loves him. Hope uncomfortably questions her about the attacks. Carly realizes she overheard her talking to Bo. He and Kimberly are both doing great. She did not intend for Hope to hear the convo. however. Ring ring! Hope gets a call about Ciara and races off. Hope later arrives home with Ciara and takes her to her room, to talk to her about stealing the teacher's reward stickers. Ciara is miffed she thinks everything she does is bad. Hope sends her to her own room. Ciara complains she wants her daddy. Hope sighs. She goes downstairs and tells Victor the latest - about Ciara stealing the rewards stickers. Victor laughs. Hope overreacts and states Ciara is not taking the separation well. She mentions her discussion with Abe. Victor already knows he was mugged despite the news blackout! They discuss the case. Victor does not have any leads despite his contacts on the street. Hope is determined to find the attacker - before someone else she cares about gets hurt. Upstairs, Ciara enters Hope's room, to ask for an end to her timeout. Hope is not there. Ciara puts on one of her high heels, then looks under the bed for the other, only to find a big pretty box. "Wow!" she tells tommybear. "Look what mommy has!"
- Back at the pub, Chloe and Dan continue to disagree. He accuses Nicole the baby snatcher of putting garbage in her head, which must be why she says those things against Carly. Chloe insists she is not stupid enough to get played. She snaps Carly is the real problem but he refuses to see it! Dan admits what is really bothering him is how Chloe tells people things she does not share with him. She reminds him Carly kept their child from him for years and yet she gets a free pass! Chloe is also bothered that he
is so protective. "She's a whore who gets through life sleeping with other women's men!"  Chloe blurts out. Viv smiles and mutters for her to tell it like it is!
- Roving reporter Nicole is in fine form at the police station, giving orders over the phone. She needs makeup done and has specific instructions for what she takes in her coffee, too. She now barges in to see Abe and asks him for an exclusive. He informs her she can attend the press conference, like everyone else later. She informs him she already has a crew standing by and she goes on air in a few minutes. Either SHE will tell his story the way she wants or he can give his side! Abe considers ... Nicole later gets ready and comes face to face with her new production assistant - Arianna. Ari realizes she is working for her cos she is the new roving reporter!
- At the hospital, Carly meets with Dr. Yang, who would like to speak with Daniel prior to the surgery. Carly assumes he is telling the good news to his beloved.
- Back at the pub, Daniel laments he and Chloe can no longer have a sane conversation. She wonders if he has a thing with Carly. He gets upset she would not trust him after all they have been through. He storms off before he says something he might regret. Chloe clutches her head. Madame Viv slithers up behind her and places her hands on her shoulders. "You poor poor thing!" she coos.
- Back at the house of Kiriakis, little Ciara has just opened Hope's pretty box and whispers to tommybear "I think my mommy has a secret ...!" Eerie music is heard.

Next on Days of Our Lives
"Cut cut cut!" exclaims Ari, with camera, as Nicole interviews Abe.
Vivian sympathetically tells Chloe "She's gotten to him, hasn't she,
Carly Manning."

I trust Carly. I trust her with my life.
Well, you're a damn fool!